881 research outputs found
The Pairwise Peculiar Velocity Dispersion of Galaxies: Effects of the Infall
We study the reliability of the reconstruction method which uses a modelling
of the redshift distortions of the two-point correlation function to estimate
the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersion of galaxies. In particular, the
dependence of this quantity on different models for the infall velocity is
examined for the Las Campanas Redshift Survey. We make extensive use of
numerical simulations and of mock catalogs derived from them to discuss the
effect of a self-similar infall model, of zero infall, and of the real infall
taken from the simulation. The implications for two recent discrepant
determinations of the pairwise velocity dispersion for this survey are
discussed.Comment: minor changes in the discussion; accepted for publication in ApJ; 8
pages with 2 figures include
Untersuchungen ĂŒber die Kallusbildung von di- und tetraploiden Reben in vitro
An SproĂexplantaten von di- und tetraploidem Vitis vinifera âRiesling" und âPortugieser" wurde das Kalluswachstum in vitro untersucht. Nach 42 Tagen hatte sich an den tetraploiden Explantaten der Sorte Riesling 28%, an den tetraploiden Explantaten der Sorte Portugieser 65% mehr Kallus gebildet als an den betreffenden diploiden Explantaten.Das höhere Frischgewicht der Kalli von tetraploiden Explantaten kann auf den höheren Wassergehalt der Zellen zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden. Es konnte kein Unterschied im Trockengewicht der Kalli von di- und tetraploiden Explantaten der Sorte Portugieser festgestellt werden. Die durchschnittliche LĂ€nge der Kalluszellen von tetraploiden Explantaten war gegenĂŒber denen von diploiden Explantaten nahezu verdoppelt, wĂ€hrend die Breite der Zellen gleich war. Dadurch war der LĂ€ngen/Breitenindex bei den Kalluszellen der tetraploiden Explantate von 1,9 auf 3,3 erhöht. Das durchschnittliche Volumen der Kalluszellen der tetraploiden Explantate war verdoppelt.Die erhöhte Kallusbildung an den tetraploiden Explantaten muĂ zu einem gewissen Teil auf Polyploidisierungen zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werden, die in beiden Kallustypen festgestellt werden konnte. Obwohl diese Polyploidisierungen in den Kalli der di- und tetraploiden Explantate gleich hĂ€ufig auftraten, wirkte sich die dadurch bedingte sekundĂ€re VergröĂerung der Zellen in den Kalli der tetraploiden Explantate stĂ€rker aus als in den Kalli der diploiden Explantate.Studies on callus growth of di- and tetraploid grapes in vitroCallus growth on shoot explants of di- and tetraploid Vitis vinifera "Riesling" and "Portugieser" was investigated in vitro. After 42 days the 4x explants showed on "Riesling" 28°/o more callus, and on "Portugieser" the increase was 65%. There was no difference in the dry weight of the calli of diploid and tetraploid "Portugieser" explants. Therefore, the increased fresh weight of the calli of the 4x explants can be traced back to a higher water content of the cells. The average length of the calli cells of the tetraploid explants was almost double that of the 2x, while the width was equal. Accordingly, the length/width index was increased from 1.9 to 3.3. The average volume of the callus cells of the 4x explants was doubled. The increased production of callus on the tetraploid explants must, to a certain extent, be traced back to polyploidisation, which is found equally in both types of callus. Although there is an equal occurence of polyploidisation in the calli of 2x and 4x explants, the secondary increase of cell size, which is due to this polyploidisation, is more prominent in the calli of the 4x explants
The cross-correlation between galaxies of different luminosities and Colors
We study the cross-correlation between galaxies of different luminosities and
colors, using a sample selected from the SDSS Dr 4. Galaxies are divided into 6
samples according to luminosity, and each of these samples is divided into red
and blue subsamples. Projected auto-correlation and cross-correlation is
estimated for these subsample. At projected separations r_p > 1\mpch, all
correlation functions are roughly parallel, although the correlation amplitude
depends systematically on luminosity and color. On r_p < 1\mpch, the auto- and
cross-correlation functions of red galaxies are significantly enhanced relative
to the corresponding power laws obtained on larger scales. Such enhancement is
absent for blue galaxies and in the cross-correlation between red and blue
galaxies. We esimate the relative bias factor on scales r > 1\mpch for each
subsample using its auto-correlation function and cross-correlation functions.
The relative bias factors obtained from different methods are similar. For blue
galaxies the luminosity-dependence of the relative bias is strong over the
luminosity range probed (-23.0<M_r < -18.0),but for red galaxies the dependence
is weaker and becomes insignificant for luminosities below L^*. To examine
whether a significant stochastic/nonlinear component exists in the bias
relation, we study the ratio R_ij= W_{ii}W_{jj}/W_{ij}^2, where W_{ij} is the
projected correlation between subsample i and j. We find that the values of
R_ij are all consistent with 1 for all-all, red-red and blue-blue samples,
however significantly larger than 1 for red-blue samples. For faint red - faint
blue samples the values of R_{ij} are as high as ~ 2 on small scales r_p < 1
\mpch and decrease with increasing r_p.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
Scaling properties of the redshift power spectrum: theoretical models
We report the results of an analysis of the redshift power spectrum
in three typical Cold Dark Matter (CDM) cosmological models, where
is the cosine of the angle between the wave vector and the line-of-sight.
Two distinct biased tracers derived from the primordial density peaks of
Bardeen et al. and the cluster-underweight model of Jing, Mo, & B\"orner are
considered in addition to the pure dark matter models. Based on a large set of
high resolution simulations, we have measured the redshift power spectrum for
the three tracers from the linear to the nonlinear regime. We investigate the
validity of the relation - guessed from linear theory - in the nonlinear regime
is the real space power spectrum, and equals . The
damping function which should generally depend on , , and
, is found to be a function of only one variable
. This scaling behavior extends into the nonlinear regime,
while can be accurately expressed as a Lorentz function - well known from
linear theory - for values . The difference between
and the pairwise velocity dispersion defined by the 3-D peculiar velocity of
the simulations (taking ) is about 15%. Therefore is a
good indicator of the pairwise velocity dispersion. The exact functional form
of depends on the cosmological model and on the bias scheme. We have given
an accurate fitting formula for the functional form of for the models
studied.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ;24 pages with 7 figures include
Effects related to spacetime foam in particle physics
It is found that the existence of spacetime foam leads to a situation in
which the number of fundamental quantum bosonic fields is a variable quantity.
The general aspects of an exact theory that allows for a variable number of
fields are discussed, and the simplest observable effects generated by the foam
are estimated. It is shown that in the absence of processes related to
variations in the topology of space, the concept of an effective field can be
reintroduced and standard field theory can be restored. However, in the
complete theory the ground state is characterized by a nonvanishing particle
number density. From the effective-field standpoint, such particles are "dark".
It is assumed that they comprise dark matter of the universe. The properties of
this dark matter are discussed, and so is the possibility of measuring the
quantum fluctuation in the field potentials.Comment: 18 pages, minor corrections added to the published varian
The Three-point Correlation Function of Galaxies Determined from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
In a detailed analysis of the three point correlation function (3PCF) for the
2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey we have accurately measured the 3PCF for galaxies of
different luminosity. The 3PCF amplitudes [\Qsu or \Qrpu] of the galaxies
generally decrease with increasing triangle size and increase with the shape
parameter , in qualitative agreement with the predictions for the clustering
of dark matter in popular hierarchical CDM models. The 2dFGRS results agree
well with the results of Jing & B\"orner for the Las Camapanas Redshift Survey
(LCRS), though the measurement accuracy is greatly improved in the present
study. The dependence of the 3PCF on luminosity is not significant, but there
seems to be a trend for the brightest galaxy sample to have a lower amplitude
than the fainter ones. Comparing the measured 3PCF amplitudes [\Qsu or
\Qrpu] to the prediction of a WMAP concordance model, we find that the
measured values are consistently lower than the predicted ones for dark matter.
This is most pronounced for the brightest galaxies, for which about one-half of
the predicted value provides a good description of \Qrpu for the 2dFGRS
data. For a less luminous sample, the values are also smaller than in the
dark matter model on small scales, but on scales larger than s=8 \mpc and
r_p=3.25 \mpc they reach the model values. We discuss implications for
current theories of galaxy formation.Comment: 39 pages, 18 figures, ApJ, published version; minor changes to the
previous versio
Spatial correlation functions and the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersion of galaxies in the PSCz survey: implications for the galaxy biasing in cold dark matter models
We report on the measurement of the two-point correlation function, and the
pairwise peculiar velocity of galaxies in the IRAS PSCz survey. We compute
these statistics first in redshift space, and then obtain the projected
functions which have simple relations to the real-space correlation functions
on the basis of the method developed earlier in analyzing the Las Campanas
Redshift Survey (LCRS) by Jing, Mo, & B\"orner (1998). We find that the real
space two-point correlation function can be fitted to a power law with and r_0=3.70 \mpc. The pairwise peculiar
velocity dispersion is close to 400 \kms at r_p=3\mpc
and decreases to about 150 \kms at r_p \approx 0.2 \mpc. These values are
significantly lower than those obtained from the LCRS. In order to understand
the implications of those measurements on the galaxy biasing, we construct mock
samples for a low density spatially-flat cold dark matter model (, , , ) using a set of
high-resolution N-body simulations. Applying a stronger cluster-underweight
biasing () than for the LCRS (), we are
able to reproduce these observational data, except for the strong decrease of
the pairwise peculiar velocity at small separations. This is qualitatively
ascribed to the different morphological mixture of galaxies in the two
catalogues. Disk-dominated galaxy samples drawn from the theoretically
constructed GIF catalog yield results rather similar to our mock samples with
the simple cluster-underweight biasing.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 24 pages with 9 figure
The redshift-space two-point correlation functions of galaxies and groups in the Nearby Optical Galaxy sample
We use the two-point correlation function in redshift space, , to
study the clustering of the galaxies and groups of the Nearby Optical Galaxy
(NOG) sample, which is a nearly all-sky, complete, magnitude-limited sample of
7000 bright and nearby optical galaxies. The correlation function of
galaxies is well described by a power law, , with
slope and Mpc (on scales Mpc), in agreement with previous results of several redshift surveys of
optical galaxies. We confirm the existence of morphological segregation between
early- and late-type galaxies and, in particular, we find a gradual decreasing
of the strength of clustering from the S0 galaxies to the late-type spirals, on
intermediate scales. Furthermore, luminous galaxies turn out to be more
clustered than dim galaxies. The luminosity segregation, which is significant
for both early- and late-type objects, starts to become appreciable only for
galaxies brighter than () and is
independent on scale. The NOG group correlation functions are characterized by
-values ranging from Mpc (for groups with at least three
members) to Mpc (for groups with at least five members). The
degree of group clustering depends on the physical properties of groups.
Specifically, groups with greater velocity dispersions, sizes and masses tend
to be more clustered than those with lower values of these quantities.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in press, 72 pages, 16 eps figure
AP-4-mediated axonal transport controls endocannabinoid production in neurons
Davies et al. identify a putative mechanism underlying the childhood neurological disorder AP-4 deficiency syndrome. In the absence of AP-4, an enzyme that makes 2-AG is not transported to the axon, leading to axonal growth defects, which can be rescued by inhibition of 2-AG breakdown. The adaptor protein complex AP-4 mediates anterograde axonal transport and is essential for axon health. AP-4-deficient patients suffer from a severe neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorder. Here we identify DAGLB (diacylglycerol lipase-beta), a key enzyme for generation of the endocannabinoid 2-AG (2-arachidonoylglycerol), as a cargo of AP-4 vesicles. During normal development, DAGLB is targeted to the axon, where 2-AG signalling drives axonal growth. We show that DAGLB accumulates at the trans-Golgi network of AP-4-deficient cells, that axonal DAGLB levels are reduced in neurons from a patient with AP-4 deficiency, and that 2-AG levels are reduced in the brains of AP-4 knockout mice. Importantly, we demonstrate that neurite growth defects of AP-4-deficient neurons are rescued by inhibition of MGLL (monoacylglycerol lipase), the enzyme responsible for 2-AG hydrolysis. Our study supports a new model for AP-4 deficiency syndrome in which axon growth defects arise through spatial dysregulation of endocannabinoid signalling.Special thanks to the MPIB Imaging Facility for outstanding technical support, in particular to Giovanni Cardone for his advice and assistance with the implementation of image analysis pipelines, as well as feedback on the manuscript, and to Martin Spitaler for his expert technical advice for imaging experiments
Semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with high-resolution N-body simulations
We model the galaxy formation in a series of high-resolution N-body
simulations using the semi-analytical approach. Unlike many earlier
investigations based on semi-analytical models, we make use of the subhalos
resolved in the -body simulations to follow the mergers of galaxies in dark
halos, and we show that this is pivotal in modeling correctly the galaxy
luminosity function at the bright end and the bimodal nature of galaxy color
distribution. Mergers of galaxies based on subhalos also result in many more
bright red galaxies at high . The semi-analytical model we adopt is similar
to those used in earlier semi-analytical studies, except that we consider the
effect of a prolonged cooling in small halos and that we explicitly follow the
chemical enrichment in the interstellar medium. We use our model to make
predictions for the properties of the galaxy population at low redshift and
compare them with various current observations. We find that our model
predictions can match the luminosity functions of galaxies in various wavebands
redder than the u-band. The shape of the luminosity function at bright end is
well reproduced if galaxy mergers are modeled with the merger trees of subhalos
and the steep faint-end slope can be moderated if the gas cooling time in
low-mass halos is comparable to the age of the universe. The model with
subhalos resolved can reproduce the main features in the observed color bimodal
distribution, though it still predicts too many bright blue galaxies. The same
model can also match the color-magnitude relation for elliptical galaxies in
clusters, the metallicity-luminosity relation.Comment: 57 pages, 1 table, 18 figures, a new figure added, more discussion on
color bimodality, to appear in Ap
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