96 research outputs found

    Category management, mythes et réalités.

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    category management; marketing; distribution; produits commerciaux;

    Influence des conditions d'écoulement à la paroi sur la stabilité d'un joint labyrinthe couplé à un stator flexible

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    Des joints labyrinthes sont utilisés dans les turbopompes spatiales pour limiter les fuites du gaz qui entraine la turbine dans l’interstice séparant le rotor du stator. Les tendances actuelles sont à la minimisation des jeux(pour optimiser le rendement) et à l’allègement du stator. Ces évolutions rendent nécessaires l’élaboration de modèles plus prédictifs au niveau de la prise en compte des fuites et de la souplesse du stator. L’objet de ce travail est d’étudier l’influence de la modélisation des efforts de cisaillement, générés par le fluide aux parois, sur la stabilité d’un système composé d’un arbre indéformable qui ne tourne pas et d’un stator qui admet une flexibilité orthoradiale. Ce système s’inscrit dans un contexte de couplage fort entre le fluide et la structure

    Effects of sodium nitrite reduction, removal or replacement on cured and cooked meat for microbiological growth, food safety, colon ecosystem, and colorectal carcinogenesis in Fischer 344 rats

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    Epidemiological and experimental evidence indicated that processed meat consumption is associated with colorectal cancer risks. Several studies suggest the involvement of nitrite or nitrate additives via N-nitroso-compound formation (NOCs). Compared to the reference level (120 mg/kg of ham), sodium nitrite removal and reduction (90 mg/kg) similarly decreased preneoplastic lesions in F344 rats, but only reduction had an inhibitory effect on Listeria monocytogenes growth comparable to that obtained using the reference nitrite level and an effective lipid peroxidation control. Among the three nitrite salt alternatives tested, none of them led to a significant gain when compared to the reference level: vegetable stock, due to nitrate presence, was very similar to this reference nitrite level, yeast extract induced a strong luminal peroxidation and no decrease in preneoplastic lesions in rats despite the absence of NOCs, and polyphenol rich extract induced the clearest downward trend on preneoplastic lesions in rats but the concomitant presence of nitrosyl iron in feces. Except the vegetable stock, other alternatives were less efficient than sodium nitrite in reducing L. monocytogenes growth

    Effect of corn gluten and its hydrolysate consumptions on weight reduction in rats fed a high-fat diet

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    This study examined the effects of corn gluten (CG) and its hydrolysate consumptions on weight reduction in rats fed a high-fat diet. Eight-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=40) were fed a high-fat diet (40% calorie as fat) for 4 weeks. They were then randomly divided into four groups and fed the isocaloric diets with different protein sources for 8 weeks. The protein sources were casein (control group), intact CG (CG group), CG hydrolysate A (CGHA group, 30% of protein as peptides and 70% as free amino acids) and CG hydrolysate P (CGHP group, 93% of protein as peptides and 7% as free amino acids). Body weight gain, adipose tissue weights, nitrogen balance, absorptions of energy, protein and fat, lipid profiles in plasma, liver and feces and hepatic activities of carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT), fatty acid synthase (FAS), malic enzyme (ME) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) were assessed. The CGHA diet had the highest amount of BCAAs, especially leucine, and most of them existed as free amino acid forms. The CGHA group showed significant weight reduction and negative nitrogen balance. Protein absorption and apparent protein digestibility in the CGHA group were significantly lower than those in other groups. Adipose tissue weights were the lowest in the CGHA group. Activity of CPT tended to be higher in the CGHA group than in other groups and those of FAS, ME and G6PDH were significantly lower in the CGHA group than in other groups. In conclusion, the CGHA diet which had relatively high amounts of free amino acids and BCAAs, especially leucine, had a weight reduction effect by lowering adipose tissue weight and the activities of FAS, ME and G6PDH in experimental animals, but it seemed to be a negative result induced by lowering protein absorption, increasing urinary nitrogen excretion and protein catabolism

    Vision et utilisation des produits à base de plantes par les patients de médecine générale de Basse-Normandie

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    In 2011, 64% of french people declare to rely on phytotherapy and 45% of them use it. They are looking for this type of products that they qualify more « naturels ». The objective of this study is to determine weither patients underestimate the pharmacological effect of herbal products (HB) compared to classical drugs (CD). Observational epidemiologic study was conducted following quantitative transversale descriptive survey by using a quiz addressed to general medicine patients of Basse-Normandy. Ten physician’s offices accepted to diffuse quiz in their waiting room. 300 quiz were sent by post. 170 quiz were analysed (57%). 75,9% of patients declare to use HP, women use significantly much more HP than men (p=0,022). They are equally confidents about HP and CD (78,2% and 74,7% respectively). The positive impact of HP reach 70,6% while CD is at 84,7%. The negative impact is 19,4% and 77% for HP and CD, respectively. 54,7% of the patients evoke a risk of interaction between HP and CD. To conclude, patients judge HP efficient but less than CD. However, they considered to be exposed at lower risk by consumming HP. Indeed, the pharmacological effect of HP is underestimated. HC are more especially used for their health beneficial properties and prevention but not for therapeutical purpose, as it is the case for CD. For the lasts, the automedication is favored and the discussion about HP with the physician is scarce.En 2011, 64% des français font confiance à la phytothérapie et 45% y ont déjà eu recours. Ils sont en recherche de ce type de produits qu’ils qualifient de plus «naturels». L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer si les patients sous-estiment l’effet pharmacologique des produits à base de plantes (PBP) par rapport aux MC. Il s'agit d'une étude épidémiologique observationnelle menée grâce à une enquête descriptive transversale quantitative par questionnaires à destinée des patients de médecine générale de Basse-Normandie. 10 cabinets ont accepté la diffusion des questionnaires dans leur salle d’attente. 300 questionnaires ont été envoyés par voie postale. 170 questionnaires ont pu être analysés (57%). 75,9% des patients disent avoir déjà eu recours aux PBP, les femmes utilisant significativement plus les PBP que les hommes (p = 0,022). La confiance accordée aux PBP et aux MC est similaire (78,2% contre 74,7%). L’impact positif des PBP est évalué à 70,6% contre 84,7% pour les MC, l’impact négatif à 19,4% contre 77% pour les MC. 54,7% des patients évoquent un risque d’interaction entre PBP et MC. En conclusion, les patients jugent les PBP efficaces mais moins que les MC. En revanche, ils considèrent s’exposer à moins de risque en consommant des PBP. En cela, l’effet pharmacologique des PBP est sous-estimé. Les PBP sont surtout utilisés pour leurs vertus de bien être et de prévention et non thérapeutiques comme avec les MC, l’automédication est privilégiée et la discussion sur les PBP avec le médecin traitant est rare

    Démarche qualité en primatologie Quality process in primatology

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    Le but d’un système qualité est d’organiser le fonctionnement d’activités (productions industrielles, recherche scientifique, élevages) afin de garantir leur maîtrise, d’établir une dynamique d’amélioration continue, de détecter et de corriger les anomalies. Si dans certains établissements la maîtrise de la qualité est gérée par des spécialistes, chaque membre du personnel est amené un jour à participer au bon fonctionnement de ces systèmes. La définition de la qualité et des outils de maîtrise est apparue pendant la révolution industrielle aux USA, en particulier dans le secteur de l’automobile. Aujourd’hui, les systèmes peuvent être certifiés selon des normes internationales spécifiques selon les secteurs. En primatologie, les industries pharmaceutiques certifient leurs activités selon différentes normes (AAALAC, ISO9001, BPL ). D’autres établissements assurant l’élevage ou l’étude des primates trouveront un intérêt à mettre en place un système qualité afin d’organiser leur fonctionnement sans pour autant viser une certification. Le Centre de Primatologie de l’Université de Strasbourg (CdP-UdS) a formalisé son système qualité sous le référentiel ISO9001 pour ses prestations (élevage et fourniture d’animaux, vente de prélèvements biologiques, études expérimentales). La mise en place d’un système qualité comprend plusieurs étapes : la définition des objectifs selon le secteur et les personnes concernées, le périmètre des activités impliquées dans le système, la définition des rôles des individus concernés et la mise en place d’outils documentaires. Cet article est l’occasion de partager les grandes lignes de cette expérience et de fournir des outils documentaires en insistant sur les points critiques. Cette introduction au fonctionnement d’un système qualité a pour objectif de sensibiliser un public de primatologues variés (laboratoires, sanctuaires, zoos)aux bénéfices potentiels du management de la qualité<br>A quality system aims to organise activities (e.g. industrial productions, scientific research, animal breeding) in order to guarantee their control, to establish a dynamic of continuous improvement, to detect and correct their abnormalities. While in some institutions, the quality control is managed by specialists, each staff member will be brought, one day, to participate in the functioning of these systems. The “quality” concept has emerged in the US during its industrial revolution, particularly in car industry. Today, companies can certify their quality system according to international standards depending on industrial sectors they belong to (AAALAC, ISO9001, GLP). Specifically, institutions providing livestock for the study of non-human primates can find an interest in setting up a quality system to optimise their activities without necessarily attempting to apply for a certification. The Primate Center of Strasbourg University in France (CdP-UdS), has formalized its quality system according to ISO9001 standards for several activities (e.g. animal breeding and supply, supply of bio-products, experimental studies). The establishment of a quality system involves several steps: setting goals by sector and concerned individuals, scope of activities involved in the system, defining roles of individuals, establishing documentary tools. This article is an opportunity to share the highlights of our experience and to provide documentary tools focusing on critical points. This introduction to a quality system aims to raise awareness of the potential benefits of quality management directed towards a diverse audience of primatologists working in research laboratories, sanctuaries or zoos and wishing to initiate a quality process

    PUFA composition of cardiac membrane in a failing heart rat model

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    National audienceHeart failure (HT) is a severe pathology, with a dramatic increasing occurrence in developped countries, due to the increasing mean age of populations and the longer survival of patients with chronic cardiac disease. This pathology is often associated with a general malnutrition process, considered as a very bad prognosis factor. Most of the myocardial pathological situations are associated with alterations in membrane composition, resulting from unbalanced homeostasis. The aims of this work was to evaluate the nutritional status in a model of heart failure obtained by ascending aortic banding in rats, and to determine the consequences on the membrane fatty acid composition of a dietary supplementation with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid C22 :6 n-3) a functionally important PUFA in the heart. Banded rats developed cardiac hypertrophy (+80%) and showed a significant increase in plasma BNP (+900%). The malnutrition is characterized in our model by a reduced food intake (-25%) associated with a 30% weight loss, a renal weight loss (-40%) a muscular atrophy, a lower muscle protein content and a severe dysfunction in the amino acid metabolism. No changes have been found in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid (as % of total FA) but cardiac failure is associated with a significant decrease in membrane acid (LA. C18 :2 n-6), compensated by an increase of arachidonic acid (AA. C20 :4 n-6). Dietary supplementation of DHA have no effect on cardiac hypertrophy but prevented the general weight loss and gastrocnemius atrophy. DHA prevented LA decrease observed in cardiac membranes and AA was replaced by DHA. Functional investigations should now investigate the physiological interest of dietary supplementation of DHA

    PUFA composition of cardiac membrane in a failing heart rat model

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    National audienceHeart failure (HT) is a severe pathology, with a dramatic increasing occurrence in developped countries, due to the increasing mean age of populations and the longer survival of patients with chronic cardiac disease. This pathology is often associated with a general malnutrition process, considered as a very bad prognosis factor. Most of the myocardial pathological situations are associated with alterations in membrane composition, resulting from unbalanced homeostasis. The aims of this work was to evaluate the nutritional status in a model of heart failure obtained by ascending aortic banding in rats, and to determine the consequences on the membrane fatty acid composition of a dietary supplementation with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid C22 :6 n-3) a functionally important PUFA in the heart. Banded rats developed cardiac hypertrophy (+80%) and showed a significant increase in plasma BNP (+900%). The malnutrition is characterized in our model by a reduced food intake (-25%) associated with a 30% weight loss, a renal weight loss (-40%) a muscular atrophy, a lower muscle protein content and a severe dysfunction in the amino acid metabolism. No changes have been found in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid (as % of total FA) but cardiac failure is associated with a significant decrease in membrane acid (LA. C18 :2 n-6), compensated by an increase of arachidonic acid (AA. C20 :4 n-6). Dietary supplementation of DHA have no effect on cardiac hypertrophy but prevented the general weight loss and gastrocnemius atrophy. DHA prevented LA decrease observed in cardiac membranes and AA was replaced by DHA. Functional investigations should now investigate the physiological interest of dietary supplementation of DHA


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    Drawing on data collected in South-India and using a socioeconomic and comprehensive approach, this paper explores the effects of microfinance on pre-existing indebtedness and over-indebtedness. The analysis demonstrates the complexity of causality chains and the diversity of microfinance effects and households trajectories. In a context where households are already highly indebted (mainly to informal finance), substitution does occur, but only amongst a portion of clients and it rapidly reaches a threshold effect for ?technical? reasons (high transaction costs, limited amounts available to borrow, rigidity of repayments) as well as social reasons. For other clients, microfinance has a leverage effect : it contributes through various channels to improve the creditworthiness of the borrower and increases the range of their financial opportunities to well beyond microcredit alone. This widening of choices probably allows for improved daily financial management, but there are also risks, in particular in terms of over-indebtedness.informal finance, microfinance, debt, India, creditworthiness, over-indebtedness