515 research outputs found

    Enemy in the house? Antecedents of employees’ company-related bad mouthing in social media

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    Given that company rating sites encourage employees to evaluate their company - which might lead to a loss of reputation -, this research focuses on identifying and quantifying the importance of antecedents of employees’ company-related bad mouthing in social media. Data for this study was collected through a qualitative interview study (N = 33) and a quantitative online survey approach (N = 472). Drawing on social identity theory and using the job demands-resources model as a theoretical lens, we found that job demands are positively associated with turnover intention, which in turn increases company-related bad mouthing in social media of employees. This study enriches the understanding of employees’ behavior in social media and provides implications for managers such that the strategy of reducing turnover intention is more successful to limit the amount of employees’ bad mouthing than enhancing employees’ commitment

    Learning for Production

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    Der Betriebsratstypus des Co-Managers zieht zunehmend Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Wir untersuchen in diesem Artikel am Beispiel von BetriebsrĂ€ten im Öffentlichen Personennahverkehr, ob dieser Betriebsratstypus sich von anderen (konventionellen, engagierten oder ambitionierten) Betriebsratstypen hinsichtlich seiner Qualifizierungsprozesse und seiner Kommunikationsstrukturen unterscheidet. Basierend auf einer schriftlichen Befragung aller BetriebsrĂ€te zeigt sich, dass der Co-Manager mehr Weiterbildungsangebote in Anspruch nimmt und die dadurch erworbenen Kompetenzen hĂ€ufiger durch interne Wissensvermittlungsprozesse an andere Betriebsratsmitglieder weitergibt. Die KontaktflĂ€chen zur GeschĂ€ftsleitung sind deutlich ausgeprĂ€gter, ohne dass dies mit einer Reduzierung der Kontakte zu Gewerkschaften einhergeht. DarĂŒber hinaus wird ein Schwerpunkt im Kontakt zu BetriebsrĂ€ten anderer Unternehmen gelegt; hier sind Co-Manager deutlich variantenreicher und differenzierter als ihre Kollegen aus den anderen Betriebsratstypen.The initial euphoria caused by computer-aided learning in the nineties was followed by a time of disillusion. We see one main reason for these occurrences in the mere focus on technical aspects while disregarding the pedagogic and (industrial and organisational) psychological dimensions of learning. It is time for a reorientation of e-learning beginning with questions like: What is knowledge? What kind of knowledge is needed in specifi c areas? How is knowledge gained so far? And how can the answers to these questions be transferred to learning environments which respond to specific situations? The chances of e-learning will not be found in the reproduction of imparted ideas of learning using media but in using media and its new possibilities for a kind of learning which focuses on construction, experimentation, exploration and communication. Using a case study we will show what such a solution can look like

    Leaving Care and the danger of loneliness : opportunities and limits of educational work in inpatient child and youth welfare

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit möchte mittels einer intensiven Literaturrecherche einerseits mit der besonderen Situation von Jugendlichen, die die stationĂ€re Hilfe zur Erziehung auf Grund ihrer VolljĂ€hrigkeit verlassen mĂŒssen, beleuchten. Andererseits beschĂ€ftigt sie sich mit der Frage, was das Thema Einsamkeit ausmacht und welche individuellen Möglichkeiten, aber auch Gefahren sich aus ihr ergeben können. Ein Blick auf aktuelle ForschungsstĂ€nde bezĂŒglich junger Menschen und Einsamkeit stellt eine Überleitung dar. Schlussfolgernd wird herausgearbeitet, welche Möglichkeiten pĂ€dagogische FachkrĂ€fte der stationĂ€ren Hilfe zur Erziehung haben, Care Leaver im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema Einsamkeit zu begleiten und an welcher Stelle ihre Möglichkeiten begrenzt sind oder werden.On the one hand, this work aims to use an intensive literature research to shed light on the special situation of young people who have to leave inpatient care for education because they have reached the age of majority. On the other hand, she deals with the question of what constitutes the topic of loneliness and what individual opportunities as well as dangers can arise from it. A look at the current state of research regarding young people and loneliness represents a transition. The conclusion is that it will be worked out what opportunities educational specialists in inpatient educational assistance have to support care leavers in connection with the topic of loneliness and at what point their options are or will be limited

    Performance Journey Mapping: A Tool-supported Framework for Service Performance Assessment in SMEs

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    This paper introduces performance journey mapping as a service performance assessment framework for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as its corresponding tools – the performance journey map (PJM) and the performance index. The PJM is a visual tool whereas the performance index represents a key performance indicator (KPI) pool. The framework is developed by connecting the specific characteristics of SMEs to contributions from goal-setting theory and involves adapted components from service management research, e.g. the service strategy scorecard, ITIL, etc. Service design methods are adapted and applied for the visual components. The paper provides an outlook on the evaluation design for the framework based on method triangulation in a case study setting

    A Versatile IoT-Approach to Process Data Acquisition

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    The acquisition and evaluation of process data in production engineering holds great potential. This allows detecting faulty processes at an early stage and processes to be optimized even more efficiently. However, the use of technologies for data acquisition in the manufacturing industry is far less widespread than the mentioned potential implies. This paper presents an Internet of Things approach by means of which production environments can be retrofitted easily and cost-effectively

    Boden- und BlattdĂŒngung von Schwefel in GemĂŒseerbsen

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    Im vorliegenden Versuch wurden GemĂŒseerbsen ĂŒber Blatt- und Bodenapplikation mit Schwefel gedĂŒngt. Die DĂŒngung mit 40 kg S/ha ĂŒber Kaliumsulfat erhöhte die Schwefelgehalte im Korn, jedoch fĂŒhrte keine der Varianten zu Ertragssteigerungen gegenĂŒber der Kontrolle

    From micrograms to picograms: quantitative PCR reduces the material demands of high-throughput sequencing

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    Current efforts to recover the Neandertal and mammoth genomes by 454 DNA sequencing demonstrate the sensitivity of this technology. However, routine 454 sequencing applications still require microgram quantities of initial material. This is due to a lack of effective methods for quantifying 454 sequencing libraries, necessitating expensive and labour-intensive procedures when sequencing ancient DNA and other poor DNA samples. Here we report a 454 sequencing library quantification method based on quantitative PCR that effectively eliminates these limitations. We estimated both the molecule numbers and the fragment size distributions in sequencing libraries derived from Neandertal DNA extracts, SAGE ditags and bonobo genomic DNA, obtaining optimal sequencing yields without performing any titration runs. Using this method, 454 sequencing can routinely be performed from as little as 50 pg of initial material without titration runs, thereby drastically reducing costs while increasing the scope of sample throughput and protocol development on the 454 platform. The method should also apply to Illumina/Solexa and ABI/SOLiD sequencing, and should therefore help to widen the accessibility of all three platforms
