47 research outputs found
Rapport de jury - Concours (session 2011) de recrutement des conservateurs des bibliothèques[Fonction publique d’Etat]
Rapport de jury du concours de conservateur d\u27Etat externe et interne : Observations et statistiques générales, Résultats des épreuves écrites du concours, résultats des épreuves orale
Characterization of the activation of yttrium-based getter films by electrical measurements and ion-beam analyses
International audienceGettering properties of thin films of pure yttrium and yttrium-based alloys have been studied for application to MEMS vacuum packaging at the wafer level. Thin films of Y, Zr-Y, Ti-Y and V-Y were co-evaporated under ultra-high vacuum. It is demonstrated that the sheet resistance measured by 4-probes technique before and after activation at 250°C gives a good estimation of the oxygen sorption ability determined by NRA. Pure yttrium has been found to be highly reactive after deposition (sheet resistance increases by 40% after 1 month in air) but poorly efficient in oxygen trapping after activation. Conversely, the sorption ability of Y-V, Y-Zr and Y-Ti alloys is extremely high and increases with the yttrium content in the film. The bests results for sorption are obtained with Y-V (2.7 10 22 atom/cm 3 for Y44V56)
Fusions d\u27universités et la documentation (Les)
Ce rapport présente de premières conclusions des fusions d\u27universités réalisées à Aix-Marseille, à Bordeaux, en Lorraine et à Strasbourg sous différents aspects : préparation de la fusion, nouvelle organisation documentaire, évolution des services aux publics et de la politique documentaire, unification des systèmes d\u27information, immobilier documentaire. Il présente également l\u27état actuel au plan documentaire des autres fusions d\u27universités en cours
Investigation of the densification mechanisms and corrosion resistance of amorphous silica films
The barrier properties of the technologically attractive amorphous silica films depend on their structural characteristics at the atomic level, which, in turn are strongly influenced by the deposition conditions. In this paper, we propose an investigation of the poorly investigated densification mechanism of amorphous SiO2 films processed by CVD from TEOS and O2 between 400 and 550 °C. Based on literature survey and our original experimental results, we show that the densification process of these films, occurring with increasing the deposition temperature, is highlighted by a decrease of the water and silanol content, probed by transmission FTIR. We discuss the evolution of Si-O-Si related vibration signatures and we use the central force model to correlate the LO2 and LO3 shifts with the decrease of the Si-O-Si bond force constant, when the deposition temperature increases. Nuclear analysis reveals that films processed below 525 °C present hydrogen content between 5 ± 0.3 and 7 ± 0.3%at. Ellipsometry measurements attest that films processed at 550 °C are close to O/Si silica stoichiometry and hydrogen free. We show that application of the P-etch test results in particularly low erosion rate of 10 Å.s−1 for dense films processed at 550 °C
Network hydration, ordering and composition interplay of chemical vapor deposited amorphous silica films from tetraethyl orthosilicate
The chemical or mechanical performance of amorphous SiO2 films depend on intrinsic physicochemical properties, which are intimately linked to atomic and molecular arrangements in the Si–O–Si network. In this context, the present work focuses on a comprehensive description of SiO2 films deposited from a well-established chemical vapor deposition process involving tetraethyl-orthosilicate, oxygen and ozone, and operating at atmospheric pressure in the range 400–550 °C. The connectivity of the silica network is improved with increasing the deposition temperature (Td) and this is attributed to the decreased content of hydrated species through dehydration-condensation mechanisms. In the same way, the critical load of delamination increases with increasing Td thanks to the silicon substrate oxidation. The utilization of a O2/O3 oxidizing atmosphere involving the oxidation of intermediates species by O2, O3 and O., allows increasing the deposition rate at moderate temperatures, while minimizing carbon, H2O and silanol contents to extremely low values (4.5 at.% of H). The SiOx stoichiometry and Td interplay reveals two distinct behaviors before and above 450 °C. The best corrosion resistance of these films to standard P-etching test is obtained for the minimum silanol content and the best network molecular ordering, with an etching rate of 4.0 ± 0.1 Å/s at pH = 1.5. The elastic modulus and hardness of the films remain stable in the investigated range of deposition temperature, at 64.2 ± 1.7 and 7.4 ± 0.3 GPa respectively, thanks to the low content in silanol groups
Régulation de la continuité des soins par les médecins généralistes. À propos de l’expérimentation de la régulation diurne au SAMU centre 15 du Havre depuis novembre 2014
En novembre 2014, l’AMUH s’est investie, en accord avec l’ARS de Haute Normandie, et les autres effecteurs de la permanence de soins, dans la régulation diurne des appels au numéro du médecin de garde. Depuis, un médecin généraliste régule de 7h à 10h et de 17h à 20h du lundi au vendredi au CRRA du SAMU 76B du Havre. Méthodologie : Cette étude épidémiologique descriptive transversale, vise, à l’aide d’un questionnaire adressé aux patients appelant le 15 ou le, à démontrer l’efficacité de la présence de médecins généralistes en régulation de la continuité des soins. Cette étude permet aussi d’avoir un aperçu des usagers de la régulation diurne. Sur les 872 patients ayant appelé entre 7h et 20h du 06 au 10 juin 2016, 485 patients ont été sélectionnés par rapport à leur classement dans le logiciel du SAMU en « conseils » et « médecine libérale ». Résultats : 327 patients ont accepté de répondre à notre questionnaire. Un tiers des patients environ a moins de 20 ans, et 60% sont des femmes. 66% viennent de l’agglomération havraise. 60% ont appelé le 55% des appels sont pris par des permanenciers, et 45% par des médecins généralistes. Un tiers des patients n’a pas tenté de joindre son médecin traitant, et 29% jugent le délai de rendez-vous trop long. La majorité des patients (45%) sont orientés vers le médecin de garde de secteur, 15% reçoivent un conseil, 15% reçoivent un médecin de garde en visite, 12% sont adressés aux urgences. La grande majorité des patients (83%) suivent l’orientation donnée par le régulateur. On remarque que les médecins généralistes orientent moins les patients vers les urgences que les permanenciers (6,8% contre 16,6%). Les permanenciers donnent plus de conseils (18,2% contre 11,6%) mais les médecins généralistes font plus de télé-prescriptions (18%) que les permanenciers (12%). Les médecins généralistes adressent plus les patients aux médecins de secteur ou à la Domus que les permanenciers (59% contre 38%), mais les permanenciers envoient plus le médecin en visite que les médecins libéraux (19% contre 10%). Conclusion : Les conditions de réalisation de l’étude ne permettent pas de donner une réponse formelle, mais on remarque que les médecins généralistes envoient moins les patients vers les urgences que les permanenciers, et font plus de télé-prescription. Continuer cette expérimentation, voire étendre les plages horaires de régulation libérale devrait engendrer une économie en terme de consultations inutiles aux urgences ou chez les médecins de garde en ugmentant la part de conseils. Il faudrait pouvoir réitérer cette étude avec randomisation des patients entre médecins libéraux et permanenciers pour avoir une réponse statistiquement valable
Two-dimensional speckle tracking (2DST) is a non-invasive technique used in many species to evaluate global and regional left ventricular (LV) function; however it received little attention in the bovine species. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and reliability of 2DST for the evaluation of circumferential and radial LV wall motions in calves. Fourteen Holstein black calves (age: 62 11.6 days; body weight: 75.25 5.4 kg) were used in this observational study. Right parasternal short axis views at the level of the papillary muscles were recorded and subsequently analysed by 2DST for global and regional radial and circumferential strains and strain rates, radial displacement, rotation and rotation rate. Echocardiographic examinations were performed in unsedated, standing calves by two different observers to evaluate intra- and interobserver repeatability and variability. 2DST was feasible in all calves but 2 were excluded from analyses (ventricular septum defect and resting heart rate above 120 bpm, respectively). Automated tracking was better in systole than in diastole. Intraobserver repeatability was good to moderate for most systolic global and segmental peak values. Systolic peak values for radial strain and strain rate were more repeatable than for circumferential strain, circumferential train rate and diastolic measurements. Variability of the interobserver measurements was greater than the intraobserver measurements. Two-dimensional speckle tracking is feasible in calves and as in other species systolic radial function can be more reliably evaluated than circumferential and diastolic function
Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in calves: feasibility and repeatability study
peer reviewedObjectives: To assess the feasibility and repeatability of two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography for the evaluation of left ventricular function in healthy calves.
Animals: 12 Holstein calves, 62 ± 11.6 days old; 75.25 ± 5.4 Kg.
Methods: Observational study. Right parasternal short-axis views at papillary muscle level were recorded in standing calves and subsequently analysed by two-dimensional speckle tracking for global and regional radial and circumferential strains and strain rates and radial displacement. Echocardiographic examinations were performed by 2 observers to evaluate intra- and interobserver repeatability and variability.
Results: Two-dimensional speckle tracking was feasible in all calves. Automated tracking was better in systole than in diastole. Repeatability of the technique was good in calves. Systolic radial strain and strain rate peak values showed little variability compared to systolic circumferential strain and strain rate and to all diastolic measurements. Variability of the interobserver measurements was greater than the intraobserver measurements.
Conclusions: Two-dimensional speckle tracking is feasible in calves. As in other species, evaluation of systolic radial left ventricular function is more reliable than circumferential and diastolic left ventricular function
Helium apparent diffusion coefficient and trapping mechanisms in implanted BC boron carbide
International audienceWhen boron carbide is irradiated in nuclear reactors, large helium quantities are produced due to the (n,α) neutron absorption reactions. In a recent paper, we have identified the trapping sites for helium, grain boundaries and damaged zones. In this paper, we propose the determination of an apparent diffusion coefficient for helium. 3He implantations then annealing were performed in B4C samples of different grain sizes. The 3He(2H,α)1H nuclear reaction was used to profile helium before and after annealing. Helium profiles with two superimposed components were observed. The narrow component is attributed to helium trapped in the implanted, damaged zone, either in clusters too small to be seen by TEM or as helium-defect complexes. The large component evolution is bounded by the distribution of the grain boundaries surrounding the implanted zone, confirming the high trapping efficiency of the grain boundaries. From an Arrhenius plot, an activation energy for helium diffusion in grains of 2.0 ± 0.2 eV was deduced in a large grain size material