418 research outputs found

    Block-diagonal semidefinite programming hierarchies for 0/1 programming

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    Lovasz and Schrijver, and later Lasserre, proposed hierarchies of semidefinite programming relaxations for general 0/1 linear programming problems. In this paper these two constructions are revisited and two new, block-diagonal hierarchies are proposed. They have the advantage of being computationally less costly while being at least as strong as the Lovasz-Schrijver hierarchy. Our construction is applied to the stable set problem and experimental results for Paley graphs are reported.Comment: 11 pages, (v2) revision based on suggestions by referee, computation of N+(TH(P_q)) included in Table

    Perioperative blood loss and diclofenac in major arthroplastic surgery

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    Introduction: Contemporary literature indicates precaution over the perioperative use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since they can potentially increase perioperative blood loss related to their mechanism of action. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on perioperative blood loss undergoing hip arthroplasty and its correlation with general and regional anesthesia.Methods: This prospective study included 120 patients who had undergone elective unilateral total hip arthroplasty. Patients were allocated into four groups. Groups 1 and 2 were pretreated with diclofenac and operated in general and regional anesthesia. Group 3 and 4 weren’t pretreated with any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and were, as well, operated in general and regional anesthesia. Diclofenac was administered orally two times a day 75 mg (total 150 mg) and also as intramuscular injection (75 mg) preoperatively and 12 hours later on a day of surgery.Results: The perioperative blood loss in the rst 24 hours showed an increase of 29.4% in the diclofenac group operated in general anesthesia and increase of 26.8% in patients operated in regional anesthesia (P < 0.05) compared to control group. Statistical data evaluation of patients operated in general anesthesia compared to regional anesthesia, the overall blood loss in the rst 24 h after surgery, showed an increase of 6.4% in the diclofenac group and increase of 3.6% in placebo group. This was not statistically significant.Conclusion: Pretreatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac) before elective unilateral total hip arthroplasty increases the perioperative blood loss signficantly. Early discontinuation of non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is advised

    Je li pažnja neophodna u opažanju

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    This research was conducted to investigate the phenomenon of inattentional blindness, which, examines the possibility of perception without visual attention. This study also attempted to determine whether certain features of stimuli can have an effect on the degree of that phenomenon. The study comprises three experiments, in which the procedure was exactly the same, but the type of presented stimuli differed. Thirty subjects participated in each experiment. They were randomly divided into three groups, which corresponded to three experimental conditions. The total sample consisted of 90 subjects. The results of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 show that there is no adequate perception without active engagement of attention, while the results of Experiment 3 indicate that certain type of stimuli can be perceived automatically, without visual attention. Analysis of all results suggests that there is the effect of type of stimuli on seeing a stimulus in inattentional conditions, but not on accuracy of identification.Ovo istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem ispitivanja fenomena sljepila zbog nepažnje, tj. mogućnosti opažanja bez angažiranja vizualne pažnje. Ova studija je, također, pokušala utvrditi da li određene karakteristike podražaja utječu na količinu tog fenomena.Istraživanje čine tri eksperimenta u kojima je procedura bila potpuno ista, ali su se razlikovali tipovi prezentiranih podražaja. U svakom eksperimentu je sudjelovalo 30 ispitanika, koji su slučajnim odabirom podijeljeni u tri grupe kojima su odgovarala tri eksperimentalna uvjeta. Ukupan uzorak je činilo 90 ispitanika. Rezultati Eksperimenata 1. i 2. pokazuju da ne postoji adekvatna percepcija bez aktivnog angažiranja pažnje, dok rezultati Eksperimenta 3. pokazuju da određen tip podražaja može biti percipiran automatski, bez sudjelovanja vizualne pažnje. Analiza svih rezultata upućuje na zaključak da postoji utjecaj tipa podražaja na opažanje podražaja u uvjetima nepažnje, ali ne i na točnost identifikacije

    Način nasleđivanja prinosa i komponenti prinosa kod kupusa (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

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    Used in this study were seven divergent cabbage cultivars, which we crossed using the complete diallel cross method. The traits we analyzed are important for further selection and were actually chosen based on this. The study's results showed the traits to be significantly divergent, which represents a significant source of variability for the next cycle of selection. The predominant mode of inheritance of head mass and the edible portion of the head was superdominance. Variation of these two traits was prominent in both the parents and the hybrids, the primary reason being the differences in earliness of maturity. Yield once again proved to be a complex trait, varying in the parents and the hybrids alike. The variability of yield was much larger in the hybrids than in the cultivars. Superdominance occurred 23 times.Sedam divergentnih sorti kupusa, dobijenih metom potpunog dialelnog ukrštanja, korišćeno je u ovom istraživanju. Analizirana svojstva su važna za dalju selekciju i stoga su i izabrana. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su svojstva značajno divergentna što predstavlja važan izvor varijabilnosti za sledeće cikluse selekcije. Superdominantnost je prevashodni način nasleđivanja mase glavice i jestivih delova glavice. Variranje ova dva svojstva bilo je značajno kako kod roditelja tako i kod hibrida što je i osnovni razlog razlike u ranostasnosti. Prinos se još jednom pokazao kao složeno svojstvo, koje podjednako varira kako kod roditelja tako i kod hibrida. Varijabilnost prinosa bila je mnogo veća kod hibrida nego kod kultivara. Superdominantnost se javila 23 puta

    Chronic fatigue after a night of work in Serbia (our experience)

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    Working during the night, especially with geriatric patients, has a detrimental effect on the circadian rhythm. (1) This study was approved by the Ethics Committee and Commission for Examining Ethics. The sample was randomly formed and consisted of 1200 nurses. In order to meet ethical standards in research, subjects voluntarily signed the consent form to join the study. The study group consisted of 600 nurses working the night shift with geriatric patients. The control group consisted of 600 nurses working the eight-hour day shift. As a survey instrument, two questionnaires were used

    Otežani dišni put kod uznapredovale Behterevljeve bolesti: prikaz slučaja

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    Advanced Bechterew’s disease presents with increasing ossification of spinal column, from lower lumbar segments upwards, first causing impossibility to place spinal block in lumbar region, and later, due to stiffness of cervical spine, difficult intubation because of inability to extend and/or flex the neck during direct laryngoscopy and intubation. Mask ventilation, on the other hand, usually is possible. We report a case of a 77-year-old man scheduled for elective hernioplasty, with recently advanced Bechterew’s disease. According to the recently accepted Mainz algorithm, we first intended to perform awake intubation through the nose by fiber bronchoscope. The bronchoscope passed easily down to tracheal bifurcation, but placing the endotracheal tube was unexpectedly impossible due to the consequences of broken nose the patient had suffered at the age of 8. Fiber bronchoscope was therefore retracted, and we used the Bonfils rigid fiberscope after induction of general anesthesia, achieving intubation in first attempt.Značajke uznapredovale Behterevljeve bolesti (ankilozirajući spondilits) su sve veća osifikacija kralježnice od donjih, lumbalnih dijelova prema višim, cervikalnim što uzrokuje prvo nemogućnost izvođenja spinalnog bloka u lumbalnoj regiji, a kasnije, zbog ukočenosti vratnog dijela kralježnice, otežanu intubaciju zbog nemogućnosti ekstenzije i/ili fleksije vrata u tijeku direktne laringoskopije i intubacije. S druge strane, ventilacija na masku je obično izvediva. Ovdje prikazujemo 77-godišnjeg bolesnika koji je bio predviđen za elektivnu operaciju ingvinalne hernije, a čiji je ankilozirajući spondilitis u posljednje vrijeme jako uznapredovao. U skladu s nedavno prihvaćenim “Mainz algoritmom” najprije smo pokušali intubirati fleksibilnim fiberbronhoskopom na budnom bolesniku. Bronhoskop je lako prošao sve do bifurkacije traheje, ali je neočekivano postavljanje endotrahealnog tubusa zapelo na preuskoj nosnici zbog prijeloma nosa koji je bolesnik zadobio u dobi od 8 godina. Zato smo izvukli fiberbronhoskop i nakon indukcije opće anestezije uspjeli intubirati u prvom pokušaju rigidnim fiberskopom po Bonfilsu

    Efekat gena i kombinacione sposobnosti za visinu biljke i prečnik glave kod suncokreta

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    Plant height and head diameter are important parameters which effect on a yield in sunflower. Six restorer Rf lines, three tester A lines and their 18 Fl hybrids were studied, using line x tester method. Significant differences were found between restorer lines and testers and their Fl hybrids for plant height and head diameter. Regarding the inheritance of examined characteristic, super dominance and dominance of better parent occurred, and the intermediary too. Tester line HA-48A (188.25 cm) and Fl hybrid HA-48A x RHA-SELEUS (245.10 cm) had the highest mean value for plant height, and the lowest value had line RHA-BRE-1 (105.35 cm) and hybrid L-19A x RHA-BRE-1 (147.9 cm). For head diameter, the highest mean value had line L-19A (19.02 cm) and Fl hybrids HA-48A x RHA-TR-20 and L-19A x RHA-TR-20 (24.55 cm), and the lowest line RHA-BRE-1 (13.10 cm) and hybrid HA-26A x RHA-M-72 (20.25 cm). Based on the results, the following conclusion is that lines RHA-BRE-1 for plant height and RHA-SELEUS for head diameter have the best GCA, and the best SCA have hybrids L-19A x RHA-BRE-1 for plant height and HA-26A x RHA-SELEUS for head diameter. Analyzing components of genetic variance, the nonadditive component played the main role in the inheritance of plant height and the additive of head diameter. The largest average contribution in the expression of plant height had the tester A-lines (83.17%) and for head diameter Rf lines had the greatest influence (58.13%).Visina biljke i prečnik glave su značajni parametri koji utiču na visinu prinosa kod suncokreta. Metodom linija x tester ispitano je šest restorer linija, tri tester A linije i njihovih 18 F1 hibrida. Utvrđene su značajne razlike između restorer linija i testera i njihovih F1 hibrida za visinu biljke i prečnik glave. U nasleđivanju ispitivanih svojstava ispoljile su se superdominacija i dominacija boljeg roditelja, ali i intermedijarnost. Najveću srednju vrednost za visinu biljke su imali tester linija HA-48 A (188,25 cm) i Fj hibrid HA-48A x RHA-SELEUS (245,1 cm), a najmanju linija RHA-BRE-1 (105,35 cm), odnosno hibrid L-19A x RHA-BRE-1 (147,9 cm). Kod prečnika glave najveću srednju vrednost su imali tester linija L-19A (19,95 cm) i F, hibridi HA-48 A x RHA-TR-20 i L-19A x RHA-TR-20 (24,55 cm), a najmanju linija RHA-BRE-1 (13,10 cm) i hibrid HA-26A x RHA-M-72 (20,25 cm). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da najbolje OKS imaju linije RHA-BRE-1 za visinu biljke i RHA-TR-20 za prečnik glave, a najbolje PKS, hibridi L-19A x RHA-BRE-1 za visinu biljke i HA-26A x RHA-SELEUS za prečnik glave. Analiziranjem komponenti genetske varijanse, neaditivna komponenta je imala najveći uticaj na nasleđivanje visine biljke, a aditivna na prečnika glave. Najveći prosečni doprinos u ekspresiji visine biljke dale su A-tester linije 83,17%, a za prečnik glave najveći uticaj su imale restorer linije 58,13%

    Role of symmetry and simplicity in shape disruption perception tasks

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    Purpose of the present research was further examination of roles of symmetry and complexity in visual perception tasks. We tested hypothesis from perceptual economy theory, and since we used shape disruptions as one of the stimulus characteristics we could also address Luccio's two step theory concerning perception of shape disruptions on good forms. Four experiments were conducted, visual search and simultaneous and delayed matching. Symmetry and complexity were varied, as well as set size in visual search experiment. Dependent variables were reaction time and error number. In all four experiments, symmetry had dominant effect, while significant effect of complexity was registered only in Experiment 1. However, in first three experiments interaction of symmetry and complexity was also significant. Analysis of reaction times and performance suggested that our results follow the pattern suggested by perceptual economy, i.e. that symmetry is dominant in easier tasks, while complexity was significant in most difficult task. Our results couldn't completely support Luccio's assumption that shape disruption is better perceived on good forms, although it can't be completely discarded

    Otežani dišni put kod uznapredovale Behterevljeve bolesti: prikaz slučaja

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    Advanced Bechterew’s disease presents with increasing ossification of spinal column, from lower lumbar segments upwards, first causing impossibility to place spinal block in lumbar region, and later, due to stiffness of cervical spine, difficult intubation because of inability to extend and/or flex the neck during direct laryngoscopy and intubation. Mask ventilation, on the other hand, usually is possible. We report a case of a 77-year-old man scheduled for elective hernioplasty, with recently advanced Bechterew’s disease. According to the recently accepted Mainz algorithm, we first intended to perform awake intubation through the nose by fiber bronchoscope. The bronchoscope passed easily down to tracheal bifurcation, but placing the endotracheal tube was unexpectedly impossible due to the consequences of broken nose the patient had suffered at the age of 8. Fiber bronchoscope was therefore retracted, and we used the Bonfils rigid fiberscope after induction of general anesthesia, achieving intubation in first attempt.Značajke uznapredovale Behterevljeve bolesti (ankilozirajući spondilits) su sve veća osifikacija kralježnice od donjih, lumbalnih dijelova prema višim, cervikalnim što uzrokuje prvo nemogućnost izvođenja spinalnog bloka u lumbalnoj regiji, a kasnije, zbog ukočenosti vratnog dijela kralježnice, otežanu intubaciju zbog nemogućnosti ekstenzije i/ili fleksije vrata u tijeku direktne laringoskopije i intubacije. S druge strane, ventilacija na masku je obično izvediva. Ovdje prikazujemo 77-godišnjeg bolesnika koji je bio predviđen za elektivnu operaciju ingvinalne hernije, a čiji je ankilozirajući spondilitis u posljednje vrijeme jako uznapredovao. U skladu s nedavno prihvaćenim “Mainz algoritmom” najprije smo pokušali intubirati fleksibilnim fiberbronhoskopom na budnom bolesniku. Bronhoskop je lako prošao sve do bifurkacije traheje, ali je neočekivano postavljanje endotrahealnog tubusa zapelo na preuskoj nosnici zbog prijeloma nosa koji je bolesnik zadobio u dobi od 8 godina. Zato smo izvukli fiberbronhoskop i nakon indukcije opće anestezije uspjeli intubirati u prvom pokušaju rigidnim fiberskopom po Bonfilsu