228 research outputs found


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    This paper examines the stationarity of real GDP per capita for 27 OECD countries during the period 1950 to 2004. Using ADF unit root test on single time series, it is found that real GDP per capita series of most OECD countries have unit root. This outcome, however, might be due to the generally low power of this test. The aim of this paper is to reconsider this issue by exploiting the extra information provided by the combination of the time-series and cross-sectional data and the subsequent power advantages of panel data unit root tests. We apply the test advocated by Im, Pesaran and Shin (1997). The results overwhelmingly indicate that real GDP per capita series among OECD countries are nonstationary.U članku se istražuje stacionarnost realnog BDP po stanovniku za 27 zemalja OECD, u razdoblju 1950.-2004. Primjenom ADF testa o jediničnim korijenima na jednostruke vremenske serije, došlo se do zaključka da serije realnog BDP po stanovniku većine zemalja OECD imaju jedinični korijen. Taj bi zaključak, međutim, mogao biti rezultat općenito slabe jakosti ovog testa. Cilj je članka ponovno razmotriti taj problem, koristeći posebne informacije koje se dobivaju kombinacijom podataka vremenskih serija i vremenskog presjeka i veće snage testova o jediničnim korijenima za združene vremenske serije i vremenske presjeke. Primijenjen je test kojeg zagovaraju Im, Pesaran i Shin (1997.). Rezultati nadmoćno ukazuju da su u zemljama OECD serije realnog BDP po stanovniku nestacionarne

    Türk döviz kurlarında yapısal değişiklikler ve satın alma gücü paritesi

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    We re-examine the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis for Turkey by concentrating on modelling structural changes as sharp (with dummy variables) and smooth (with a Fourier approximation) process. The results show (i) more evidence in favor of PPP hypothesis when structural changes are taken into account and (ii) modelling the shifts with different approaches plays a crucial role for policy implications.Bu çalışmada, Türkiye için satın alma gücü paritesi (PPP) hipotezi, ani (kukla değişkenlerle) ve kademeli süreç (Fourier yaklaşımı ile) modelleme üzerine yoğunlaşarak, yapısal değişiklikler yeniden incelenmektedir. Sonuçlar (i) yapısal değişiklikler göz önüne alındığında PPP hipotezi lehine daha fazla kanıt göstermektedir ve (ii) farklı yaklaşımlarla değişimlerin modellenmesi politika sonuçları için çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır

    The evaluation of efficacy of subtenon triamcinolone injection combined with focal laser photocoagulation in diabetic macular edema

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate efficacyand safety of subtenon triamcinolone (ST) in combinationwith focal laser photocoagulation in diabetic macularedema (DME).Materials and methods: Medical records of patients withDME, treated with 40 mg subtenon injection of triamcinoloneacetonid prior to focal laser photocoagulation wereretrospectively analyzed. Seventeen eyes of 17 patientswith DME were enrolled in the study. All patients underwenta comprehensive ophthalmological examinationbefore the treatment. Efficacy of the treatment after STinjection was evaluated by visual acuity and flouresceinangiography (FA). Follow-up visits were performed at 1st,3rd, 6th and 12th months. Repeated measures ANOVA wasused for statistical analysis.Results: The mean age was 61.5 ± 8.7 years and themean visual acuity in the study eyes was 0.22 ± 0.13 beforethe treatment, 0.39 ± 0.15 at 1st month, 0.36 ± 0.18at 3rd month, 0.33 ± 0.15 at 6th month and 0.34 ± 0.16 at12th month. The differences in the visual acuity before thetreatment and follow-up visits were significant (p ˂0.05).Visual acuity was increased in 13 (%76,4) patients, decreasedin 1 (%5,8) and unchanged in 3 (%17,6).Conclusion: Injection of 40 mg of triamsinolon via subtenonroute combined with focal laser photocoagulation isa safe and beneficial treatment in cases of DM

    An Analysis of Dairy Cattle Production in Southern Marmara in terms of Heat Stress

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    Yaz aylarındaki yüksek dış ortam sıcaklıkları, barınak iç ortam sıcaklıklarını arttırarak nemin de etkisiyle süt sığırlarının ısı stresine girmesine yol açmaktadır. Günümüzde hava sıcaklığı ve bağıl nem ilişkisine bağlı olarak geliştirilen sıcaklık nem indeksi; süt sığırları için ısı stresinin etkisini belirlemede yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Isı stresine giren süt sığırlarında yem tüketimi ve buna bağlı olarak da süt verimi azalmaktadır. Güney Marmara, süt sığırı işletmeleri yönünden zengin bir bölgedir. Bölgede süt üretiminin ve büyük kapasiteli işletmelerin fazla olduğu Balıkesir, Bursa ve Çanakkale illerine ilişkin sıcaklık nem indeksi hesaplanarak ısı stresi analizi yapılmıştır. Bu illere ait 2007-2014 yıllarını kapsayan meteorolojik veriler Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü’nden elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada saatlik sıcaklık ve bağıl nem ortalamalarından her il için sıcaklık bağıl nem indeksi değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Önlem alınmadığında, süt sığırlarının süt veriminde ısı stresine bağlı olarak meydana gelen azalmalar her il için ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmiş ve günlük toplam kayıpların analizi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda; inek başına günlük süt kayıplarının Balıkesir, Bursa ve Çanakkale illeri için sırasıyla Haziran ayında, 0.05 kg, 1.02 kg, 0.78 kg, Temmuz ayında 0.42 kg, 2.48 kg,2.68 kg, Ağustos ayında ise 0.30 kg, 2.70 kg ve 3,07 kg olduğu belirlenmiştir. Süt veriminde en fazla kaybın bölgesel olarak Haziran ayında Bursa, Çanakkale ve Balıkesir illerinde, Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında ise sırasıyla Çanakkale, Bursa ve Balıkesir illerinde olduğu belirlenmiştir.High outdoor-temperatures in summer months lead to the increase in indoor temperature. High indoortemperatures with high humidity, resulting heat stress in dairy cattle. Nowadays, temperature humidity index, improved based on air temperature and relative humidity relationship, is a commonly used method for determining the effect of heat stress in dairy cattle. Under the heat stress conditions, feed intake and thus milk yield of dairy cattle is reduced. Southern Marmara is a very important region for dairy cattle production. Heat stress analysis was performed for Balıkesir, Bursa, and Çanakkale, in which high milk production and large dairy cattle farms are existed. For analysis, temperature humidity index were calculated for each city. Meteorological data from 2007 to 2014 for each city were obtained from Turkish State Meteorological Service. Temperature humidity indexes for each city were calculated based on hourly average temperatures and relative humidity. On condition that no measure is taken to reduce the effects of heat stress, reductions in the milk yield of dairy cattles resulting from heat stress were evaluated separately for each city and the daily total milk losses were also analyzed. According to analysis results; daily milk losses per cow in Balıkesir, Bursa, and Çanakkale were 0.05 kg, 1.02 kg, and 0.78 kg in June; 0.42 kg, 2.48 kg, and 2.68 kg in July, and 0.30 kg, 2.70 kg, and 3.07 kg in August, respectively.Higher milk losses in June were observed in Bursa, Çanakkale, and Balıkesir, respectively. Also in July and August, higher milk losses were observed in Çanakkale, Bursa, and Balıkesir, respectively

    In vitro istraživanje protugljivičnih svojstava, ukupnog sadržaja polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti različitih dijelova odabranih voćkarica

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the antifungal properties, total polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of sapwood, heartwood and bark parts obtained from three different fruit trees; olive (Olea europaea L.), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) and date plum (Diospyros lotus L.) grown in Turkey. Firstly, the hydrodistillation products (essential oil, hydrosol, hot-water extract) were acquired from these parts of selected trees, and methanol and ethanol extracts of the same samples were also prepared for the analysis. The antifungal activities of essential oil, hydrosol, hot-water extract, ethanol and methanol extracts were determined against wood-rot fungus Coniophora puteana. In addition, polyphenol contents and antioxidant activities of ethanol and methanol extracts were investigated. According to the results, generally, the essential oil of the parts of three fruit trees was found to inhibit the fungal growth. All hot water extracts and hydrosols of these trees showed no antifungal activity against C. puteana. It was found that olive tree had higher antifungal activity than loquat and date plum trees. The methanol extract of loquat bark gave the highest total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and condensed tannin content compared to parts of the other trees. Furthermore, the highest total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity among three fruit trees were determined in ethanol and methanol extracts of the bark and heartwood of loquat tree. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the parts of studied fruit trees have less or more antifungal and antioxidant activity depending on the experimental parameters, and therefore they can be evaluated as alternative natural antifungal and antioxidant sources.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti protugljivična svojstva, ukupni sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti bjeljike, srži i dijelova kore drva triju voćkarica koje se uzgajaju u Turskoj: masline (Olea europaea L.), nušpule (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) i draguna (Diospyros lotus L.). Najprije su od dijelova odabranih stabala izolirani produkti hidrodestilacije (esencijalna ulja, hidrosol, vodeni ekstrakt), a zatim su za analizu izolirani i ekstrakti u metanolu i etanolu. Protugljivična aktivnost esencijalnog ulja, hidrosola, vodenog ekstrakta te ekstrakata u metanolu i etanolu određena je na primjeru gljive uzročnice smeđe truleži, Coniophora puteana. Osim toga, istraženi su sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost ekstrakta u metanolu i etanolu. Rezultati pokazuju da esencijalna ulja iz dijelova voćkarica usporavaju rast gljiva. Svi vodeni ekstrakti i hidrosol nisu pokazali protugljivično djelovanje na C. puteana. Utvrđeno je da drvo masline ima jaču protugljivičnu aktivnost nego drvo nušpule i drvo draguna. Ekstrakt kore nušpule u metanolu ima najveći ukupni sadržaj fenola, ukupni sadržaj flavonoida i kondenziranog tanina u usporedbi s dijelovima ostalih vrsta drva. Nadalje, za ekstrakt kore i srži drva nušpule u etanolu i metanolu utvrđen je najveći ukupni sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost od svih triju voćkarica. Na temelju tih rezultata može se zaključiti da dijelovi istraživanih voćkarica imaju manje ili više protugljivično i antioksidativno djelovanje, ovisno o parametrima istraživanja te se stoga mogu ocijeniti kao alternativni prirodni izvori protugljivičnih i antioksidativnih sredstava

    Apoptosis biomarkers (Apaf-1, sFa s, sFa s-L, and caspase-9), albumin, and fetuin-A levels in pulmonary thromboembolic patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Pulmonary thromboembolism (PE) is the third most common medical emergency with mortality due to ischemia and reperfusion lung injury. Lung ischaemia-reperfusion injury. Lung reperfusion damage is believed to cause cellular damage and apoptosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the levels of fetuin-A, albumin, and apoptosis biomarkers (Apaf-1, sFas, and sFasL) among pulmonary thromboembolic patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 45 volunteer patients and 40 healthy control volunteers. Human apoptosis biomarkers (Apaf-1, sFas, sFasL, and caspase-9) and fetuin-A values were measured by ELISA device. Student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney U test were used for continuous variables, and categorical variables were compared with the chi-square test to assess the significance of intergroup differences. The mean values of apoptosis biomarkers and acute phase reactants between dead and survival patients were also compared. RESULTS: While the apoptosis mean values of Apaf-1, sFas, sFasL, and caspase-9 for the control group were 0.12 ± 0.01, 332.1 ± 28.0, 130.4 ± 34.6, and 74.3 ± 2.6, for the patient group they were 0.14 ± 0.02, 509.1 ± 67.6, 139.9 ± 23.7, and 79.4 ± 2.8, respectively. The group differences were significant for all the biomarkers (p = 0.01, p = 0.001, p = 0.19, and p = 0.01, respectively). The negative acute phase fetuin- A and albumin levels decreased significantly in the patient groups (p = 0.01 and p = 0.01, respectively). CONCLUSİONS: Intrinsic and extrinsic apoptosis pathways are stimulated during pulmonary embolism, and negative acute phase reactants are decreased. There was a correlation with the mortality and Apaf-1, sFas, caspase-9, fetuin, and albumin levels

    Bayburt and its Surroundings from 2nd Century BC Until the Beginning of 10th Cen-tury in the Light of Surface Surveys

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    Bayburt, one of the most important cities of Northeastern Anatolia, has been at the centre of the clash of powers since the late Hellenistic period. The city, which was an important part of the defence of the eastern front of the empire, was strategically very important for the Roman and Iranian wars. In this study, military and political developments in Bayburt and its surroundings from the Late Hellenistic period until the end of the Roman Empire will be discussed in the light of written and archaeological data

    Evaluation of dissociative life of male athletes in some disability sportive branches

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    This research focused on evaluation of dissociative lives of male disabled athletes who played in teams of amputee football league and regional wheelchair basketball league. In this research; general survey method, one of the descriptive research methods, was used. As data collection tools; “Personal Information Form”, “Household Income Form” and “The Dissociation Scale Questioner” were used. A total of 92 male disabled participants (55 amputee football players and 37 wheelchair basketball players) were included in the study.There were no significant statistical differences between participants’ dissociation levels and age, educational status, marital status, whether or not being a national player and employment status. However; there was statistically significant difference in terms of use of prostheses-use, sportive branch, household income and time of disability.It may be argued that acquired traumatic events that occur after birth have stronger traumatic life levels/effects compared to congenital traumatic events that occur before or during birt

    Özel gereksinimli bireyleri konu alan okul öncesi dönem resimli öykü kitaplarının incelenmesi

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    Abstract Introduction: There is a need for awareness raising activities from the preschool period about individuals with special needs. Children's literature offers opportunities to enrich and deepen these studies. Examining the picture storybooks in the preschool period will be useful in increasing the awareness of children regarding individuals with special needs. Method: In this study, preschool picture storybooks published since 2000 about individuals with special needs were analyzed using content analysis. A total of 20 books were included. In this study that was carried out using assessment scales included in the international liteature, the personal characteristics, character traits, character depictions, character development, and information about the point of view of the story, as well as the relationships between characters with and without special needs were examined. Findings: Eight different special need conditions were identified in the 20 picture storybooks. Of the 20 books that were examined, physical disability in six studies, hearing impairment in four studies, intellectual disability in three studies, dyslexia in two studies, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in two studies, visual impairment in one study, autism in one study, and speech disorder in one study were the subject. Discussion: While the variety of these conditions were similar to previous studies, the results regarding character development and relationships between characters differed. This study identified picture storybooks that could raise awareness towards individuals with special needs and provided recommendations for reading programs.Giriş: Özel gereksinimli bireylere karşı toplumsal duyarlılığı artırmak ve onların yaşantılarını zorlaştıran birtakım davranışların önüne geçebilmek için okul öncesi dönemden itibaren yapılacak bilinçlendirme çalışmalarına ihtiyaç vardır. Çocuk edebiyatı, bu çalışmaları zenginleştirmek ve derinleştirmek adına olanaklar sunmaktadır. Okul öncesi dönemde, resimli öykü kitapları aracılığı ile gerçekleştirilecek okuma çalışmaları, özel gereksinimli bireylerle ilgili deneyimi olmayan çocukların söz konusu bireylere yönelik duyarlılıklarının artırılmasında yararlı olacaktır. Yöntem: Bu araştırmada, özel gereksinimli bireyleri konu alan ve 2000 yılından itibaren yayımlanmış olan okul öncesi dönem resimli öykü kitapları içerik analizi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Toplamda 20 kitap bu çalışma kapsamında incelenecek kitaplar listesine dâhil edilmiştir. Uluslararası alanyazında yer bulmuş değerlendirme ölçekleri işe koşularak gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada, söz konusu kitaplarda yer alan özel gereksinimli bireylerin kişisel özellikleri, karakter özellikleri, karakter tasvirleri, karakter gelişimleri ve hikâyenin bakış açısına ait bilgilerin yanı sıra özel gereksinimi olan ve olmayan karakterler arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Bulgular: İncelenen 20 resimli öykü kitabında sekiz farklı özel gereksinim durumu tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen 20 kitabın altısında fiziksel yetersizlik, dördünde işitme yetersizliği, üçünde zihin yetersizliği, ikisinde disleksi, ikisinde dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu, birinde görme yetersizliği, birinde otizm, birinde de konuşma bozukluğu konu edilmiştir. Tartışma: İncelenen kitaplardaki özel gereksinim durumlarının çeşitliliği benzer geçmiş araştırmalarla örtüşürken karakter gelişimi ve karakterler arası ilişkilere yönelik sonuçlar farklılık göstermektedir. Bu araştırma, özel gereksinimli bireylere yönelik farkındalık kazandırabilecek resimli öykü kitaplarını belirlemiş ve okuma programı önerilerinde bulunmuştur

    Evaluation of Fit between Tooth and Band Surfaces when Different Orthodontic Cements are Used

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    The aim of this in vitro study was to compare three orthodontic band cements for gaps remained between tooth and band surfaces, at the cervical margin, which possibly caused after banding procedure. Sixty freshly extracted human mandibular third molars were randomly divided into 3 equal groups. Micro-etched molar bands were cemented to the teeth using each of the orthodontic band cements (Ketac Cem®, 3M Multi-Cure® and Transbond Plus®). The teeth were placed in preformed boxes (2.5X2.5X2.5 cm); crowns were on the bottom and perpendicular to the ground. Samples were capped with black colored plaster on a vibration machine. After hardening of the plasters, samples were removed from the boxes and were trimmed in the bucco-lingual dimension for evaluation. The mean of four parallel sections examined under a stere-omicroscope was noted as the score of that sample, for buccal and lingual sides, separately. Statistically analyses were performed by using analysis of variance and paired-samples t-test. When buccal and lingual gap formations were compared, Transbond Plus® and Ketac Cem® groups were found to have larger gaps in the lingual side than buccal at p<0.05 and p<0.01 level, respectively. Thus, buccal and lingual gaps of three cements were compared separately, and no statistically significant difference was determined among three investigated cement types at buccal and lingual sides. However no differences were found among different types of band cements, it is clear that large gaps were observed under molar bands at cervical margin; where it is not easily possible to clean. Further studies should be conducted to determine a favorable strategy to eliminate these gaps and maintain a gap-free adaptation and cementation between band and tooth structure