2,045 research outputs found

    Učinci ojačanja cementom vezane iverice primjenom fasadne mrežice od stakloplastike

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    The effects of fiberglass plaster mesh (FPM) as reinforcement on some physical and mechanical properties of cement bonded particleboard (CBP) were examined. Experimental CBP with and without FPM were manufactured in laboratory conditions using wood particles, cement, tap water and chemical accelerators. Two plies of FPM, manufactured using fiberglass and polyester resin, were laid within the experimental CBP. The target density of CBP was 1300 kg/m3 in the study. Three different types of chemical accelerators (CaCl2, KCl, DARASET ® 580) were used in the experiments. Properties of CBP evaluated include 2- and 24-hour - thickness swelling (TS), 2- and 24-hour - water absorption (WA) and bending stiffness (MOE) and strength (MOR). The results indicate that all the board properties tested were significantly improved by FPM application. The average MOE values of the CBP boards with FPM was two times higher than those of the boards without FPM. Dimensional stability and MOR of the CBP boards were also significantly improved with the use of FPM. FPM can be used to improve inferior properties of the CBP, so as to make it more compatible with other wood based construction materials.U radu su ispitani učinci fasadne mrežice od stakloplastike kao ojačanja cementom vezanih iverica na neka njihova fizička i mehanička svojstva. Eksperimentalne cementom vezane iverice proizvedene su s fasadnom mrežicom od stakloplastike i bez nje u laboratorijskim uvjetima, i to upotrebom drvnog iverja, cementa, vode iz slavine i kemijskih ubrzivača. Dva sloja fasadne mrežice od stakloplastike, izrađene od staklenih vlakana i poliesterske smole, položena su u eksperimentalnu cementom vezanu ivericu. U istraživanju je ciljana gustoća cementom vezane iverice bila 1300 kg/m3. U pokusima su upotrijebljene tri različite vrste kemijskih ubrzivača (CaCl2, KCl, DARASET® 580). Proučavana su ova svojstva cementom vezane iverice: debljinsko bubrenje nakon 2 i 24 sata, upijanje vode nakon 2 i 24 sata, modul elastičnosti i modul loma. Rezultati pokazuju da su upotrebom fasadne mrežice od stakloplastike sva proučavana svojstva znatno poboljšana. Prosječne vrijednosti modula elastičnosti cementom vezane iverice s dodatkom fasadne mrežice od stakloplastike bile su dva puta veće od vrijednosti iverice bez dodatka takve mrežice. Dimenzijska stabilnost i modul loma cementom vezane iverice također su znatno poboljšani primjenom fasadne mrežice od stakloplastike. Fasadna mrežica od stakloplastike može se rabiti za poboljšanje lošijih svojstava cementom vezane iverice kako bi ona bila kompatibilnija s drugim građevnim materijalima na bazi drva


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    Toplumsal yaşamın çoklu alanlarına ve katmanlarına sirayet eden ve küresel bir problem haline gelen ulusötesi göç hareketliliği, kapsam ve boyutlarıyla ülkeleri işbirlikleri geliştirmeye ve örgütlenme temelinde buluşmaya zorlamaktadır. Türkiye, küresel ve bölgesel krizlerin türbülansında ve ulusötesi göç hareketliliğinin merkezinde yer alan kritik bir coğrafyadadır. Özellikle geçici koruma statüsündeki Suriyelilerin ülke içindeki nüfusu ve coğrafi dağılımı; eğitim, sağlık, güvenlik, barınma gibi çeşitli ihtiyaçlarının giderilmesi hususunda yapılan yardımların hacmi; toplumsal etkileşimler, işbirlikleri ve uyum sorunları gibi pek çok düzlemde ele alınması gereken toplumsal ve ekonomik problemler bulunmaktadır. Bu hususlardan biri de neo-liberal esneklik politikalarının ve nihayetinde küresel rekabetin bir sonucu olarak, işgücü piyasalarının ihtiyaç duyduğu ucuz ve güvencesiz emek ihtiyacının mülteci işgücü ile giderilmesidir. Çalışma kapsamında mültecilerin, Türkiye işgücü piyasasındaki istihdam alanları ve koşulları ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca mültecilerin, Türkiye ekonomisi açısından bir tehdit mi yoksa fırsat mı olduğu çeşitli ekonomik göstergeler üzerinden tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak esnek, ucuz ve güvencesiz bir görünüme sahip olan mülteci emeğinin, yerli işgücünün istihdam ilişkilerini etkilediğini; ancak Türkiye açısından ekonomik büyümenin önünü açabilecek bir anahtar da olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    Ana konuları ekseninde kalem sûresi ve tefsiri

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    Bu çalışma bir sûre tefsiri çalışması olup “ana konuları ekseninde” Kalem Sûresi’ni ele almaktadır. Çalışma esnasında kaynak olarak öncelikle klâsik tefsir kitaplarından faydalanılmakla beraber modern tefsir kitaplarından da yararlanılmıştır. Aynı zamanda konuyla alakalı farklı alanlarda te’lif edilmiş eserlere de müracaat edilmiştir. Bu araştırmada kalem sûresi, teknik özelliklerinin incelenmesinin yanı sıra, sûre önce ana konularına, sonra da ana konuları içerisindeki alt konularına ayrılarak tefsiri yapılmaya gayret edilmiştir. Çalışmanın nihayetinde ise; kalem sûresinin baştan sona, “nübüvveti savunma” ve “güzel ahlâk” konuları ekseninde bir sûre olduğu görülmüştür

    Blackbox between job crafting and job embeddedness of immigrant hotel employees: a serial mediation model

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    This study explores the influence of job crafting (JC) on migrant employees’ and its sensitivities on job embeddedness (JE) with the application of a serial mediation mechanism which takes into consideration the psychological capital and their work engagement as mediators. The data for this study was collected from immigrant employees in the hotel sector in North Cyprus. Both convenience and judgmental sampling techniques made up of 572 dyads were used. The findings of this study reveal that immigrant employees’ psychological capital and their work engagement has a mediating effect on the relationships between organizational crafting and the perceptions of employees’ job embeddedness. This study will serve as a substantial research evidence and tool for managers/owners in the hospitality industry for the purpose of retaining, engaging and embedding immigrant employees. The novelty of this study is the fact that it analyzes the work environment and conditions where organizational job crafting affects job embeddedness to determine the perceptions of immigrant employees using a serial mediation model

    The effects of qos level degradation cost on provider selection and task allocation model in telecommunication networks

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    Firms acquire network capacity from multiple suppliers which offer different Quality of Service (QoS) levels. After acquisition, day-to-day operations such as video conferencing, voice over IP and data applications are allocated between these acquired capacities by considering QoS requirement of each operation. In optimal allocation scheme, it is generally assumed each operation has to be placed into resource that provides equal or higher QoS Level. Conversely, in this study it is showed that former allocation strategy may lead to suboptimal solutions depending upon penalty cost policy to charge degradation in QoS requirements. We model a cost minimization problem which includes three cost components namely capacity acquisition, opportunity and penalty due to loss in QoS

    Determination of the Application Parameters of Spraying Drones for Crop Production in Hazelnut Orchards

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    Hazelnut, which has the most common cultivation area after almonds and walnuts among the shell fruits in the world, contains high levels of fat, protein, carbohydrates, various minerals and vitamins. Hazelnut has a broad growing area around the world, and Turkey accounts for 58% of world production with 776,000 tons annually. With this production capacity, Turkey ranks first in hazelnut production over the world. Harmful insects in hazelnut trees are the main factors that reduce hazelnut yield and quality. Pesticides are sprayed with backpack sprayers in the fight against these pests in hazelnut trees. Farmers are directly exposed to pesticides in these practices, which use high amounts of pesticides and water. In recent years, the use of unmanned agricultural vehicles in agriculture has increased. Drones are also used in pesticide applications in agriculture. In this study, the suitability of pesticide applications with the drone in hazelnut fields in Giresun province in terms of field conditions and spraying efficiency was investigated. In September 2021, applications were made with DJI Agras MG-1P model spraying drone in a selected hazelnut orchard in Uzgur village of Giresun province. The drone has 4 Teejet XR11001VS fan jet nozzles. Water-sensitive papers were placed on different regions on the hazelnut trees to be sprayed for drop measurements. In the experiments, hazelnut trees were sprayed using water at different heights and spraying rates. 6 flights were carried out at 1.5 and 2 meters altitudes and 1, 2 and 3 L.da-1 spray rates, and three hazel trees were sprayed as three repetitions in each flight. After the flight trials, the water-sensitive papers were scanned on the scanner, and the volume median diameters and the number of droplets per square centimetre were calculated in the DepositScan software. As a result of the analyses done, it was observed that the applications performed at 1 L.da-1 and 2 L.da-1 spray rates would not be sufficient in terms of spraying efficiency. As the drone flight altitude increased, the accumulation of the drops on the inner leaves decreased. In terms of drop distribution, the most homogeneous application parameter was found to be 1.5 meters high above the upper leaves of the hazel trees and 3 L.da-1 spray rate

    A heuristic approach for provider selection and task allocation model in telecommunication networks under stochastic QOS guaranties

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    In this study, we model provider selection and task allocation problem as an expected cost minimization problem with stochastic chance constraints. Two important parameters of Quality of Service (QoS), delay and jitter are considered as random variables to capture stochastic nature of telecom network environment. As solution methodology, stochastic model is converted into its deterministic equivalent and then a novel heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve resulting nonlinear mixed integer programming model. Finally, performance of solution procedure is tested by several randomly generated scenarios


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    In this paper, we firstly obtain a new generalized identity for twice partially differentiable functions Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals. Then, using this equality, we obtain some midpoint-type inequalities for co-ordinated convex and co-ordinated concave functions. We also show that our result generalizes the give several inequalities obtained in earlier works

    The performance of the DC motor by the PID controlling PWM DC-DC boost converter

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    This paper presents the PID controlling direct current (DC) to the direct current boost converter feds DC motor which has a 3.68 kW and 240 V of DC voltage input on its characteristics. What is first formed is the boost converter mathematical model at the design stage. Secondly, a mathematical model of the DC motor is created so that the boost converter with the machine can be established and modeled at the Matlab Simulink. The PID controller is considered for arranging a pulse width modulation for a boost converter switch because the needed voltage is provided for a DC motor. After that, the PID controlling direct current (DC) to a direct current boost converter running the DC motor is implemented at the Matlab Simulink. In addition to that, the only constant source running the DC motor is simulated at the Matlab Simulink. The DC motor operated by the PID controlling converter that has a low input voltage is compared to the DC motor operated by the high constant DC voltage. A low voltage input converter controlling the DC motor has a high performance according to the high constant DC source running the DC motor