396 research outputs found

    Controlled model assisted evolution strategy with adaptive preselection

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    The utility of evolutionary algorithms for direct optimization of real processes or complex simulations is often limited by the large number of required fitness evaluations. Model assisted evolutionary algorithms economize on actual fitness evaluations by partially selecting individuals on the basis of a computationally less complex fitness model. We propose a novel model management scheme to regulate the number of preselected individuals to achieve optimal evolutionary progress with a minimal number of fitness evaluations. The number of preselected individuals is adapted to the model quality expressed by its ability to correctly predict the best individuals. The method achieves a substantial reduction of fitness evaluations on a set of benchmarks not only in comparison to a standard evolution strategy but also with respect to other model assisted optimization schemes

    Baroclinic tides and their possible impact on bottom boundary layer evolution and vertical mixing in the Laptev Sea

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    3 consecutive years of moored ADCP and bottom temperature and salinity records at a ∼40 m deep location on the Laptev Sea shelf show strongly amplified internal tides with a period of ∼14 days during two highly stratified winters of 2009 and 2010, while no internal tides were identified during winter of 2008 when conditions were barotropic. The observations likely result from the combined effect of stratification induced by the Lena river freshwater plume (2009) or near-bottom inflow of denser waters (2010) with the proximity of the critical latitude of the M2 tide. The high velocity core found 10-15 m above the bottom during spring tide cycles appears to migrate upward in the water column, which suggests that the bottom boundary layer thickness increases due to shear instability beneath the pycnocline. This potentially has important consequences on the vertical distribution of heat and freshwater in the water column. In addition, measurements show that nutrients are available in near-bottom waters while depleted near the surface, hence upward mixing of nutrients by baroclinic tide-induced turbulence in winter may be a key mechanism for the success of the spring bloom. Currently, one-dimensional numerical experiments are performed to verify the suggested mechanisms and to further investigate the impact of baroclinic tides on bottom boundary layer evolution and water column stability in the Laptev Sea

    Historical variability of the density stratification in the Laptev Sea

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    The Laptev Sea is a key region for sea ice formation and export to the inner Arctic. During winter, wind-ice-dynamics repeatedly produce open water areas (polynyas) with extensive heat fluxes, sea ice formation and water mass modification. In summer, the oceanic processes are strongly influenced by the enormous freshwater discharge of Siberian rivers. All this influences the density distribution. We therefore present a comprehensive analysis of the historical temperature and salinity data which is episodically available since around 1910. The variability of the density stratification is important for mixing across the water column

    The penetrative mixing in the Laptev Sea coastal polynya pycnocline layer

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    The large recurrent areas of open water and/or thin ice (polynyas) producing cold brine-enriched waters off the fast-ice edge are evident in the Laptev Sea in winter time. A number of abrupt positively correlated transitions in temperature and salinity were recorded in the bottom and intermediate layers at a mooring station in the West New Siberian (WNS) polynya in February-March 2008. Being in the range of -0.5 degrees C and -1.6 psu these changes are induced by horizontal motions across the polynya and correspond to temperature and salinity horizontal gradients in the range of 0.3-1.0 degrees C/10 km and 1.4-3.5 psu/10 km, respectively. The events of distinct freshening and temperature decrease coincide with a northward current off the fast-ice edge, while southward currents brought saltier and warmer waters at intermediate depths. We suggest that the observed transitions are connected to altering pycnocline depths across the polynya. The source of relatively fresher waters at the intermediate depths in polynya is supposed to originate from penetrative mixing of surface low salinity waters to intermediate water depth. Several forcing processes that could be responsible for a penetrative mixing through the density interface in polynya are discussed. These are penetrative convection and shear-driven mixing that originates from two-layer water dynamics and/or baroclinic tidal motions. The heavily ridged seaward fast-ice edge could produce an additional source of turbulent mixing even through a shear-free density interface due to the increased roughness at the ice-water interfac

    On the Variability of Stratification in the Freshwater-Influenced Laptev Sea Region

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    In this paper, we investigate the seasonal and spatial variability of stratification on the Siberian shelves with a case study from the Laptev Sea based on shipboard hydrographic measurements, year-round oceanographic mooring records from 2013 to 2014 and chemical tracer-based water mass analyses. In summer 2013, weak onshore-directed winds caused spreading of riverine waters throughout much of the eastern and central shelf. In contrast, strong southerly winds in summer 2014 diverted much of the freshwater to the northeast, which resulted in 50% less river water and significantly weaker stratification on the central shelf compared with the previous year. Our year-long records additionally emphasize the regional differences in water column structure and stratification, where the northwest location was well-mixed for 6 months and the central and northeast locations remained stratified into spring due to the lower initial surface salinities of the river-influenced water. A 26 year record of ocean reanalysis highlights the region’s interannual variability of stratification and its dependence on winds and sea ice. Prior the mid-2000s, river runoff to the perennially ice-covered central Laptev Sea shelf experienced little surface forcing and river water was maintained on the shelf. The transition toward less summer sea ice after the mid-2000s increased the ROFI’s (region of freshwater influence) exposure to summer winds. This greatly enhanced the variability in mixed layer depth, resulting in several years with well-mixed water columns as opposed to the often year-round shallow mixed layers before. The extent of the Lena River plume is critical for the region since it modulates nutrient fluxes and primary production, and further controls intermediate heat storage induced by lateral density gradients, which has implications for autumnal freeze-up and the eastern Arctic sea ice volume. MAIN POINTS 1. CTD surveys and moorings highlight the regional and temporal variations in water column stratification on the Laptev Sea shelf. 2. Summer winds increasingly control the extent of the region of freshwater influence under decreasing sea ice. 3. Further reductions in sea ice increases surface warming, heat storage, and the interannual variability in mixed layer depth

    Inorganic carbon and nutrient fluxes on the Arctic Shelf

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    Historic data from the Russian-American Hydrochemical Atlas of Arctic Ocean together with data from the TRANSDRIFT II 1994 and TUNDRA 1994 cruises have been used to assess the spatial and inter-annual variability of carbon and nutrient fluxes, as well as air–sea CO2 exchange in the Laptev and western East Siberian Seas during the summer season. Budget computations using summer data of dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) gives that the Laptev Sea shelf is a net sink of DIP and DIN of 2.5×106, 23.2×106 mol d−1, respectively, while it is a net source of DIC (excluding air–sea exchange) of 1249×106 mol d−1. In the East Siberian Seas the budget computations give 0.5×106, −11.4×106 and −173×106 mol d−1 (minus being a sink) for DIP, DIN, and DIC, respectively. In summers, the Laptev Sea Shelf is net autotrophic while the East-Siberian Sea Shelf is net heterotrophic, and both systems are weak net denitrifying. The Laptev Sea Shelf takes up 2.1 mmol CO2 m−2 d−1 from atmosphere, whereas the western part of the East-Siberian Sea Shelf loose 0.3 mmol CO2 m−2 d−1 to the atmosphere. The variability of DIP, DIN and DIC fluxes during summer in the different regions of the Laptev and East Siberian Seas depends on bottom topography, river runoff, exchange with surrounding seas and wind field
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