421 research outputs found


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    The Automatic ECG signal analysis by wavelet transform (WT) along with MATLAB using signal processing and wavelet toolboxes to ease the process to calculate the set on points, and set off points, and time intervals within QRS complexes, T waves and P waves. This process will allow the analyses on the characteristics of each QRS complexes, T waves and P waves. This can be done by using Wavelet filter Coefficients, for this procedure following steps are used for filtration:- R-R interval detection QRS Complex Detection T wave and P wave detectio

    Reciprocal Complementary Distance Spectra and Reciprocal Complementary Distance Energy of Line Graphs of Regular Graphs

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    The reciprocal complementary distance (RCD) matrix of a graph GG is defined as RCD(G)=[rcij]RCD(G) = [rc_{ij}] where rcij=11+D−dijrc_{ij} = \frac{1}{1+D-d_{ij}} if i≠ji \neq j and rcij=0rc_{ij} = 0, otherwise, where DD is the diameter of GG and dijd_{ij} is the distance between the vertices viv_i and vjv_j in GG. The RCDRCD-energy of GG is defined as the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of RCD(G)RCD(G). Two graphs are said to be RCDRCD-equienergetic if they have same RCDRCD-energy. In this paper we show that the line graph of certain regular graphs has exactly one positive RCDRCD-eigenvalue. Further we show that RCDRCD-energy of line graph of these regular graphs is solely depends on the order and regularity of GG. This results enables to construct pairs of RCDRCD-equienergetic graphs of same order and having different RCDRCD-eigenvalues

    A Review on Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing Industry 4.0 in India

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    The globalization and the competitiveness are enforcing organizations to readdress and innovate their production processes. The world is entering a new era of industrial emanating technology in automation and data exchange through the use of Internet of Things called fourth technological revolution or Industry 4.0. It represents the amalgamation of tools already used in the past such as big data; cloud, robot, 3D printing, simulation, etc. are now connected into an internet to transmit digital data. For the implementation of this new paradigm, there are many opportunities and also many challenges. This paper highlights brief introduction on challenges and opportunities for implementation of Industry 4.0 in India

    Randomized clinical trial to evaluate ferric carboxymaltose and iron sucrose for treatment of postpartum anaemia in a tertiary hospital

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    Background: Ferric carboxymaltose and iron sucrose are two iron carbohydrate complexes optimized for iron delivery and extensively used in postpartum anaemia. This study compares the efficacy and safety of ferric carboxymaltose with that of iron sucrose in patients with postpartum anaemia.Methods: One hundred women diagnosed with postpartum anaemia were randomized prospectively in a 1:1 ratio to receive either ferric carboxymaltose or iron sucrose. Fifty patients received intravenous iron carboxymaltose depending on the iron deficit at rate of 1000 mg/week and fifty patients received intravenous iron sucrose at a rate of 200 mg/day on alternate days till the calculated dose is given.Results: Fifty patients were enrolled in each treatment group. Both groups showed increases in mean haemoglobin from baseline at 2 weeks and 6 weeks. The increase in haemoglobin was significantly higher in ferric carboxymaltose group compared to iron sucrose at both week 2 (2.64±0.91 versus 2.17±0.76; p=0.010) and week 6 timepoints (4.65±1.17 versus 3.96±1.06; p=0.005). The proportion of patients achieving target haemoglobin of 12 gm/dl was significantly higher in ferric carboxymaltose group compared to iron sucrose at week 6 (77.3% versus 50.0%; p=0.013). The incidence of adverse events was similar across treatment groups and no specific safety concerns were observed.Conclusions: Both ferric carboxymaltose and iron sucrose caused increase in baseline haemoglobin. Ferric carboxymaltose had significantly higher increases in haemoglobin compared to iron sucrose at both follow up timepoints (week 2 and week 6). It was more likely to achieve target haemoglobin with ferric carboxymaltose within 6 weeks compared to iron sucrose. Ferric carboxymaltose may be considered in women with postpartum anaemia for faster rise in haemoglobin while requiring fewer injections compared to iron sucrose

    Analyzing travel time reliability of a bus route in a limited data set scenario: A case study

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    In this information era commuters prefer to know a reliable travel time to plan ahead of their journey using both public and private modes. In this direction reliability analysis using the location data of the buses is conducted in two folds in the current work; (i) Reliability analysis of a public transit service at route level, and (ii) Travel time reliability analysis of a route utilizing the location data of the buses. The reliability parameters assessed for public transit service are headway, passenger waiting time, travel speed, and travel time as per the Service Level Benchmarks for Urban Transport by the National Urban Transport Policy, Government of India. And travel time reliability parameters such as Buffer Time Index, Travel Time Index, and Planning Time Index are assessed as per Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, U S. The study is conducted in Tumakuru city, India for a significant bus route in a limited data sources scenario. The results suggest that (i) the Level of Service of the public transit service needs improvement. (ii)around 30% excess of average travel time is needed as buffer time. (iii) more than double the amount of free flow travel time must be planned during peak hours and in the worst case. In the future, the analysis conducted for the route can be extended for citywide performance analysis in both folds. Also, the same method can be applied to cities with similar demographics and traffic-related infrastructure.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    A rare neurological case report of trigeminal neuralgia

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    Trigeminal neuralgia (TN), also known as ‘Fothergill’s disease’ or ‘tic doloureaux’, is a nerve disorder of the face and is considered one of the most painful human conditions. Main symptoms and critical clinical findings: A 54 years old male patient was admitted to AVBR Hospital on date 23th July 2020 with chief complaints of severe intermittent pain on the left side of the; after investigation like magnetic resonance image scan (MRI) with contrast revealed a close association of the superior cerebella artery and the trigeminal on the left side of the face. Oral medication is the first-line treatment for trigeminal neuralgia because of its non-invasiveness, low cost and high effective rate. Surgical intervention for trigeminal neuralgia aims to relieve the pressure of the offending artery or vein that compresses the trigeminal nerve. In other instances, surgery may stop the uncontrolled pain signals. Trigeminal neuralgia is one of the most debilitating diseases an individual may suffer. An early astute diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia will relieve patients from suffering and unnecessary dental and medical intervention. An appropriate and early diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia is essential to formulate an optimal management plan based on the patient’s age and general condition


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    Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is a long-term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying degrees of skeletal muscle weakness. The underlying defect is a decrease in the number of available acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) at neuromuscular junctions due to an antibody mediated autoimmune attack. The most commonly affected muscles are those of the eyes, face and swallowing. The cause of this disease can be understood in view of Upahata Dhatu Ushma, Srotas and Marutha respectively. The present observation was conducted with an objective to find out the efficacy of Ayurvedic management in Myasthenia gravis. Here is a case of 50years old Hindu female who was diagnosed as myasthenia gravis (MG) reported with complaining of slurred speech, low pitch of voice, difficulty to open the mouth and to swallow food and weakness in the both upper limbs since 4months was registered in OPD of SKAMCH&RC, Bengaluru. Considering the signs and symptoms patient was treated on the line of Ardita Vata chikitsa, Sarvanga Abhyanga with Moorchita tila taila, Nasya with Yashtimadhu taila, Gandusha with Erimedadi taila, Jihwa nirlekhana with Vacha churna were done. Treatment shows significant improvement in the symptoms without any side effects

    Fingerprint Based Hot Water Distribution System

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    This paper presents a modelling technique and an optimal scheme for automated hot water distribution which will be possible to distribute the HOT water equally to all candidates in hostels, so that everyone will get the equal amount of hot water. In urban areas, wastage of water and loss of electricity has become the serious problem. To minimize this problem, we can use this distribution system in order to reduce the wastage of water and save the electricity. The limitations to this model is distribution losses which ranges from 10%-40% of annual hot water energy consumption, depending upon factors such as hot water use quantity and patterns. Critical factors that affect the magnitude of the distribution loss include the layout of the distribution system and the magnitude and pattern of hot water loads within the hostels. This technique allows to allocate sufficient amount of water to the authenticated user by using biometric module and also control the flow of water and pressure

    RNA Stimulates Aurora B Kinase Activity during Mitosis

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    Accurate chromosome segregation is essential for cell viability. The mitotic spindle is crucial for chromosome segregation, but much remains unknown about factors that regulate spindle assembly. Recent work implicates RNA in promoting proper spindle assembly independently of mRNA translation; however, the mechanism by which RNA performs this function is currently unknown. Here, we show that RNA regulates both the localization and catalytic activity of the mitotic kinase, Aurora-B (AurB), which is present in a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex with many mRNAs. Interestingly, AurB kinase activity is reduced in Xenopus egg extracts treated with RNase, and its activity is stimulated in vitro by RNA binding. Spindle assembly defects following RNase-treatment are partially rescued by inhibiting MCAK, a microtubule depolymerase that is inactivated by AurB-dependent phosphorylation. These findings implicate AurB as an important RNA-dependent spindle assembly factor, and demonstrate a translation-independent role for RNA in stimulating AurB

    Caesarean myomectomy in a patient with multiple maternal and fetal comorbidities: a rare interesting case report

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    Caesarean myomectomy has been traditionally discouraged due to the fear of complications like intractable haemorrhage, peripartum hysterectomy, and increased postoperative morbidity. Recently, a number of authors in their studies have shown that myomectomy during caesarean section does not increase the risk of haemorrhage or postoperative morbidity, if adequate haemostatic methods are used and done by skilled surgical hands. Caesarean myomectomy was performed in a case of elderly primigravida with 36-week gestation with chronic hypertension with polyhydramnios with anterior wall pedunculated fibroid of 8.6×7.2×8 cm and multiple small fibroids in the anterior wall, fundus and subserosal plane. Caesarean myomectomy is a safe and effective procedure in a tertiary care centre at hands of an experienced surgeon
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