184 research outputs found

    The molecular pharmacology and in vivo activity of 2-(4-chloro-6-(2,3-dimethylphenylamino)pyrimidin-2-ylthio)octanoic acid (YS121), a dual inhibitor of microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 and 5-lipoxygenase.

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    The microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase (mPGES)-1 is one of the terminal isoenzymes of prostaglandin (PG) E2 biosynthesis. Pharmacological inhibitors of mPGES-1 are proposed as an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. We recently presented the design and synthesis of a series of pirinixic acid derivatives that dually inhibit mPGES-1 and 5-lipoxygenase. Here, we investigated the mechanism of mPGES-1 inhibition, the selectivity profile, and the in vivo activity of α-(n-hexyl)- substituted pirinixic acid [YS121; 2-(4-chloro-6-(2,3-dimethylphenylamino) pyrimidin-2-ylthio)octanoic acid)] as a lead compound. In cell-free assays, YS121 inhibited human mPGES-1 in a reversible and noncompetitive manner (IC 50 = 3.4 ΌM), and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy studies using purified in vitro-translated human mPGES-1 indicate direct, reversible, and specific binding to mPGES-1 (KD = 10-14 ΌM). In lipopolysaccharide-stimulated human whole blood, PGE2 formation was concentration dependently inhibited (IC50 =2 ΌM), whereas concomitant generation of the cyclooxygenase (COX)-2-derived thromboxane B2 and 6-keto PGF1α and the COX-1-derived 12(S)-hydroxy-5-cis-8,10- transheptadecatrienoic acid was not significantly reduced. In carrageenan-induced rat pleurisy, YS121 (1.5 mg/kg i.p.) blocked exudate formation and leukocyte infiltration accompanied by reduced pleural levels of PGE2 and leukotriene B4 but also of 6-keto PGF 1α. Taken together, these results indicate that YS121 is a promising inhibitor of mPGES-1 with anti-inflammatory efficiency in human whole blood as well as in vivo

    Potential contribution of HIV during first-line tuberculosis treatment to subsequent rifampicin-monoresistant tuberculosis and acquired tuberculosis drug resistance in South Africa: a retrospective molecular epidemiology study

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    Background: South Africa has a high burden of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (including multidrug-resistant [MDR] tuberculosis), with increasing rifampicin-monoresistant (RMR) tuberculosis over time. Resistance acquisition during first-line tuberculosis treatment could be a key contributor to this burden, and HIV might increase the risk of acquiring rifampicin resistance. We assessed whether HIV during previous treatment was associated with RMR tuberculosis and resistance acquisition among a retrospective cohort of patients with MDR or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we included all patients routinely diagnosed with MDR or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa, between Jan 1, 2008, and Dec 31, 2017. Patient-level data were obtained from a prospective database, complemented by data on previous tuberculosis treatment and HIV from a provincial health data exchange. Stored MDR or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis isolates from patients underwent whole-genome sequencing (WGS). WGS data were used to infer resistance acquisition versus transmission, by identifying genomically unique isolates (single nucleotide polymorphism threshold of five). Logistic regression analyses were used to assess factors associated with RMR tuberculosis and genomic uniqueness. Findings: The cohort included 2041 patients diagnosed with MDR or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis between Jan 1, 2008, and Dec 31, 2017; of those, 463 (22.7%) with RMR tuberculosis and 1354 (66.3%) with previous tuberculosis treatment. In previously treated patients, HIV positivity during previous tuberculosis treatment versus HIV negativity (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 2.07, 95% CI 1.35-3.18), and three or more previous tuberculosis treatment episodes versus one (1.96, 1.21-3.17) were associated with RMR tuberculosis. WGS data showing MDR or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis were available for 1169 patients; 360 (30.8%) isolates were identified as unique. In previously treated patients, RMR tuberculosis versus MDR tuberculosis (adjusted OR 4.96, 3.40-7.23), HIV positivity during previous tuberculosis treatment (1.71, 1.03-2.84), and diagnosis in 2013-17 (1.42, 1.02-1.99) versus 2008-12, were associated with uniqueness. In previously treated patients with RMR tuberculosis, HIV positivity during previous treatment (adjusted OR 5.13, 1.61-16.32) was associated with uniqueness as was female sex (2.50 [1.18-5.26]). Interpretation: These data suggest that HIV contributes to rifampicin-resistance acquisition during first-line tuberculosis treatment and that this might be driving increasing RMR tuberculosis over time. Large-scale prospective cohort studies are required to further quantify this risk. Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation, South African National Research Foundation, and Wellcome Trust

    ÎČ-Lactam Resistance Response Triggered by Inactivation of a Nonessential Penicillin-Binding Protein

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    It has long been recognized that the modification of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) to reduce their affinity for ÎČ-lactams is an important mechanism (target modification) by which Gram-positive cocci acquire antibiotic resistance. Among Gram-negative rods (GNR), however, this mechanism has been considered unusual, and restricted to clinically irrelevant laboratory mutants for most species. Using as a model Pseudomonas aeruginosa, high up on the list of pathogens causing life-threatening infections in hospitalized patients worldwide, we show that PBPs may also play a major role in ÎČ-lactam resistance in GNR, but through a totally distinct mechanism. Through a detailed genetic investigation, including whole-genome analysis approaches, we demonstrate that high-level (clinical) ÎČ-lactam resistance in vitro, in vivo, and in the clinical setting is driven by the inactivation of the dacB-encoded nonessential PBP4, which behaves as a trap target for ÎČ-lactams. The inactivation of this PBP is shown to determine a highly efficient and complex ÎČ-lactam resistance response, triggering overproduction of the chromosomal ÎČ-lactamase AmpC and the specific activation of the CreBC (BlrAB) two-component regulator, which in turn plays a major role in resistance. These findings are a major step forward in our understanding of ÎČ-lactam resistance biology, and, more importantly, they open up new perspectives on potential antibiotic targets for the treatment of infectious diseases

    The UBA domain of conjugating enzyme Ubc1/Ube2K facilitates assembly of K48/K63‐branched ubiquitin chains

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    The assembly of a specific polymeric ubiquitin chain on a target protein is a key event in the regulation of numerous cellular processes. Yet, the mechanisms that govern the selective synthesis of particular polyubiquitin signals remain enigmatic. The homologous ubiquitin‐conjugating (E2) enzymes Ubc1 (budding yeast) and Ube2K (mammals) exclusively generate polyubiquitin linked through lysine 48 (K48). Uniquely among E2 enzymes, Ubc1 and Ube2K harbor a ubiquitin‐binding UBA domain with unknown function. We found that this UBA domain preferentially interacts with ubiquitin chains linked through lysine 63 (K63). Based on structural modeling, in vitro ubiquitination experiments, and NMR studies, we propose that the UBA domain aligns Ubc1 with K63‐linked polyubiquitin and facilitates the selective assembly of K48/K63‐branched ubiquitin conjugates. Genetic and proteomics experiments link the activity of the UBA domain, and hence the formation of this unusual ubiquitin chain topology, to the maintenance of cellular proteostasis

    Modelling of Usual Nutrient Intakes: Potential Impact of the Choices Programme on Nutrient Intakes in Young Dutch Adults

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    Introduction The Choices Programme is an internationally applicable nutrient profiling system with nutrition criteria for trans fatty acids (TFA), saturated fatty acids, sodium, added sugar and for some product groups energy and fibre. These criteria determine whether foods are eligible to carry a “healthier option” stamp. In this paper a nutrient intake modelling method is described to evaluate these nutritional criteria by investigating the potential effect on nutrient intakes. Methods Data were combined from the 2003 Dutch food consumption survey in young adults (aged 19–30) and the Dutch food composition table into the Monte Carlo Risk Assessment model. Three scenarios were calculated: the “actual intakes” (scenario 1) were compared to scenario 2, where all foods that did not comply were replaced by similar foods that did comply with the Choices criteria. Scenario 3 was the same as scenario 2 adjusted for the difference in energy density between the original and replacement food. Additional scenarios were calculated where snacks were not or partially replaced and stratified analyses for gender, age, Body Mass Index (BMI) and education. Results Calculated intake distributions showed that median energy intake was reduced by 16% by replacing normally consumed foods with Choices compliant foods. Intakes of nutrients with a maximal intake limit were also reduced (ranging from -23% for sodium and -62% for TFA). Effects on intakes of beneficial nutrients varied from an unintentional reduction in fat soluble vitamin intakes (-15 to -28%) to an increase of 28% for fibre and 17% calcium. Stratified analyses in this homogeneous study population showed only small differences across gender, age, BMI and education. Conclusions This intake modelling method showed that with consumption of Choices compliant foods, nutrient intakes shift towards population intake goals for the nutrients for which nutrition criteria were defined, while effects on beneficial nutrients were diverse

    Strategien und Technologien einer pluralistischen Fern- und NahwĂ€rmeversorgung in einem liberalisierten Energiemarkt unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der Kraft-WĂ€rme-Kopplung und erneuerbarer Energien : Kurzfassung der Studie

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    Die Zusammenfassung dient zwei Zielen: ZunĂ€chst werden die wesentlichen Ergebnisse der Langfassung der o.g. Studie referiert; auf dieser Basis werden dann mögliche Maßnahmen und Strategien diskutiert, die kurzfristig (2000-2001) ergriffen werden könnten. Als Akteure kommen hierbei nicht nur die Bundesregierung, die wichtige Rahmenbedingungen zum Marktgeschehen wird setzen mĂŒssen, in den Fokus, sondern auch die Betreiber von Heizkraftwerken und KWK-Anlagen und deren VerbĂ€nde, aber auch andere Akteure wie z. B. Contracting-Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen. Da die Übergangsphase der Liberalisierung der europĂ€ischen Stromwirtschaft in den Jahren 2000-2005 eine besondere Herausforderung fĂŒr die KWK-Entwicklung darstellt, wird auch ein kurzfristig wirksames MaßnahmenbĂŒndel zur Diskussion gestellt. Dem Leser sei zum VerstĂ€ndnis in Erinnerung gerufen, dass diese vorgelegte Analyse im Rahmen einer Vorstudie durchgefĂŒhrt wurde und langfristig abgesicherte Aussagen auch Analysen mit einschließen mĂŒssten, die bis 2010 und 2020 reichen. WeiterfĂŒhrende Arbeiten sollen in einer geplanten Hauptstudie erfolgen
