335 research outputs found

    Ovis: A framework for visual analysis of ocean forecast ensembles

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    pre-printWe present a novel integrated visualization system that enables interactive visual analysis of ensemble simulations of the sea surface height that is used in ocean forecasting. The position of eddies can be derived directly from the sea surface height and our visualization approach enables their interactive exploration and analysis.The behavior of eddies is important in different application settings of which we present two in this paper. First, we show an application for interactive planning of placement as well as operation of off-shore structures using real-world ensemble simulation data of the Gulf of Mexico. Off-shore structures, such as those used for oil exploration, are vulnerable to hazards caused by eddies, and the oil and gas industry relies on ocean forecasts for efficient operations. We enable analysis of the spatial domain, as well as the temporal evolution, for planning the placement and operation of structures.Eddies are also important for marine life. They transport water over large distances and with it also heat and other physical properties as well as biological organisms. In the second application we present the usefulness of our tool, which could be used for planning the paths of autonomous underwater vehicles, so called gliders, for marine scientists to study simulation data of the largely unexplored Red Sea

    The two isoforms of the mouse somatostatin receptor (mSSTR2A and mSSTR2B) differ m coupling efficiency to adenylate cyclase and in agonist-induced receptor desensitization

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    AbstractThe somatostatin receptor 2 (mSSTR2) is alternatively spliced into two isoforms (mSSTR2A and mSSTR2B) which differ at the C-terminus. Both receptors bind somatostatin peptides with a similar high affinity when stably expressed in CHO-K1 cells. However, the spliced form (mSSTR2B) mediates a more efficient inhibition of adenylate cyclase and is much more resistant to agonist-induced reduction of binding than the longer form (mSSTR2A). These findings indicate that alternative splicing may be a physiological mechanism to modulate receptor desensitization and G-protein coupling of mSSTR2

    Approximated and User Steerable tSNE for Progressive Visual Analytics

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    Progressive Visual Analytics aims at improving the interactivity in existing analytics techniques by means of visualization as well as interaction with intermediate results. One key method for data analysis is dimensionality reduction, for example, to produce 2D embeddings that can be visualized and analyzed efficiently. t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (tSNE) is a well-suited technique for the visualization of several high-dimensional data. tSNE can create meaningful intermediate results but suffers from a slow initialization that constrains its application in Progressive Visual Analytics. We introduce a controllable tSNE approximation (A-tSNE), which trades off speed and accuracy, to enable interactive data exploration. We offer real-time visualization techniques, including a density-based solution and a Magic Lens to inspect the degree of approximation. With this feedback, the user can decide on local refinements and steer the approximation level during the analysis. We demonstrate our technique with several datasets, in a real-world research scenario and for the real-time analysis of high-dimensional streams to illustrate its effectiveness for interactive data analysis

    Cloning and expression of a novel mouse somatostatin receptor (SSTR2B)

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    AbstractA mouse somatostatin (SS) receptor cDNA was cloned from neuroblastoma x glioma (NG108-15) cells. The sequence is almost identical to that of the mouse SSTR2 receptor [(1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 251)] but lacks about 300 nucleotides between transmembrane domain VII and the C-terminus. This spliced variant of SSTR2 (designated SSTR2B) encodes a protein which is 23 residues shorter than that predicted from the SSTR2 sequence, and differs in 15 amino acids at the C-terminus. mRNA corresponding to SSTR2B occurs in mouse tissues in higher abundance than that of SSTR2. SSTR2B binds SS peptides with high affinity when expressed in mammalian cells

    Identification of a functional 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element within the second promoter of the mouse somatostatin receptor type 2 gene

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    AbstractImportant physiological actions of somatostatin are mediated by the somatostatin receptor type 2. Its transcription is regulated by three tissue specific, alternative promoters. It is known that the mRNA of the somatostatin receptor type 2 gene is induced by cAMP, but little is known about the mechanisms underlying this regulation. We have identified and characterized a cAMP responsive element located at nucleotide −162 on the second promoter of the gene consisting of the classical palindromic octameric sequence 5′-TGACGTCA-3′. Using transient expression of reporter gene deletion constructs in NG108-15 cells the necessity of the intact element for forskolin-induced reporter gene activity was demonstrated. The first and the third promoter are not responsive to forskolin, nor did any promoter respond to the phorbol ester PMA. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays in combination with competition experiments suggest the interaction of the promoter element with the cAMP responsive element binding protein

    Agile workflow for interactive analysis of mass cytometry data

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    Motivation: Single-cell proteomics technologies, such as mass cytometry, have enabled characterization of cell-tocell variation and cell populations at a single-cell resolution. These large amounts of data, require dedicated, interactive tools for translating the data into knowledge. Results: We present a comprehensive, interactive method called Cyto to streamline analysis of large-scale cytometry data. Cyto is a workflow-based open-source solution that automates the use of state-of-the-art single-cell analysis methods with interactive visualization. We show the utility of Cyto by applying it to mass cytometry data from peripheral blood and high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) samples. Our results show that Cyto is able to reliably capture the immune cell sub-populations from peripheral blood and cellular compositions of unique immune- and cancer cell subpopulations in HGSOC tumor and ascites samples.Peer reviewe

    Анализ эффективности применение стекло-базальтоволоконных труб в системе промысловых нефтепроводов

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    Целью работы является изучение возможности применения стекло-базальтоволоконных труб в системе промысловых нефтепроводов. В работе представлен обзор, анализ и оценка различных технологий изготовления стеклопластиковых труб, описание различных методов неразрушающего контроля, обзор производителей. Также проведен гидравлический и тепловой расчет.The aim of the work is to study the possibilities of using glass-basalt fiber pipes in the system of field oil pipelines. This paper presents the review of various technologies of pipe production and non-destructive examinations. In this paper demonstrated pipeline hydraulic and thermal design

    BrainScope: interactive visual exploration of the spatial and temporal human brain transcriptome

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    Spatial and temporal brain transcriptomics has recently emerged as an invaluable data source for molecular neuroscience. The complexity of such data poses considerable challenges for analysis and visualization. We present BrainScope: a web portal for fast, interactive visual exploration of the Allen Atlases of the adult and developing human brain transcriptome. Through a novel methodology to explore high-dimensional data (dual t-SNE), BrainScope enables the linked, all-in-one visualization of genes and samples across the whole brain and genome, and across developmental stages. We show that densities in t-SNE scatter plots of the spatial samples coincide with anatomical regions, and that densities in t-SNE scatter plots of the genes represent gene co-expression modules that are significantly enriched for biological functions. We also show that the topography of the gene t-SNE maps reflect brain region-specific gene functions, enabling hypothesis and data driven research. We demonstrate the discovery potential of BrainScope through three examples: (i) analysis of cell type specific gene sets, (ii) analysis of a set of stable gene co-expression modules across the adult human donors and (iii) analysis of the evolution of co-expression of oligodendrocyte specific genes over developmental stages. BrainScope is publicly accessible at www.brainscope.nl.FSW – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    Междисциплинарные проблемы аддитивных технологий: сборник тезисов V Всероссийского научного семинара, 5-6 декабря 2019, Томск

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    Этот сборник включает тезисы устных и стендовых докладов V Всероссийского научного семинара «Междисциплинарные проблемы аддитивных технологий». Семинар организован для содействия обмену результатами и опытом в области научных исследований, связанных с аддитивными технологиями, в целях развития и усиления интеграции упомянутых ранее исследований. Программа семинара в 2019 году охватывает проблемы материаловедения в аддитивных технологиях