50 research outputs found

    Dopamine D2 Receptor-Mediated Heterologous Sensitization of AC5 Requires Signalosome Assembly

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    Chronic dopamine receptor activation is implicated in several central nervous system disorders. Although acute activation of Gαi-coupled D2 dopamine receptors inhibits adenylyl cyclase, persistent activation enhances adenylyl cyclase activity, a phenomenon called heterologous sensitization. Previous work revealed a requirement for Gαs in D2-induced heterologous sensitization of AC5. To elucidate the mechanism of Gαs dependency, we expressed Gαs mutants in Gαs-deficient GnasE2−/E2− cells. Neither Gαs-palmitoylation nor Gαs-Gβγ interactions were required for sensitization of AC5. Moreover, we found that coexpressing βARKct-CD8 or Sar1(H79G) blocked heterologous sensitization. These studies are consistent with a role for Gαs-AC5 interactions in sensitization however, Gβγ appears to have an indirect role in heterologous sensitization of AC5, possibly by promoting proper signalosome assembly

    G protein-coupled receptor-effector macromolecular membrane assemblies (GEMMAs)

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest group of receptors involved in cellular signaling across the plasma membrane and a major class of drug targets. The canonical model for GPCR signaling involves three components the GPCR, a heterotrimeric G protein and a proximal plasma membrane effector that have been generally thought to be freely mobile molecules able to interact by 'collision coupling'. Here, we synthesize evidence that supports the existence of GPCR-effector macromolecular membrane assemblies (GEMMAs) comprised of specific GPCRs, G proteins, plasma membrane effector molecules and other associated transmembrane proteins that are pre-assembled prior to receptor activation by agonists, which then leads to subsequent rearrangement of the GEMMA components. The GEMMA concept offers an alternative and complementary model to the canonical collision-coupling model, allowing more efficient interactions between specific signaling components, as well as the integration of the concept of GPCR oligomerization as well as GPCR interactions with orphan receptors, truncated GPCRs and other membrane-localized GPCR-associated proteins. Collision-coupling and pre-assembled mechanisms are not exclusive and likely both operate in the cell, providing a spectrum of signaling modalities which explains the differential properties of a multitude of GPCRs in their different cellular environments. Here, we explore the unique pharmacological characteristics of individual GEMMAs, which could provide new opportunities to therapeutically modulate GPCR signaling

    Asymmetric Recruitment of β-Arrestin1/2 by the Angiotensin II Type I and Prostaglandin F2α Receptor Dimer

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    Initially identified as monomers, G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can also form functional homo- and heterodimers that act as distinct signaling hubs for cellular signal integration. We previously found that the angiotensin II (Ang II) type 1 receptor (AT1R) and the prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) receptor (FP), both important in the control of smooth muscle contractility, form such a functional heterodimeric complex in HEK 293 and vascular smooth muscle cells. Here, we hypothesize that both Ang II- and PGF2α-induced activation of the AT1R/FP dimer, or the parent receptors alone, differentially regulate signaling by distinct patterns of β-arrestin recruitment. Using BRET-based biosensors, we assessed the recruitment kinetics of β-arrestin1/2 to the AT1R/FP dimer, or the parent receptors alone, when stimulated by either Ang II or PGF2α. Using cell lines with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene deletion, we also examined the role of G proteins in such recruitment. We observed that Ang II induced a rapid, robust, and sustained recruitment of β-arrestin1/2 to AT1R and, to a lesser extent, the heterodimer, as expected, since AT1R is a strong recruiter of both β-arrestin subtypes. However, PGF2α did not induce such recruitment to FP alone, although it did when the AT1R is present as a heterodimer. β-arrestins were likely recruited to the AT1R partner of the dimer. Gαq, Gα11, Gα12, and Gα13 were all involved to some extent in PGF2α-induced β-arrestin1/2 recruitment to the dimer as their combined absence abrogated the response, and their separate re-expression was sufficient to partially restore it. Taken together, our data sheds light on a new mechanism whereby PGF2α specifically recruits and signals through β-arrestin but only in the context of the AT1R/FP dimer, suggesting that this may be a new allosteric signaling entity

    Cross-Talk between Signaling Pathways Can Generate Robust Oscillations in Calcium and cAMP

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    BACKGROUND:To control and manipulate cellular signaling, we need to understand cellular strategies for information transfer, integration, and decision-making. A key feature of signal transduction is the generation of only a few intracellular messengers by many extracellular stimuli. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Here we model molecular cross-talk between two classic second messengers, cyclic AMP (cAMP) and calcium, and show that the dynamical complexity of the response of both messengers increases substantially through their interaction. In our model of a non-excitable cell, both cAMP and calcium concentrations can oscillate. If mutually inhibitory, cross-talk between the two second messengers can increase the range of agonist concentrations for which oscillations occur. If mutually activating, cross-talk decreases the oscillation range, but can generate 'bursting' oscillations of calcium and may enable better filtering of noise. CONCLUSION:We postulate that this increased dynamical complexity allows the cell to encode more information, particularly if both second messengers encode signals. In their native environments, it is unlikely that cells are exposed to one stimulus at a time, and cross-talk may help generate sufficiently complex responses to allow the cell to discriminate between different combinations and concentrations of extracellular agonists

    Understanding GPCR signaling in the brain- the path to CNS drug discovery.

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    Discovery of New Allosteric Modulators of the Urotensinergic System through Substitution of the Urotensin II-Related Peptide (URP) Phenylalanine Residue

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    International audienceUrotensin II (UII) and urotensin II-related peptide (URP) are functionally selective, suggesting that these two hormones might play distinct physiological role through different interactions with their cognate receptor UT. Hypothesizing that the Phe3 residue of URP, which is also present in UII, is a key-element of its specific UT activation, we evaluated the impact of its replacement by non-natural amino acids in URP. Each compound was evaluated for its ability to bind UT, induce rat aortic ring contraction, and activate Gq, G12, and β-arrestin 1 signaling pathways. Such modifications impaired contractile efficacy, reflected by a reduced aptitude to activate G12 in URP but not in the truncated but equipotent UII4-11. Moreover, we have identified two structurally different UT modulators: [d-Phe(pI)3]URP and [Bip3]URP, which exert a probe-dependent action against UII and URP. These compounds should help us understand the specific roles of these hormones as well as guide further therapeutic development

    Determinants Present in the Receptor Carboxy Tail Are Responsible for Differences in Subtype-Specific Coupling of β-Adrenergic Receptors to Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase

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    An agonist-occupied β2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) recruits G protein receptor kinase-2 (GRK2) which is recruited to the membrane. Thus, the physical proximity of activated β2-AR and PI-3K allows the activation of the latter. In contrast, it has been observed that the β1-AR is unable to activate the PI-3K/Akt pathway. We hypothesized that the difference might be due to molecular determinants present in the carboxy termini of the two β-AR subtypes. Using transiently transfected HEK 293 cells expressing either β1- or β2-AR, we also observed that in presence of an agonist, β2-AR, but not β1-AR, is able to activate the PI-3K/Akt pathway. Switching the seventh transmembrane domain and the carboxy tail between the two receptors reverses this phenotype; that is, β1×β2-AR can activate the PI-3K/Akt pathway whereas β2×β1-AR cannot. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin abolished the activation of PI-3K by β2- or β1×β2-AR stimulation. Ligand-mediated internalization of the β2-AR induced by a 15-minute stimulation with agonist was abolished in the presence of a dominant negative of PI-3K or following pertussis toxin pretreatment. These results indicate that the subtype-specific differences in the coupling to PI-3K/Akt pathway are due to molecular determinants present in the carboxy tail of the receptor and further that β2-AR activates PI-3K via a pertussis toxin-sensitive mechanism

    Mass spectrometry analysis of PPIP5K1 interactions and data on cell motility of PPIP5K1-deficient cells

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    Inositol pyrophosphates are cellular signals that are created by the actions of inositol kinases and are degraded by highly active inositol phosphatases. The potent actions of these phosphatases suggest these signals must be created near their sites of action. To identify sites where the inositol kinase, PPIP5K1 acts, we performed affinity purification of PPIP5K1 from HEK293 cells and analyzed these samples using mass spectrometry to identify the proteins pesent (10.1016/j.cellsig.2016.02.002) [1]. We further decreased PPIP5K1 levels in HeLa cells and treated these with PPIP5K1 siRNA. We then monitored the motility of these cells in Scratch assays