50 research outputs found

    Do genetic factors protect for early onset lung cancer? A case control study before the age of 50 years

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early onset lung cancer shows some familial aggregation, pointing to a genetic predisposition. This study was set up to investigate the role of candidate genes in the susceptibility to lung cancer patients younger than 51 years at diagnosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>246 patients with a primary, histologically or cytologically confirmed neoplasm, recruited from 2000 to 2003 in major lung clinics across Germany, were matched to 223 unrelated healthy controls. 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms of genes with reported associations to lung cancer have been genotyped.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genetic associations or gene-smoking interactions was found for <it>GPX1(Pro200Leu) </it>and <it>EPHX1(His113Tyr)</it>. Carriers of the Leu-allele of <it>GPX1(Pro200Leu) </it>showed a significant risk reduction of OR = 0.6 (95% CI: 0.4–0.8, p = 0.002) in general and of OR = 0.3 (95% CI:0.1–0.8, p = 0.012) within heavy smokers. We could also find a risk decreasing genetic effect for His-carriers of <it>EPHX1(His113Tyr) </it>for moderate smokers (OR = 0.2, 95% CI:0.1–0.7, p = 0.012). Considered both variants together, a monotone decrease of the OR was found for smokers (OR of 0.20; 95% CI: 0.07–0.60) for each protective allele.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Smoking is the most important risk factor for young lung cancer patients. However, this study provides some support for the T-Allel of <it>GPX1(Pro200Leu) </it>and the C-Allele of <it>EPHX1(His113Tyr) </it>to play a protective role in early onset lung cancer susceptibility.</p

    phys. stat. sol. (a)

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    Comparison of multiple DNA adduct types in tumor adjacent human lung tissue: effect of cigarette smoking

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    Comparison of multiple DNA adduct types in tumor adjacent human lung tissue: effect of cigarette smoking. Godschalk R, Nair J, van Schooten FJ, Risch A, Drings P, Kayser K, Dienemann H, Bartsch H. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Toxicology and Cancer Risk Factors, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Cigarette smokers inhale a broad range of carcinogens derived from tobacco and its pyrolysis products, including free radicals, which induce oxidative stress and subsequent lipid peroxidation (LPO). Miscoding carcinogen-DNA adducts are formed by cigarette smoke constituents and are thought to initiate lung carcinogenesis. The presence of various types of DNA damage was therefore analyzed in tumor adjacent uninvolved lung tissues of 13 smoking and 11 non-smoking operated lung cancer patients. O(4)-ethylthymidine (O(4)etT), 1,N(6)-ethenodeoxyadenosine ( epsilon dA) and 3,N(4)-ethenodeoxycytidine ( epsilon dC) were determined by immuno-enriched (32)P-postlabeling. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-DNA adducts were measured as diagonal radioactive zones after nuclease P1 enriched (32)P-postlabeling. Mean O(4)etT and PAH-DNA adduct levels were higher in lung DNA of smokers than of non-smokers (O(4)etT/10(8) thymidine: 3.8 versus 1.6, P < 0.01; PAH-DNA adducts/10(8) nucleotides: 11.2 versus 2.2, P < 0.01). Pulmonary etheno-DNA adduct levels did not differ between smokers and non-smokers, but large inter-individual variations were observed (80- and 250-fold differences for epsilon dA and epsilon dC, respectively). As all smokers (except one) refrained from smoking at least for 1 week before surgery, our results demonstrate the persistence of O(4)etT and PAH-DNA adducts in human lung. A positive correlation obtained between O(4)etT and PAH-DNA adducts (R = 0.65, P < 0.01) suggests that both adducts are formed from cigarette smoke as the main exposure source. We conclude that in addition to the DNA adducts derived from PAH and tobacco-specific nitrosamines, miscoding O(4)etT lesions are formed by cigarette smoke that contribute to the increased genomic instability and increased lung cancer risk in smoker