931 research outputs found

    The engagement of young people in drug interventions in coercive contexts: findings from a cross-national European study

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    Background: The engagement of young people has been a neglected area in youth justice and drugs policy and practice. This paper explores the concept of ‘engagement’ in relation to drugs interventions in custodial and community settings in different European countries. Methods: Interviews were undertaken with young people (aged 14-25 years) in contact with the criminal justice system who use illegal drugs and with practitioners involved in the delivery of interventions for our target group in Denmark, Italy, Poland the UK. Results: The key techniques to engage young people were described in similar terms across the countries. These included forming relationships based on trust, honesty and empathy, setting goals collaboratively and employing practitioners with lived experience and understanding. The objectives and activities on offer are often constrained by the criminal justice contexts. Conclusions: Despite the differences between the countries in terms of criminal justice systems and the structure of drug interventions, there were remarkable similarities in the ways young people and practitioners described effective engagement. Strong emphasis on operational engagement to ensure positive relationships between young people and practitioners was important in the design and delivery of interventions. Practitioners working in criminal justice contexts need to have flexibility and autonomy to work creatively to find ways to engage, connect and inspire young people

    Building cultures of participation: involving young people in contact with the criminal justice system in the development of drug interventions in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Italy and Poland

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    This paper explores the participation of young people in contact with criminal justice systems in the development of drugs interventions. Interviews were undertaken with 160 young people (aged 15-25) and 66 practitioners involved in the design, delivery and commissioning of drug interventions. We analyse the key challenges in involving young people in the development of interventions including structural, organisational and individual factors. We argue that these barriers can be overcome by fostering flexible models of participation and identifying the most meaningful and appropriate approaches for involving young people at different stages and in different initiatives which consider socio-cultural contexts

    Zipf's law in Multifragmentation

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    We discuss the meaning of Zipf's law in nuclear multifragmentation. We remark that Zipf's law is a consequence of a power law fragment size distribution with exponent τ2\tau \simeq 2. We also recall why the presence of such distribution is not a reliable signal of a liquid-gas phase transition

    ‘Question Moments’: A Rolling Programme of Question Opportunities in Classroom Science

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.This naturalistic study integrates specific 'question moments' into lesson plans to increase pupils' classroom interactions. A range of teaching tools has explored students' ideas through opportunities to ask and write questions. Their oral and written outcomes provide data on individual and group misunderstandings. Changes to the schedule of lessons were introduced to discuss these questions and solve disparities. Flexible lesson planning over fourteen lessons across a four-week period of highschool chemistry accommodated students' contributions and increased student participation, promoted inquiring and individualised teaching, with each teaching strategy feeding forward into the next

    Quantum switches and quantum memories for matter-wave lattice solitons

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    We study the possibility of implementing a quantum switch and a quantum memory for matter wave lattice solitons by making them interact with "effective" potentials (barrier/well) corresponding to defects of the optical lattice. In the case of interaction with an "effective" potential barrier, the bright lattice soliton experiences an abrupt transition from complete transmission to complete reflection (quantum switch) for a critical height of the barrier. The trapping of the soliton in an "effective" potential well and its release on demand, without loses, shows the feasibility of using the system as a quantum memory. The inclusion of defects as a way of controlling the interactions between two solitons is also reported

    Supersonic optical tunnels for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose a method for the stabilisation of a stack of parallel vortex rings in a Bose-Einstein condensate. The method makes use of a hollow laser beam containing an optical vortex. Using realistic experimental parameters we demonstrate numerically that our method can stabilise up to 9 vortex rings. Furthermore we point out that the condensate flow through the tunnel formed by the core of the optical vortex can be made supersonic by inserting a laser-generated hump potential. We show that long-living immobile condensate solitons generated in the tunnel exhibit sonic horizons. Finally, we discuss prospects of using these solitons for analogue gravity experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Charged particle production in the Pb+Pb system at 158 GeV/c per nucleon

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    Charged particle multiplicities from high multiplicity central interactions of 158 GeV/nucleon Pb ions with Pb target nuclei have been measured in the central and far forward projectile spectator regions using emulsion chambers. Multiplicities are significantly lower than predicted by Monte Carlo simulations. We examine the shape of the pseudorapidity distribution and its dependence on centrality in detail.Comment: 17 pages text plus 12 figures in postscript 12/23/99 -- Add TeX version of sourc

    Synergistic Embryotoxicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Agonists with Cytochrome P4501A Inhibitors in Fundulus heteroclitus

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    Widespread contamination of aquatic systems with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has led to concern about effects of PAHs on aquatic life. Some PAHs have been shown to cause deformities in early life stages of fish that resemble those elicited by planar halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (pHAHs) that are agonists for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Previous studies have suggested that activity of cytochrome P4501A, a member of the AHR gene battery, is important to the toxicity of pHAHs, and inhibition of CYP1A can reduce the early-life-stage toxicity of pHAHs. In light of the effects of CYP1A inhibition on pHAH-derived toxicity, we explored the impact of both model and environmentally relevant CYP1A inhibitors on PAH-derived embryotoxicity. We exposed Fundulus heteroclitus embryos to two PAH-type AHR agonists, β-naphthoflavone and benzo(a)pyrene, and one pHAH-type AHR agonist, 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB-126), alone and in combination with several CYP1A inhibitors. In agreement with previous studies, coexposure of embryos to PCB-126 with the AHR antagonist and CYP1A inhibitor α-naphthoflavone decreased frequency and severity of deformities compared with embryos exposed to PCB-126 alone. In contrast, embryos coexposed to the PAHs with each of the CYP1A inhibitors tested were deformed with increased severity and frequency compared with embryos dosed with PAH alone. The mechanism by which inhibition of CYP1A increased embryotoxicity of the PAHs tested is not understood, but these results may be helpful in elucidating mechanisms by which PAHs are embryotoxic. Additionally, these results call into question additive models of PAH embryotoxicity for environmental PAH mixtures that contain both AHR agonists and CYP1A inhibitors

    Harmonic oscillator with nonzero minimal uncertainties in both position and momentum in a SUSYQM framework

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    In the context of a two-parameter (α,β)(\alpha, \beta) deformation of the canonical commutation relation leading to nonzero minimal uncertainties in both position and momentum, the harmonic oscillator spectrum and eigenvectors are determined by using techniques of supersymmetric quantum mechanics combined with shape invariance under parameter scaling. The resulting supersymmetric partner Hamiltonians correspond to different masses and frequencies. The exponential spectrum is proved to reduce to a previously found quadratic spectrum whenever one of the parameters α\alpha, β\beta vanishes, in which case shape invariance under parameter translation occurs. In the special case where α=β0\alpha = \beta \ne 0, the oscillator Hamiltonian is shown to coincide with that of the q-deformed oscillator with q>1q > 1 and its eigenvectors are therefore nn-qq-boson states. In the general case where 0αβ00 \ne \alpha \ne \beta \ne 0, the eigenvectors are constructed as linear combinations of nn-qq-boson states by resorting to a Bargmann representation of the latter and to qq-differential calculus. They are finally expressed in terms of a qq-exponential and little qq-Jacobi polynomials.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, no figure, minor changes, additional references, final version to be published in JP