324 research outputs found

    Multifocal Vasculopathy Due to Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV): Serial Analysis of VZV DNA and Intrathecal Synthesis of VZV Antibody in Cerebrospinal Fluid

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    Recognition of multifocal vasculopathy due to varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is often problematic. We describe a human immunodeficiency virus—infected patient who had progressive central nervous system disease for >3 months. Both VZV DNA and antibody were detected in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens; serial polymerase chain reaction analyses confirmed the diagnosis and guided the duration of therapy. Reduced ratios of VZV antibody in serum to that in CSF were also demonstrate

    Blockage of longitudinal flow in Meniere's disease: A human temporal bone study

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    Conclusion: Blockage of the endolymphatic duct is a significant finding in Meniere's disease. The position of the utriculo-endolymphatic valve (UEV) and blockage of the ductus reuniens in the temporal bones were not found to be directly indicative of Meniere's disease. Objective: Comparison of blockage of the longitudinal flow of endolymph between ears affected by Meniere's disease and normal ears. Methods: We examined 21 temporal bones from 13 subjects who had Meniere's disease and 21 normal temporal bones from 12 controls. Results: The endolymphatic duct was blocked in five (23%) ears affected by Meniere's disease (p = 0.016). The utricular duct was blocked in 16 (76%) ears affected by Meniere's disease and 11 (52%) normal ears (p = 0.112). The saccular duct was blocked in 6 (28%) of ears affected by Meniere's disease and 16 (76%) normal ears (p = 0.001). The ductus reuniens was blocked in 10 (47%) ears affected by Meniere's disease and 10 (47%) normal ears (p = 1.000)

    Degenerative Veränderungen im alternden Innenohr, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der vasculären Veränderungen, in Flächenpräparaten der menschlichen Cochlea dargestellt

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    Temporal bones from 150 patients, ranging in age from fetuses and newborn to 97 years, were studied by the technique of microdissection and the use of surface specimens stained with OSO 4 . Hair cell and nerve degeneration were seen in the extreme basal turn of the cochlea even in children. In the fetal cochlea vascularization is very dense, in the newborn and infant somewhat less so. A gradual involution of blood vessels occurs postnatally and continues with maturity and aging. Involution is seen especially in the membranous wall of the cochlea and in the system of spiral vessels of the basilar membrane and vestibular lip. During the first decade the radiating arterioles and the outer spiral vessel in the basal turn are reduced to their adult size. In presbycusis material we observed a marked loss of capillaries and of some of the radiating arterioles in the spiral ligament. Other arterioles had thickened walls. This devascularization was accompanied by atrophy and acellularity of the spiral ligament and atrophy of the stria. Atrophy of the spiral vessels was seen, especially in the lower half of the basal turn. Most of the cochlear blood vessels have clearly distinguishable perivascular spaces. Vessels which had become occluded and disappeared left behind them intervascular strands and/or avascular channels . Such channels were seen to connect the perivascular space of one capillary with that of another, representing the perivascular space of the vessel which had atrophied. The hair cell and nerve degeneration seen in presbycusis may be caused, at least in part, by microangiopathy of this type. Similar vascular changes have been observed in retinal vessels. It is possible that the gradual reduction of blood supply through the disappearance of capillaries occurs in many tissues of the body and plays an important role in the aging process. Mit Hilfe der Oberflächenpräparation wurden von uns 150 menschliche Labyrinthe aller Altersgruppen untersucht. Es wurde eine Haarzellen-und Nervendegeneration schon im Kindesalter beobachtet. Blutgefäße in der Schnecke haben perivasculdre Spalten; Gefäße atrophieren and werden zu „avascular channels”, leeren Spaltrdumen oder Striingen. Bei Presbyakusis fällt neben der Haarzell- and Nervendegeneration in der Basalwindung der Schnecke die Gefäßatrophie im Ligamentum spirale und der Membrana basilaris auf. Dazu kommt noch eine beträchtliche Atrophie des Ligamentum spirale und der Stria vascularis. Bemerkenswert ist, daß die Devascularisation schon im Kindesalter beginnt.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47255/1/405_2004_Article_BF00373313.pd

    Leaders’ Impact on Public Spending Priorities: The Case of the German Laender

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    We examine determinants of the composition of public expenditure in the German Laender (states) over the period 1993-2008, as the Laender exhibit a high degree of institutional and political homogeneity and are endowed with extensive fiscal competences. Our prime contribution is an investigation into how political leaders' socioeconomic background influences public spending priorities. Applying sociological theory, we link preferences for the composition of public spending to social status. In contrast to approaches relying on political budget cycles or partisan theory, we find strong and theory-consistent evidence that prime ministers tend to favour fiscal policies supporting the social class in which they are socialised. Governments led by prime ministers from a poor socioeconomic background spend significantly more on social security, education, health, infrastructure, and public safety

    Fiscal redistribution around elections when democracy is not "the only game in town"

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    This paper seeks to examine the implications of policy intervention around elections on income inequality and fiscal redistribution. We first develop a simplified theoretical framework that allows us to examine election-cycle fiscal redistribution programs in the presence of a revolutionary threat from some groups of agents, i.e., when democracy is not “the only game in town”. According to our theoretical analysis, when democracy is not “the only game in town”, incumbents implement redistributive policies not only as a means of improving their reelection prospects, but also in order to signal that “democracy works”, thereby preventing a reversion to an autocratic status quo ante at a time of the current regime’s extreme vulnerability. Subsequently, focusing on 65 developed and developing countries over the 1975–2010 period, we report robust empirical evidence of pre-electoral budgetary manipulation in new democracies. Consistent with our theory, this finding is driven by political instability that induces incumbents to redistribute income—through tax and spending policies—in a relatively broader coalition of voters with the aim of consolidating the vulnerable newly established democratic regime

    A comparative study of cranial, blunt trauma fractures as seen at medicolegal autopsy and by Computed Tomography

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Computed Tomography (CT) has become a widely used supplement to medico legal autopsies at several forensic institutes. Amongst other things, it has proven to be very valuable in visualising fractures of the cranium. Also CT scan data are being used to create head models for biomechanical trauma analysis by Finite Element Analysis. If CT scan data are to be used for creating individual head models for retrograde trauma analysis in the future we need to ascertain how well cranial fractures are captured by CT scan. The purpose of this study was to compare the diagnostic agreement between CT and autopsy regarding cranial fractures and especially the precision with which cranial fractures are recorded.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The autopsy fracture diagnosis was compared to the diagnosis of two CT readings (reconstructed with Multiplanar and Maximum Intensity Projection reconstructions) by registering the fractures on schematic drawings. The extent of the fractures was quantified by merging 3-dimensional datasets from both the autopsy as input by 3D digitizer tracing and CT scan.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed a good diagnostic agreement regarding fractures localised in the posterior fossa, while the fracture diagnosis in the medial and anterior fossa was difficult at the first CT scan reading. The fracture diagnosis improved during the second CT scan reading. Thus using two different CT reconstructions improved diagnosis in the medial fossa and at the impact points in the cranial vault. However, fracture diagnosis in the anterior and medial fossa and of hairline fractures in general still remained difficult.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study showed that the forensically important fracture systems to a large extent were diagnosed on CT images using Multiplanar and Maximum Intensity Projection reconstructions. Difficulties remained in the minute diagnosis of hairline fractures. These inconsistencies need to be resolved in order to use CT scan data of victims for individual head modelling and trauma analysis.</p

    Overlapping political budget cycle

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    We advance the literature on political budget cycles by testing for cycles in expenditures for elections to the legislative and the executive branches. Using municipal data, we identify cycles independently for the two branches, evaluate the effects of overlaps, and account for general year effects. We find sizable effects on expenditures before legislative elections and even larger effects before joint elections to the legislature and the office of mayor. In the case of coincident elections, we show that it is important whether the incumbent chief executive seeks reelection. To account for the potential endogeneity of that decision, we apply an IV approach using age and pension eligibility rules

    Overlapping political budget cycles in the legislative and the executive

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    We advance the literature on political budget cycles by testing separately for cycles in expenditures for elections in the legislative and the executive. Using municipal data, we can separately identify these cycles and account for general year effects. For the executive branch, we show that it is important whether the incumbent re-runs. To account for the potential endogeneity associated with this decision, we apply a unique instrumental variables approach based on age and pension eligibility rules. We find sizable and significant effects in expenditures before council elections and before joint elections when the incumbent re-runs

    The Optimal Design of Trade Policy Flexibility in the WTO

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    This paper is a contribution to the literature on rational design of trade agreements. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an incomplete contract among sovereign states. Incomplete contracts contain gaps. Ex post, contractual gaps may leave gains from trade unrealized; they may create 'regret' in signatories once unanticipated contingencies or sudden protectionist backlashes have occurred. Trade policy flexibility mechanisms, such as the 'safeguards clause' under Art. XIX GATT, are geared towards seizing ex post regret by allowing parties affected by a protectionist shock to partially and temporarily withdraw from previously made trade liberalization concessions - given that they compensate the victim(s) of such backtracking behavior. This paper examines the somewhat understudied issue of optimal trade policy flexibility design in the WTO: In particular, we analyze whether ex post escape should be organized by means of a unilateral opt-out clause (a 'liability rule' of escape), or a bilateral renegotiation provision (a 'property rule' of escape). Modeling the WTO as a fully non-contingent tariff liberalization contract with contingencies (or 'states of nature') asymmetrically revealed, we find that a liability rule backed by expectation remedies payable to the affected victim Pareto-dominates both a renegotiation clause, as well as any other remedy arrangement connected to a liability rule. Only the remedial design of liability-cum-expectation damages yields the desirable incentives to liberalize ex ante, and to default ex post and therewith is able to replicate the outcomes of the hypothetical contracting ideal of the complete contingent contract