130 research outputs found

    Fast, multi-band photon detectors based on quantum well devices for beam-monitoring in new generation light sources

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    In order to monitor the photon-beam position for both diagnostics and calibration purposes, we have investigated the possibility to use InGaAs/InAlAs Quantum Well (QW) devices as position-sensitive photon detectors for Free-Electron Laser (FEL) or Synchrotron Radiation (SR). Owing to their direct, low-energy band gap and high electron mobility, such QW devices may be used also at Room Temperature (RT) as fast multi-band sensors for photons ranging from visible light to hard X-rays. Moreover, internal charge-amplification mechanism can be applied for very low signal levels, while the high carrier mobility allows the design of very fast photon detectors with sub-nanosecond response times. Segmented QW sensors have been preliminary tested with 100-fs-wide 400 nm laser pulses and X-ray SR. The reported results indicate that these devices respond with 100 ps rise-times to such ultra-fast laser pulses. Besides, linear scan on the back-pixelated device has shown that these detectors are sensitive to the position of each ultrashort beam bunch

    Absorption and mobility of foliar-applied boron in soybean as affected by plant boron status and application as a polyol complex

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    In the present study (i) the impact of plant Boron (B) status on foliar B absorption and (ii) the effect of B complexation with polyols (sorbitol or mannitol) on B absorption and translocation was investigated. Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Meer.) plants grown in nutrient solution containing 0 μM, 10 μM, 30 μM or 100 μM 11B labelled boric acid (BA) were treated with 50 mM 10B labelled BA applied to the basal parts of two leaflets of one leaf, either pure or in combination with 500 mM sorbitol or mannitol. After one week, 10B concentrations in different plant parts were determined. In B deficient leaves (0 μM 11B), 10B absorption was significantly lower than in all other treatments (9.7% of the applied dose vs. 26%–32%). The application of BA in combination with polyols increased absorption by 18–25% as compared to pure BA. The absolute amount of applied 10B moving out of the application zone was lowest in plants with 0 μM 11B supply (1.1% of the applied dose) and highest in those grown in 100 μM 11B (2.8%). The presence of sorbitol significantly decreased the share of mobile 10B in relation to the amount absorbed. The results suggest that 11B deficiency reduces the permeability of the leaf surface for BA. The addition of polyols may increase 10B absorption, but did not improve 10B distribution within the plant, which was even hindered when applied a sorbitol complex

    Lessons learnt from ORGAP Project – planning, implementation and evaluation of Action Plans for Organic Food and Farming

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    Within the EU funded project ORGAP, a toolbox was developed for the evaluation of the European as well as national action plans for organic food and farming. Also recommendations and a resource manual for policy makers and stakeholders were developed. These were based on the analysis of national Organic Action Plans as well as stakeholder and expert consultation. The analysis showed that several EU member states have emphasised the need to balance supply-push policies with more market-focused demand-pull policies. An integrated approach is required and this has been to differing degrees through the formulation of multi-functional Organic Action Plans (OAPs), which also adress the dual roles of organic farming (from a policy perspective) to provide public goods and satisfy consumer demand. Eight Organic Action Plans, reviewed in the ORGAP project, vary with regard to the elaboration process, targets, objectives and the emphasis of measures on certain areas (e.g. market versus environment orientation). This variation is due to quite different political and socio-economic framework conditions for organic farming in these countries. It revealed that the weaknesses identified in the status quo analysis of the organic sector have only partly been translated to the targets and measures included in the action plan documents. Definition of the priorities for development of organic agriculture must be agreed by all relevant stakeholders. The priorities, and hence the programmes, will depend on correct analysis of the issues (and conflicts) that need to be addressed and clear objectives with measurable outcomes (for effective evaluation). For more information on the project, on the practical project manual and the evaluation toolbox for Organic Action Plans see project website www.orgap.or

    Foliar lead uptake by lettuce exposed to atmospheric fallouts

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    Metal uptake by plants occurs by soil−root transfer but also by direct transfer of contaminants from the atmosphere to the shoots. This second pathway may be particularly important in kitchen gardens near industrial plants. The mechanisms of foliar uptake of lead by lettuce (Lactuca sativa) exposed to the atmospheric fallouts of a lead-recycling plant were studied. After 43 days of exposure, the thoroughly washed leaves contained 335 ± 50 mg Pb kg−1 (dry weight). Micro-X-ray fluorescence mappings evidenced Pb-rich spots of a few hundreds of micrometers in diameter located in necrotic zones. These spots were more abundant at the base of the central nervure. Environmental scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis showed that smaller particles (a few micrometers in diameter) were also present in other regions of the leaves, often located beneath the leaf surface. In addition, submicrometric particles were observed inside stomatal openings. Raman microspectrometry analyses of the leaves identified smelter-originated Pb minerals but also secondary phases likely resulting from the weathering of original particles. On the basis of these observations, several pathways for foliar lead uptake are discussed. A better understanding of these mechanisms may be of interest for risk assessment of population exposure to atmospheric metal contamination

    Interaction between a bisphosphonate, tiludronate, and biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites.

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    Bisphosphonates (BPs) are well established as successful antiresorptive agents for the prevention and treatment of bone diseases such as osteoporosis and Paget's disease. The aim of this work was to clarify the reaction mechanisms between a BP molecule, tiludronate, and the nanocrystalline apatite surface. The adsorption of tiludronate on well characterized synthetic biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites with homogeneous but different compositions and surface characteristics was investigated to determine the effect of the nanocrystalline apatite substrate on the adsorption behavior. The results show that the adsorption of tiludronate on nanocrystalline biomimetic apatite surfaces varies over a large range. The most immature apatitic samples exhibited the highest affinity and the greatest amount adsorbed at saturation. Maturation of the nanocrystals induces a decrease of these values. The amount of phosphate ion released per adsorbed BP molecule varied, depending on the nanocrystalline substrate considered. The adsorption mechanism, although associated with a release of phosphate ions, cannot be considered as a simple ion exchange process involving one or two phosphate ions on the surface. A two-step process is proposed consisting of a surface binding of BP groups to calcium ions associated with a proton release inducing the protonation of surface orthophosphate ions and their eventual solubilization

    Estimation of the solubility parameters of model plant surfaces and agrochemicals: a valuable tool for understanding plant surface interactions

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    Background Most aerial plant parts are covered with a hydrophobic lipid-rich cuticle, which is the interface between the plant organs and the surrounding environment. Plant surfaces may have a high degree of hydrophobicity because of the combined effects of surface chemistry and roughness. The physical and chemical complexity of the plant cuticle limits the development of models that explain its internal structure and interactions with surface-applied agrochemicals. In this article we introduce a thermodynamic method for estimating the solubilities of model plant surface constituents and relating them to the effects of agrochemicals. Results Following the van Krevelen and Hoftyzer method, we calculated the solubility parameters of three model plant species and eight compounds that differ in hydrophobicity and polarity. In addition, intact tissues were examined by scanning electron microscopy and the surface free energy, polarity, solubility parameter and work of adhesion of each were calculated from contact angle measurements of three liquids with different polarities. By comparing the affinities between plant surface constituents and agrochemicals derived from (a) theoretical calculations and (b) contact angle measurements we were able to distinguish the physical effect of surface roughness from the effect of the chemical nature of the epicuticular waxes. A solubility parameter model for plant surfaces is proposed on the basis of an increasing gradient from the cuticular surface towards the underlying cell wall. Conclusions The procedure enabled us to predict the interactions among agrochemicals, plant surfaces, and cuticular and cell wall components, and promises to be a useful tool for improving our understanding of biological surface interactions

    Reassessing associations between white matter and behaviour with multimodal microstructural imaging

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    Several studies have established specific relationships between White Matter (WM) and behaviour. However, these studies have typically focussed on fractional anisotropy (FA), a neuroimaging metric that is sensitive to multiple tissue properties, making it difficult to identify what biological aspects of WM may drive such relationships. Here, we carry out a pre-registered assessment of WM-behaviour relationships in 50 healthy individuals across multiple behavioural and anatomical domains, and complementing FA with myelin-sensitive quantitative MR modalities (MT, R1, R2∗). Surprisingly, we only find support for predicted relationships between FA and behaviour in one of three pre-registered tests. For one behavioural domain, where we failed to detect an FA-behaviour correlation, we instead find evidence for a correlation between behaviour and R1. This hints that multimodal approaches are able to identify a wider range of WM-behaviour relationships than focusing on FA alone. To test whether a common biological substrate such as myelin underlies WM-behaviour relationships, we then ran joint multimodal analyses, combining across all MRI parameters considered. No significant multimodal signatures were found and power analyses suggested that sample sizes of 40-200 may be required to detect such joint multimodal effects, depending on the task being considered. These results demonstrate that FA-behaviour relationships from the literature can be replicated, but may not be easily generalisable across domains. Instead, multimodal microstructural imaging may be best placed to detect a wider range of WM-behaviour relationships, as different MRI modalities provide distinct biological sensitivities. Our findings highlight a broad heterogeneity in WM's relationship with behaviour, suggesting that variable biological effects may be shaping their interaction

    A multipurpose experimental facility for advanced X-ray Spectrometry applications

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    Ponencia presentada en la European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS). 2014Motivation, Ultra High Vacuum Chamber (UHVC) project: To support/enhance the training of scientists/engineers from developing countries in the operation of synchrotron radiation instrumentation; To provide beam time access for R&D projects and hands-on training in SR-XRS based techniques; To promote networking and knowledge sharing; To increase the quality and the competitiveness of the developing countries to apply beam time proposals at SR facilities; To contribute in the further development of XRS techniques in applications with socioeconomicalrelevance (characterization of energy storage/conversion materials, environmental, biological and biomedical applications)Fil: Leani, Juan José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Leani, Juan José. Nuclear Science and Instrumentation Laboratory, IAEA Laboratories; Austria.Física Atómica, Molecular y Química (física de átomos y moléculas incluyendo colisión, interacción con radiación, resonancia magnética, Moessbauer Efecto.
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