1,658 research outputs found
Frank's constant in the hexatic phase
Using video-microscopy data of a two-dimensional colloidal system the
bond-order correlation function G6 is calculated and used to determine the
temperature-dependence of both the orientational correlation length xi6 in the
isotropic liquid phase and the Frank constant F_A in the hexatic phase. F_A
takes the value 72/pi at the hexatic to isotropic liquid phase transition and
diverges at the hexatic to crystal transition as predicted by the KTHNY-theory.
This is a quantitative test of the mechanism of breaking the orientational
symmetry by disclination unbinding
Elastic Behavior of a Two-dimensional Crystal near Melting
Using positional data from video-microscopy we determine the elastic moduli
of two-dimensional colloidal crystals as a function of temperature. The moduli
are extracted from the wave-vector-dependent normal mode spring constants in
the limit and are compared to the renormalized Young's modulus of the
KTHNY theory. An essential element of this theory is the universal prediction
that Young's modulus must approach at the melting temperature. This is
indeed observed in our experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Many-body interactions and melting of colloidal crystals
We study the melting behavior of charged colloidal crystals, using a
simulation technique that combines a continuous mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann
description for the microscopic electrolyte ions with a Brownian-dynamics
simulation for the mesoscopic colloids. This technique ensures that many-body
interactions between the colloids are fully taken into account, and thus allows
us to investigate how many-body interactions affect the solid-liquid phase
behavior of charged colloids. Using the Lindemann criterion, we determine the
melting line in a phase-diagram spanned by the colloidal charge and the salt
concentration. We compare our results to predictions based on the established
description of colloidal suspensions in terms of pairwise additive Yukawa
potentials, and find good agreement at high-salt, but not at low-salt
concentration. Analyzing the effective pair-interaction between two colloids in
a crystalline environment, we demonstrate that the difference in the melting
behavior observed at low salt is due to many-body interactions
Effect of many-body interactions on the solid-liquid phase-behavior of charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions
The solid-liquid phase-diagram of charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions is
calculated using a technique that combines a continuous Poisson-Boltzmann
description for the microscopic electrolyte ions with a molecular-dynamics
simulation for the macroionic colloidal spheres. While correlations between the
microions are neglected in this approach, many-body interactions between the
colloids are fully included. The solid-liquid transition is determined at a
high colloid volume fraction where many-body interactions are expected to be
strong. With a view to the Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek theory predicting
that colloids interact via Yukawa pair-potentials, we compare our results with
the phase diagram of a simple Yukawa liquid. Good agreement is found at high
salt conditions, while at low ionic strength considerable deviations are
observed. By calculating effective colloid-colloid pair-interactions it is
demonstrated that these differences are due to many-body interactions. We
suggest a density-dependent pair-potential in the form of a truncated Yukawa
potential, and show that it offers a considerably improved description of the
solid-liquid phase-behavior of concentrated colloidal suspensions
Conservation of Neutral Substitution Rate and Substitutional Asymmetries in Mammalian Genes
Local variation in neutral substitution rate across mammalian genomes is governed
by several factors, including sequence context variables and structural
variables. In addition, the interplay of replication and transcription, known to
induce a strand bias in mutation rate, gives rise to variation in substitutional
strand asymmetries. Here, we address the conservation of variation in mutation
rate and substitutional strand asymmetries using primate- and rodent-specific
repeat elements located within the introns of protein-coding genes. We find
significant but weak conservation of local mutation rates between human and
mouse orthologs. Likewise, substitutional strand asymmetries are conserved
between human and mouse, where substitution rate asymmetries show a higher
degree of conservation than mutation rate. Moreover, we provide evidence that
replication and transcription are correlated to the strength of substitutional
asymmetries. The effect of transcription is particularly visible for genes with
highly conserved gene expression. In comparison with replication and
transcription, mutation rate influences the strength of substitutional
asymmetries only marginally
Three- and four-body interactions in colloidal systems
Three-body and four-body interactions have been directly measured in a
colloidal system comprised of three (or four) charged colloidal particles. Two
of the particles have been confined by means of a scanned laser tweezers to a
line-shaped optical trap where they diffused due to thermal fluctuations. By
means of an additional focused optical trap a third particle has been
approached and attractive three-body interactions have been observed. These
observations are in qualitative agreement with additionally performed nonlinear
Poissson-Boltzmann calculations. Two configurations of four particles have been
studied experimentally as well and in both cases a repulsive four-body
interaction term has been observed
Testing the relevance of effective interaction potentials between highly charged colloids in suspension
Combining cell and Jellium model mean-field approaches, Monte Carlo together
with integral equation techniques, and finally more demanding many-colloid
mean-field computations, we investigate the thermodynamic behavior, pressure
and compressibility of highly charged colloidal dispersions, and at a more
microscopic level, the force distribution acting on the colloids. The
Kirkwood-Buff identity provides a useful probe to challenge the
self-consistency of an approximate effective screened Coulomb (Yukawa)
potential between colloids. Two effective parameter models are put to the test:
cell against renormalized Jellium models
The experimental realization of a two-dimensional colloidal model system
We present the technical details of an experimental method to realize a model
system for 2D phase transitions and the glass transition. The system consists
of several hundred thousand colloidal super-paramagnetic particles confined by
gravity at a flat water-air interface of a pending water droplet where they are
subjected to Brownian motion. The dipolar pair potential and therefore the
system temperature is not only known precisely but also directly and
instantaneously controllable via an external magnetic field B. In case of a one
component system of monodisperse particles the system can crystallize upon
application of B whereas in a two component system it undergoes a glass
transition. Up to 10000 particles are observed by video microscopy and image
processing provides their trajectories on all relative length and time scales.
The position of the interface is actively regulated thereby reducing surface
fluctuations to less than one micron and the setup inclination is controlled to
an accuracy of 1 microrad. The sample quality being necessary to enable the
experimental investigation of the 2D melting scenario, 2D crystallization, and
the 2D glass transition, is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure
Coexistence of hexatic and isotropic phases in two-dimensional Yukawa systems
We have performed Brownian dynamics simulations on melting of two-dimensional
colloidal crystal in which particles interact with Yukawa potential. The pair
correlation function and bond-orientational correlation function was calculated
in the Yukawa system. An algebraic decay of the bond orientational correlation
function was observed. By ruling out the coexistence region, only a unstable
hexatic phase was found in the Yukawa systems. But our work shows that the
melting of the Yukawa systems is a two-stage melting not consist with the KTHNY
theory and the isotropic liquid and the hexatic phase coexistence region was
found. Also we have studied point defects in two-dimensional Yukawa systems.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. any comments are welcom
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