207 research outputs found

    The “doctrinero” priest in the jurisdiction of the eighteenth-century Cali, dynamics and conflicts.

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    Luego de un breve contexto del surgimiento de las comunidades indias en la ciudad,éste artículo ofrece una interpretación sobre la labor de los curas doctrineros en los pueblos de indios de la Ciudad de Cali, teniendo en cuenta su función intermediariaentre los distintos intereses y necesidades de su feligresía india y agregada, así comode la institucionalidad civil y eclesiástica. Dicho oficio muchas veces generaba conflictos, los cuales permitieron explorar los distintos matices y dinámicas en la configuración de la vida social y política local.Palabras clave: indigenas, curas doctrineros, relaciones sociales, colonia, Cali.  Right after a brief contextualization of the Indians communities’ emergence in the city, this article offers an interpretation of the doctrineros’ work in 18th century Cali Indian towns, taking into account their mediating role between the interests and needsof the Indians and other parishioners, as well as the royal and clergy institutions.The aforementioned occupation many times generated conflicts, which allowed usto examine the different shades and dynamics in the configuration of social life andlocal policy.Keywords: Indians, “doctrineros” priests, social relationships, eighteenth-century Cali

    The “doctrinero” priest in the jurisdiction of the eighteenth-century Cali, dynamics and conflicts.

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    Luego de un breve contexto del surgimiento de las comunidades indias en la ciudad,éste artículo ofrece una interpretación sobre la labor de los curas doctrineros en los pueblos de indios de la Ciudad de Cali, teniendo en cuenta su función intermediariaentre los distintos intereses y necesidades de su feligresía india y agregada, así comode la institucionalidad civil y eclesiástica. Dicho oficio muchas veces generaba conflictos, los cuales permitieron explorar los distintos matices y dinámicas en la configuración de la vida social y política local.Palabras clave: indigenas, curas doctrineros, relaciones sociales, colonia, Cali.  Right after a brief contextualization of the Indians communities’ emergence in the city, this article offers an interpretation of the doctrineros’ work in 18th century Cali Indian towns, taking into account their mediating role between the interests and needsof the Indians and other parishioners, as well as the royal and clergy institutions.The aforementioned occupation many times generated conflicts, which allowed usto examine the different shades and dynamics in the configuration of social life andlocal policy.Keywords: Indians, “doctrineros” priests, social relationships, eighteenth-century Cali

    Andrés Felipe Castañeda Morales. Encantos y peligros de la ciudad nocturna. Cali 1910-1930.

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    La noche como espacio de prácticas y relaciones sociales, de proyectos y contingencias entre los distintos actores, así como la exploración de valoraciones, experiencias y expectativas que se generaban sobre dicho horario, constituye una temática todavía inédita para la historiografía colombiana.Con este antecedente, el trabajo de Castañeda aporta desde una mirada descriptiva en la cimentación de este objeto de estudio, con un ejercicio interdisciplinar donde confluyen la historia social urbana y la de la vida cotidiana, junto a los aportes de la Comunicación Social, la Antropología y la Sociología urbana, e incluso la Literatura

    Los indios y las redes clientelares

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    This article studies the dynamics of Indian individuals and collectives participation in clienteles in specific spaces and times, concretely in their vertical dimension, that is, as subordinate agents with priests, encomenderos and neighbors. This, as an example of the dialectic and diachronic of the indigenous agency, together with its mechanisms of adaptation and negotiation with other actors and justice. It seeks to understand clientelism as an expression of the political culture of the time and its changes in two periods: one, from 1680 to 1738 that coincides with the encomienda and another, until 1780, which was within a framework of a recomposition of regional powers.PublishedEste artículo estudia las dinámicas de la participación de indivi-duos y colectivos indios en las clientelas, ubicables en espacios y tiempos con-cretos, específicamente en su dimensión vertical, es decir, como agentes subor-dinados a curas, encomenderos y vecinos. Esto, como ejemplo de lo dialectico y diacrónico de la agencia indígena, junto a sus mecanismos de adaptación y negociación con otros actores y la justicia. Se busca entender el clientelismo como expresión de la cultura política de la época y de sus cambios en dos perio-dos: uno, de 1680 a 1738 que coincide con la encomienda y el otro, hasta 1780, que estuvo en un marco de una recomposición de poderes regionales

    The relation between adoption of information and communication technologies and marketing innovation as a key strategy to improve business performance

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    [EN] Understanding how capacities and resources of companies are crucial factors to improve business performance and competitiveness is a major issue for academics, policy, and decision- makers. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on marketing innovation as a key strategy to increase the business performance of small- and medium-sized Mexican manufacturing companies. A gap exists in the literature regarding the full understanding of the simultaneous relationship among ICTs, marketing innovation and business performance. For this reason, a quantitative approach and cross-sectional design were applied through Structural Equation Modelling, in which a simple random sampling technique and a self-administered questionnaire was used to gather data from a sample of 230 business owners in the state of Aguascalientes, Mexico. The results indicate that adopting ICTs has a significant influence on marketing innovation. Moreover, marketing innovation showed a considerable impact on business performance. Therefore, decision-makers must pay special attention to the adoption of ICTs, as they are of vital importance for the development of marketing innovations and competitive advantage. Decision-makers must also use their resources and capabilities in innovations that have an impact on the sales strategy, design and promotion of their new products as well as the redesign of existing ones to achieve higher levels of competitiveness

    Diseño y aplicación de un controlador inteligente para el ajuste de la posición y velocidad de un vehículo a escala

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    El estudio de los controladores PID de un motor DC pasa por comprender, en primera instancia, qué es un motor DC y cuáles son sus limitaciones. También será necesario comprender que el motor DC con el que trabajemos va a tener unas prestaciones reducidas, así que el margen de mejora no es demasiado amplio, y además de todo ello también habremos de interiorizar que, si bien se estudiará el dispositivo y su comportamiento para alcanzar consignas de posición y velocidad está diseñado en última instancia para las segundas, por lo que exigiremos alta precisión en su seguimiento de este tipo de referencias. Posteriormente se expondrán los distintos tipos de Controladores PID empleados en el análisis, siendo estos el Clásico y el Fuzzy (o difuso), y con ello podemos establecer una comparativa para juzgar la conveniencia de uno por encima del otro. Para no sobrecargar al motor partiremos del estudio matemático y simulado de la planta o sistema (nuestro motor) y diseñaremos los controladores a partir de este, una vez hecho esto los aplicaremos en el motor en dos situaciones diferentes: libre sin carga y libre con carga, para poder estudiar los parámetros en régimen transitorio y permanente del mismo, así como la eficacia de sendos controladores. A lo largo de este documento se pondrá a prueba la respuesta de un motor de corriente continua de calidad reducida y se observará cómo su comportamiento puede verse altamente mejorado mediante el empleo de controladores, cerciorándonos además de que la versatilidad y adaptabilidad de los controladores borrosos hacen que sean considerados una alternativa más plausible que los clásicos.The study of PID controllers applied to a DC motor goes though the understanding, in the first place, of what is a DC motor and which are its limitations. It will also be necessary comprehending that the DC motor with which we will be working has a reduced quality, and thus the improvement gap is not too wide, besides we will also have to interiorize that, although the device will be studied for it to reach position and velocity references it is ultimately designed for the latter, so we will impose high precision to it in the act of following these kind of signals. After this we will present the various types of PID Controllers used in the analysis, these being the Classic and the Fuzzy ones, and along with that we will be capable of stablishing a comparison between the two to judge the convenience of one kind over the other. In the spirit of avoiding overloads on the DC motor we will depart from the mathematic and simulated study of the plant or system (our motor) and we will design the controllers based on this, once it is done we will apply them to the real device in two different settings: free without load and free with load, to be capable to understand the parameters of the system in transitory and steady states, along with the efficiency of said controllers. Throughout this End of Degree Assignment, to summarize, the response of a low quality DC motor will be put at test, and it will be shown how its behavior can be highly improved through the utilization of controllers, also proving that the versatility and adaptability of the Fuzzy controllers makes them a better alternative rather than the classic ones.Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica y Automática Industria

    Los indios y lo político: una revisión historiográfica sobre dos espacios andinos coloniales (norte de Charcas y sierra norte de Quito), siglos XVII y XVIII

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    This paper is a review of ethnohistorical research grouped with the approach of describing and synthesizing political processes, especially since so-called “Political culture” in two areas: the rural zones in Sierra Norte of Quito and the north of the Audiencia de Charcas. The period chosen a re t he 17th and 18th centuries. Theoretical approaches, methodologies, issues and problems are part of this synthesis, with structures, agencies and the “Indian” and “monarchy” as rich and problematic categories.Este texto es una revisión de investigaciones etnohistóricas agrupadas con el criterio de describir y sintetizar procesos políticos, especialmente desde la perspectiva de la denominada “cultura política”, en dos espacios: las zonas rurales de la sierra norte de Quito y el norte de la Audiencia de Charcas. El periodo escogido son los siglos XVII y XVIII. Aproximaciones teóricas, metodologías, temas y problemas son parte de este panorama, junto a estructuras, agencias y lo indio y la monarquía como categorías ricas y problemáticas

    Technological Innovation in Colombian Small Firms: A Gender Multi-Group Analysis

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    Background: Studies on innovations have been focused on teams, institutions, and organisations without accounting for the role of the executive’s gender. Objectives: This research aims to analyse how small Colombian firms manage technological innovation from the perspective of the gender of executives. Methods/Approach: A quantitative approach and cross-sectional, non-experimental design through Structural Equation Models with PLS-SEM was used. We self-administered a survey randomly to gather data from 145 small firms’ owners or managers in the department of Bogota, Colombia. Results: The results obtained from multi-group analysis evidence that process innovation has a strong and significant positive impact on the innovation of products, and no significant differences were found when comparing the performance of male executives versus female executives. However, descriptive statistics showed that female executives give more importance to the process and product innovation activities, and they demonstrated to manage a better product innovation performance than male executives. Conclusions: The evidence reveals that female executives are more committed to developing new products and choose to acquire new skills or equipment to develop products and processes. It is, therefore, essential to eliminate organisations\u27 cultural stereotypes and take advantage of women’s potential in management leadership

    Identidades, terras e práticas das Escrituras: um estudo de caso do século XVIII

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    A través de un estudio de caso sobre la falsificación de una real cédula para eximir tributos a unos indígenas del pueblo de Tuluá, se indaga por la representación y el reconocimiento de las distintas partes implicadas, así como por el uso de las categorías sociales del periodo colonial. Todo esto en el marco de unas relaciones clientelares y escriturarias que abren márgenes de acción para sectores subalternos dentro de las luchas por las clasificaciones, que incluye, en este asunto, la negociación con poderosos, lo fraudulento y la revisión de los accionares de los individuos en el marco de valoraciones morales y sociales.Through a case study about the falsification of a royal decree to exempt taxes to the  aboriginal pueblo of Tulua; the investigation is conducted through the representation and recognition of the various agents involved, and also the use of social categories of the colonial period. All this on the context of a relation purchasers and scriptural issues, by enhancing margins of action for subaltern segments struggles within the classifications of social categories, including, in this case, negotiating with Spanish authorities, the fraud and reviewing actions of individuals, in the perspective of moral values and social behaviorsA através de um estudo de caso sobre a falsificação de um decreto real para isentar impostos alguns povos indígenas da cidade de Tulua, explora a representação e reconhecimento das diferentes partes envolvidas, bem como o uso das categorias sociais do período colonial. Tudo isto no âmbito de uma relação de patrocínio e das escrituras para abrir margens de ação para setores subalternas dentro das lutas pela audiência, incluindo, neste caso, a negociar com poderosos, como fraudulento e revisão da organização de indivíduos no contexto das avaliações morais e sociais