220 research outputs found

    Thermal De‑coating Pre‑treatment for Loose or Compacted Aluminum Scrap and Consequences for Salt‑Flux Recycling

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    In aluminum recycling, thermal de-coating pre-treatments remove moisture and organic contamination before re-melting. If the scrap is compacted into bales or briquettes before the thermal treatment and re-melting processes, less surface area is exposed to oxidation in contact with air. However, compaction may also limit the efficiency of the de-coating process. In this study, coated sheets of aluminum were thermally de-coated at varied temperatures and durations. Observations of changes in coating thickness, mass, color, and composition revealed a maximum de-coating efficiency of close to 75% wt due to remaining oxide residues. The relationship between de-coating and compaction was investigated by thermally treating loose shreddings (chips) and briquettes of various densities. The briquettes were compacted by three methods: uniaxial, moderate-pressure torsion (MPT), and MPT at 450 °C (Hot MPT); and the de-coating efficiency was calculated from the mass loss. Subsequently, the samples were re-melted under salt-flux and compared with another set of samples which were re-melted without thermal pre-treatment. The results showed that thermal de-coating significantly promotes the coalescence of loose chips and briquettes compacted uniaxially, up to similar coalescences than initially uncoated aluminum samples. Thermally treating the MPT briquettes, which were more densely compacted, led to less de-coating, and subsequently lower coalescences. The analysis of re-melted material revealed that the coating residues did not significantly affect the composition, while the compaction prevented Mg loss for the uncoated materials.publishedVersio

    Dynamic modelling of acidification of Norwegian surface waters

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    Årsliste 2008In 2006 and November 2007, the Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) under the UNECE LRTAP Convention issued calls for data on results from dynamic models to soils and surface waters given specified future scenarios of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) deposition. Submitted data from Norway is summarized here. 1007 lakes sampled in 1995 were modelled using the MAGIC model. The results were then matched to 2304 grid squares in the critical load grid for Norway. The past, present and future deposition (CLE=current legislation, i.e. Gothenburg protocol, and MFR=maximum feasible reduction) were specified by the CCE for each EMEP grid square. The results showed that the increasing trend in acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) in surface waters observed since 1990 will continue slightly through 2020. Many lakes in southernmost Norway will continue to be acidified (critical load exceeded) unless deposition of S and N is reduced substantially below requirements of the Gothenburg protocol. Under the MFR scenario, ANC can increase in most lakes throughout the country. Many lakes in Finnmark in northernmost Norway will experience reacidification due to projected increases in S and N deposition.Statens Forurensningstilsyn

    Vurdering av dagens og fremtidig nitrogenlekkasje i Norge

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    Årsliste 2001Rapporten inneholder kart over nitrogenlekkasjen i Sør-Norge i dag, og beregninger av potensiell N lekkasje ved forventet deposisjonsnivå i 2010. Kartet for dagens verdier er basert på målte nitrogen-depososjonsverdier fra NILU og nitrogenavrenning i overflatevann fra den norske tålegrensedatabasen. Beregningene for 2010 er gjort ved hjelp av FAB-modellen og må betraktes som et "worst case" scenario, i og med at modellen kun tar hensyn til den nitrogenakkumuleringen (retensjonen) som kan opprettholdes over et lengre tidsrom (over hundre år), mens den nåværende nitrogenretensjonen er vesentlig høyere. Dagens nitrogenlekkasje avtar fra rundt 30% lengst sør og vest i landet til under 5% på nordre deler av østlandet. For 2010 er det beregnet en potensiell nitrogenlekkasje på 50-70% for store deler av Sør- og Vestlandet, dersom en legger "worst case" nitrogenretensjon og forventet nitrogen-depososjon (jfr. Gøteborgprotokollen) til grunn.Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT


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    This study discovers how cohesive devices used in twelve students’ writing written by four students – two high achiever learners and two low achiever learners – of English Education Program in Indonesian University. With the characteristics of case study approach, the research study applies a qualitative method research design and employs Halliday and Hasan’s (1976) taxonomy of cohesion framework as a ground theory and a tool for text analysis. The findings show that grammatical cohesive devices are used slightly more frequent than the lexical ones. The students frequently used reiteration followed by reference, conjunction, collocation, substitution, and ellipsis with two general functions; to remind the readers about the topic discussed and to show the position of the author within the text. Furthermore, it is realized that to some extent, the way students use cohesive devices is a little bit different; in which at the final point, high achiever learners tend to use more various cohesive devices than the low ones in maintaining their quality of writing. Keywords: Cohesion, Cohesive Devices, Writing Quality Penggunaan Perangkat Kohesif di Tulisan-tulisan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Penelitian ini mengemukakan bagaimana perangkat kohesif digunakan pada dua belas tulisan buatan empat mahasiswa – dua siswa berprestasi tinggi dan dua siswa berprestasi rendah – jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris di salah satu universitas di Indonesia. Dengan karakteristik pendekatan studi kasus, penelitian ini menerapkan metode kualitatif dan menggunakan taksonomi kerangka kohesi yang diusung Halliday dan Hasan (1976) sebagai teori dasar dan alat untuk menganalisis teks. Temuan menunjukan bahwa perangkat kohesif gramatikal digunakan sedikit lebih sering daripada yang leksikal. Para siswa seringkali menggunakan reiteration diikuti oleh reference, conjunction, collocation, substitution, dan ellipsis dengan dua fungsi umum; untuk mengingatkan pembaca tentang topic yang sedang dibahas dan untuk menunjukan posisi penulis didalam teks. Selanjutnya, disadari bahwa pada titik-titik tertentu, cara siswa menggunakan perangkat kohesif sedikit berbeda; yang mana pada akhirnya, siswa yang berprestasi tinggi cenderung menggunakan perangkat kohesif yang lebih variatif daripada yang digunakan oleh siswa yang berprestasi rendah dalam mempertahankan kualitas tulisannya. Kata Kunci: Kohesi, Perangkat Kohesif, Kualitas Tulisa

    Effects of dietary deoxynivalenol or ochratoxin A on performance and selected health indices in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were fed with standard feed added one of five concentrations of either pure deoxynivalenol (DON; 0.5–6 mg/kg) or pure ochratoxin A (OTA; 0.2–2.4 mg/kg), or no added toxins for up to 8 weeks. Performance effects (feed intake, feed efficiency, gain, length and condition factor), various clinical biochemical parameters, packed cell volume and vaccination response against Aeromonas salmonicidae were all inversely correlated with DON dose, whereas relative liver weight increased with DON dose. In fish fed OTA, however, the effects at the doses tested were rather small. We observed no effects of OTA exposure on performance parameters, but some clinical biochemical parameters tended to increase with OTA dose primarily at 3 weeks, and compared with controls OTA exposure caused increased mRNA expression of two immune markers in the spleen. No liver histopathological effects were found from DON or OTA exposure. For DON, we derived a BMDL20 of 0.3 mg/kg feed for reduced total protein in plasma, a BMDL5 of 0.5 mg/kg feed for reduced condition factor, and a NOAEL of 1 mg/kg feed for DON. For OTA, a BMDL or NOAEL could not be derived (>2.4 mg/kg).publishedVersio

    Overvåking NOAH Langøya 2010. Miljøgifter i blåskjell, sedimentundersøkelser samt marinbiologiske registreringer

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    Siden overvåkingen utenfor NOAHs anlegg på Langøya startet i 1994 har resultatene i hovedsak indikert en god miljøtilstand i området og undersøkelsene i 2010 viste også en i hovedsak god tilstand. Undersøkelsene omfattet forekomst av metaller og organiske miljøgifter i blåskjell, tilstanden til biologiske samfunn i fjæra, samt tilstanden på hardbunn og bløtbunn på dypere vann. Tilstanden var i 2010 for det meste god, men med noe forhøyede nivåer av enkelte metaller i blåskjell og sediment rundt kaiområdet på Langøya. Dette indikerer en lokal påvirkning fra NOAHs aktiviteter, trolig i hovedsak forårsaket av spill ved lossing av forurenset materiale. Det ser imidlertid ut som at gjennomførte tiltak har redusert påvirkningen. Sjøsonen ned til 30-40 m dyp var preget av sandbunn og nedslammet fjellbunn med lite synlige organismer. Forholdene i de dypereliggende sedimentene rundt Langøya var generelt gode. Det er sannsynlig at flere forurensningskilder i området enn NOAH-Langøya kan påvirke de stasjoner som undersøkes.NOAH AS, v. Marit Lægrei

    Effect of soluble complement receptor type 1 on reperfusion edema and neutrophil migration after lung allotransplantation in swine

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    AbstractObjective: Soluble complement receptor type 1 inhibits complement activation by blocking C3 and C5 convertases of the classical and alternative pathways. We evaluated the effect of soluble complement receptor type 1 on lung allograft reperfusion injury. Methods: Left lung transplantation was performed in 13 weight-matched pigs (25 to 31 kg) after prolonged preservation (20 hours at 1° C). One hour after reperfusion the recipient contralateral right lung was excluded to assess graft function only. Complement activity and C3a levels were measured after reperfusion and at the end of the assessment. Extravascular lung water index, intrathoracic blood volume, and cardiac output were assessed during a 5-hour observation period. Gas exchange and hemodynamics were monitored. At the end of the 5-hour assessment period, myeloperoxidase assay and bronchoalveolar lavage were performed to assess neutrophil migration, and C5b-9 (membrane attack complex) deposits in the allograft were detected by immunohistochemistry. Two groups were studied. In group II (n = 6) recipient animals were treated with soluble complement receptor type 1 (15 mg/kg) 15 minutes before reperfusion. Group I (n = 7) served as the control group. Results: Serum complement activity was completely inhibited in group II. In contrast to group I, C5b-9 complexes were not detected in group II allograft tissue samples. C3a was reduced to normal levels in group II (p = 0.00005). Extravascular lung water index was higher in group I animals throughout the assessment period (p = 0.035). No significant difference in allograft myeloperoxidase activity (p = 0.10) and polymorphonuclear leukocyte count of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (p = 0.057) was detected. Conclusion: Inhibition of the complement system by soluble complement receptor type 1 blocks local complement activation in the allograft and reduces posttransplantation reperfusion edema but does not improve hemodynamic parameters. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998;116:90-7

    Miljøgifter i kystområdene 2012

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    En Corrigendum ble tilføyd til rapporten den 24.09.2014. Den er også lagt inn som vedlegg i selve rapportsfil.A Corrigendum was added to the report on 09/24/2014. It is also added as an attachment in the report's file.This programme examines long term changes for legacy and some emerging contaminants in biota along the coast of Norway from the Oslofjord and Hvaler region in the southeast to the Varangerfjord in the northeast, in both polluted areas and areas remote from point sources. The 2012-investigation included the monitoring of blue mussel (23 stations), dog whelk (8 stations), common periwinkle (1 station) cod (14 stations) and seawater (passive samplers, 3 stations). Thirty contaminants were chosen for this report as reasonable representation of the chemicals investigated. This selection has 272 time series of which there were statistically significant trends in 50 cases: 34 (12.5 %) were downwards and 16 (5.9 %) upwards. The dominance of downward trends indicates that contamination is decreasing. Of the 272 cases, 156 could be classified by the environmental classification system used by the Norwegian Environment Agency, 81.4 % were classified as insignificantly polluted, 13.5 % as moderately polluted, 4.5 % as markedly polluted, 0 % as severely polluted and 0.6 % as extremely polluted. Analyses of HBCD, SCCP, MCCP, PFRs, BPA, and TBBPA and the use of passive samplers were included in this programme for the first time. Some cases warrant special concern. These were for example upward trend for mercury in cod fillet from the inner Oslofjord, high concentrations of hexabromocyclododecane (a-HBCD) in cod liver from the same area, and high concentrations of medium chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCP) in cod liver from SørfjordMiljødirektorate

    Elvetilførselsprogrammet (RID) - 20 års overvåking av tilførsler til norske kystområder (1990-2009). Datarapport 2 – Tilførsler til havområdene

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    Elvetilførselsprogrammet (RID) har overvåket forurensingstilførsler til kysten siden 1990. Det måles på åtte tungmetaller, seks næringsstoff-fraksjoner, samt PCB, lindan, organisk karbon, suspenderte partikler, pH og ledningsevne. Tilførsler beregnes til hele norskekysten fordelt på de fire havområdene Skagerrak, Nordsjøen, Norskehavet og Barentshavet. I 2009 ble det utført en omfattende gjennomgang av datasettet i RID slik at det nå er mer helhetlig og korrekt enn tidligere. Oppdaterte data finnes i databaser (bl.a. Vannmiljø og den europeiske RID-databasen). Det er laget en rapport som en oppdatert oversikt over resultatene fra 20 år med overvåking av forurensingstilførsler til norske kystområder (TA-2857/2011). I sammenheng med denne rapporten gis det også ut to datarapporter fra de 20 årene med overvåking: 1) Vannkjemi i RID-elvene (TA-2869) og 2) Tilførsler til havområdene (denne rapporten).Kli