760 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Strategi Hitung Perkalian dengan Struktur dan Pola Bilangan pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Tidak jarang siswa kelas tiga mengalami kesulitan dalam menerima pelajaran perkalian. Walaupun sudah bisa, ketrampilan berhitung atau strategi hitung mereka terbatas. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengembangkan strategi hitung dalam menyelesaikan perkalian. Penelitian ini merupakan Design Research di mana pada akhir penelitian dihasilkan sebuah teori pembelajaran lokal dideskripsikan pada Hipotesis Lintasan Belajar (HLB) III. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua siklus besar yaitu HLB I dan HLB II pada akhir setiap siklus terdapat analisis retrospektif yang menggunakan HLB sebelumnya untuk menganalisis hasil uji coba di lapangan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Aktivitas yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan strategi hitung: pertama, menyusun tutup botol untuk memudahkan menghitungnya. Kedua, menghitung gambar banyak benda. Ketiga, menemukan beberapa struktur dan pola bilangan dari hasil perkalian yang ditentukan. Keempat, konggres matematika. Hasil penelitian HLB I dari 39 siswa yang menggunakan dua strategi sebanyak 26 dan sisanya hanya satu strategi. Sedangkan HLB II dari 34 siswa 21 siswa menggunakan dua strategi sisanya menggunakan satu strategi. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah melalui desain pembelajaran struktur dan pola bilangan dapat mengembangkan strategi hitung untuk menyelesaikan perkalian

    The Role of Information and Voting Cues in the Decision Making Process of the Illinois Legislators 89th General Assembly

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    The most important variable in a decision making situation is the role of information. On the strength of information received, choice between competing alternatives is made. One decision making situation that receives intense scrutiny, and is a subject of much debate is the passage of bills into laws. Legislative decisions are arrived at in a highly charged political environment. This paper explores the role of information and informants in the legislators\u27 institutional and environmental arena, and the personal characteristics of the legislators that influence the decision making process. The proceedings of the 89th Illinois General Assembly was observed and the data analyzed from the perspective of the legislators and lobbyists. The study reveals that the structural aspects of the legislative environment play a significant factor in influencing the lawmakers\u27 decisions. Legislators rely most on insider sources of information with peer influence playing the most important role. Legislators turn to colleagues, specifically, committee members for knowledgeable and trusted information. Legislators select information that is congruent with their experiences, belief system and attitudes. Personal attributes together with colleagues who validate those ideologies held by the legislator, thus, becomes the contributing factor in influencing legislative strategies. Politically relevant information, that is information received from constituents, media, and leadership is also utilized. These agents have the power to influence the political goals of the elected officials. Source valence is, therefore, relatively high in the legislative environment. Policy information is not extensively sought by the legislators as the credibility of the source is transferred to the message. Lobbyists, however, have a personal stake in the passage of a particular piece of legislation. They seek and provide thorough information. Lobbyists view themselves as an influencing force promoting legislation, while lawmakers view lobbyists as only informational providers. Decision making in the legislative environment is a complex activity. The flow of information is multidirectional, and the manner in which legislators make decisions is conditional on the individual legislator\u27s personal attributes, the institutional characteristics, and the environmental factors

    Evaluasi Penerapan Sistem Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (Studi Pada Biro Organisasi Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah)

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    The purpose of this study was to reveal the results of the implementation evaluation of Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies (Sistem Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintahan - SAKIP) at Organization Bureau of Central Sulawesi Regional Secretariat and to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors in the implementation of the SAKIP, reviewed based on the policy evaluation theory of William N. Dunn using the variables of: 1). Effectiveness, 2). Efficiency, and 3). Adequacy. The type of research used was qualitative research with purposive sampling method in determining informants of research and the number of selected informants was 5 people, while the data collection techniques were 1). Observations, 2). Interviews, 3) Documentations. Results showed that the Organization Bureau of Central Sulawesi Regional Secretariat had been implementing the Regulation of Central Sulawesi Governor Number 26 of 2011 on the Guidelines for the Preparation of Performance Establishment and Government Agencies Performance Accountability Reporting within the Central Sulawesi Governance, and had carried out its main duties and functions by means of the Apparatus Development Division, particularly the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Subdivision and Performance Capacity Development Subdivision, but had not run optimally as a whole. The lack of optimality in the regulation implementation was due to the existence of inhibiting factors, namely: 1). The establishment of outcome performance targets that had not yet in part reflected performance as expected, for the difficulty in measuring the success of the outcome performance. 2). Limited human resources, especially of the Apparatus Development Division as the organizer of the SAKIP to interpret the Regulation of Central Sulawesi Governor Number 26 of 2011

    Improve the Work Effectiveness with Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee) as the Basis for Optimizing Production

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    PT Yamaha Motor Electronics (PT YME) adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pada pembuatan otomotif kendaraan bermotor roda dua. Perusahaan ini menghasilkan suku cadangelektronik untuk kendaraan bermotor.Beberapa produk mencakup ecu cdi/, pengapian kumparan, Starting Motor, stator dan rotor. Sebagai produsen , Perusahaan tidak terlepas dari masalah efektivitas produk .Masalahnya adalah ketidak seimbang antara line winding sekunder dengan line berikutnya.Pada saat hal ini terjadi maka menyebabkan terjadi downtime yang akan menyebabkan turunnya efektivitas.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dari pekerjaan dan kegiatan untuk pengolahan data dan settlement issues.Dari analisis yang dilakukan di PT YME , diperoleh nilai oee pada agustus 2014 , nilai rata-rata dari line 1 sebesar 79.95 % dan rata-rata line 2 adalah 75.48 % .Nilai oee dari line 1 berkisar antara 68.34 %. 85.58 % dan untuk line 2 berkisar antara 54.95 % -83.91 %. Nilai oee masih di bawah 85 % menunjukkan bahwa kinerja mesin, operator dan metode belum maksimal .Perusahaan perlu meningkatkan nilai OEE menjadi > 85 %. Perusahaan perlu melakukan perbaikan di Set-Up losses yang menjadi penyebab kerugian terbesar diantara faktor-faktor lain di Six Big Losses. Perbaikan dilakukan terhadap lima aspek yaitu aspek orang, mesin, bahan, metode kerja, dan lingkungan. Salah satu yang telah dilakukan adalah perbaikan dalam pengumpulan data dan perbaikan metode dalam bekerja, terutama dalam SOP secara umum

    Post Herpes NMDAR Encephalitis in A 8 Month Old Girl

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    Patients with Herpes Simplex virus Encephalitis are seen to have a relapse of symptoms namely seizures and choreoathetoid movements along with impairment of consciousness1. Though infective relapse is a possibility requiring extended antiviral therapy2, immune mediated mechanism is most probable.3 Although there is a similarity of symptoms between relapsing HSVE and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antibody encephalitis, the most likely culprit is the latter
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