4 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Measurements of Salivary Amylase Activity

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    Stress constitutes a more and more common cause for many health disorders inmodern society. Salivary -amylase (AA), the most abundant enzyme in humanwhole saliva, has in recent years been found to be a good surrogate biomarker formonitoring stress levels in individuals. This work aims to form the foundation ofa novel approach for measuring the activity of the enzyme in saliva samples bymeans of electrochemistry. The idea is to implement several enzymes along witha starch substrate and an electron mediator in a single system. This system isthen to be coated onto a screen-printed electrode (SPE), which is used along withan electrical component, designed to give rise to a quantifiable, electrical signalwhen the starch is broken down by the AA contained in an added saliva sample.Several such enzyme systems are here qualitatively evaluated. As electron mediator,ferro-/ferricyanide is used. Two different enzymes, glucose oxidase (GOx) andpyrroloquinoline quinone dependent glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ-GDH), are testedfor making up the saccharide oxidising part of the system. Both prove themselvescapable in terms of qualitatively giving rise to an electrical signal. But, in terms ofinternal quantitative comparisons between the two, no practical experiments areperformed in this work. In some runs, the enzyme -glucosidase (AG) is used asan intermediate for breaking down the AA/starch oligosaccharide products intomonosaccharides. This to increase the system’s electrical signal output when usingGOx as oxidising agent. Regrettably, due to lack of AG enzyme, these runs do notprovide any conclusive data, and so further investigations of systems including thisenzyme are needed. Otherwise, all systems tested seem to work, and neither ofthem appear better than the others. Therefore, all of them will require furtherquantitative testing to determine which one is best to implement in the final designof the enzyme system to be applied onto the SPE

    Electrochemical Measurements of Salivary Amylase Activity

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    Stress constitutes a more and more common cause for many health disorders inmodern society. Salivary -amylase (AA), the most abundant enzyme in humanwhole saliva, has in recent years been found to be a good surrogate biomarker formonitoring stress levels in individuals. This work aims to form the foundation ofa novel approach for measuring the activity of the enzyme in saliva samples bymeans of electrochemistry. The idea is to implement several enzymes along witha starch substrate and an electron mediator in a single system. This system isthen to be coated onto a screen-printed electrode (SPE), which is used along withan electrical component, designed to give rise to a quantifiable, electrical signalwhen the starch is broken down by the AA contained in an added saliva sample.Several such enzyme systems are here qualitatively evaluated. As electron mediator,ferro-/ferricyanide is used. Two different enzymes, glucose oxidase (GOx) andpyrroloquinoline quinone dependent glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ-GDH), are testedfor making up the saccharide oxidising part of the system. Both prove themselvescapable in terms of qualitatively giving rise to an electrical signal. But, in terms ofinternal quantitative comparisons between the two, no practical experiments areperformed in this work. In some runs, the enzyme -glucosidase (AG) is used asan intermediate for breaking down the AA/starch oligosaccharide products intomonosaccharides. This to increase the system’s electrical signal output when usingGOx as oxidising agent. Regrettably, due to lack of AG enzyme, these runs do notprovide any conclusive data, and so further investigations of systems including thisenzyme are needed. Otherwise, all systems tested seem to work, and neither ofthem appear better than the others. Therefore, all of them will require furtherquantitative testing to determine which one is best to implement in the final designof the enzyme system to be applied onto the SPE

    Root rot : Means for detecting decay in standing trees

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    Skogsröta är idag orsaken till de största ekonomiska förlusterna förskogsindustrin i Sverige, framförallt när det handlar om gran. Att kunnaidentifiera om ett stående träd är rötskadat eller inte tordes kunna minska deekonomiska förlusterna avsevärt. I projektet har två olika metoder använtsför att kunna identifiera skogsröta. Den ena metoden var en manuellbedömning av beståndet där synliga defekter på stammen, såsom svarta“skorpor” och rotansvällningar, har tagits i beaktande. Den andra metodenbaserades på mätningar med en impulshammare som mäter tiden det tar förljud att färdas genom en stam. På så sätt kan antydningar till defekter iveden, exempelvis skogsröta, hittas. Dessa två metoder jämfördes sedan medett facit som togs fram efter avverkning där stubbarna inventerades. Utifrånresultatet kunde sedan slutsatsen dras att varken impulshammaren eller denmanuella bedömningen var tillräckligt tillförlitlig