16 research outputs found

    REBOUND: An open-source multi-purpose N-body code for collisional dynamics

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    REBOUND is a new multi-purpose N-body code which is freely available under an open-source license. It was designed for collisional dynamics such as planetary rings but can also solve the classical N-body problem. It is highly modular and can be customized easily to work on a wide variety of different problems in astrophysics and beyond. REBOUND comes with three symplectic integrators: leap-frog, the symplectic epicycle integrator (SEI) and a Wisdom-Holman mapping (WH). It supports open, periodic and shearing-sheet boundary conditions. REBOUND can use a Barnes-Hut tree to calculate both self-gravity and collisions. These modules are fully parallelized with MPI as well as OpenMP. The former makes use of a static domain decomposition and a distributed essential tree. Two new collision detection modules based on a plane-sweep algorithm are also implemented. The performance of the plane-sweep algorithm is superior to a tree code for simulations in which one dimension is much longer than the other two and in simulations which are quasi-two dimensional with less than one million particles. In this work, we discuss the different algorithms implemented in REBOUND, the philosophy behind the code's structure as well as implementation specific details of the different modules. We present results of accuracy and scaling tests which show that the code can run efficiently on both desktop machines and large computing clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted by A&A, source code available at https://github.com/hannorein/reboun

    Stochastic orbital migration of small bodies in Saturn's rings

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    Many small moonlets, creating propeller structures, have been found in Saturn's rings by the Cassini spacecraft. We study the dynamical evolution of such 20-50m sized bodies which are embedded in Saturn's rings. We estimate the importance of various interaction processes with the ring particles on the moonlet's eccentricity and semi-major axis analytically. For low ring surface densities, the main effects on the evolution of the eccentricity and the semi-major axis are found to be due to collisions and the gravitational interaction with particles in the vicinity of the moonlet. For large surface densities, the gravitational interaction with self-gravitating wakes becomes important. We also perform realistic three dimensional, collisional N-body simulations with up to a quarter of a million particles. A new set of pseudo shear periodic boundary conditions is used which reduces the computational costs by an order of magnitude compared to previous studies. Our analytic estimates are confirmed to within a factor of two. On short timescales the evolution is always dominated by stochastic effects caused by collisions and gravitational interaction with self-gravitating ring particles. These result in a random walk of the moonlet's semi-major axis. The eccentricity of the moonlet quickly reaches an equilibrium value due to collisional damping. The average change in semi-major axis of the moonlet after 100 orbital periods is 10-100m. This translates to an offset in the azimuthal direction of several hundred kilometres. We expect that such a shift is easily observable.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to A&A, comments welcom

    NN-body Simulation of Planetesimal Formation Through Gravitational Instability of a Dust Layer

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    We performed N-body simulations of a dust layer without a gas component and examined the formation process of planetesimals. We found that the formation process of planetesimals can be divided into three stages: the formation of non-axisymmetric wake-like structures, the creation of aggregates, and the collisional growth of the aggregates. Finally, a few large aggregates and many small aggregates are formed. The mass of the largest aggregate is larger than the mass predicted by the linear perturbation theory. We examined the dependence of system parameters on the planetesimal formation. We found that the mass of the largest aggregates increase as the size of the computational domain increases. However the ratio of the aggregate mass to the total mass Maggr/MtotalM_\mathrm{aggr}/M_\mathrm{total} is almost constant The mass of the largest aggregate increases with the optical depth and the Hill radius of particles.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Rings in the Solar System: a short review

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    Rings are ubiquitous around giant planets in our Solar System. They evolve jointly with the nearby satellite system. They could form either during the giant planet formation process or much later, as a result of large scale dynamical instabilities either in the local satellite system, or at the planetary scale. We review here the main characteristics of rings in our solar system, and discuss their main evolution processes and possible origin. We also discuss the recent discovery of rings around small bodies.Comment: Accepted for the Handbook of Exoplanet

    Origin and Evolution of Saturn's Ring System

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    The origin and long-term evolution of Saturn's rings is still an unsolved problem in modern planetary science. In this chapter we review the current state of our knowledge on this long-standing question for the main rings (A, Cassini Division, B, C), the F Ring, and the diffuse rings (E and G). During the Voyager era, models of evolutionary processes affecting the rings on long time scales (erosion, viscous spreading, accretion, ballistic transport, etc.) had suggested that Saturn's rings are not older than 100 My. In addition, Saturn's large system of diffuse rings has been thought to be the result of material loss from one or more of Saturn's satellites. In the Cassini era, high spatial and spectral resolution data have allowed progress to be made on some of these questions. Discoveries such as the ''propellers'' in the A ring, the shape of ring-embedded moonlets, the clumps in the F Ring, and Enceladus' plume provide new constraints on evolutionary processes in Saturn's rings. At the same time, advances in numerical simulations over the last 20 years have opened the way to realistic models of the rings's fine scale structure, and progress in our understanding of the formation of the Solar System provides a better-defined historical context in which to understand ring formation. All these elements have important implications for the origin and long-term evolution of Saturn's rings. They strengthen the idea that Saturn's rings are very dynamical and rapidly evolving, while new arguments suggest that the rings could be older than previously believed, provided that they are regularly renewed. Key evolutionary processes, timescales and possible scenarios for the rings's origin are reviewed in the light of tComment: Chapter 17 of the book ''Saturn After Cassini-Huygens'' Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty, M.K.; Esposito, L.W.; Krimigis, S.M. (Ed.) (2009) 537-57

    Toward Realistic Galaxy Formation by Numerical Simulations

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    In most of numerical simulations of spiral galaxy formation, mass/spatial resolution is ~ 105-6 M๏ and kpc or sub-kpc, therefore inhomogeneous structure of the ISM in galaxies is not resolved. This is the most serious defect in simulating star formation and its feedback during galaxy formation/evolution. Here we show an intrinsic structures of the ISM using 3-D high resolution hydrodynamic simulations of galactic disks. We show that the PDFs in globally stable, inhomogeneous ISM in galactic disks are well fitted by a single log-normal function over a wide density range. The dispersion of the log-normal PDF (LN-PDF) is larger for more gas-rich systems. Using the LN-PDF, we give a generalized version of Schmidt-Kennicutt law, i.e. SFR as a function of average gas density, a critical local density for star formation, and star formation efficiency. We also introduce our new project, “Project Milky Way”, in which we aim to resolve properly the cold, dense ISM, as found in above simulations, by ultra-high resolution during galaxy formation. We are planning to construct a special cluster for simulating formation of “Milky Way” using the next generation GRAPE