563 research outputs found

    Relationship of Follicular Size with Dimensions of Genital System of Female Iraqi Buffaloes

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    أجريت الدراسة الحالية في قسم تقنيات الانتاج الحيواني/ الكلية التقنية - المسيب للمدة من اَذار 2014 الى اَذار 2015 لتقدير علاقة حجم الجريبة بأبعاد الجهاز التناسلي لأناث الجاموس المحلي. جُمع 120 جهازاً تناسلياً لاُناث جاموس البالغة وغير الحامل من مجازر محافظة بابل بعد الذبح مباشرة ، ونُقلت الى المختبر في ساعتين. شُرحت القناة التناسلية وعُزلت وقيست ابعاد الاعضاء المكونة لها. أُزيلت وجُمعت المبايض التي بلغ عددها 240 مبيضاً. قيست وقسمت الجريبات إلى ثلاث مجاميع صغيرة (2-5ملم) و متوسطة (6-10ملم) وكبيرة (11-20ملم). بينت نتائج الدراسة أن  شكل المبايض في العينات المدروسة كان بيضوياً (oval) وذا لون وردي باهت وتركيب قوي وناعم الملمس. لوحظ زيادة معنوية (P<0.05) بابعاد المبايض الأيمن والأيسر(الطول والعرض والسمك) للجهاز التناسلي التي تحتوي مبايضها على جريبات كبيرة ومتوسطة مقارنة مع المبايض التي تحتوي على الجريبات الصغيرة، وأوضحت النتائج زيادة معنوية (P<0.05) في طول قناة البيض اليمنى واليسرى للجهاز التناسلي التي تحتوي مبايضها على جريبات كبيرة ومتوسطة مقارنة مع المبايض التي تحتوي على الجريبات الصغيرة . بينت نتائج الدراسة أيضاًً أرتفاعاً معنوياً (P<0.05) في طول وقطر وعنق الرحم وجسمه ، وقرن الرحم الأيمن والأيسر للجهاز التناسلي التي تحتوي مبايضها على جريبات كبيرة ومتوسطة مقارنة مع المبايض التي تحتوي على الجريبات الصغيرة. نستنتج من هذه الدراسة أن التغير بحجم الجريبة من الصغيرة إلى الكبيرة في المبيض له تأثير معنوي في أبعاد الجهاز التناسلي لأناث الجاموس المحلي.    The present study has been conducted at laboratories of department of animal production techniques, AI-Musaib Technical College during the period extended from march 2014 to march 2015 to determine relationship of follicular size with dimensions of genital system of female Iraqi buffaloes. One hundred and twenty genital system of adults non- pregnant buffaloes slaughtered at abattoirs of Babylon province were collected at the time of slaughter and transported to the laboratory within 2 hours. The. A total of 240 ovaries were removed and collected. The diameter of the ovarian follicles were measured, divided into three categories, small (2-5 mm), medium (6-10 mm) and large (11-20 mm) . The results showed that the ovaries in local buffaloes appear as oval , light pinkish , firmed consistency and smooth. A significant increased (P <0.05) in the dimensions of right and left ovaries ( length, width and thickness) in the genital system which their ovaries contained large and medium follicles compared with that contained small follicles.  A significant increased (P <0.05) was observed in length of right and left of ovarian tube in the genital system which their ovaries contained large and medium follicles compared with that contained small follicles. The result of study also showed that significant increased (P <0.05) in length and diameters of body and cervix of uterus and right and left of uterine horns in the genital system which their ovaries contained large and medium follicles compared with that contained small follicles.  We conclude from this study that changing the size of follicle from small to large has a significant effect on the dimensions of the genital system of females Iraqi buffaloes

    A surveillance study for climate change as an environmental education model in GCC countries

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    The study aims to investigate a surveillance study for climate change as an environmental education model in GCC countries (The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf) via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, the GCC countries should embrace research and consultations as core tools in improving and reversing the effects of climate change in the region. In conclusion, the GCC countries have to make the following changes to their operations for safeguarding the environment. These nations should prevent the indiscriminate release of polluted fluids by oil tankers; and pollution from aluminum, petrochemical and construction industries

    A study on the feeding of shrimp larvae of Macrobrachium nipponense on algae in vitro

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    Experiments were carried out for the propagation and rearing of Macrobrachium nipponense and its feeding on algae, with the aim of determining the density, survival, and growth of larvae in vitro. Hatched larvae of zoae were reared at a density of 50 zoea/L with algae mixture: Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus sp., Pediastrium sp., Microctinium sp., Navicula sp., Ulothrix sp., Cyclotella sp., Daitoma sp. at three concentrations of 0.5=A, 1.0=B, 1.5=C x 10⁵ cell/ml, and the survival % rates of zoea larvae were 45.00±5.00, 53.33±7.64, 50.00±5.00 respectively. Then, three densities: 25=A, 50=B, 75=C zoea/L were tested by feeding them with the best concentration of 1.0×10⁵ cell/ml for 10 days, with the result being survival % rates were  50.00±5.00, 51.67±7.64, 31.67±7.64, respectively. After that, stage post-larvae were reared at a density of (50=A,100=B, 150=C) Pl/pond and fed with a concentration of 1.0 x 10⁵ cell/ml of the algae mixture for 28 days, which resulted in survival % rates of 48.33±7.64, 40.00±5.00, 33.33±7.64, and this stage, weight was 50.67±2.08, 50.00±2.00, 40.33±2.52mg respectively. The results of the analysis of survival rates for different densities of zoea larvae found significant differences (P < 0.05) between density C and density of both A and B, of which there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) between them. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in the survival rates of zoea in different concentrations of the selected algae. Also, there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in the survival rates and weight rate of post-larvae when fed on algae (B)

    A Mathematical Models to Assessment Pollution of Water and Sediments of Auda Marsh

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    A study was carried out to investigate the quality of water and sediments of Auda marsh, Amara, southern Iraq. Used some mathematical models for assessment water and sediments quality. Values of  Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) ranged between 2.63 to 7.31 meq.l-1. It was observed that all sites were good for irrigation (SAR˂10). The mean concentration of metals (Fe, Pb, Zn and Cu) ranged between 1365-3735, 6.00-7.70, 4.50-10.50 and 4.15-8.15 mg.kg-1 respectively. Values of Enrichment Factor (EF) varied from 12.5 to 38.0, considered to be contaminated with that particular elements (EF>5). Values of Contamination Factor (CF) ranged from 0.037 to 0.385, this mean low contamination factor and low degree of contamination at all sites (Cd˂ 7). The calculated CFs were found to fall in the following sequence Pb>Cu>Fe>Zn. Values of Pollution Load Index (PLI) and Metal Pollution Index (MPI) were ranged between 0.095 to 0.145 and 583.21 to 1333.09 respectively. The lower values of PLI indicated that it is lied between perfection and only baseline levels of pollutant present (PLI=0-1), while MPI values indicated that it is a considerable contamination (MPI>2). Values of Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo) varied from -3.42 to -1.44, these indicated that unpolluted situation for all stations (Igeo˂0). Metal enrichment index (SEF) values varied from 0.029 to 0.385 this indicated unpolluted stations (SEF˂1). Keywords: pollution, Auda marsh, contamination indices, water & sediment quality

    Flammability action of tires material after adding flame inhibitor

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    Magnesium hydroxide was used as flame inhibitor to increased flame resistance for tires .Magnesium hydroxide was adding with (5%,10%) weight percents to rubber master batch of tire and then exposed the resulting material to a flame generated from gas torch with (10 mm) exposure distance . Method of measuring the surface temperature opposite to the flame was used to determine the heat transferred through tire material. The results were obtained shows enhanced flame resistance for tire by added magnesium hydroxide and this resistance increased by increasing hydroxide Percentage

    New Biomedical Applications Approach using Shape Memory Polymers for Muscles Rehabilitation and the Accompanying Wounds after Severe Bone Fractures

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    This article introduces a new approach for modern applications of medical devices using shape memory polymers to aid in the rehabilitation of muscles and injuries attached to severe fractures.  The group of heaters connected with the splint controls the temperature and humidity inside the affected area. Microcontrollers were attached to the polymer plate in order to directly control the required parameters and changes in addition to giving direct commands to the connected sensors. Because of the property of changing the outer shape of the polymer after being exposed to a certain temperature and returning to the normal shape after the removal of the external influence, the designed polymer plate applies light intermittent pressure on the wound area, muscles, and surrounding tissues, which helps to speed up the rehabilitation of these muscles, especially after She suffered from stiffness due to lack of movement during the period of treatment

    Study the Effect of adding Polyacrylamide on Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Carboxymethyle cellulose Polymer as aqueous solutions

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    In this paper, we investigated the Rheological and mechanical  properties of Carboxymethyle cellulose dissolves in distilled water at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% ,0.5 ,%,0.6 %,0.7% and 0.8%) (gm./ml) before and after adding (0.5, 1) gm. of PAAM for all concentrations, the Rheological properties such as shear viscosity, relative viscosity, specific viscosity, reduced viscosity and Viscosity Average Molecular weight are measured, all the viscosities depend on density and concentration, The results show that adding PAAM lead to increase the values of different types of viscosities then chose before. Also the research included study of the Mechanical properties by ultrasonic waves velocity technique at frequency( 25 KHz), these properties are absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves, relaxation time, relaxation amplitude, specific acoustic impedance, compressibility, and bulk modules had been measured and all the results showed that all properties are increasing with the increase of the polymer concentration except compressibility is decreasing with the increase of the concentration before and after adding PAAM. Keywords: Carboxymethyle cellulose, Polyacrylamide ,Rheological properties, Mechanical properties

    Effect of different concentrations of molasses and forage with Bacillus lechniformis on the growth of Macrobrachium nipponense in vitro

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    The rearing of juvenile shrimp, Macrobrachium nipponense is of importance in the development of aquaculture, especially by using molasses and Bacillus lechniformis to promote growth. The present study aimed to evaluate the rearing of juvenile shrimp, M. nipponense in laboratory breeding ponds without replacing the water in the presence of B. lechniformis using two strategies: i)  Use of molasses (10=A, 50=B, and 100=C mg) with 1 × 10 ⁸ CFUml-1 B. lechniformis to the ponds, with shrimp in initial weight rates (650.00 ± 68.09, 639.67 ± 74.81, 639.67 ± 67.02) mg and final weight rates (695.67 ± 57.33, 825.00 ± 90.14, 761.33 ± 111.02) mg, ii) Use of feed (100=A, 250-B, and 500=C) mg, with shrimp initial weight rates (107.67 ± 21.94, 106.67 ± 20.82, 103.33 ± 18.93) mg and final weight rates (208.33 ± 16.07, 381.67 ± 36.17, 283.33 ± 15.28) mg. Results of statistical analysis for molasses showed significant differences (p < 0.05) in each daily growth (DG), Specific growth rate (SGR), and no significant differences (p > 0.05) in survival rates. As food conversion ratio (FCR), significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between A and B, contrary to C, which showed no significant differences. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in DG among A, B, and C in using feed. While SGR showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between A and B but did not have significant differences with C and no significant differences (p > 0.05) in the survival rates.  FCR showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between C and both A and B, which showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) between them. The study will help to reduce the cost and waste of water.     

    Awareness and knowledge on modern biotechnology

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    Biotechnology has been considered as a very important industry in helping Malaysia to achieve its goal of becoming a highly industrialized nation by 2020. Thus, assessment of people’s knowledge and awareness on biotechnology is very important and according to a theory on decision making, people only form attitudes about technologies when they have acquired relevant information. The purpose of this paper is to study the awareness and knowledge level of the Malaysia public in the Klang Valley region and to compare their awareness and knowledge level across stakeholder groups. A survey was carried out in the Klang Valley region from August 2009 till February 2010 using self constructed  multidimensional instrument measuring ethical perception of transgenic banana. The respondents (n = 434) were stratified according to stakeholder groups which consisted of eleven groups: Producers, scientists, policy makers, NGOs, media, religious scholars, university students and consumers. Results of the survey showed that overall mean score for awareness and knowledge on modern biotechnology were moderate. ANOVAs showed significant differences in awareness on modern biotechnology across several background variables such as stakeholders’ group and educational level. Knowledge level differed significantly across stakeholder groups, educational level, religion, races, age groups and gender. The research findings serve as a useful database for understanding the level of awareness among the public in developing country.Key words: Awareness, knowledge, engagement, modern biotechnology, Malaysia

    Physiochemical Behavior of Some Shura and Sabkha Soils Derived from Sedimentary Calcareous Soils

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    This study was conducted in order to know the relationship of the time duration and amount of the water required for leaching Shura soil and  Sabakh soil with the view of comparing the two soils.To achieve this purpose, Shura soil was collected  during the commencement of the Agricultural Delmach project in Wasit city / AL-Ahrar region, and  Sabakh soil during the final stages of the same project above with depth of ( 0 - 30 )cm. The two soils were leached using drain water (EC 3.7 dsm-1) and distilled water as a control unit using  Miscible Displacement method, then the soils were leached for ten times durations, each one lasting (15 min.), thus the total time  of duration is (150 min.), every time stage determined by extracting the pH and EC.Results showed : the duration (150)min and the required  amount of water ( 150 ml  ) for leaching Shura soil to decrease EC under 4 dsm-1 compared with Sabakh soil which require amount of water (60 ml ) with time stage ( 60 ) min for decreasing EC under 4 dsm-1 with significantly different between the two soils ( L.S.D/0.05). And pH decreased at every time stage with the decrease of EC until it reached the  stable stage pertaining to the final time stages of the leaching operation . Key words: Shura ,Sabkha ,Calcareos soil ,Miscible displacement ,Drain water