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    Zur Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der EU

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    Reviews of Books

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    BARRY CUNLIFFE. Europe between the Oceans: Themes and Variations: gooo BCAD 1000. New Haven, C T and London: Yale University Press, 2008. Pp. ix, 518. 39.95(US).ReviewedbyMartinW.LewisAYSEDEVRIMATAUZ.EightThousandYearsofMalteseMaritimeHistory:Trade,Piracy,andNavalWarfareintheCentralMediterranean.Gainesville,FL:UniversityPressofFlorida,2008.Pp.xiv,379.39.95 (US). Reviewed by Martin W. Lewis AYSE DEVRIM ATAUZ. Eight Thousand Years of Maltese Maritime History: Trade, Piracy, and Naval Warfare in the Central Mediterranean. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2008. Pp. xiv, 379. 69.95 (US). Reviewed by Victor Mallia-Milanes IAN WORTHINGTON. Philip II of Macedonia. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 2008. Pp. xx, 303. 35.00(US).ReviewedbyCraigeB.ChampionFEDERICOSANTANGELO.Sulla,theElites,andtheEmpire:AStudyofRomanPoliciesinItalyandtheGreekEast.Leiden:Brill,2007.Pp.xix,230.€99.00.ReviewedbyArthurM.EcksteinROSAMONDMCKITTERICK.Charlemagne:TheFormationofaEuropeanIdentity.NewYork,NY:CambridgeUniversityPress,2008.Pp.xviii,460.35.00 (US). Reviewed by Craige B. Champion FEDERICO SANTANGELO. Sulla, the Elites, and the Empire: A Study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East. Leiden: Brill, 2007. Pp. xix, 230. €99.00. Reviewed by Arthur M. Eckstein ROSAMOND MCKITTERICK. Charlemagne: The Formation of a European Identity. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Pp. xviii, 460. 29.99 (US), paper.Reviewed by David S. Bachrach STEVE FLANDERS. De Courcy: Anglo-Normans in Ireland, England, and France in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. Dublin and Portland, OR: Four Courts Press, 2008. Pp. 205. 75.00(US).ReviewedbyHughM.ThomasJONATHANRILEY−SMITH.TheCrusades,Christianity,andIslam.NewYork,NY:ColumbiaUniversityPress,2008.Pp.125.75.00 (US). Reviewed by Hugh M. Thomas JONATHAN RILEY-SMITH. The Crusades, Christianity, and Islam. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2008. Pp. 125. 24.50 (US). Reviewed by John France NORMAN HOUSLEY. Fighting for the Cross: Crusading to the Holy Land. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 2008. Pp. xiv, 357. 38.00(US).ReviewedbyChristopherTyermanBERNARDBARBICHEincollaborationwithSeˊgoleˋnedeDainville−Barbiche.Bulla,Legatus,Nuntius:Eˊtudesdediplomatiqueetdediplomaticpontificales(Xllle−XVIIesieˋcle).Paris:EˊcoledesChartes,2007;dist.Geneva:LibrairieDroz.Pp.575.€55.00,paper.ReviewedbyBarbaraBombiINABAGHDIANTZMCCABE.OrientalisminEarlyModernFrance:EurasianTrade,Exoticism,andtheAncienReˊgime.OxfordandNewYork,NY:Berg,2008.Pp.vi,409.38.00 (US).Reviewed by Christopher Tyerman BERNARD BARBICHE in collaboration with SĂ©golĂšne de Dainville-Barbiche. Bulla, Legatus, Nuntius: Études de diplomatique et de diplomatic pontificales (Xllle-XVIIe siĂšcle). Paris: École des Chartes, 2007; dist. Geneva: Librairie Droz. Pp. 575.€55.00, paper. Reviewed by Barbara Bombi INA BAGHDIANTZ MCCABE. Orientalism in Early Modern France: Eurasian Trade, Exoticism, and the Ancien RĂ©gime. Oxford and New York, NY: Berg, 2008. Pp. vi, 409. 119.95 (US). Reviewed by Lynn Hunt JOHN A. LYNN. Women, Armies, and Warfare in Early Modern Europe. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Pp. xii, 239. 24.99(us),paper.ReviewedbyPeterH.WilsonULBEBOSMAandREMCORABEN.Beingâ€ČDutchâ€ČintheIndies:AHistoryofCreolisationandEmpire,1500−1920,trans.WendieShaffer.Athens,OH:OhioUniversityResearchinInternationalStudies,2008.Pp.xx,439.24.99 (u s), paper. Reviewed by Peter H. Wilson ULBE BOSMA and REMCO RABEN. Being 'Dutch' in the Indies: A History of Creolisation and Empire, 1500-1920, trans. Wendie Shaffer. Athens, OH: Ohio University Research in International Studies, 2008. Pp. xx, 439. 28.00 (US), paper. Reviewed by Heather Sutherland DAVID ELTIS and DAVID RICHARDSON, eds. Extending the Frontiers: Essays on the Mew Transatlantic Slave Trade Database. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 2008. Pp. xiii,377. 90.00(US).ReviewedbyStephenD.BehrendtLOTHARHOšBELT.FerdinandIII:FriedenskaiserwiderWillen.Graz:AresVerlag,2008.Pp.488.€29.90.ReviewedbyHowardLouthanSTEVECLARKandPAULSMETHURST,eds.AsianCrossings:TravelWritingonChina,Japan,andSoutheastAsia.HongKong:HongKongUniversityPress,2008;dist.Seattle,WA:UniversityofWashingtonPress.Pp.xi,276.90.00 (US).Reviewed by Stephen D. Behrendt LOTHAR HÖBELT. Ferdinand III: Friedenskaiser wider Willen. Graz: Ares Verlag, 2008. Pp. 488. €29.90. Reviewed by Howard Louthan STEVE CLARK and PAUL SMETHURST, eds. Asian Crossings: Travel Writing on China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2008; dist. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press. Pp. xi, 276. 37.50 (US), paper. Reviewed by Eric Tagliacozzo TOBY BARNARD. Improving Ireland? Projectors, Prophets, and Profiteers, 1641-1786. Dublin and Portland, OR: Four Courts Press, 2008. Pp. 192. 75.00(US).ReviewedbyPadraigLenihanLEONARDBLUSSE.VisibleCities:Canton,Nagasaki,andBataviaandtheComingoftheAmericans.Cambridge,MAandLondon:HarvardUniversityPress,2008.Pp.xi,133.75.00 (US).Reviewed by Padraig Lenihan LEONARD BLUSSE. Visible Cities: Canton, Nagasaki, and Batavia and the Coming of the Americans. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2008. Pp. xi, 133. 25.95 (US). Reviewed by Peter D. Reeves DAVID SORKIN. The Religious Enlightenment: Protestants, Jews, and Catholics from London to Vienna. Princeton, NJ and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008. Pp. xv, 339. 35.00(US).ReviewedbyThomasMunckHERVEˊHASQUIN.JosephII:Catholiqueanticleˊricaletreˊformateurimpatient,1741−1790.Brussels:EˊditionsRacine,2007.Pp.328.€29.95,paper.ReviewedbyMatthewZ.MayerANDREWLEESandLYNNHOLLENLEES.CitiesandtheMakingofModernEurope,1750−1914.NewYork,NY:CambridgeUniversityPress,2007.Pp.xii,300.35.00 (US). Reviewed by Thomas Munck HERVÉ HASQUIN. Joseph II: Catholique anticlĂ©rical et rĂ©formateur impatient, 1741-1790. Brussels: Éditions Racine, 2007. Pp. 328. €29.95, paper.Reviewed by Matthew Z. Mayer ANDREW LEES and LYNN HOLLEN LEES. Cities and the Making of Modern Europe, 1750-1914. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. xii, 300. 29.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Richard Dennis MAURICE J. BRIC. Ireland, Philadelphia, and the Re-Invention of America, 1760- 1800. Dublin and Portland, OR: Four Courts Press, 2008. Pp. xix, 363. 65.00(US);JOHNCHILDS.TheWilliamiteWarsinIreland,1688−91.LondonandNewYork,NY:HambledonContinuum,2007.Pp.xxii,440.65.00 (US); JOHN CHILDS. The Williamite Wars in Ireland, 1688-91. London and New York, NY: Hambledon Continuum, 2007. Pp. xxii, 440. 49.95 (US).Reviewed by Thomas Bartlett MATT SCHUMANN and KARL SCHWEIZER. The Seven Years War: A Transatlantic History.London and New York, NY: Routledge, 2008. Pp. x, 300. 140.00(US).ReviewedbyStephenConwayWALTERL.HIXSON.TheMythofAmericanDiplomacy:NationalIdentityandUSForeignPolicy.NewHaven,CTandLondon:YaleUniversityPress,2008.Pp.xi,377.140.00 (US). Reviewed by Stephen Conway WALTER L. HIXSON. The Myth of American Diplomacy: National Identity and US Foreign Policy. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 2008. Pp. xi, 377. 35.00 (US). Reviewed by Mark Atwood Lawrence PATRICIA H. MARKS. Deconstructing Legitimacy: Viceroys, Merchants, and the Military in Late Colonial Peru. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007. Pp. x, 403. 65.00(US).ReviewedbyNataliaSobrevillaPereaMARIANNEP.STOPP,ed.TheMewLabradorPapersofCaptainGeorgeCartwright.Montreal,QCandKingston,ON:McGill−Queenâ€ČsUniversityPress,2008.Pp.xii,256.65.00 (US). Reviewed by Natalia Sobrevilla Perea MARIANNE P. STOPP, ed. The Mew Labrador Papers of Captain George Cartwright. Montreal, QC and Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2008. Pp. xii, 256. 39.95 (CDN). Reviewed by James K. Hiller THIERRY LENTZ. Nouvelle histoire du Premier Empire: III: La France et l'Europe de NapolĂ©on, 1804-1814. Paris: Editions Fayard, 2007. Pp. 835. €30.00, paper. Reviewed by Philip G. Dwyer MATTHEW P. FITZPATRICK. Liberal Imperialism in Germany: Expansionism and Nationalism, 1848-1884. New York, NY and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2008. Pp. 237. 99.95(US).ReviewedbyJonathanSperberCHRISTIANHOYER.SalisburyundDeutschland:AufienpolitischesDenkenundbritischeDeutschlandpolitikzwischen1856und1880.Husum:MatthiesenVerlag,2008.Pp.507.€69.00.ReviewedbyAnnPotttngerSaabANDREWSMITH.BritishBusinessmenandCanadianConfederation:ConstitutionMakinginanEraofAnglo−Globalization.Montreal,QCandKingston,ON:McGill−Queenâ€ČsUniversityPress,2008.Pp.viii,229.99.95 (US). Reviewed by Jonathan Sperber CHRISTIAN HOYER. Salisbury und Deutschland: Aufienpolitisches Denken und britische Deutschlandpolitik zwischen 1856 und 1880. Husum: Matthiesen Verlag, 2008. Pp. 507. €69.00. Reviewed by Ann Potttnger Saab ANDREW SMITH. British Businessmen and Canadian Confederation: Constitution Making in an Era of Anglo-Globalization. Montreal, QC and Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2008. Pp. viii, 229. 80.00 (CDN). Reviewed by Douglas Mccalla DUNCAN ANDREW CAMPBELL. Unlikely Allies: Britain, America, and the Victorian Origins of a Special Relationship. London and New York, NY: Continuum, 2008. Pp. viii, 307. 34.95(US).ReviewedbyFrancisM.CarrollMARILYNLAKEandHENRYREYNOLDS.DrawingtheGlobalColourLine:WhiteMenâ€ČsCountriesandtheInternationalChallengeofRacialEquality.NewYork,NY:CambridgeUniversityPress,2008.Pp.x,371.34.95 (US). Reviewed by Francis M. Carroll MARILYN LAKE and HENRY REYNOLDS. Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men's Countries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Pp. x, 371. 94.95 (US). Reviewed by Antoinette Burton CHRISTOPHER KOBRAK. Banking on Global Markets: Deutsche Bank and the United States, 1870 to the Present. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. xx, 484. 45.00(US).ReviewedbyWilliamGlennGrayCECILIAMORGAN.â€ČAHappyHolidayâ€Č:EnglishCanadiansandTransatlanticTourism,1870−1930.Toronto,ON:UniversityofTorontoPress,2008.Pp.xxiii,461.45.00 (US). Reviewed by William Glenn Gray CECILIA MORGAN. 'A Happy Holiday': English Canadians and Transatlantic Tourism, 1870-1930. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2008. Pp. xxiii, 461. 37.95 (CDN), paper. Reviewed by Katie Pickles BILL RAWLING. La mart pour ennemi: La mĂ©decine militaire canadienne, 2nd ed., trans. Pierre R. Desrosiers. Outremont, QC: AthĂ©na Ă©ditions, 2007; dist. Boisbriand, QC: Prologue. Pp. 373. 34.95(CDN),paper.ReviewedbyGenevieveAllardSONYAGRYPMA.HealingHenan:CanadianNursesattheNorthChinaMission,l888−1947.Vancouver,BC:UniversityofBritishColumbiaPress,2008.Pp.xviii,292.34.95 (CDN), paper. Reviewed by Genevieve Allard SONYA GRYPMA. Healing Henan: Canadian Nurses at the North China Mission, l888-1947. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press, 2008. Pp. xviii, 292. 32.95 (CDN), paper. Reviewed by A. Hamish Ion OLIVER STEIN. Die deutscke Heeresriistungspolitik, 1890-1914: Das MilitĂ€r und der Primat der Politik. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schoningh, 2007. Pp. 444. €58.00; PETER BAUMGART, BERNHARD R. KROENER, and HEINZ STUBIG, eds. Die Preussische Armee: Zwischen Ancien RĂ©gime und Reichsgriindung. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schoningh, 2008. Pp. xiii, 283. €39.90. Reviewed by Holger H. Herwig IRWIN HALFOND. Maurice PalĂ©ologue: The Diplomat, the Writer, the Man, and the Third French Republic. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2007. Pp. xiii, 189. 29.95(US),paper.ReviewedbyRonaldP.BobroffPATRICKH.HASE.TheSix−DayWarofiSgg:HongKongintheAgeofImperialism.HongKong:HongKongUniversityPress,2008;dist.Seattle,WA:UniversityofWashingtonPress.Pp.xii,276.29.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Ronald P. Bobroff PATRICK H. HASE. The Six-Day War ofiSgg: Hong Kong in the Age of Imperialism. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2008; dist. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press. Pp. xii, 276. 49.50 (US).Reviewed by Priscilla Roberts JEROME AAN DE WIEL. The Irish Factor, 1899-1999: Ireland's Strategic and Diplomatic Importance for Foreign Powers. Dublin and Portland, OR: Irish Academic Press, 2008. Pp. xx, 428. 75.00(US).ReviewedbyDavidHarknessNICOLASWOLZ.DaslangeWarten:KriegserfahrungendeutscherundbritischerSeeojfziere,1914bis1918.Paderborn:VerlagFerdinandSchošningh,2008.Pp.519.€39.90.ReviewedbyJanRušgerPAULOâ€ČSHEA.ACrossTooHeavy:EugenioPacelli:PoliticsandtheJewsofEurope,1917−1943.Kenthurst,NSW:RosenbergPublishing,2008;dist.Portland,OR:ISBS.Pp.392.75.00 (US). Reviewed by David Harkness NICOLAS WOLZ. Das lange Warten: Kriegserfahrungen deutscher und britischer Seeojfziere, 1914 bis 1918. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2008. Pp. 519. €39.90. Reviewed by Jan RĂŒger PAUL O'SHEA. A Cross Too Heavy: Eugenio Pacelli: Politics and the Jews of Europe, 1917-1943. Kenthurst, NSW: Rosenberg Publishing, 2008; dist. Portland, OR: ISBS. Pp. 392. 35.00 (US), paper. Reviewed by Frank J. Coppa S. A. SMITH. Revolution and the People in Russia and China: A Comparative History. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Pp. viii, 249. 29.99(USXpaper.ReviewedbyStephenR.MackinnonDANIELAROSSINI.WoodrowWilsonandtheAmericanMythinItaly:Culture,Diplomacy,andWarPropaganda,trans.AntonyShugaar.Cambridge,MAandLondon:HarvardUniversityPress,2008.Pp.x,263.29.99 (USX paper. Reviewed by Stephen R. Mackinnon DANIELA ROSSINI. Woodrow Wilson and the American Myth in Italy: Culture, Diplomacy, and War Propaganda, trans. Antony Shugaar. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2008. Pp. x, 263. 49.95 (US). Reviewed by R. J. B. Bosworth SEAN GREENWOOD. Titan at the Foreign Office: Gladwyn Jebb and the Shaping of the Modern World. Leiden and Boston MA: Martinus Nijhoff, 2008. Pp. xxx, 440. €129.00. Reviewed by John W. Young ROLF STEININGER. Austria, Germany, and the Cold War: From the Anschluss to the State Treaty, 1938-1955. New York, NY and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2008. Pp. x, 172. 60.00(US).ReviewedbyLotharHobeltKURTF.JENSEN.CautiousBeginnings:CanadianForeignIntelligence,1939−51.Vancouver,BC:UniversityofBritishColumbiaPress,2008.Pp.230.60.00 (US). Reviewed by Lothar Hobelt KURT F.JENSEN. Cautious Beginnings: Canadian Foreign Intelligence, 1939-51. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press, 2008. Pp. 230. 32.95 (CDN), paper. Reviewed by John Ferris MICHAEL KENNEDY. Guarding Neutral Ireland: The Coast Watching Service and Military Intelligence, 1939-1945. Dublin and Portland, OR: Four Courts Press, 2008. Pp. x, 358. $55.00 (US). Reviewed by Keith Jeffery RICHARD WIGG. Churchill and

    The afterlife of Enlightened Absolutism: commemoration of Maria Theresa and Joseph II and the politics of liberal reform in nineteenth-century imperial Austria

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    Anschluss 1938: Aftermath on Medicine and Society

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    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

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