96 research outputs found

    Active Longitude and Solar Flare Occurrences

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    The aim of the present work is to specify the spatio-temporal characteristics of flare activity observed by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) satellites in connection with the behaviour of the longitudinal domain of enhanced sunspot activity known as active longitude (AL). By using our method developed for this purpose, we identified the AL in every Carrington Rotation provided by the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD). The spatial probability of flare occurrence has been estimated depending on the longitudinal distance from AL in the northern and southern hemispheres separately. We have found that more than the 60\% of the RHESSI and GOES flares is located within ±36∘\pm 36^{\circ} from the active longitude. Hence, the most flare-productive active regions tend to be located in or close to the active longitudinal belt. This observed feature may allow predicting the geo-effective position of the domain of enhanced flaring probability. Furthermore, we studied the temporal properties of flare occurrence near the active longitude and several significant fluctuations were found. More precisely, the results of the method are the following fluctuations: 0.80.8 years, 1.31.3 years and 1.81.8 years. These temporal and spatial properties of the solar flare occurrence within the active longitudinal belts could provide us enhanced solar flare forecasting opportunity

    Statistical study of spatio-temporal distribution of precursor solar flares associated with major flares

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    The aim of the present investigation is to study the spatio-temporal distribution of precursor flares during the 24-hour interval preceding M- and X-class major flares and the evolution of follower flares. Information on associated (precursor and follower) flares is provided by Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). Flare List, while the major flares are observed by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system satellites between 2002 and 2014. There are distinct evolutionary differences between the spatio-temporal distributions of associated flares in about one day period depending on the type of the main flare. The spatial distribution was characterised by the normalised frequency distribution of the quantity δ\delta (the distance between the major flare and its precursor flare normalised by the sunspot group diameter) in four 6-hour time intervals before the major event. The precursors of X-class flares have a double-peaked spatial distribution for more than half a day prior to the major flare, but it changes to a lognormal-like distribution roughly 6 hours prior to the event. The precursors of M-class flares show lognormal-like distribution in each 6-hour subinterval. The most frequent sites of the precursors in the active region are within a distance of about 0.1 diameter of sunspot group from the site of the major flare in each case. Our investigation shows that the build-up of energy is more effective than the release of energy because of precursors

    Periodic Recurrence Patterns In X-Ray Solar Flare Appearances

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    The temporal recurrence of micro-flare events is studied for a time interval before and after of major solar flares. Our sample is based on the X-ray flare observations by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) and Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). The analyzed data contain 1330/301 M-class and X-class GOES/RHESSI energetic solar flares and 4062/4119 GOES/RHESSI micro-flares covering the period elapse since 2002. The temporal analysis of recurrence, by Fast Fourier Transform, of the micro-flares, shows multiple significant periods. Based on the GOES and RHESSI data, the temporal analysis also demonstrates that multiple periods manifest simultaneously in both statistical samples without any significant shift over time. In the GOES sample, the detected significant periods are: 11.33, 5.61, 3.75, 2.80, and 2.24 minutes. The RHESSI data show similar significant periods at 8.54, 5.28, 3.66, 2.88, and 2.19 minutes. The periods are interpreted as signatures of standing oscillations, with the longest period (P 1) being the fundamental and others being higher harmonic modes. The period ratio of the fundamental and higher harmonics (P 1/P N ) is also analyzed. The standing modes may be signatures of global oscillations of the entire solar atmosphere encompassing magnetized plasma from the photosphere to the corona in active regions

    Global Oscillation Pattern in Succeeding Solar Flares

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    The temporal recurrence of micro-flare events is studied in a time interval before and after of major solar flares. Our sample is based on the x-ray flare observations by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) and Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). The analysed data contains 1330/301 M- and X-class GOES/RHESSI energetic solar flares and 4062/4119 GOES/RHESSI micro-flares covering the period elapsed since 2002. The temporal analysis of recurrence, by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), of the micro-flares shows multiple significant periods. Based on the GOES and RHESSI data, the temporal analysis also demonstrates that multiple periods manifest simultaneously in both statistical samples without any significant shift over time. In the GOES sample, the detected significant periods are: 11.3311.33, 5.615.61, 3.753.75, 2.802.80 and 2.242.24 minutes. The RHESSI data shows similar significant periods at 8.548.54, 5.285.28, 3.663.66, 2.882.88 and 2.192.19 minutes. The periods are interpreted as signatures of standing oscillations, with the longest period (P1P_{1}) being the fundamental and others as higher harmonic modes. The period ratio of the fundamental and higher harmonics (P1/PNP_{1}/P_{N}) is also analysed. The standing modes may be signatures of global oscillations of the entire solar atmosphere encompassing magnetised plasma from photosphere to corona in active regions

    Global Oscillation Pattern in Succeeding Solar Flares

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    The temporal recurrence of micro-flare events is studied in a time interval before and after of major solar flares. Our sample is based on the x-ray flare observations by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) and Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). The analysed data contains 1330/301 M- and X-class GOES/RHESSI energetic solar flares and 4062/4119 GOES/RHESSI micro-flares covering the period elapsed since 2002. The temporal analysis of recurrence, by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), of the micro-flares shows multiple significant periods. Based on the GOES and RHESSI data, the temporal analysis also demonstrates that multiple periods manifest simultaneously in both statistical samples without any significant shift over time. In the GOES sample, the detected significant periods are: 11.33, 5.61, 3.75, 2.80 and 2.24 minutes. The RHESSI data shows similar significant periods at 8.54, 5.28, 3.66, 2.88 and 2.19 minutes. The periods are interpreted as signatures of standing oscillations, with the longest period (P1) being the fundamental and others as higher harmonic modes. The period ratio of the fundamental and higher harmonics (P1/PN) is also analysed. The standing modes may be signatures of global oscillations of the entire solar atmosphere encompassing magnetised plasma from photosphere to corona in active regions

    Predicting the loci of solar eruptions

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    The longitudinal distribution of solar active regions shows non-homogeneous spatial behaviour, which is often referred to as Active Longitude (AL). Evidence for a significant statistical relationships between the AL and the longitudinal distribution of flare and coronal mass ejections (CME) occurrences is found in Gyenge et al, 2017 (ApJ, 838, 18). The present work forecasts the spatial position of AL, hence the most flare/CME capable active regions are also predictable. Our forecast method applies Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model for the next 2 years time period. We estimated the dates when the solar flare/CME capable longitudinal belts face towards Earth

    Forecasting hospital staff availability during the COVID-19 epidemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic poses two challenges to healthcare providers. Firstly, a high number of patients require hospital admission. Second, a high number of healthcare staff are either falling ill with the infection, or self-isolating. This poses significant problems for the staffing of busy hospital departments. We have created a simple model which allows users to stress test their rota. The model provides plots of staff availability over time using either a constant infection rate, or a changing infection rate fitted to population-based infection curves. It allows users to gauge the extent and timing of dips in staff availability. The basic constant infection rate model is available within an on-line web application (https://covid19.shef.ac.uk). As for any model, our work is imperfect. However, it allows a range of infection rates to be simulated quickly across different work patterns. We hope it will be useful to those planning staff deployment and will stimulate debate on the most effective patterns of work during the COVID-19 epidemic

    MHD code using multi graphical processing units: SMAUG+

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    This paper introduces the Sheffield Magnetohydrodynamics Algorithm Using GPUs (SMAUG+), an advanced numerical code for solving magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) problems, using multi-GPU systems. Multi-GPU systems facilitate the development of accelerated codes and enable us to investigate larger model sizes and/or more detailed computational domain resolutions. This is a significant advancement over the parent single-GPU MHD code, SMAUG (Griffiths, M., Fedun, V., and Erd\'elyi, R. (2015). A fast MHD code for gravitationally stratified media using graphical processing units: SMAUG. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,36(1):197-223). Here, we demonstrate the validity of the SMAUG+ code, describe the parallelisation techniques and investigate performance benchmarks. The initial configuration of the Orszag-Tang vortex simulations are distributed among 4, 16, 64 and 100 GPUs. Furthermore, different simulation box resolutions are applied: 1000×10001000 \times 1000, 2044×20442044 \times 2044, 4000×40004000 \times 4000 and 8000×80008000 \times 8000. We also tested the code with the Brio-Wu shock tube simulations with model size of 800 employing up to 10 GPUs. Based on the test results, we observed speed ups and slow downs, depending on the granularity and the communication overhead of certain parallel tasks. The main aim of the code development is to provide massively parallel code without the memory limitation of a single GPU. By using our code, the applied model size could be significantly increased. We demonstrate that we are able to successfully compute numerically valid and large 2D MHD problems

    Non-homogeneous Behaviour of the Spatial Distribution of Macrospicules

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    In this paper the longitudinal and latitudinal spatial distribution of macrospicules is examined. We found a statistical relationship between the active longitude determined by sunspot groups and the longitudinal distribution of macrospicules. This distribution of macrospicules shows an inhomogeneity and non-axysimmetrical behaviour in the time interval from June 2010 until December 2012 covered by observations of the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) satellite. The enhanced positions of the activity and its time variation has been calculated. The migration of the longitudinal distribution of macrospicules shows a similar behaviour as that of the sunspot groups
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