23 research outputs found

    Assessment of genetic diversity in maize inbred lines using RAPD markers

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    RAPD molecular markers were used to analyze genetic diversity between 16 corn lines. Twenty-two primerswere used resulting in the amplification of 265 fragments, of which 237 (84.44%) were polymorphic. Using the UPGMAmethod the genetic associations obtained showed 5 distinct heterotic groups. A principal coordinates analysis also showed anassociation of lines in 5 groups, in agreement with the results observed in the dendrogram. A bootstrap procedure wasapplied to verify whether the amount of markers used was sufficient to ensure reliability of the results, the procedure showeda coefficient of variation of 8.3%, suggesting that the markers were sufficient to assess genetic diversity between the analyzedlines. The high rate of polymorphism between lines revealed by RAPD markers indicated that the method is efficient to analyzegenetic diversity in corn lines and that the genetic divergence can be used to establish consistent heterotic groups between cornlines

    Genome-wide analysis of mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS)-like gene family in common bean

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    Mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels are transmembrane proteins that open and close in response to mechanical forces produced by osmotic pressure, sound, touch and gravity. In plants, MS have an important role in different biological processes like gravity detection, maintenance of plastid shape and size, lateral root emergence, growth of pollen tube, and plant-pathogen interactions. In this study, homologous mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS)-like gene family in common bean was identified. Nine Phaseolus vulgaris MscS-like (PvMSL) genes were found to be distributed on five chromosomes. A complete overview of PvMSL genes in common bean is presented, including gene structures, chromosome locations, phylogeny, protein motifs and expression pattern. Subcellular localization predictions of PvMSL family revealed their location to plasma and chloroplast membrane. Phylogenetic analysis of nine PvMSL proteins resulted in two main classes. The predicted gene structure, conserved motif, domain and presence of transmembrane regions in each PvMSL strongly supported their identity as members of MscS-like gene family. Four duplicate events of PvMSL genes were discovered in P. vulgaris chromosomes, and tandem and segmental duplication may cause the expansion of PvMSL genes. Furthermore, PvMSL genes displayed differential expression patterns in tissues and organs. This is the first step towards genome-wide analyses of MSL genes in common bean. Thus, the data obtained in this study provide resources to select candidate genes for future functional analyses that will help understand plant growth, development, and function of MSL gene family in P. vulgaris.Key words: Mechanosensitive, phylogenetic analysis, gene duplication, plant, in silico

    Germinação e crescimento inicial de plântulas de manjericão submetidas ao estresse salino / Germination and initial growth of basil seedlings subject to saline stress

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    O manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L.) é uma cultura de grande interesse comercial e de fácil cultivo, porém sofre com fatores ambientais, como o estresse salino. Desta forma, esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da salinidade na germinação e no desenvolvimento das plântulas de Ocimum basilicum cv. basilicão verde. Para isso, sementes de manjericão foram submetidas ao estresse salino, induzidas por diferentes potenciais osmóticos de NaCl (0,0; -0,3; -0,6; -0,9 e -1,2 MPa) por 14 dias. As sementes foram avaliadas conforme a germinação, o índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e raiz, e massa seca e fresca. A diminuição do potencial osmótico reduziu significativamente a germinação das sementes de manjericão, assim como o índice de velocidade e o desenvolvimento das plântulas, no qual, a partir de -1,2 MPa houve inibição total da germinação. Assim, quanto menor o potencial maior os prejuízos, afetando negativamente a manifestação do potencial fisiológico das sementes de manjericão. Os efeitos prejudiciais do NaCl podem estar ligados ao estresse osmótico que é causado devido à redução do potencial osmótico, o que gera dificuldade de absorção de água e ao acúmulo dos íons tóxicos Na+ e Cl-.      

    Genetic distance estimated by RAPD markers and its relationship with hybrid performance in maize

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo utilizar marcadores moleculares de DNA (RAPD), para analisar a diversidade genética entre 16 linhagens elite de milho e estimar a correlação entre a distância e o desempenho de híbridos. Vinte e dois primers aleatórios resultaram na amplificação de 265 fragmentos, dos quais 237 (84,44%) foram polimórficos. A partir dos marcadores RAPD, uma matriz de similaridade genética foi gerada, tendo-se usado o coeficiente de Jaccard, e um dendrograma foi construído. Para a avaliação dos híbridos resultantes dos dialelos, utilizaram-se blocos ao acaso e o método IV de Griffing. As associações genéticas obtidas mostraram cinco padrões heteróticos distintos. As correlações entre as divergências genéticas, detectadas por RAPD, e as médias observadas nos cruzamentos dialélicos foram positivas e significativas para as características altura de planta, altura de espiga, prolificidade e peso de grãos. As correlações das divergências genéticas, detectadas por RAPD, e a capacidade específica de combinação entre as associações de grupos heteróticos, mostraram significância em todas as características em estudo, exceto prolificidade. Dos 120 híbridos, 79,2% apresentaram relação direta entre divergência genética e a produtividade, o que confirma a hipótese de que a divergência genética das linhagens está diretamente relacionada ao desempenho dos híbridos e é eficiente em predizê-lo.The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity of 16 maize inbred lines, and to determine the correlation between genetic distance and hybrid performance, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers. Twenty-two different random primers were used, which resulted in the amplification of 265 fragments, 237 (84.44%) of them being polymorphic. A genetic similarity matrix was created from the RAPD data, using Jaccard coefficient, and a dendrogram was constructed. Hybrid analyses were carried out using random block design and Griffing method VI for diallel crossings. The genetic associations showed five distinct heterotic groups. Correlations between genetic divergences detected by RAPD, as well as the means observed in the diallel crossings were positive and significant for plant height, ear height, prolificacy, and grain weight. The correlation of genetic divergences, detected by RAPD, and the specific combining ability between heterotic group associations, showed significance in all characteristics under study, except prolificacy. A direct relationship between genetic divergence and productivity was found in 79.2% of the 120 hybrids confirming the hypothesis that genetic divergence is directly related to the performance of hybrids and is efficient in predicting it