12 research outputs found

    Genetic and Pathogenicity Diversity of Aphanomyces euteiches Populations From Pea-Growing Regions in France

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    Aphanomyces euteiches is an oomycete pathogen with a broad host-range on legumes that causes devastating root rot disease in many pea-growing countries and especially in France. Genetic resistance is a promising way to manage the disease since consistent QTL controlling partial resistance have been identified in near isogenic lines of pea. However, there are still no resistant pea varieties cultivated in France. This study aimed to evaluate the phenotypic and genetic diversity of A. euteiches populations from the major pea-growing regions in France. A collection of 205 isolates, from soil samples collected in infested pea fields located in five French regions, was established and genotyped using 20 SSR markers. Thirteen multilocus genotypes were found among the 205 isolates which displayed a low genotypic richness (ranged from 0 to 0.333). Two main clusters of isolates were identified using PCoA and STRUCTURE, including a predominant group comprising 88% of isolates and another group representing 12% of isolates mainly from the Bourgogne region. A subset of 34 isolates, representative of the fields sampled, was phenotyped for aggressiveness on a set of resistant and susceptible varieties of four legume hosts (pea, faba bean, vetch, alfalfa). Significant differences in disease severity were found among isolates and three groups of aggressiveness comprising 16, 17, and 2 isolates, respectively, were identified using HCA analysis. A higher diversity in pathogen aggressiveness was observed among isolates from Bourgogne, which included different legumes in its crop history. Little relationship was observed between genetic clusters and pathogenicity in the subset of 34 isolates, as expected using neutral markers. This study provides useful knowledge on the current state of low to moderate diversity among A. euteiches populations before resistant pea varieties are grown in France. New insights and hypotheses about the major factors shaping the diversity and evolution of A. euteiches are also discussed

    Aggressiveness of Diverse French Aphanomyces euteiches Isolates on Pea Near Isogenic Lines Differing in Resistance Quantitative Trait Loci

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    International audienceAphanomyces root rot is a major disease in many pea growing regions worldwide. Development of resistant varieties is necessary to manage the disease. Near isogenic lines (NILs) carrying resistance alleles at main quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were developed by marker-assisted backcrossing. This study aimed to evaluate the aggressiveness of diverse French isolates of Aphanomyces euteiches on NILs carrying different resistance QTLs. Forty-three A. euteiches isolates from different French pea growing regions were tested for aggressiveness on eight NILs carrying single or combinations of resistance QTLs and two susceptible or resistant control lines, in controlled conditions. Three clusters of isolates, unrelated to geographical origin, were identified, including 37, 56, and 7% of isolates with high, moderate, and low average levels of aggressiveness, respectively. Three groups of pea lines were also identified. The first group consisted of a pea resistant control line, moderately to highly resistant to all of the isolates. The second group included five NILs carrying a major-effect resistance allele at QTL Ae-Ps7.6, with a medium to broad range of effects on the isolates. The third group consisted of three NILs carrying minor-effect resistance alleles, with a narrow range of effects on the isolates. The results suggest that highly aggressive isolates occur naturally, which may be selected by future partially resistant pea varieties carrying QTLs and increase the risk of erosion of QTL effect. QTL pyramiding strategies for a higher level and a broader range of effect of quantitative resistance on A. euteiches populations will be required for breeding for durable pea resistant varieties

    Life history traits and trade‐offs between two species of the ascochyta blight disease complex of pea

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    International audiencePlant disease complexes are a playground to investigate coinfections in natural or cultivated systems. Pathogens of such complexes may affect each other through direct and/or indirect interactions and lead to changes in virulence or aggressiveness, offspring production, and transmission. As coinfections by sympatric host-pathogens can strongly influence pathogen dynamics and their evolutionary trajectories, new insights into the mechanisms of their coexistence is thus of critical importance. In order to characterize differences in ecological niches liable to explain species coexistence on the same host, the inter- and intraspecific diversity of the life history traits in natural collections of the two main pathogens (Peyronellaea (formerly Didymella) pinodes [Dp] and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella [Pmp]) of the ascochyta blight disease complex of pea was evaluated under controlled conditions. Dp strains developed 1.3 times faster and produced longer, mainly bicellular spores and in lower amounts (3.7 times less) than Pmp strains. Pmp strains were separated into two groups, one producing more pycnidiospores, mainly bicellular, with less resources, and the other with mainly unicellular ones. These three groups can be interpreted as three distinct life history strategies: pioneer colonizer (Dp), scavenger (large-spored Pmp), and intermediate (small-spored Pmp), allowing differentiation in access to and use of resources. While this experimental work provides new insight into coexistence of two species of the ascochyta blight disease complex of pea, it also raises the question of the benefit of having two distinct life history strategies for one species (Pmp)

    Competition and facilitation among fungal plant parasites affect their life-history traits

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    International audienceMulti-infections may result in either competitive exclusion or coexistence on the same host of pathogen genotypes belonging to the same or different species. Epidemiological consequences of multiple infections, particularly how the development and transmission of a pathogen can be modified by the presence of another pathogen, are well documented. However, understanding how life history strategies of each pathogen modulate co-infection outcomes remains quite elusive. To analyze how co-infection drives changes in life history traits and affects co-existence in epidemic pathogens, we infected detached pea stipules with two fungal species, Peyronellaea pinodes and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella (considering two strains per species), part of the ascochyta blight complex but presenting different life history strategies. All pairwise combinations (including self-pairs) between two strains of each species were tested. Strains were inoculated simultaneously, but apart from one another on the stipule. For each strain, four life history traits were measured: incubation period, necrosis area six days after inoculation, latent period and offspring production. Results show that, in co-infection, when resources are highly allocated to lesion development, the time between inoculation and the appearance of reproduction structures (latent period) and offspring production decreased, and vice-versa relative to single infections. The direction and/or magnitude of these responses to co-infection depend on the co-infecting strains. Moreover, these changes were always higher in self-pairs than in mixed co-infections. These results suggest facilitation between co-infecting strains, resulting in the selection of an intermediate level of virulence (here measured as the lesion development) at the expense of pathogen offspring production. This strategy allows the development and reproduction of each co-infecting strain when sharing limited resources. However, the direction and strength of these life history traits variations in co-infection depend on the life history strategy of the co-infecting strains, with a clear difference between 'opportunists', 'scavengers' and 'pioneer colonisers'

    Genetic and Pathogenicity Diversity of Aphanomyces euteiches Populations From Pea-Growing Regions in France

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    International audienceAphanomyces euteiches is an oomycete pathogen with a broad host-range on legumes that causes devastating root rot disease in many pea-growing countries and especially in France. Genetic resistance is a promising way to manage the disease since consistent QTL controlling partial resistance have been identified in near isogenic lines of pea. However, there are still no resistant pea varieties cultivated in France. This study aimed to evaluate the phenotypic and genetic diversity of A. euteiches populations from the major pea-growing regions in France. A collection of 205 isolates, from soil samples collected in infested pea fields located in five French regions, was established and genotyped using 20 SSR markers. Thirteen multilocus genotypes were found among the 205 isolates which displayed a low genotypic richness (ranged from 0 to 0.333). Two main clusters of isolates were identified using PCoA and STRUCTURE, including a predominant group comprising 88% of isolates and another group representing 12% of isolates mainly from the Bourgogne region. A subset of 34 isolates, representative of the fields sampled, was phenotyped for aggressiveness on a set of resistant and susceptible varieties of four legume hosts (pea, faba bean, vetch, alfalfa). Significant differences in disease severity were found among isolates and three groups of aggressiveness comprising 16, 17, and 2 isolates, respectively, were identified using HCA analysis. A higher diversity in pathogen aggressiveness was observed among isolates from Bourgogne, which included different legumes in its crop history. Little relationship was observed between genetic clusters and pathogenicity in the subset of 34 isolates, as expected using neutral markers. This study provides useful knowledge on the current state of low to moderate diversity among A. euteiches populations before resistant pea varieties are grown in France. New insights and hypotheses about the major factors shaping the diversity and evolution of A. euteiches are also discussed

    Single and multiple resistance QTL delay symptom appearance and slow down root colonization by Aphanomyces euteiches in pea near isogenic lines

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    Understanding the effects of resistance QTL on pathogen development cycle is an important issue for the creation of QTL combination strategies to durably increase disease resistance in plants. The oomycete pathogen Aphanomyces euteiches, causing root rot disease, is one of the major factors limiting the pea crop in the main producing countries. No commercial resistant varieties are currently available in Europe. Resistance alleles at seven main QTL were recently identified and introgressed into pea agronomic lines, resulting in the creation of Near Isogenic Lines (NILs) at the QTL. This study aimed to determine the effect of main A. euteiches resistance QTL in NILs on different steps of the pathogen life cycle.[br/] NILs carrying resistance alleles at main QTL in susceptible genetic backgrounds were evaluated in a destructive test under controlled conditions. The development of root rot disease severity and pathogen DNA levels in the roots was measured during ten days after inoculation. Significant effects of several resistance alleles at the two major QTL Ae-Ps7.6 and Ae-Ps4.5 were observed on symptom appearance and root colonization by A. euteiches. Some resistance alleles at three other minor-effect QTL (Ae-Ps2.2, Ae-Ps3.1 and Ae-Ps5.1) significantly decreased root colonization. The combination of resistance alleles at two or three QTL including the major QTL Ae-Ps7.6 (Ae-Ps5.1/Ae-Ps7.6 or Ae-Ps2.2/Ae-Ps3.1/Ae-Ps7.6) had an increased effect on delaying symptom appearance and/or slowing down root colonization by A. euteiches and on plant resistance levels, compared to the effects of individual or no resistance alleles.[br/] This study demonstrated the effects of single or multiple resistance QTL on delaying symptom appearance and/or slowing down colonization by A. euteiches in pea roots, using original plant material and a precise pathogen quantification method. Our findings suggest that single resistance QTL can act on multiple or specific steps of the disease development cycle and that their actions could be pyramided to increase partial resistance in future pea varieties. Further studies are needed to investigate QTL effects on different steps of the pathogen life cycle, as well as the efficiency and durability of pyramiding strategies using QTL which appear to act on the same stage of the pathogen cycle

    Comparative Genome-Wide-Association Mapping Identifies Common Loci Controlling Root System Architecture and Resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches in Pea

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    Combining plant genetic resistance with architectural traits that are unfavorable to disease development is a promising strategy for reducing epidemics. However, few studies have identified root system architecture (RSA) traits with the potential to limit root disease development. Pea is a major cultivated legume worldwide and has a wide level of natural genetic variability for plant architecture. The root pathogen Aphanomyces euteiches is a major limiting factor of pea crop yield. This study aimed to increase the knowledge on the diversity of loci and candidate genes controlling RSA traits in pea and identify RSA genetic loci associated with resistance to A. euteiches which could be combined with resistance QTL in breeding. A comparative genome wide association (GWA) study of plant architecture and resistance to A. euteiches was conducted at the young plant stage in a collection of 266 pea lines contrasted for both traits. The collection was genotyped using 14,157 SNP markers from recent pea genomic resources. It was phenotyped for ten root, shoot and overall plant architecture traits, as well as three disease resistance traits in controlled conditions, using image analysis. We identified a total of 75 short-size genomic intervals significantly associated with plant architecture and overlapping with 46 previously detected QTL. The major consistent intervals included plant shoot architecture or flowering genes (PsLE, PsTFL1) with putative pleiotropic effects on root architecture. A total of 11 genomic intervals were significantly associated with resistance to A. euteiches confirming several consistent previously identified major QTL. One significant SNP, mapped to the major QTL Ae-Ps7.6, was associated with both resistance and RSA traits. At this marker, the resistance-enhancing allele was associated with an increased total root projected area, in accordance with the correlation observed between resistance and larger root systems in the collection. Seven additional intervals associated with plant architecture overlapped with GWA intervals previously identified for resistance to A. euteiches. This study provides innovative results about genetic interdependency of root disease resistance and RSA inheritance. It identifies pea lines, QTL, closely-linked markers and candidate genes for marker-assisted-selection of RSA loci to reduce Aphanomyces root rot severity in future pea varieties

    Validation of QTL for resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches in different pea genetic backgrounds using near-isogenic lines

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    International audienceMarker-assisted backcrossing was used to generate pea NILs carrying individual or combined resistance alleles at main Aphanomyces resistance QTL. The effects of several QTL were successfully validated depending on genetic backgrounds. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) validation is an important and often overlooked step before subsequent research in QTL cloning or marker-assisted breeding for disease resistance in plants. Validation of QTL controlling partial resistance to Aphanomyces root rot, one of the most damaging diseases of pea worldwide, is of major interest for the future development of resistant varieties. The aim of this study was to validate, in different genetic backgrounds, the effects of various resistance alleles at seven main resistance QTL recently identified. Five backcross-assisted selection programs were developed. In each, resistance alleles at one to three of the seven main Aphanomyces resistance QTL were transferred into three genetic backgrounds, including two agronomically important spring (Eden) and winter (Isard) pea cultivars. The subsequent near-isogenic lines (NILs) were evaluated for resistance to two reference strains of the main A. euteiches pathotypes under controlled conditions. The NILs carrying resistance alleles at the major-effect QTL Ae-Ps4.5 and Ae-Ps7.6, either individually or in combination with resistance alleles at other QTL, showed significantly reduced disease severity compared to NILs without resistance alleles. Resistance alleles at some minor-effect QTL, especially Ae-Ps2.2 and Ae-Ps5.1, were also validated for their individual or combined effects on resistance. QTL × genetic background interactions were observed, mainly for QTL Ae-Ps7.6, the effect of which increased in the winter cultivar Isard. The pea NILs are a novel and valuable resource for further understanding the mechanisms underlying QTL and their integration in breeding programs

    Comparative genome-wide-association mapping identifies common loci controlling root system architecture and resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches in pea

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    Combining plant genetic resistance with architectural traits that are unfavorable to disease development is a promising strategy for reducing epidemics. However, few studies have identified root system architecture (RSA) traits with the potential to limit root disease development. Pea is a major cultivated legume worldwide and has a wide level of natural genetic variability for plant architecture. The root pathogen Aphanomyces euteiches is a major limiting factor of pea crop yield. This study aimed to increase the knowledge on the diversity of loci and candidate genes controlling RSA traits in pea and identify RSA genetic loci associated with resistance to A. euteiches which could be combined with resistance QTL in breeding. A comparative genome wide association (GWA) study of plant architecture and resistance to A. euteiches was conducted at the young plant stage in a collection of 266 pea lines contrasted for both traits. The collection was genotyped using 14,157 SNP markers from recent pea genomic resources. It was phenotyped for ten root, shoot and overall plant architecture traits, as well as three disease resistance traits in controlled conditions, using image analysis. We identified a total of 75 short-size genomic intervals significantly associated with plant architecture and overlapping with 46 previously detected QTL. The major consistent intervals included plant shoot architecture or flowering genes (PsLE, PsTFL1) with putative pleiotropic effects on root architecture. A total of 11 genomic intervals were significantly associated with resistance to A. euteiches confirming several consistent previously identified major QTL. One significant SNP, mapped to themajor QTL Ae-Ps7.6, was associated with both resistance and RSA traits. At this marker, the resistance-enhancing allele was associated with an increased total root projected area, in accordance with the correlation observed between resistance and larger root systems in the collection. Seven additional intervals associated with plant architecture overlapped with GWA intervals previously identified for resistance to A. euteiches. This study provides innovative results about genetic interdependency of root disease resistance and RSA inheritance. It identifies pea lines, QTL, closely-linked markers and candidate genes for marker-assisted-selection of RSA loci to reduce Aphanomyces root rot severity in future pea varieties