6 research outputs found

    Movement and Participation: Journeys within Everyday Environments

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    Motion is an elementary part of our everyday life; it determines our perception and appropriation of environmental features. We are immersed in the world while on foot, grounding awareness of the three-dimensionality of the world and ourselves through movement. As a site-specific installation artist, movement is a crucial aspect of my practice in the sense that it makes the work occur. I argue that the installation comprises the experience of the participant through his or her interaction with the space and the intervention that has occurred through movement. The experience is one which unfolds and changes as the participant walks through the installation and its location. How does the encounter through movement of the work of art affect our experience of it, in particular, location- (site-) specific art work outside of the gallery? Together with this, how does the sense of narrative develop through the movements within the installation and location

    Performing Hekla

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    The work investigates the translation processes occurring across and within music, language and the natural environment. It aims to test ways of translating the full complexity of sound within the particular environment of a volcanic site, through multiple processes of translation; drawing upon the Icelandic composer JĂłn Leifs orchestral works that concern the Icelandic landscape