15 research outputs found

    D9.10. Final List of RRI Publications (scientific)

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    Deliverable D9.10. provides information about the efforts taken by the NewHoRRIzon consortium to disseminate project results in publications and presentations to different audiences in various settings (conferences, workshops, etc.)

    Engaging Stakeholders by Implementing RRI in the Social Lab Process – A Single Case Study

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    With new and emerging technologies, process of Research and Innovation (R & I) changed. Some point out an “increasingly growing complexity” (Gianni 2020: 14) that needs to be addressed. Other scholars note that “the pace of technological change has increased dramatically” (Gould 2012: 2) This complexity requires new modes of engaging stakeholders to the R & I process. As mentioned in Chap. 1 of this book, the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) (von Schomberg 2013) was created as a way to better engage stakeholders and their needs

    New HoRRIzon: D7.3 NewHoRRIzon Social Lab Manual – Final Version

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    This manual guided the Social Lab team over three years through the three learning cycles of the 19 Social Labs of the NewHoRRIzon project. The document starts with a short invitation to the journey of a Social Lab, sketches thereafter some of the challenges of RRI. It continues with explaining the Social Lab and some of its key terms, and provides an overview on the Social Lab process (diagnosis, setting up, labbing), roles and tasks (participants, manager, facilitator, researcher, work package leader) as well as phases of the Social Lab. The Annex provides Literature, sample letters for invitations, generic Social Lab designs, minutes of the Social Lab Design Workshop in 2017 as well evaluation templates (Moment I, II, III, IV, V, VI)

    Social labs as temporary intermediary learning organizations to help implement complex normative policies. The case of Responsible Research and Innovation in European science governance

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    This study aims to discuss science governance in Europe and the network of associated nonprofit institutions. The authors posit that this network, which comprises both (partial) learning organizations and non-learning organizations, has been observed to postpone taking up “responsibility” as an issue in science governance and funding decisions

    Challenges in the implementation of responsible research and innovation across Horizon 2020

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    In the last decade, the European Commission (EC) developed an ambitious strategy to promote RRI across the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (H2020). This effort resulted in a significant number of European-funded projects that substantially expanded the available knowledge of the theory, methods and implementation of RRI. However, various evaluations and studies revealed a limited and diffuse implementation of the concept. In this article, we aim to shed some light on this matter with a study covering eight programme lines of H2020 (ERC, MSCA, LEIT, FOOD, ENV, SEC, WIDENING and EURATOM). We employ an extensive policy document analysis and 112 semi-structured interviews carried out with various stakeholders. We argue that the limited implementation of RRI in H2020 is the result of conflicts with existing values, science cultures, economic objectives, restricted resources for its implementation and a lack of clarification around what RRI means

    Proteste 2.0 – Die Rolle sozialer Medien bei Occupy Wallstreet, dem Arabischen Frühling und PEGIDA Wien

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle sozialer Medien im Zuge der Proteste am Tahrir-Platz in Ägypten, Occupy Wallstreet und PEGIDA Wien. Der Fokus liegt auf der Entstehungsgeschichte der jeweiligen Bewegung, ihren Versuchen, über soziale Medien für Protestevents zu mobilisieren, und ihrer Rolle bei der Organisation und der Kommunikation für diese. Um die Beziehungen zwischen den Protestevents und den Vorgängen in den sozialen Netzwerken zu erheben, wurde mittels digitaler Methoden die Aktivität auf den jeweiligen Facebook-Seiten erhoben. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit den Ansätzen der Resource Mobilization Theory nach McCarthy und Zald (1977) sowie der Theorie Dieter Ruchts (2014) zur Online- und Offline-Mobilisierung in Kontext gesetzt. Das ermöglichte eine konkrete Beschreibung der Rolle sozialer Medien in den drei Protestbewegungen