14,854 research outputs found

    A study to determine the applicability of noise abatement approach procedures to McDonnell Douglas Aircraft

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    Analyses of McDonnell Douglas DC-8, DC-9, and DC-10 jet transports were conducted to investigate the applicability of two segment approach noise abatement procedures to these airplanes. All models had the required glide slope capability at the certified landing flap settings. The DC-8 models would probably be limited to an upper segment glide slope of 5.5 degrees and would probably not be suitable for the two segment procedure in icing conditions. The DC-8 would not be compatible with this procedure at a reduced landing flap setting. The feasibility of installing a two segment approach system in the Douglas-built fleet of commercial jet transports from a hardware viewpoint is discussed. The candidate system consists of a two segment computer plus the necessary peripheral equipment interfaced with the existing autopilot and associated avionics. The required modifications and additions to existing equipment are described and the attendant costs estimated. Potential problems which may be encountered are also discussed

    Half-magnetization plateaux in Cr spinels

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    Magnetization plateaux, visible as anomalies in magnetic susceptibility at low temperatures, are one of the hallmarks of frustrated magnetism. An extremely robust half-magnetization plateau is observed in the spinel oxides CdCr2O4 and HgCr2O4, where it is accompanied by a substantial lattice distortion. We give an overview of the present state experiment for CdCr2O4 and HgCr2O4, and show how such a half-magnetization plateau arises quite naturally in a simple model of these systems, once coupling to the lattice is taken into account.Comment: 8 pages latex using IOP macros, from review talk given at RHMF 2006 (Sendai

    Magnetic and Structural Studies of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Spin-Gap System (CuCl)LaNb2O7

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    We report magnetization, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on the quasi-two-dimensional spin-gap system (CuCl)LaNb2O7, a possible candidate for the J1-J2 model on a square lattice. A sharp single NQR line is observed at the Cu and Cl sites, indicating that both Cu and Cl atoms occupy a unique site. However, the electric field gradient tensors at the Cu, Cl, and La sites do not have axial symmetry. This is incompatible with the reported crystal structure. Thus the J1-J2 model has to be modified. We propose alternative two-dimensional dimer models based on the NMR, NQR, and TEM results. The value of the hyperfine coupling constant at the Cu sites indicates that the spin density is mainly on the d(3z2-r2) orbital (z parallel c). At 1.5 K, Cu- and Nb-NMR signals disappear above the critical field Bc1 = 10.3 T determined from the onset of the magnetization, indicating a field-induced magnetic phase transition at Bc1.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figure

    Can non-private channels transmit quantum information?

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    We study the power of quantum channels with little or no capacity for private communication. Because privacy is a necessary condition for quantum communication, one might expect that such channels would be of little use for transmitting quantum states. Nevertheless, we find strong evidence that there are pairs of such channels that, when used together, can transmit far more quantum information than the sum of their individual private capacities. Because quantum transmissions are necessarily private, this would imply a large violation of additivity for the private capacity. Specifically, we present channels which display either (1) A large joint quantum capacity but very small individual private capacities or (2) a severe violation of additivity for the Holevo information.Comment: We both think so. 4 pages and 3 figures explain wh

    Information-theory-based solution of the inverse problem in classical statistical mechanics

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    We present a procedure for the determination of the interaction potential from the knowledge of the radial pair distribution function. The method, realized inside an inverse Monte Carlo simulation scheme, is based on the application of the Maximum Entropy Principle of information theory and the interaction potential emerges as the asymptotic expression of the transition probability. Results obtained for high density monoatomic fluids are very satisfactory and provide an accurate extraction of the potential, despite a modest computational effort.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Entanglement of Moving Bodies

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    We study the properties of quantum information and quantum entanglement in moving frames. We show that the entanglement between the spins and the momenta of two particles can be interchanged under a Lorentz transformation, so that a pair of particles that is entangled in spin but not momentum in one reference frame, may, in another frame, be entangled in momentum at the expense of spin-entanglement. Similarly, entanglement between momenta may be transferred to spin under a Lorentz transformation. While spin and momentum entanglement each is not Lorentz invariant, the joint entanglement of the wave function is.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. An error was corrected in the numerical data and hence the discussion of the data was changed. Also, references were added. Another example was added to the pape

    IrSr_2Sm_{1.15}Ce_{0.85}Cu_{2.175}O_{10}: A Novel Reentrant Spin-Glass Material

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    A new iridium containing layered cuprate material, IrSr_2Sm_{1.15}Ce_{0.85}Cu_{2.175}O_{10, has been synthesized by conventional ambient-pressure solid-state techniques. The material's structure has been fully characterized by Rietveld refinement of high resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction data; tilts and rotations of the IrO_6 octahedra are observed as a result of a bond mismatch between in-plane Ir-O and Cu-O bond lengths. DC-susceptibility measurements evidence a complex set of magnetic transitions upon cooling that are characteristic of a reentrant spin-glass ground-state. The glassy character of the lowest temperature, Tg=10 K, transition is further confirmed by AC-susceptibility measurements, showing a characteristic frequency dependence that can be well fitted by the Vogel-Fulcher law and yields a value of \Delta_(T_f)/[T_f \Delta log({\omega})] =0.015(1), typical of dilute magnetic systems. Electronic transport measurements show the material to be semiconducting at all temperatures with no transition to a superconducting state. Negative magnetoresistance is observed when the material is cooled below 25 K, and the magnitude of this magnetoresistance is seen to increase upon cooling to a value of MR = -9 % at 8 K

    Maximum Path Information and Fokker-Planck Equation

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    We present in this paper a rigorous method to derive the nonlinear Fokker-Planck (FP) equation of anomalous diffusion directly from a generalization of the principle of least action of Maupertuis proposed by Wang for smooth or quasi-smooth irregular dynamics evolving in Markovian process. The FP equation obtained may take two different but equivalent forms. It was also found that the diffusion constant may depend on both q (the index of Tsallis entropy) and the time t.Comment: 7 page

    Abstract composition rule for relativistic kinetic energy in the thermodynamical limit

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    We demonstrate by simple mathematical considerations that a power-law tailed distribution in the kinetic energy of relativistic particles can be a limiting distribution seen in relativistic heavy ion experiments. We prove that the infinite repetition of an arbitrary composition rule on an infinitesimal amount leads to a rule with a formal logarithm. As a consequence the stationary distribution of energy in the thermodynamical limit follows the composed function of the Boltzmann-Gibbs exponential with this formal logarithm. In particular, interactions described as solely functions of the relative four-momentum squared lead to kinetic energy distributions of the Tsallis-Pareto (cut power-law) form in the high energy limit.Comment: Submitted to Europhysics Letters. LaTeX, 3 eps figure

    SCF-MO and Monte Carlo Calculations of Poly (Dimethylsiloxane)

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    Self-consistent-field molecular orbital calculations are being used more and more extensively in determining the energies and properties of various confirmations of polymers. We are using the semi-quantum mechanical procedure MNDO (moderate neglect of differential overlap) to obtain various rotational conformations states of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). Before calculation of these states, the molecule is geometrically optimized by using the ab initio procedure Guassian 86 at the 3-21G basis set level. Generations of 144 rotational states by rotating about two bonds simultaneously in increments of 30° were created. A potential energy surface was created from which Monte Carlo generated several polymer characteristics including characteristic ratio and radial distributions