20 research outputs found

    Oxygen-rich microporous carbons with exceptional hydrogen storage capacity

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    Porous carbons have been extensively investigated for hydrogen storage but, to date, appear to have an upper limit to their storage capacity. Here, in an effort to circumvent this upper limit, we explore the potential of oxygen-rich activated carbons. We describe cellulose acetatederived carbons that combine high surface area (3800 m2 g-1) and pore volume (1.8 cm3 g-1) that arise almost entirely (> 90%) from micropores, with an oxygen-rich nature. The carbons exhibit enhanced gravimetric hydrogen uptake (8.1 wt% total, and 7.0 wt% excess) at -196 ºC and 20 bar, rising to a total uptake of 8.9 wt% at 30 bar, and exceptional volumetric uptake of 44 g l-1 at 20 bar, and 48 g l-1 at 30 bar. At room temperature they store up to 0.8 wt% (excess) and 1.2 wt% (total) hydrogen at only 30 bar, and their isosteric heat of hydrogen adsorption is above 10 kJ mol-1

    Online Access to the Topic of Fluid Flow and Biophysical Properties for Students of Medical Institutes

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    This article is devoted to the transition of students of medical institutes in the modular system of lectures, practical classes and independent work on "Flow of fluids and biophysical properties." The importance of the viscosity coefficient in medicine, its application in diagnosis and forensic medical examination, the Stokes method of finding the viscosity coefficient, the availability of viscometric methods, and the use of the Gess (VK-4) viscometer in medicine to find the viscosity coefficient. It is also shown that the coefficient of surface tension is obtained by the method of drop break and the role of the surface tension coefficient in medicine. &nbsp

    Use of Eximer Laser in the Treatment of Vitiligo

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    The study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of depigmentation and the search for adequate combined methods of treating patients with vitiligo is one of the most urgent areas of modern dermatology; the study was carried out on the basis of the regional dermatovenerological dispensary. The study was conducted between 2019 and 2020. We conducted a randomized comparative study of seventeen male patients with extensive depigmented spots on the face, which were snow-white when viewed with a Wooden Lamp, with a clinical diagnosis of vitiligo, and they were examined at the regional dermatological dispensary in the city of Samarkand. These patients suffered from chronic vitiligo that remained stable for 3-10 years

    Ultrasound Picture of the Case of Liver Echinococcosis

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    Hydatidous echinococcosis belongs to a group of severe parasitic diseases, which remains a serious medical problem on a global scale due to the existence of a huge number of endemic foci and a steady increase in the number of patients. Echinococcosis is a zoonotic disease caused by infection with the tapeworm Echinococcus. [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 14] Humans are random intermediate dead-end hosts, infected by ingesting parasite eggs in contaminated food or by direct contact with animal hosts. Getting into the duodenal mucosa, the larvae of the parasite reach the bloodstream and then enter the liver (75%), lungs (15%) or other areas (heart, central nervous system, kidneys (extremely rare: 1-5%), bones, eyes, etc.), where they continue their development.[ 5, 7, 18

    Remittances, rituals and reconsidering women's norms in mahallas : emigrant labour and its social effects in Ferghana Valley

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    This paper describes recent economic and social changes in Central Asian neighbourhood communities known as mahallas, using data from a town in the Ferghana Valley. First, the paper examines how the increasing costs of life-cycle rituals are damaging the harmony of mahallas. Since 2007, more and more hosts have begun to outsource the provision of food and services for these rituals, using money acquired mostly through emigrant labour. This in turn lessens mahallas’ mutual aid practices, and reveals emerging economic disparities between neighbours. Secondly, the paper argues that emigration has had transformative effects on the lifestyles of Muslim women in mahallas. With the globalization of their economy, conventional local norms are becoming harder to obey, and some young and middle-aged women are choosing to live outside these norms. Dependence on emigrant labour and the associated remittances has significantly affected the lifestyles and morals of mahalla inhabitants.参考文献の記載方法等の点で、出版社版とは微細な違いあ