15 research outputs found

    Assumptions of the TMC + M settlement system (total manufacturing cost + margin)

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    Dla umów o wykonanie robót budowlanych wymagana jest forma pisemna. Jednym z istotnych punktów takiej umowy jest sposób rozliczenia wykonanych prac. Kodeks cywilny definiuje dwa rodzaje rozliczenia: ryczałtowe i kosztorysowe. Każde z nich ma swoje wady i zalety. Różnie też rozłożone jest ryzyko związane z zawarciem umowy o roboty budowlane. W przypadku kontraktu ryczałtowego wyższe ryzyko ponosi wykonawca, niższe – zamawiający. Inwestor może liczyć na to, że niezależnie od ilości niezbędnych do wykonania robót dodatkowych, tj. nie przewidzianych umową, kwota, jaką będzie musiał zapłacić wykonawcy, nie przekroczy planowanej, podanej w umowie. W przypadku rozliczenia kosztorysowego – które nazywane jest także obmiarowym – ryzyko wykonawcy jest dużo mniejsze, niż przy umowie ryczałtowej.Some contracts, like the one for construction works are legally required to be in written form. One of such important aspects is a detailed settlement of performed works. The Civil Code defines two types of such choice: lump sum remuneration or remuneration by cost estimation. Both options have advantages and disadvantages. In case of a lump sum contract, a higher risk is borne by the contractor and lower by the contractee. The investor can expect that regardless of the amount of additional works, not provided in the contract, the amount that he will have pay to the contractor will not exceed the amount specified in the document. When it comes to remuneration by cost estimation – remeasurement – constructor’s risk is much lower than in case of a lump sum contract

    Calculations of the factor of technical utilization of a building object in facility management

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    Dla prawidłowego zarządzanie nieruchomościami niezbędne jest ustalanie stopnia zużycia technicznego obiektów. Gdy części obiektu zbudowane zostały w różnych latach, określenie stopnia zużycia całego obiektu nie jest jednoznaczne. W referacie przedstawiony został sposób ustalenia stopnia zużycia technicznego dla takich obiektów. W tym celu do rozważania został przyjęty obiekt dwukondygnacyjny wielofunkcyjny, którego części zbudowane były w latach 1965 i 1999. Propozycja przedstawiona w niniejszym referacie dotyczy jednoczesnego zastosowania dwóch metod: metody średnioważonego zużycia oraz metody czasowej Rossa i przyjęcia jako stopnia zużycia technicznego wartości średniej z tych dwóch metod.It is necessary to calculate the level of utilization of the whole building object for proper facility management process. When a given building object has its part built in different time the way of calculating aforementioned factor is inconsistent. Following paper is the proposal of the way of calculating the factor of utilization the building object for this kind of building objects. In order to show exemplary calculation, the existing two-storey, multifunctional building was analyzed. It was periodical inspection of building objects methods of calculation the level of utilization the building object: weighted mean utilization method and Ross’s time method. The searched factor would by a mean of these two a.m. factors

    The reasons of delays in building contracts execution : the preliminary analysis of the survey

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    W artykule przedstawione zostały wstępne wyniki badania ankietowego dotyczącego przyczyn powstawania opóźnień w realizacji kontraktów budowlanych. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na inżynierach różnych branż będących członkami Mazowieckiej Okręgowej Izby Inżynierów Budownictwa, a więc na osobach pełniących samodzielne funkcje techniczne w budownictwie. Analizie poddano zarówno zakres i rodzaj doświadczeń zawodowych respondentów ankiety, ale przede wszystkim ich odpowiedzi na pytania o przyczyny powstawania opóźnień w realizacji kontraktów na wykonanie robót budowlanych. Celem tych poszukiwań jest określenie zakresu danych, na podstawie których możliwe będzie - przy wykorzystaniu sztucznych sieci neuronowych – prognozowanie możliwości wystąpienia opóźnienia w realizacji kontraktu budowlanego.Paper discussed the preliminary results of the survey (in a form of a questionnaire) made on engineers engaged in building construction. Designers, construction managers, supervisors are obliged to be members of chambers of engineers in Poland. Members of Mazovian chamber of engineers were asked about the reasons of delays in building contracts execution. The rank of factors influencing delays was important issue too. In order to achieve sufficient level of reliability of answers the duration, the kind of experience of engineers were analyzed. The aim of the researches is to assign the set of input data to artificial neural networks projecting delays in building contracts execution

    Model of communication and user behavior in public utility buildings

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    The survey is implemented as part of the project "Multi-module system for optimizing the epidemic safety of public buildings" financed by the Polish National Center for Research and Development NCBR (no. POIR.01.01.01-00-2440 / 20-00). The aim of the study is to identify communication preferences and the specificity of the behavior of users of public buildings. The study form covers the perspective of 3 main stakeholders:- customers staying in the building,- employees staying in the building,- management staff residing in the building.To communicate effectively with the users of the public utility buildings, it is necessary to know about their typical behaviors there and their preferences concerning the ways of communication. If any important information from the facility manager is to be announced, it will be delivered to the highest number of people who are in a certain public utility building, if the most preferred way of communication channel is chosen (preferred by the majority of visitors and employees being in the building at the moment of announcement). Analysis of the collected answers allows for choosing the most efficient communication channels in the public utility buildings.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Sensitivity analysis of the contractor's financial effects achieved on a single building site

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    Hybrid predictions of the homogenous properties’ market value with the use of ann [Prognozowanie wartości rynkowej jednorodnych nieruchomości hybrydowym modelem z wykorzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych]

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    The homogenous properties – as flats are – have the set of key features that characterizes them. The area of a flat, the number of rooms and storey number where it is located, the technical state of a building, and the state of the vicinity of the blocks of flats assessed. The database comprises 222 flats with their transaction prices on the secondary estate market. The analysed flats are located in a certain quarter of Wrocław city in Poland. The database is large enough to apply machine learning for successful price predictions. Their close locations significantly lower the influence of clients’ assessments of the attractiveness of the location on the flat’s price. The hybrid approach is applied, where classifying precedes the solution of the regression problem. Dependently on the class of flats, the mean absolute percentage error achieved through the calculations presented in the article varies from 4,4 % to 7,8 %. In the classes of flats where the number of cases doesn’t allow for machine predicting, multivariate linear regression is applied. The reliable use of machine learning tools has proved that the automated valuation of homogenous types of properties can produce price predictions with the error low enough for real applications

    Support decision-making choice of purchase earthmoving machinery using multi-criteria analysis

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    Autorzy przeprowadzają analizę procesu decyzyjnego związanego z wyborem optymalnej maszyny do robót ziemnych, w tym przypadku spycharki. W swojej pracy zastosowali szereg narzędzi związanych z oceną wielokryterialną: metodę sumy ważonej, metodę iloczynu ważonego oraz metodę punktu idealnego. Następnie przeprowadzona została normalizacja wykorzystująca metodę liniową oraz ustalono scenariusze wagowe. Wyniki analizy pozwoliły wyłonić wariant optymalny oraz ukazać jak poszczególne wagi oraz kryteria miały przełożenie na rezultat końcowy.The authors carried out an analysis of the decision-making process related to the choice of optimal earth-moving machinery, in this case bulldozers. In their work they used some tools related to the multi-criteria evaluation: the weighted sum method, the weighted product method and the method ideal point. Then, nor-malization was carried out using the straight-line meth-od and established weight scenarios. The results of the analysis of the optimal variant allowed to emerge and show how the weights and criteria have an influence on the end result

    Delineating Groundwater Recharge Potential through Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems

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    Owing to the extensive global dependency on groundwater and associated increasing water demand, the global groundwater level is declining rapidly. In the case of Islamabad, Pakistan, the groundwater level has lowered five times over the past five years due to extensive pumping by various departments and residents to meet the local water requirements. To address this, water reservoirs and sources need to be delineated, and potential recharge zones are highlighted to assess the recharge potential. Therefore, the current study utilizes an integrated approach based on remote sensing (RS) and GIS using the influence factor (IF) technique to delineate potential groundwater recharge zones in Islamabad, Pakistan. Soil map of Pakistan, Landsat 8TM satellite data, digital elevation model (ASTER DEM), and local geological map were used in the study for the preparation of thematic maps of 15 key contributing factors considered in this study. To generate a combined groundwater recharge map, rate and weightage values were assigned to each factor representing their mutual influence and recharge capabilities. To analyze the final combined recharge map, five different assessment analogies were used in the study: poor, low, medium, high, and best. The final recharge potential map for Islamabad classifies 15% (136.8 km2) of the region as the “best” zone for extracting groundwater. Furthermore, high, medium, low, and poor ranks were assigned to 21%, 24%, 27%, and 13% of the region with respective areas of 191.52 km2, 218.88 km2, 246.24 km2, and 118.56 km2. Overall, this research outlines the best to least favorable zones in Islamabad regarding groundwater recharge potentials. This can help the authorities devise mitigation strategies and preserve the natural terrain in the regions with the best groundwater recharge potential. This is aligned with the aims of the interior ministry of Pakistan for constructing small reservoirs and ponds in the existing natural streams and installing recharging wells to maintain the groundwater level in cities. Other countries can expand upon and adapt this study to delineate local groundwater recharge potentials