200 research outputs found

    X-By-Wire via ISOBUS Communication Network

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 9 (2007): X-By-Wire via ISOBUS Communication Network. Manuscript ATOE 07 002. Vol. IX. July, 2007

    Preface to Special Section "ATOE 2006" of CIGR Ejournal Vol. IX

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 9 (2007): Preface to Special Section "ATOE 2006" of CIGR Ejournal Vol. I

    Insulin-like growth factor I is an independent coregulatory modulator of natural killer (NK) cell activity.

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    We aimed to investigate the natural killer (NK) cell activity in hGH-deficient adults and to analyze the effect of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I in uivo and in vitro on NK cell activity. NK cell activity was measured in a 4-h nonisotopic assay with europium-labeled and cryopreserved K-562 cells. NK-cell numbers were measured after incubation with murine monoclonal CD3 and CD16 antibodies by flow cytometry analysis. In a cross-sectional study, the basal and interferon- p (IFN-P) stimulated (1000 IU/ml) NK cell activity of 15 hGHdeficient patients and 15 age- and sex-matched controls was measured. The percentages and absolute numbers of CD3./16+ NK-cells were not significantly different in the patient vs. control group. The basal and IFN-P stimulated NK cell activity however was significantly decreased in the patient vs. control group at all effecter/target (E/T) cell ratios from 12.5-100 (e.g. 17 ? 3 vs. 28 ? 3% lysis without IFN-P, P < 0.05, and 42 t 4 vs. 57 2 4% lysis with IFN-0, P < 0.05; both at E/T 50). IGF-I levels of patients and controls showed a significant positive correlation with NK cell activity (r = 0.37; P < 0.05). In an IGF-I in vitro study (IGF-I in vitro 250-1250 kg/L), the basal and IFN-P stimulated NK cell activity of 13 hGH-deficient patients and of 18 normal subjects was significantly enhanced by IGF-I in vitro (e.g. GH-deficient patients: 9 ? 2 us. 10 2 2% lysis without IFN-P, P < 0.05 and 25 + 4 vs. 30 + 4% lysis with IFN-/3, P < 0.005; and normal subjects: 15 + 3 vs. 23 ? 3% lysis without IFN-/3, P < 0.001 and 35 2 4 us. 44 + 5% lysis with IFN-P, P < 0.001; both at IGF-I 500 pg/L). In summary, in our cross-sectional study, adult GH-deficient patients showed a significantly lower basal and IFN-P stimulated NK cell activity than matched controls, despite equal NK cell numbers. IGF-I levels of patients and controls showed a weak positive correlation with NK cell activity. In an in vitro study, IGF-I significantly enhanced basal and IFN-P stimulated NK cell activity of hGH-deficient patients and also of normal subjects. The decreased NK cell activity in GHdeficient patients may be caused at least in part by low serum IGF-I levels. IGF-I appears to be an independent coregulatory modulator of NK cell activity. (Endocrinology 137: 5332-5336, 1996

    Multisensor Data Fusion Implementation for a Sensor Based Fertilizer Application System

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    "Mapping systems" (“mapping approach”), real-time sensor-actuator systems ("sensor approach") or the combination of both (“Real-time approach with map overlay”) determine the process control in mobile application systems for spatially variable fertilization. Within the integrated research project “Information Systems Precision Farming Duernast” (IKB Duernast) the implementation of the “Real-time approach with map overlay” was done for intensive nitrogen fertilization. The bottom line of this sophisticated approach is a comprehensive situation assessment, a typical multisensor data fusion task. Based on a functional and procedural modelling of the multisensor data fusion and decision making process, it could be pointed out that an expert system is an adequate fusion paradigm and algorithm. Therefore, a software simulation with an expert system as core element was implemented to fuse on-line sensor technology measurements (REIP), maps (yield, EM38, environmental constraints, draft force) and user inputs in order to derive an application set point in real-time. The development of an expert system can be viewed as a structured transformation in five levels from the “specification level”, the “task level”, the “problem solving level” and the “knowledge base level” to the “tool level”. In the “tool level” the hybrid expert system shell JESS (Java Expert System Shell) was selected for implementation due to the results of preceding levels. Knowledge acquisition was done within another IKB-subproject by the means of data mining. Typical and maximal times of 10 ms and 60 ms for one fusion cycle were measured running this application on a 32-bit processor hardware (Intel Pentium III Mobile, 1 GHz)

    Oberflächen mit Phobie

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    Reversible Janus particle assembly via responsive host-guest interactions

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    Shear induced instabilities in layered liquids

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    Motivated by the experimentally observed shear-induced destabilization and reorientation of smectic A like systems, we consider an extended formulation of smectic A hydrodynamics. We include both, the smectic layering (via the layer displacement u and the layer normal p) and the director n of the underlying nematic order in our macroscopic hydrodynamic description and allow both directions to differ in non equilibrium situations. In an homeotropically aligned sample the nematic director does couple to an applied simple shear, whereas the smectic layering stays unchanged. This difference leads to a finite (but usually small) angle between n and p, which we find to be equivalent to an effective dilatation of the layers. This effective dilatation leads, above a certain threshold, to an undulation instability of the layers. We generalize our earlier approach [Rheol. Acta, vol.39(3), 15] and include the cross couplings with the velocity field and the order parameters for orientational and positional order and show how the order parameters interact with the undulation instability. We explore the influence of various material parameters on the instability. Comparing our results to recent experiments and molecular dynamic simulations, we find a good qualitative agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in PR
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