188 research outputs found

    The crystal structure of svabite, Ca5(AsO4)3F, an arsenate member of the apatite supergroup

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    The crystal structure of svabite, ideally Ca5(AsO4)3F, was studied using a specimen from the Jakobsberg mine, Värmland, Sweden, by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The structure was refined to R1 = 0.032 on the basis of 928 unique reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) in the P63/m space group, with unit-cell parameters a = 9.7268(5), c = 6.9820(4) Å, V = 572.07(5) Å3. The chemical composition of the sample, determined by electron-microprobe analysis, is (in wt%, average of 10 spot analyses): SO3 0.49, P2O5 0.21, V2O5 0.04, As2O5 51.21, SiO2 0.19, CaO 39.31, MnO 0.48, SrO 0.03, PbO 5.19, Na2O 0.13, F 2.12, Cl 0.08, H2Ocalc 0.33, O (= F+Cl) -0.91, total 98.90. On the basis of 13 anions per formula unit, the empirical formula corresponds to (Ca4.66Pb0.16Mn0.04Na0.03)Σ4.89(As2.96S0.04Si0.02P0.02)Σ3.04O12 [F0.74(OH)0.24Cl0.01]. Svabite is topologically similar to the other members of the apatite supergroup: columns of face-sharing M1 polyhedra running along c are connected through TO4 tetrahedra with channels hosting M2 cations and X anions. The crystal structure of synthetic Ca5(AsO4)3F was previously reported as triclinic. On the contrary, the present refinement of the crystal structure of svabite shows no deviations from the hexagonal symmetry. An accurate knowledge of the atomic arrangement of this apatite-remediation mineral represents an improvement in our understanding of minerals able to sequester and stabilize heavy metals such as arsenic in polluted areas

    Recommended Nomenclature for the Sapphirine and Surinamite Groups (Sapphirine Supergroup)

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    Minerals isostructural with sapphirine-1A, sapphirine-2M, and surinamite are closely related chain silicates that pose nomenclature problems because of the large number of sites and potential constituents, including several (Be, B, As, Sb) that are rare or absent in other chain silicates. Our recommended nomenclature for the sapphirine group (formerly-aenigmatite group) makes extensive use of precedent, but applies the rules to all known natural compositions, with flexibility to allow for yet undiscovered compositions such as those reported in synthetic materials. These minerals are part of a polysomatic series composed of pyroxene or pyroxene-like and spinel modules, and thus we recommend that the sapphirine supergroup should encompass the polysomatic series. The first level in the classification is based on polysome, i.e. each group within the supergroup Corresponds to a single polysome. At the second level, the sapphirine group is divided into subgroups according to the occupancy of the two largest M sites, namely, sapphirine (Mg), aenigmatite (Na), and rhonite (Ca). Classification at the third level is based on the occupancy of the smallest M site with most shared edges, M7, at which the dominant cation is most often Ti (aenigmatite, rhonite, makarochkinite), Fe(3+) (wilkinsonite, dorrite, hogtuvaite) or Al (sapphirine, khmaralite); much less common is Cr (krinovite) and Sb (welshite). At the fourth level, the two most polymerized T sites are considered together, e.g. ordering of Be at these sites distinguishes hogtuvaite, makarochkinite and khmaralite. Classification at the fifth level is based on X(Mg) = Mg/(Mg + Fe(2+)) at the M sites (excluding the two largest and M7). In principle, this criterion could be expanded to include other divalent cations at these sites, e.g. Mn. To date, most minerals have been found to be either Mg-dominant (X(mg) \u3e 0.5), or Fe(2+)-dominant (X(Mg) \u3c 0.5), at these M sites. However, X(mg) ranges from 1.00 to 0.03 in material described as rhonite, i.e. there are two species present, one Mg-dominant, the other Fe(2+)-dominant. Three other potentially new species are a Mg-dominant analogue of wilkinsonite, rhonite in the Allende meteorite, which is distinguished front rhonite and dorrite in that Mg rather than Ti or FC(3+) is dominant at M7, and an Al-dominant analogue of sapphirine, in which Al \u3e Si at the two most polymerized T sites vs. Al \u3c Si in sapphirine. Further splitting of the supergroup based on occupancies other than those specified above is not recommended

    Heliophyllite: a discredited mineral species identical to ecdemite

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    Abstract. The type material for heliophyllite, preserved in the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, was re-investigated through a combined EPMA (electron probe X-ray microanalysis), Raman, and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and single-crystal study. EPMA chemical data, together with Raman and single-crystal structural studies, point to heliophyllite being identical to ecdemite. XRPD synchrotron data highlight the presence of a minor quantity of finely admixed finnemanite in the analyzed material, explaining the presence of some additional diffraction peaks, not indexable with the ecdemite unit cell, reported in the literature. The discreditation of heliophyllite has been approved by the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names (proposal 19-H, 2019)

    Crystal chemistry of spinels in the system MgAl2O4-MgV2O4-Mg2VO4

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    Eight spinel single-crystal samples belonging to the spinel sensu stricto-magnesiocoulsonite series (MgAl2O4-MgV2O4) were synthesized and crystal-chemically characterized by X‑ray diffraction, electron microprobe and optical absorption spectroscopy. Site populations show that the tetrahedrally coordinated site (T) is populated by Mg and minor Al for the spinel sensu stricto compositions, and only by Mg for the magnesiocoulsonite compositions, while the octahedrally coordinated site (M) is populated by Al, V3+, minor Mg, and very minor amounts of V4+. The latter occurs in appreciable amounts in the Al-free magnesium vanadate spinel, T(Mg)M(Mg0.26V3+1.48V4+0.26)O4, showing the presence of the inverse spinel VMg2O4. The studied samples are characterized by substitution of Al3+ for V3+ and (Mg2++V4+) for 2V3+ described in the system MgAl2O4-MgV2O4-VMg2O4. The present data in conjunction with data from the literature provide a basis for quantitative analyses of two solid-solution series MgAl2O4-MgV23+O4 and MgV23+O4-V4+Mg2O4. Unit-cell parameter increases with increasing V3+ along the series MgAl2O4-MgV2O4 (8.085–8.432 Å), but only slightly increases with increasing V3+ along the series VMg2O4-MgV2O4 (8.386–8.432 Å). Although a solid solution could be expected between the MgAl2O4 and VMg2O4 end-members, no evidence was found. Amounts of V4+ are nearly insignificant in all synthetic Al-bearing vanadate spinels, but are appreciable in Al-free vanadate spinel. An interesting observation of the present study is that despite the observed complete solid-solution along the MgAl2O4-MgV2O4 and MgV2O4-VMg2O4 series, the spinel structure seems to be unable to stabilize V4+ in any intermediate members on the MgAl2O4-Mg2VO4 join even at high oxygen fugacities. This behavior indicates that the accommodation of specific V-valences can be strongly influenced by crystal-structural constraints, and any evaluation of oxygen fugacities during mineral formation based exclusively on V cation valence distributions in spinel should be treated with caution. The present study underlines that the V valency distribution in spinels is not exclusively reflecting oxygen fugacities, but also depends on activities and solubilities of all chemical components in the crystallization environment

    Cation ordering over short range and long range scales in the MgAl2O4-CuAl2O4 series

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    A multi-analytical approach using electron microprobe analysis, X‑ray structural refinement, and optical absorption spectroscopy was applied to characterize short-range and long-range structures of synthetic spinel single crystals along the MgAl2O4-CuAl2O4 solid-solution series. Site populations, derived from the results of site-scattering refinement and stereochemical analysis, show that the tetrahedrally coordinated site (T) is mainly populated by Mg and Cu2+, while the octahedrally coordinated site (M) is dominated by Al. Crystals also show a significant degree of inversion, i.e., occurrence of Al at T counterbalanced by occurrence of divalent cations at M, which increases slightly from 0.24 to 0.29 for the highest Cu2+ contents. Short-range information derived from optical spectra suggests that the local TCu2+-O distances remain constant at increasing Cu2+ content, whereas local MCu2+-O distances are ca. 0.02 Å shorter in Cu-poor MgAl2O4 spinels as compared to MCu2+-O distances in end-member CuAl2O4. The observed splitting of an absorption band, at ca. 7000 cm–1, caused by electron transitions in TCu2+ as well as the anomalous broadness of an absorption band, at ca. 13 500 cm–1, caused by electron transitions in MCu2+ indicates the occurrence of local Jahn-Teller distortions at T and M. Long-range information, however, shows no violation of Fd3m symmetry. From refinements of our single-crystal XRD data we could for the first time derive for a cubic spinel phase a MCu2+-O distance of 2.080 Å and a TCu2+-O of 1.960 Å. The very limited variations in the unit-cell parameter a from 8.079 to 8.087 Å are mainly related to the disordering of Al. Because of the very similar size of Cu2+ and Mg at the T and M sites, the spinel structure responds to the Cu2+ → Mg substitution by increasing cation disordering in such a manner that mean M-O distances remain constant and the mean T-O distances decrease slightly. This results in increasing length of shared octahedral edges and thereby increase of the octahedral cation-cation repulsion. In line with other studies, the importance of steric factors for controlling the cation distributions in the spinel structure is demonstrated to be valid also in the MgAl2O4-CuAl2O4 solid-solution series

    New Data on Welshite, e.g. Ca2Mg3.8Mn0.62+Fe0.12+Sb1.55+O2 [Si2.8Be1.7Fe0.653+Al0.7As0.17O18], an Aenigmatite-Group Mineral

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    Electron and ion microprobe data on two samples of welshite from the type locality of Langban, Sweden, gave analytical totals of 99.38-99.57 wt.% and BeO contents of 4.82-5.11 wt.%, corresponding to 1.692-1.773 Be/20 O. Mossbauer and optical spectra of one of these samples gave Fe-[iv](3+)/Sigma Fe = 0.91, Fe-[iv](2+)/Sigma Fe = 0.09, and no evidence of Mn3+. The resulting formula for this sample is Ca2Mg3.8Mn0.62+Fe0.12+Sb1.55+O2[Si2.8Be1.7Fe0.653+Al0.7As0.17O18], and that for the second sample, Ca2Mg3.8Mn0.12+Fe0.12+F0.83+Sb1.25+O2[Si2.8Be1.8F0.653+Al0.25As0.25O18], is related by the substitution involving tetrahedral and octahedral sites: 0.59([vi,iv])(Fe,Al)(3+) approximate to 0.42([vi])(Mg,Mn,Fe)(2+) + 0.21(Sb-[vi],As-[iv])(5+), i.e. 3([vi,iv]) M3+ = 2([vi])M(2+) + M-[vi,iv](5+). WelShite is distinctive among aenigmatite-group minerals in the high proportion of Fe 3+ in tetrahedral coordination and is unique in its Be content, substantially exceeding 1Be per formula unit. Given the cation distributions in other minerals related to aenigmatite, we think it is reasonable to assume that at least one tetrahedral site is \u3e50% occupied by Be and that one octahedral site is \u3e50% occupied by Sb, so that welshite should be retained as a distinct species with its own name in the aenigmatite group

    Derbylite and graeserite from the Monte Arsiccio mine (Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy): occurrence and crystal-chemistry

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    New occurrences of derbylite, Fe2+xFe3+4-2xTi4+3+xSb3+O13(OH), and graeserite, Fe2+xFe3+4-2xTi4+3+xAs3+O13(OH), have been identified in the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). Derbylite occurs as prismatic to acicular black crystals in carbonate veins.Iron and Ti are replaced by V (up to 0.29 atoms per formula unit, apfu) and minor Cr (up to0.4 apfu). Mössbauer spectroscopy confirmed the occurrence of Fe 2+ (up to 0.73 apfu), along with Fe 3+ . The Sb/(As+Sb) atomic ratio range between 0.73 and 0.82. Minor Ba and Pb (up to 0.04 apfu) occur. Derbylite is monoclinic, space group P21/m, with unit-cell parameters a 7.1690(3), b 14.3515(7), c 4.9867(2) Å, β 104.820(3)°, V 495.99(4) Å 3 . The crystal structure was refined to R1 = 0.0352 for 1955 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo). Graeserite occurs as prismatic to tabular black crystals, usually twinned, in carbonate veins or as as porphyroblasts in schist. Graeserite in the first kind of assemblage is V-rich (up to 0.66 apfu), whereas it is V-poor in the second one (0.03 apfu). Along with minor Cr (up to 0.06 apfu), this element replaces Fe and Ti. The occurrence of Fe 2+ (up to 0.68 apfu) is confirmed by Mössbauer spectroscopy. Arsenic is dominant over Sb and detectable amounts of Ba and Pb have been measured (up to 0.27 apfu). Graeserite is monoclinic, space group C2/m. Unit-cell parameters are a 5.0225(7), b 14.3114(18), c 7.1743(9) Å, β 104.878(3)°, V 498.39(11) Å 3 and a 5.0275(4), b 14.2668(11), c 7.1663(5) Å, β 105.123(4)°, V 496.21(7) Å3 . The crystal structures of two graeserite samples were refined to R1 = 0.0399 and 0.0237 for 428 and 1081 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo), respectively. Derbylite and graeserite have homeotypic relations. They share the same tunnel structure, characterized by an octahedral framework and cuboctahedral cavities, hosting (As/Sb)O3 groups and (Ba/Pb) atom

    Redetermination of eveite, Mn2AsO4(OH), based on single-crystal X-ray diffraction data

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    The crystal structure of eveite, ideally Mn2(AsO4)(OH) [dimanganese(II) arsenate(V) hydroxide], was refined from a single crystal selected from a co-type sample from Långban, Filipstad, Varmland, Sweden. Eveite, dimorphic with sarkinite, is structurally analogous with the important rock-forming mineral andalusite, Al2OSiO4, and belongs to the libethenite group. Its structure consists of chains of edge-sharing distorted [MnO4(OH)2] octa­hedra (..2 symmetry) extending parallel to [001]. These chains are cross-linked by isolated AsO4 tetra­hedra (..m symmetry) through corner-sharing, forming channels in which dimers of edge-sharing [MnO4(OH)] trigonal bipyramids (..m symmetry) are located. In contrast to the previous refinement from Weissenberg photographic data [Moore & Smyth (1968 ▶). Am. Mineral. 53, 1841–1845], all non-H atoms were refined with anisotropic displacement param­eters and the H atom was located. The distance of the donor and acceptor O atoms involved in hydrogen bonding is in agreement with Raman spectroscopic data. Examination of the Raman spectra for arsenate minerals in the libethenite group reveals that the position of the peak originating from the O—H stretching vibration shifts to lower wavenumbers from eveite, to adamite, zincolivenite, and olivenite