62 research outputs found

    Effect of Sulphur Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Wheat Grain

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    The influence of sulphur fertilization on plant dry weight, grain yield and quality of wheat grain (var. Mulan) was investigated. Wheat was grown in the small plot field experiments conducted in 2011–2012. At the beginning of tillering, the regenerative sulphur fertilization increased dry plant weight and sulphur concentration in dry matter by 28.1–43.2%. Sulphur application reduced the number of unproductive tillers and increased the number of ears per unit area by 10–70%. The highest grain yield was achieved after the application of solid fertilizers YaraBela SULFAN and fertilizer YaraVita Thiotrac applied in the late growing stages. Sulphur fertilization slightly improved the values of grain specific weight, protein content and Zeleny sedimentation volume, but the effect was not significant. The effect of fertilizer application significantly differed between the studied years

    Polymer nanocomposites based on clay minerals for lithium-ion batteries

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá přípravou práškového elektrolytu pro lithium iontové baterie. Pro přípravu práškového elektrolytu bylo využito jílových minerálů vermikulitu a montmorillonitu jako matrice. Do těchto matric byla interkalována lithná sůl lithium trifluormethansulfonát (LITFMS) a následně jeden z dvojice polymerů polyvinylidenfluorid (PVDF) a polyethylen oxid (PEO). K charakterizaci připravených materiálů bylo využito rentgenové difrakční (XRD) analýzy, infračervená (IR) spektroskopie, skenovací elektronové mikroskopie (SEM) a diferenční skenovací kalorimetrie (DSC). XRD analýza potvrdila interkalaci lithné soli i polymerů u obou jílových minerálů. Pomocí IR spektroskopie byly zjištěny jednotlivé vazby v směsích jílových minerálů. Pomocí SEM byla hodnocena struktura a morfologie částic jednotlivých vzorků. DSC analýza následně potvrdila pozitivní vliv jílové matrice jako bariéry hoření.This bachelor thesis deals with the preparation of electrolyte powder for lithium-ion batteries. Clay minerals vermiculite and montmorillonite were used as matrices for preparation of powder electrolyte. The lithium salt of lithium trifluoromethanesulfonate (LITFMS) was intercalated into these matrices. Last part of electolyte were the polymers. The polymers used here were polyvinylidenfluoride (PVDF) and polyethylene oxide (PEO). For characterization of prepared materials were used X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). XRD analysis confirmed the successful intarcation of lithium salt and polymers into both clay minerals. Individual bonds in mixtures of clay minerals were determined by IR spectroscopy. The structure and morphology of individual samples was studied by SEM. DSC analysis subsequently confirmed the positively effects of the clay matrix as a flame barrier.9360 - Centrum nanotechnologiívýborn

    Intersection of mycotoxins from grains to finished baking

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    This work is focused on the evaluation of the content of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in samples of winter wheat of the following varieties: Sultan, Cubus, Akteur, Seladon, Mulan, Chevalier, Evina, Hewitt, Bohemia, Baletka. The total amount of 10 samples harvested in 2011 and 2012 was evaluated and included variants both treated and untreated against fungal diseases. The samples were adjusted for mycotoxicological determination and subsequently measured by the ELISA method. The content of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEA) was measured in grain, flour and breadrolls in all samples. Out of all samples 43% were found to have positive content of DON and 75% of ZEA. In the treated variants, the average DON content was found to be 115 μg.kg-1 in grain, 77 μg.kg-1 in flour and 97 μg.kg-1 in pastries. In the untreated variants, the average DON content was found to be 208 μg.kg-1 in grain, 103 μg.kg-1 in flour and 128 μg.kg-1 in pastries. Moreover, the average ZEA content in the treated variant was 4.95 μg.kg-1 in grain, 3.38 μg.kg-1 in flour and 4.51 μg.kg-1 in pastries, in the non-treated variant average ZEA content in grain was 3.07 μg.kg-1, 4.97 μg.kg-1 in flour and 2.81 μg.kg-1 in pastries. The maximal acceptable limits given by the valid legislation were not exceeded in any analysed sample. It can be concluded wheat grain grown in the Czech Republic, whether it is treated or untreated by fungicides, is not dangerous for consumers. The content of both mycotoxins is not dependent on each other, and the untreated variant has a slightly higher dependency between DON and ZEA. © 2016 Potravinarstvo. All rights reserved

    The effect of storage temperature on the quality and formation of blooming defects in chocolate confectionery

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    The study aimed at assessing changes in the quality of certain types of chocolate products over the storage period with particular focus on the formation and development of fat and sugar bloom in chocolate products. Seven products were selected in collaboration with a chocolate factory to undergo monitoring and analysis and stored at four temperature regimens (6 °C, 12 °C, 20 °C and 30 °C). Five samplings were carried out over the storing period (18 weeks) for evaluation of the dynamics of changes in their quality. Each sampling was accompanied by sensory evaluation; selected physical attributes were also analysed: changes in colour (∆E*ab) within the CIE (L*a*b) system and changes in hardness using the TIRAtest 27025. The results showed a significant effect of storing temperature on the intensity of changes in the quality of products. The results of sensory evaluation of selected products showed that the highest quality for the majority of descriptors was achieved by products stored at temperatures of 6 °C and 12 °C. As regards samples stored under the temperature regimen of 20 °C, the products started to show visible differences, caused primarily by the formation of fat bloom while storing at 30 °C proved to be extremely unsuitable for all the tested products. Since storing temperatures of 6, 12 and 20 °C did not considerably affect hardness and colour of each product, no distinct changes occurred under such temperature regimens. From the aspect of analytical measurements of colour and hardness of each product, storing at temperatures of 20 °C can be termed appropriate. In all the analyses, the effect of the temperature regimen of 30 °C was significantly negative due to defects caused by blooms on the chocolate, meaning that such temperatures are not advisable for storing chocolate products, even over a short term

    Effect of recipe and production technology of chocolate products on their quality during storage

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    The effect of four storage temperature modes (6, 12, 20 and 30oC) on sensory properties of chocolate products and their colour changes in the experiment over a period of 6 months. The results were evaluated with regard to the production technology and composition of chocolate products. The experiment was performed on filled milk chocolate product called Orion Pistachio made in four versions such as a standard containing cocoa mass of 35 % referred to retempered variant (RS) and not treated by retempering (NS variant) and with higher proportion of cocoa mass (45 %) stated as retempered variant (R45) and not treated by retempering (N45 variant). Retempering means the exposure of products for 24 hours at 24oC immediately after the production and packaging. The results show that the technology of retempering can effectively increase the resistance of chocolate products to the fat bloom as reflected in the improved colour stability. Sensory most acceptable products were stored at 6 and 12oC throughout the experiment.O

    Testing of DNA isolation for the identification of hemp

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    Hemp is diploid organism (2n = 2x = 20, genome size 534 Mb) with nine pairs of autosomes plus XX (♀) or XY (♂) chromosomes. Cannabis sativa L. is an important economic plant for the production of food, fibre, oils, and intoxicants. Genotypes (varieties or chemovar) of hemp with low Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol content are used for industrial applications. Varieties with high Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol or high cannabidiol content are used for medicinal applications. Biochemical and molecular methods can be used for identification and classification. An important step for molecular biology methods is to obtain the matrix of the native and sufficiently pure DNA. We tested two different experimental variant of samples (20 mg and 100 mg) of seeds, oilcake and dried flowers for analysis of the Italian variety Carmagnola for analysis (harvested in 2014, Hempoint Ltd., Czech Republic). The DNeasy® Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, GE) was used to isolate the DNA. The DNA concentration and purity was assessed by agarose electrophoresis and via a spectrophotometer. Samples of lower weight yielded lower values of DNA concentration (average 16.30 - 38.90 ng.µL-1), but with better purity than samples of higher weight (ratio A260nm/A280nm for low-weight samples was near 1.80). To test the applicability of DNA analysis, we used two SSR markers (CAN1347 and CAN2913). PCR products were separated on 1% agarose and on 8% polyacrylamide electrophoresis. DNA samples obtained from samples of higher weight exhibited less PCR amplification than samples of lower weight. We found no effect of sample weight on the formation of non-specific amplification products during the PCR reaction. Based on our results we can be recommended for practical isolation procedure using DNeasy® Plant Mini Kit with lower of sample weight (20 mg). In future work the procedure for DNA isolating from wheat-cannabis products, e. g. breads, rolls or pasta, will be optimized

    Identifikacija alela gena za puroindolin i njihov utjecaj na teksturu zrna pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Grain hardness is one of the most important quality characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). It is a significant property of wheat grains and relates to milling quality and end product quality. Grain hardness is caused by the presence of puroindoline genes (Pina and Pinb). A collection of 25 genotypes of wheat with unusual grain colour (blue aleurone, purple and white pericarp, yellow endosperm) was studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the diversity within Pina and Pinb (alleles: Pina-D1a, Pina-D1b, Pinb-D1a, Pinb- -D1b, Pinb-D1c and Pinb-D1d). The endosperm structure was determined by a non-destructive method using light transfl ectance meter and grain hardness by a texture analyser. Genotype Novosibirskaya 67 and isogenic ANK lines revealed hitherto unknown alleles at the locus for the annealing of primers of Pinb-D1. Allele Pinb-D1c was found to be absent from each genotype. The mealy endosperm ranged from 0 to 100 % and grain hardness from 15.10 to 26.87 N per sample.Tvrdoća zrna jedno je od najvažnijih svojstava pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) koje utječe na mlinarsku kakvoću i svojstva krajnjeg proizvoda, a određuju ju geni za puroindolin (Pina i Pinb). Metodom lančane reakcije polimeraze određena je prisutnost različitih alela gena Pina i Pinb (Pina-D1a, Pina-D1b, Pinb-D1a, Pinb-D1b, Pinb-D1c i Pinb-Did) u 25 genotipova pšenice neobične boje zrna (plavi aleuron, ljubičasti i bijeli perikarp, žuti endosperm), a nakon toga su ispitani struktura i tvrdoća zrna. U genotipu Novosibirskaya 67 i izogenoj liniji ANK otkriveni su dosad nepoznati aleli na mjestu sparivanja početnica gena Pinb-D1. Utvrđeno je da genotipovi nisu sadržavali alel Pinb-D1c. Udjel je brašnastog endosperma u uzorku zrna pšenice bio od 0 do 100 %, a tvrdoća zrna od 15,10 do 26,87 N

    The effect of feeding wheat with purple pericarp on the growth of carp

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    This study assessed and compared the influence of feeding wheat with purple pericarp (variety Konini) and standard coloured wheat (red variety Bohemia) on the growth characteristics of fingerling carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) of the "Amurský lysec" line. The total content of anthocyanins converted to cyanidin 3-glucoside in the control Bohemia wheat was 24.95 mg.kg-1 and in the Konini purple wheat 41.70 mg.kg-1. Two experimental variants for feed were evaluated: dipped wheat grain and crushed wheat grain. The feed dose for wheat was 1.5% of the fish stock weight and for natural food (frozen Chironomid larvae) was 0.2% of fish stock weight to all variants. Growth parameters (body length, body weight, Fulton's condition factor and feed conversion ratio) of the fish were evaluated after one month of administration. The feed consumption and physico-chemical parameters (temperature, oxygen saturation, pH, N-NH4 +, N-NO2-, N-NO3- and Cl-) of the environment were observed. During the feeding test, no major differences in food consumption among variations feeding on either wheat and on Chironomid larvae were noted. Satisfying results for mas and length gain were achieved in V2 wheat with purple pericarp (Konini variety - dipped grain), where the average total body length was 156.56 mm and the average unit mass was 60.81 g. In this variant, higher values of the parameters were achieved compared to the control group (100.6%, resp. 104.2%). A positive impact of wheat with purple pericarp on the evaluated parameter of fish condition factor was demonstrated. This trend was confirmed in all variants. No effect was demonstrated for mechanical disruption of kernels on the level of utilization of nutrients. In further experiments on growth characteristics we would like to determine antioxidant parameters in the blood and liver of fry

    Impact of Added Colored Wheat Bran on Bread Quality

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    The impact of colored wheat bran addition on bread quality was tested on wheat varieties with purple pericarp (Konini, Rosso and Karkulka) and on a variety containing blue aleurone (Skorpion). The effect of 10 %, 15 % and 20 % bran addition on sensory evaluation, bread color and texture was compared to the characteristics of bread prepared from wheat variety Mulan. The addition of 10 % bran significantly increased the sensory evaluation scores of bread. Crumb characteristics were improved mainly by the addition of 10 % bran. Moreover, top-quality bread contained bran separated from wheat variety Konini.O

    Texture, color, and sensory changes occurring in chocolate bars with filling during storage

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    The impact of storage temperature (6, 12, 20, 30 degrees C) and period (2, 6, 10, 18, 26 weeks) on the texture, color, and sensory characteristics of dark and milk-filled chocolate bars was studied. Temperatures of 6 and 12 degrees C were the most suitable for bar storage; these samples were evaluated not to be significantly deteriorated by the storage period. The condition of samples stored at 20 degrees C started to deteriorate after 10 weeks in storage; the decline was observed mainly in meltdown rate and off-flavors, resulting in low overall acceptability. This effect was more evident in dark chocolate bars. Keeping the bars at 24 degrees C for 24h immediately after production (retemperation) improved the bar resistance to fat bloom, even if the decrease in the sensory quality was observed at the beginning of the storage period.Mendelova Univerzita v Brne [IP 7/2014]Mendelova Univerzita v Brně, MENDEL