40 research outputs found

    Lempeää pakottamista : Teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaajan tutkimus omasta ammatillisesta kasvusta

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on toteutettu hermeneuttis – fenomenologisena tutkimuksena, jonka lisätukena tutkija käytti elämäkerrallista dialogia. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkija pohti omaa ammatillista kasvuaan ja kompetenssia toimiessaan taideopettajan työssä. Käytännön osuutena tutkija suunnitteli ja toteutti fyysisen ilmaisun kurssin Tamperelaisen harrastajateatterin jäsenille. Opinnäytetyössä tutkija valitsi kolme näkökulmaa, joiden kautta hän tarkasteli omaa opettajuuttaan sekä tarkasteli saamaansa palautetta kurssilleen osallistuneilta ihmisiltä. Opinnäytetyössä tutkija avaa kehittämäänsä opettamisen filosofiaa ja siitä, kuinka se näkyy hänen omassa opettamisessaan. Tästä opettamisen tavasta tekijä käyttää nimitystä Lempeä pakottaminen. Opinnäytetyön aikana tutkija pohti omaa näkemystään opettamisesta sekä opettajana toimimisesta ja työ onkin tarkoitettu niille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita taideopettajan työstä ja ammatillisen kasvun prosessista luovassa työssä. Tämä opinnäytetyö auttoi tutkijaa hahmottamaan omaa kompetenssiaan toimia vastuutehtävissä sekä selkeytti hänen näkemyksiään opettajan työstä taidealalla.This thesis was carried out as a hermeneutic-phenomenological study, supported by biographical dialogue. In this thesis the researcher explored his own professional growth and his competence as a teacher. In the practical part the researcher designed and implemented a course in physical expression to the members of a Tampere amateur theatre. The researcher chose three perspectives through which he considered his own teacher identity, and reviewed the feedback received from the people who participated in his class. In the thesis the researcher tells about a teaching philosophy that he has developed himself and how this method shows in his way of teaching. He calls this method the method of gentle forcing. During the thesis the researcher pondered his own vision of teaching and working as a teacher. The thesis is meant for those who are interested in the art teacher’s work and the process of professional growth in creative work. This study helped the researcher to perceive his own competence to act in the positions of responsibility and clarified how he sees the teacher’s work in the field of art

    Topographic and electronic contrast of the graphene moir\'e on Ir(111) probed by scanning tunneling microscopy and non-contact atomic force microscopy

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    Epitaxial graphene grown on transition metal surfaces typically exhibits a moir\'e pattern due to the lattice mismatch between graphene and the underlying metal surface. We use both scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments to probe the electronic and topographic contrast of the graphene moir\'e on the Ir(111) surface. While STM topography is influenced by the local density of states close to the Fermi energy and the local tunneling barrier height, AFM is capable of yielding the 'true' surface topography once the background force arising from the van der Waals (vdW) interaction between the tip and the substrate is taken into account. We observe a moir\'e corrugation of 35±\pm10 pm, where the graphene-Ir(111) distance is the smallest in the areas where the graphene honeycomb is atop the underlying iridium atoms and larger on the fcc or hcp threefold hollow sites.Comment: revised versio

    Satellite-Assisted Multi-Connectivity in Beyond 5G

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    Due to the ongoing standardization and deployment activities, satellite networks will be supplementing the 5G and beyond Terrestrial Networks (TNs). For the satellite communications involved to be as efficient as possible, techniques to achieve that should be used. Multi-Connectivity (MC), in which a user can be connected to multiple Next Generation Node Bs simultaneously, is one such technique. However, the technique is not well-researched in the satellite environment. In this paper, an algorithm to activate MC for users in the weakest radio conditions is introduced. The algorithm operates dynamically, considering deactivation of MC to prioritize users in weaker conditions when necessary. The algorithm is evaluated with a packet-level 5G non-terrestrial network system simulator in a scenario that consists of a TN and transparent payload low earth orbit satellite. The algorithm outperforms the benchmark algorithms. The usage of MC with the algorithm increases the mean throughput of the users by 20.3% and the 5th percentile throughput by 83.5% compared to when MC is turned off.Comment: Accepted to be published in: 24th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June 12-15 2023, Boston, Massachusett

    Rhenium Metal and Rhenium Nitride Thin Films Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition

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    Abstract Rhenium is both a refractory metal and a noble metal that has attractive properties for various applications. Still, synthesis and applications of rhenium thin films have been limited. We introduce herein the growth of both rhenium metal and rhenium nitride thin films by the technologically important atomic layer deposition (ALD) method over a wide deposition temperature range using fast, simple, and robust surface reactions between rhenium pentachloride and ammonia. Films are grown and characterized for compositions, surface morphologies and roughnesses, crystallinities, and resistivities. Conductive rhenium subnitride films of tunable composition are obtained at deposition temperatures between 275 and 375 °C, whereas pure rhenium metal films grow at 400 °C and above. Even a just 3 nm thick rhenium film is continuous and has a low resistivity of about 90 µΩ cm showing potential for applications for which also other noble metals and refractory metals have been considered.Peer reviewe

    Pyridinethiol-Assisted Dissolution of Elemental Gold in Organic Solutions

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    Dissolution of elemental gold in organic solutions is a contemporary approach to lower the environmental burden associated with gold recycling. Herein, we describe fundamental studies on a highly efficient method for the dissolution of elemental Au that is based on DMF solutions containing pyridine-4-thiol (4-PSH) as a reactive ligand and hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant. Dissolution of Au proceeds through several elementary steps: isomerization of 4-PSH to pyridine-4-thione (4-PS), coordination with Au-0, and then oxidation of the Au-0 thione species to Au-I simultaneously with oxidation of free pyridine thione to elemental sulfur and further to sulfuric acid. The final dissolution product is a Au-I complex bearing two 4-PS ligands and SO42- as a counterion. The ligand is crucial as it assists the oxidation process and stabilizes and solubilizes the formed Au cations.Peer reviewe

    Do the ecological drivers of lake littoral communities match and lead to congruence between organism groups?

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    Lake littoral environments are heterogeneous, and different organisms typically show specific responses to this environmental variation. We examined local environmental and spatial factors affecting lake littoral biodiversity and the structuring of assemblages of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macroinvertebrates within and among three basins of a large lake system. We explored congruence of species composition and species richness among the studied organism groups to evaluate their general indicator potential to represent spatial variation in other groups. We expected that effects of water chemistry on plankton assemblages were stronger than effects of habitat characteristics. In contrast, we anticipated stronger effects of habitat on macroinvertebrates due to their mainly benthic mode of life. We also expected that within-basin spatial effects would be strongest on macroinvertebrates and weakest on phytoplankton. We predicted weak congruence in assemblage composition and species richness among the organism groups. Phytoplankton assemblages were mainly structured by the shared effects of water chemistry and large-scale spatial factors. In contrast to our expectations, habitat effects were stronger than water chemistry effects on zooplankton assemblages. However, as expected, macroinvertebrate species composition and richness were mainly affected by habitat conditions. Among-group congruence was weak for assemblage composition and insignificant for richness. Albeit weak, congruence was strongest between phytoplankton and zooplankton assemblages, as we expected. In summary, our analyses do not support the idea of using a single organism group as a wholesale biodiversity indicator

    Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of Cobalt Oxide as an Effective Catalyst for Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting Devices

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    We have developed a low-temperature atomic layer deposition (ALD) process for depositing crystalline and phase pure spinel cobalt oxide (Co3O4) films at 120 °C using [Co(tBu2DAD)2] and ozone as coreagent. X-ray diffraction, UV–vis spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis were performed to characterize the structure and properties of the films. The as-deposited Co3O4 films are crystalline with a low amount of impurities (<2% C and <5% H) despite low deposition temperatures. Deposition of Co3O4 onto thin TiO2 photoanodes (100 nm) for water oxidation resulted in 30% improvement of photocurrent (after 10 ALD cycles yielding small Co3O4 particles) as compared to pristine TiO2 films), and exhibited no detrimental effects on photocurrent response up to 300 deposition cycles (approximately 35 nm thick films), demonstrating the applicability of the developed ALD process for deposition of effective catalyst particles and layers in photoelectrochemical water-splitting devices.Peer reviewe

    Laatukäsikirja Rakennus NIS-KA Ky:lle

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    Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin Rakennus NIS-KA Ky:lle keväällä 2014. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää yrityksen toiminnan laatua ja laadunhallintaa perehtymällä yrityksen laatuasioihin ja luomalla alustava laatukäsikirja. Yrityksen ensisijainen tarkoitus oli kehittää sisäisen toiminnan laatua, jonka luotu laatukäsikirja mahdollistaa. Insinöörityön teoriaosuus käsittelee laatua sekä yleisellä tasolla, että rakentamisen näkökulmasta. Laatuun perehtymisessä apuna käytettiin kirjallisuutta ja luotettavia internetlähteitä. Laatukäsikirjan laadinta tapahtui saatavilla olleiden laatukäsikirjamallien avulla. Osana laadintaprosessia oli yrityksen johdon kanssa käydyt haastattelut ja keskustelut, joiden pohjalta yrityksen keskeiset laatuasiat kuvaillaan. Insinöörityössä tutustuttiin myös ISO 9001 -standardiin, mutta sen vaatimusten täyttyminen ei ollut laatukäsikirjan tavoitteena. Rakennus NIS-KA Ky:lle luotu laatukäsikirja auttaa yritystä ylläpitämään laatua ja yhtenäisiä toimintatapoja. Laatukäsikirja on ensimmäinen versio, joka on tehty niin, että yrityksen on helppo päivittää sitä ainakin kerran vuodessa. Insinöörityötä tehtäessä opittiin laadun merkityksestä menestyvän yrityksen toiminnassa. Lisäksi työn aikana tuli selväksi hyvin monipuolisesti, mitä laatu käsitteenä tarkoittaa.This Bachelor’s thesis was commissioned by the construction company Rakennus NIS-KA Ky in the spring of 2014. The main purpose of the thesis was to develop the quality of the company’s operations, as well as quality management and to create the first draft of the quality handbook. The company’s primary purpose was to facilitate the development of the quality of its internal operations with this handbook. The theory part of the thesis handles quality in general and in construction. Literature and reliable internet sources were used when studying quality. The quality handbook was drafted by using available models dealing with this particular subject. The theory part also includes information about the ISO 9001 standard but in the quality handbook fulfilling those requirements was not the intention. The created handbook helps the commissioner in maintaining their quality and uniform ways of working. This version of the handbook was compiled so that it is easy to update at least once a year. When writing the thesis the importance of quality in successful business became emphasized. In addition, during the process it became very clear how diverse the meaning of the word quality is