23 research outputs found

    16 ĂĄr med samarbeid om arbeidshelse i nordomrĂĄdene

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    Source at https://www.legeforeningen.no/foreningsledd/fagmed/norsk-forening-for-arbeidsmedisin/.De siste tjue årene har nordområdene gått fra periferi til satsingsområde for mange land, ikke minst Norge. Dette har vært drevet av ønsker om økt ressursbasert verdiskapning, klimaendringer, bærekraftig utvikling og sikkerhetspolitikk. Det påvirker lokalsamfunn, miljøet, bedrifter, arbeidsplasser og innbyggere. Behovet for økt kunnskap og gode tjenester er stort

    HelseIArbeid – et tiltak for økt mestring og arbeidsdeltakelse? - Kvalitativ del. Følgeforskning på HelseIArbeid – Bedriftstiltaket. En brukerorientert kvalitativ, etnografisk studie fra to arbeidsplasser

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    Denne rapporten har grunnlag i den kvalitativt orienterte delen av følgeforskningsprosjektet «HelseIArbeid – et tiltak for økt mestring og arbeidsdeltakelse?». HelseIArbeid – bedriftstiltaket er en arbeidshelseintervensjon i regi av NAV og Spesialisthelsetjenesten, som i forskningsperioden ble levert i flere kommuner i Troms og Finnmark. Konseptet HelseIArbeid innebærer en satsing på helsefremmende og forebyggende kunnskapsformidling på arbeidsplassen og rask tilgang på individrettet tverrfaglig utredning og avklaring, som grunnlag for mestring og arbeidsdeltakelse. HelseIArbeid har altså også et individtiltak, som ikke er del av denne forskningen. Rapporten vil i det følgende bare handle om HelseIArbeid – bedriftstiltaket, heretter bare kalt HIA eller HelseIArbeid

    Effects of Interventions to Prevent Work-Related Asthma, Allergy, and Other Hypersensitivity Reactions in Norwegian Salmon Industry Workers (SHInE): Protocol for a Pragmatic Allocated Intervention Trial and Related Substudies

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    Background: Workers in the salmon processing industry have an increased risk of developing respiratory diseases and other hypersensitivity responses due to occupational exposure to bioaerosols containing fish proteins and microorganisms, and related allergens. Little is known about effective measures to reduce bioaerosol exposure and about the extent of skin complaints among workers. In addition, while identification of risk factors is a core activity in disease prevention strategies, there is increasing interest in health-promoting factors, which is an understudied area in the salmon processing industry. Objective: The overall aim of this ongoing study is to generate knowledge that can be used in tailored prevention of development or chronification of respiratory diseases, skin reactions, protein contact dermatitis, and allergy among salmon processing workers. The main objective is to identify effective methods to reduce bioaerosol exposure. Further objectives are to identify and characterize clinically relevant exposure agents, identify determinants of exposure, measure prevalence of work-related symptoms and disease, and identify health-promoting factors of the psychosocial work environment. Methods: Data are collected during field studies in 9 salmon processing plants along the Norwegian coastline. Data collection comprises exposure measurements, health examinations, and questionnaires. A wide range of laboratory analyses will be used for further analysis and characterization of exposure agents. Suitable statistical analysis will be applied to the various outcomes of this comprehensive study. Results: Data collection started in September 2021 and was anticipated to be completed by March 2023, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Baseline data from all 9 plants included 673 participants for the health examinations and a total of 869 personal exposure measurements. A total of 740 workers answered the study’s main questionnaire on demographics, job characteristics, lifestyle, health, and health-promoting factors. Follow-up data collection is not completed yet. Conclusions: This study will contribute to filling knowledge gaps concerning salmon workers’ work environment. This includes effective workplace measures for bioaerosol exposure reduction, increased knowledge on hypersensitivity, allergy, respiratory and dermal health, as well as health-promoting workplace factors. Together this will give a basis for improving the work environment, preventing occupational health-related diseases, and developing occupational exposure limits, which in turn will benefit employees, employers, occupational health services, researchers, clinicians, decision makers, and other stakeholders.publishedVersio

    Leder - Ramazzini 2/2022

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    I dette nummeret tar vi for oss prosjektarbeid i arbeids medisin som tema, med spesiell vekt pĂĄ prosjekter I BHT. Men hva er egentlig prosjektarbeid

    Bli med på prosjekt...og delta på spørreundersøkelsen

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    NĂĄr sjekket du sist hvilke referanseverdier dere har lagt inn i spirometriapparatet deres

    Leder - Ramazzini 2/2022

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    I dette nummeret tar vi for oss prosjektarbeid i arbeids medisin som tema, med spesiell vekt pĂĄ prosjekter I BHT. Men hva er egentlig prosjektarbeid

    Calanus oil and its lipid constituents - Impact on obesity and obesity-related metabolic disorders in rodents

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    Fedme er et økende helseproblem, og spesielt er avleiring av bukfett forbundet med økt risiko for en rekke sykdommer. Kosttilskudd med omega-3 fettsyrer har vist positive effekter på fedme-relaterte sykdommer. Calanusolje er et relativt nytt produkt som produseres fra raudåte (Calanus finmarchicus) som finnes i store mengder i norske farvann. Oljen har lavt innhold av miljøgifter og er rik på anti-oksidanter og langkjedede mono- og flerumettede fettsyrer. Avhandlingen omhandler fysiologiske effekter av Calanusolje i diett-indusert overvektige gnagere, som er en etablert modell for overvekt hos mennesker. Gnagere ble foret med vanlig eller fettrik diett. Noen dyr fikk fettrik diett med tilskudd av små mengder Calanusolje eller et ekstrakt av oljen (voksester, som er den dominerende kilden til omega-3 fettsyrer i oljen). Dyrene med fettrik diett utviklet overvekt med betydelig avleiring av bukfett, samtidig som et forstadium av diabetes. I tillegg oppsto det en lavgradsbetennelse i fettvevet (invasjon av betennelsesceller og utskillelse av betennelses-fremmende faktorer). Dyrene som fikk Calanusolje hadde klart mindre bukfett og bedre blodsukkerkontroll sammenlignet med de som fikk fettrik diett alene. Lavgradsbetennelsen ble også kraftig redusert. De samme resultatene ble oppnådd i dyr som fikk voksester i dietten. Det er usikkert hva som forklarer de positive effektene av oljen/voksesteren, men sannsynligvis er det en kombinasjon av flere helse-fremmende fettsyrer. Det er i hvert fall åpenbart at den aktive komponenten i Calanusoljen finnes i voksester-fraksjonen og at oljen er effektiv i svært lave doser

    Bli med på prosjekt...og delta på spørreundersøkelsen

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    NĂĄr sjekket du sist hvilke referanseverdier dere har lagt inn i spirometriapparatet deres

    Comparing the New Interdisciplinary Health in Work Intervention With Conventional Monodisciplinary Welfare Interventions at Norwegian Workplaces: Protocol for a Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Trial

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    Background: Musculoskeletal and mental health complaints are the dominant diagnostic categories in long-term sick leave and disability pensions in Norway. Continuing to work despite health complaints is often beneficial, and a good work environment can improve work inclusion for people affected. In 2001, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration began to offer inclusive work measures to improve the psychosocial work environment and work inclusion of people with health complaints. In 2018, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration and specialist health services started offering the new collaborative Health in work program. Its workplace intervention presents health and welfare information that may improve employees’ coping ability regarding common health complaints. It encourages understanding of coworkers’ health complaints and appropriate work adjustments to increase work participation. Objective: This protocol presents an ongoing, 2-arm, pragmatic cluster-randomized trial. Its aim is to compare the effect of monodisciplinary inclusive work measures(treatment as usual) and interdisciplinary Health in work in terms of changes in overall sickness absence, health care use, health-related quality of life, and costs. The secondary objectives are to compare changes in individual sickness absence, psychosocial work environment, job and life satisfaction, health, and health anxiety at both the individual and group levels. Methods: Data will be collected from national registers, trial-specific registrations, and questionnaires. Effects will be explored using difference-in-difference analysis and regression modeling. Multilevel analysis will visualize any cluster effects using intraclass correlation coefficients. Results: Inclusion was completed in July 2021 with 97 workplaces and 1383 individual consents. Data collection will be completed with the last questionnaires to be sent out in July 2023. Conclusions: This trial will contribute to filling knowledge gaps regarding the effectiveness and costs of workplace interventions, thereby benefiting health and welfare services, political decision makers, and the public and business sectors. The findings will be disseminated in reports, peer-reviewed journals, and conferences

    Is working in a cold environment associated with musculoskeletal complaints 7–8 years later? A longitudinal analysis from the Tromsø Study

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    Objective - Exposure to a cold environment at work is associated with a higher prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and chronic pain in cross-sectional studies. This study aims to determine the association between working in a cold environment ≥ 25% of the time and musculoskeletal complaints (MSC) 7–8 years later. Methods - We followed participants from the sixth survey (Tromsø 6, 2007–2008) to the seventh survey (Tromsø 7, 2015–2016) of the Tromsø Study. Analyses included 2347 men and women aged 32–60 years who were not retired and not receiving full-time disability benefits in Tromsø 6. Three different binary outcomes were investigated in Tromsø 7: any MSC, severe MSC, and MSC in ≥ 3 anatomical regions. We excluded participants with severe MSC, MSC in ≥ 3 regions, or missing values in Tromsø 6. The association between working in a cold environment and future MSC were examined using Poisson regression and adjusted for age, sex, number of moderate MSC, education, physical activity at work, smoking status, body mass index, and self-reported health in Tromsø 6. Results - 258 participants reported to work in a cold environment ≥ 25% of the time in Tromsø 6. They had an increased risk of having any MSC in Tromsø 7 (incidence rate ratio 1.15; 95% confidence interval 1.03–1.29). There was no significantly increased risk of severe MSC or MSC in ≥ 3 regions. Conclusion - Working in a cold environment was associated with future MSC, but not with future severe MSC or future MSC in ≥ 3 regions