169 research outputs found

    Reaction rate for two--neutron capture by 4^4He

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    Recent investigations suggest that the neutrino--heated hot bubble between the nascent neutron star and the overlying stellar mantle of a type--II supernova may be the site of the r--process. In the preceding α\alpha--process building up the elements to A100A \approx 100, the 4^4He(2n,γ\gamma)6^6He-- and 6^6He(α\alpha,n)9^9Be--reactions bridging the instability gap at A=5A=5 and A=8A=8 could be of relevance. We suggest a mechanism for 4^4He(2n,γ\gamma)6^6He and calculate the reaction rate within the α\alpha+n+n approach. The value obtained is about a factor 1.6 smaller than the one obtained recently in the simpler direct--capture model, but is at least three order of magnitude enhanced compared to the previously adopted value. Our calculation confirms the result of the direct--capture calculation that under representative conditions in the α\alpha--process the reaction path proceeding through 6^6He is negligible compared to 4^4He(α\alphan,γ\gamma)9^9Be.Comment: 13 pages, 4 postscript figures, to appear in "Zeitschrift f. Physik A", changed internet address and filename, the uuencoded postscript file including the figures is available at ftp://is1.kph.tuwien.ac.at/pub/ohu/twoneutron.u

    Region of hadron-quark mixed phase in hybrid stars

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    Hadron--quark mixed phase is expected in a wide region of the inner structure of hybrid stars. However, we show that the hadron--quark mixed phase should be restricted to a narrower region to because of the charge screening effect. The narrow region of the mixed phase seems to explain physical phenomena of neutron stars such as the strong magnetic field and glitch phenomena, and it would give a new cooling curve for the neutron star.Comment: to be published in Physical Review

    Multi-channel R-matrix analysis of CNO cycle reactions

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    The CNO cycle is the main process for hydrogen burning in stars somewhat more massive than the Sun. The reaction cross sections at Gamow energies are typically in the femto to pico-barn range and are consequently very difficult to measure experimentally. The CNO reaction rates are based on extrapolations of experimental data from higher energies. We are developing a multi-channel R-matrix code (AZURE) to provide a new and more comprehensive tool for fitting experimental data and making extrapolations to lower energies in all reaction and scattering channels. The 14N(p,γ )15O reaction is the slowest reaction of the CNO cycle and thus it determines the energy production rate of CNO burning. Furthermore, this reaction plays an important role in the determination of Globular Cluster age, since the position of the turnoff point, at which the GC stars escape from the Main Sequence, is powered by the onset of the CNO burning, whose bottleneck is the 14N(p, γ )15O. We have made a reanalysis of the most recent experimental data on the ground state and the 6.18 MeV transitions. The ratio of the cross sections of the 15N(p, γ )16O and 15N(p,α)12C reactions determines how much catalytic material passes to higher CNO cycles and has an effect on the production of heavier elements, particularly 16O and 17O. Simultaneous analysis of both reactions for all channels suggests that the ratio σγ/σα is smaller than previously reported

    Ground--state energies and widths of 5^5He and 5^5Li

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    We extract energies and widths of the ground states of 5^5He and 5^5Li from recent single--level R--matrix fits to the spectra of the 3^3H(d,γ({\rm d},\gamma)5^5He and the 3^3He(d,γ({\rm d},\gamma)5^5Li reactions. The widths obtained differ significantly from the formal R--matrix values but they are close to those measured as full widths at half maxima of the spectra in various experiments. The energies are somewhat lower than those given by usual estimates of the peak positions. The extracted values are close to the S--matrix poles calculated previously from the multi--term analyses of the N-4^4He elastic scattering data.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, uses revtex.sty, accepted for publication in PRC, uuencoded postscript and tex-files available at ftp://is1.kph.tuwien.ac.at/pub/ohu/fwidth.u

    Improvement of Hydraulic and Water Quality Renovation Functions by Intermittent Aeration of Soil Treatment Areas in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems

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    We tested intermittent aeration of the soil treatment area (STA) of onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS) for its ability to restore and maintain STA hydraulic flow and improve the water quality functions of conventional OWTS. Evaluation was conducted on hydraulically-failed conventional OWTS at three state-owned medical group homes in Washington County, RI, USA. Testing was conducted in two phases, with Phase I (before intermittent soil aeration (ISA)) comprising the first 6 months of the study, and Phase II (during ISA) the remaining 7 months. Intermittent soil aeration restored STA hydraulic function in all three systems despite a marked reduction in the STA total infiltrative surface. Soil pore water was collected from 30 and 90 cm below the STA during both phases and analyzed for standard wastewater parameters. Although the STA infiltrative surface was reduced—and the contaminant load per unit of area increased—after installation of the ISA system, no differences were observed between phases in concentration of total N, NO3, total P, or dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Apparent removal rates—which do not account for dilution or differences in infiltrative area—for total N, total P, and DOC remained the same or improved during Phase II relative to the pre-operation phase. Furthermore, intermittent soil aeration enhanced actual removal rates —which do account for dilution and differences in infiltrative area. The effects of ISA on actual removal of contaminants from STE increased with increasing hydraulic load—a counterintuitive phenomenon, but one that has been previously observed in laboratory studies. The results of our study suggest that intermittent soil aeration can restore and maintain hydraulic flow in the STA and enhance carbon and nutrient removal in conventional OWTS

    Alpha-induced cross sections of 106Cd for the astrophysical p-process

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    The 106Cd(alpha,gamma)110Sn reaction cross section has been measured in the energy range of the Gamow window for the astrophysical p-process scenario. The cross sections for 106Cd(alpha,n)109Sn and for 106Cd(alpha,p)109In below the (alpha,n) threshold have also been determined. The results are compared with predictions of the statistical model code NON-SMOKER using different input parameters. The comparison shows that a discrepancy for 106Cd(alpha,gamma)110Sn when using the standard optical potentials can be removed with a different alpha+106Cd potential. Some astrophysical implications are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev

    Probing astrophysically important states in the ²⁶Mg nucleus to study neutron sources for the s process

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    Background: The ²²Ne(α,n) ²⁵Mg reaction is the dominant neutron source for the slow neutron capture process (s process) in massive stars, and contributes, together with C¹³(α,n)O¹⁶, to the production of neutrons for the s process in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. However, the reaction is endothermic and competes directly with ²²Ne(α,γ)²⁶Mg radiative capture. The uncertainties for both reactions are large owing to the uncertainty in the level structure of ²⁶Mg near the α and neutron separation energies. These uncertainties affect the s-process nucleosynthesis calculations in theoretical stellar models. Purpose: Indirect studies in the past have been successful in determining the energies and the γ-ray and neutron widths of the Mg26 states in the energy region of interest. But, the high Coulomb barrier hinders a direct measurement of the resonance strengths, which are determined by the α widths for these states. The goal of the present experiments is to identify the critical resonance states and to precisely measure the α widths by α-transfer techniques. Methods: The α-inelastic scattering and α-transfer measurements were performed on a solid ²⁶Mg target and a ²²Ne gas target, respectively, using the Grand Raiden Spectrometer at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics in Osaka, Japan. The (α,α′) measurements were performed at 0.45°, 4.1°, 8.6°, and 11.1° and the (⁶Li,d) measurements at 0° and 10°. The scattered α particles and deuterons were detected by the focal plane detection system consisting of multiwire drift chambers and plastic scintillators. The focal plane energy calibration allowed the study of ²⁶Mg levels from Eₓ = 7.69–12.06 MeV in the (α,α′) measurement and Eₓ = 7.36–11.32 MeV in the (⁶Li,d) measurement. Results: Six levels (Eₓ = 10717, 10822, 10951, 11085, 11167, and 11317 keV) were observed above the α threshold in the region of interest (10.61–11.32 MeV). The α widths were calculated for these states from the experimental data. The results were used to determine the α-capture induced reaction rates. Conclusion: The energy range above the α threshold in ²⁶Mg was investigated using a high resolution spectrometer. A number of states were observed for the first time in α-scattering and α-transfer reactions. The excitation energies and spin-parities were determined. Good agreement is observed for previously known levels in ²⁶Mg. From the observed resonance levels the Eₓ = 10717 keV state has a negligible contribution to the α-induced reaction rates. The rates are dominated in both reaction channels by the resonance contributions of the states at Ex = 10951, 11167, and 11317 keV. The Eₓ = 11167 keV state has the most appreciable impact on the (α,γ) rate and therefore plays an important role in the prediction of the neutron production in s-process environments

    Measurements of proton induced reaction cross sections on 120Te for the astrophysical p-process

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    The total cross sections for the 120Te(p,gamma)121I and 120Te(p,n)120I reactions have been measured by the activation method in the effective center-of-mass energies between 2.47 MeV and 7.93 MeV. The targets were prepared by evaporation of 99.4 % isotopically enriched 120Te on Aluminum and Carbon backing foils, and bombarded with proton beams provided by the FN tandem accelerator at the University of Notre Dame. The cross sections and SS factors were deduced from the observed gamma ray activity, which was detected off-line by two Clover HPGe detectors mounted in close geometry. The results are presented and compared with the predictions of statistical model calculations using the codes NON-SMOKER and TALYS.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, regular articl

    Multi-channel R-matrix analysis of CNO cycle reactions

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    The CNO cycle is the main process for hydrogen burning in stars somewhat more massive than the Sun. The reaction cross sections at Gamow energies are typically in the femto to pico-barn range and are consequently very difficult to measure experimentally. The CNO reaction rates are based on extrapolations of experimental data from higher energies. We are developing a multi-channel R-matrix code (AZURE) to provide a new and more comprehensive tool for fitting experimental data and making extrapolations to lower energies in all reaction and scattering channels. The 14N(p,γ )15O reaction is the slowest reaction of the CNO cycle and thus it determines the energy production rate of CNO burning. Furthermore, this reaction plays an important role in the determination of Globular Cluster age, since the position of the turnoff point, at which the GC stars escape from the Main Sequence, is powered by the onset of the CNO burning, whose bottleneck is the 14N(p, γ )15O. We have made a reanalysis of the most recent experimental data on the ground state and the 6.18 MeV transitions. The ratio of the cross sections of the 15N(p, γ )16O and 15N(p,α)12C reactions determines how much catalytic material passes to higher CNO cycles and has an effect on the production of heavier elements, particularly 16O and 17O. Simultaneous analysis of both reactions for all channels suggests that the ratio σγ/σα is smaller than previously reported