44 research outputs found

    Extracurricular Participation, Educational Expectations and College Enrollment Among Second-Generation Latino Youth

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    With the rapid growth in the Latino population in the United States, in the next few decades we will be presented with a new generation of potential college bound students. It is critical to comprehend how the educational system impacts Latino youth, and discover new ways that encourage underprivileged youth to successfully finish high school and acquire a post-secondary education. Social capital, particularly extracurricular activities, plays an important role in encouraging and helping Latino youth attain an education beyond high school. This study will specifically examine how participation in extracurricular activities affects second-generation Latino youths’ educational expectations and post-secondary enrollment status, all while controlling for student’s sex, family socioeconomic background, and high school grade point average. Utilizing data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002, our results show that extracurricular participation is positively and significantly associated with educational expectations during high school as well as application and enrollment in post-secondary education among second-generation Latino youth.Ope

    Effect of Chlorella vulgaris intake on cadmium detoxification in rats fed cadmium

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    The aim of this study was to investigate if dietary Chlorella vulgaris (chlorella) intake would be effective on cadmium (Cd) detoxification in rats fed dietary Cd. Fourteen-week old male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats weighing 415.0 ± 1.6 g were randomly divided into two groups and fed slightly modified American Institute of Nutrition-93 Growing (AIN-93G) diet without (n=10) or with (n=40) dietary Cd (200 ppm) for 8 weeks. To confirm alteration by dietary Cd intake, twenty rats fed AIN-93G diet without (n=10) and with (n=10) dietary Cd were sacrificed and compared. Other thirty rats were randomly blocked into three groups and fed slightly modified AIN-93G diets replacing 0 (n=10), 5 (n=10) or 10% (n=10) chlorella of total kg diet for 4 weeks. Daily food intake, body weight change, body weight gain/calorie intake, organ weight (liver, spleen, and kidney), perirenal fat pad and epididymal fat pad weights were measured. To examine Cd detoxification, urinary Cd excretion and metallothonein (MT) concentrations in kidney and intestine were measured. Food intake, calorie intake, body weight change, body weight gain/calorie intake, organ weight and fat pad weights were decreased by dietary Cd intake. Urinary Cd excretion and MT concentrations in kidney and small intestine were increased by dietary Cd. After given Cd containing diet, food intake, calorie intake, body weight change, body weight gain/calorie intake, organ weights and fat pad weights were not influenced by dietary chlorella intake. Renal MT synthesis tended to be higher in a dose-dependent manner, but not significantly. And chlorella intake did not significantly facilitate renal and intestinal MT synthesis and urinary Cd excretion. These findings suggest that, after stopping cadmium supply, chlorella supplementation, regardless of its percentage, might not improve cadmium detoxification from the body in growing rats

    Nε−Lysine Acetylation of a Bacterial Transcription Factor Inhibits Its DNA-Binding Activity

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    Evidence suggesting that eukaryotes and archaea use reversible Nε-lysine (Nε-Lys) acetylation to modulate gene expression has been reported, but evidence for bacterial use of Nε-Lys acetylation for this purpose is lacking. Here, we report data in support of the notion that bacteria can control gene expression by modulating the acetylation state of transcription factors (TFs). We screened the E. coli proteome for substrates of the bacterial Gcn5-like protein acetyltransferase (Pat). Pat acetylated four TFs, including the RcsB global regulatory protein, which controls cell division, and capsule and flagellum biosynthesis in many bacteria. Pat acetylated residue Lys180 of RcsB, and the NAD+-dependent Sir2 (sirtuin)-like protein deacetylase (CobB) deacetylated acetylated RcsB (RcsBAc), demonstrating that Nε-Lys acetylation of RcsB is reversible. Analysis of RcsBAc and variant RcsB proteins carrying substitutions at Lys180 provided biochemical and physiological evidence implicating Lys180 as a critical residue for RcsB DNA-binding activity. These findings further the likelihood that reversible Nε-Lys acetylation of transcription factors is a mode of regulation of gene expression used by all cells

    Resilient Warriors: An expressive arts-based resiliency program to promote positive outcomes in socioeconomically disadvantaged, racially/ethnically diverse elementary students

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    What do snakes have to do with the threat and the promise of newness? When can the downsizing of one’s wardrobe function as self-defense, the exhibition of one’s nudity function as defensive artifice? Even as the imageries of clothing, nakedness, and snakes coalesce to support narratives of personal transformation, all these factors engage colonialist strategies of hybridity within settler-colonialism in the works The Relación of Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and Crèvecoeur’s Letters from an American Farmer. This paper explores parallels between two literary works whose publication dates are over two hundred years apart, by attending to their shared themes of human-clothing relationship and animal-human relationship. The narrators of both works exhibit fixations upon snakes and clothing (or its absence). Because these are features of a Biblical creation narrative, it should not be surprising to find them among literatures that promote Christian ideology. Indeed, some extant research traces Crèvecoeur’s work to Milton, but few critics have bridged Crèvecoeur to Cabeza de Vaca, as this paper does. While this paper finds a foundation in textual comparison, it seeks to go further, presenting these striking themes as colonialist strategies. The narrator in Relación associates nakedness with the snakes and the people he encounters in the Americas, and he strategically mimics the indigenous people’s nakedness, thus finding himself more agreeable to them but less attractive to the missionaries who encounter him. This is an effective colonialist strategy for him because he can continue his information-gathering uninterrupted. The narrator in Letters associates clothing with wealth in one of the earlier letters but in a later letter, when distressed at finding himself sandwiched between a factional war and a fearsome aboriginal unknown, he resolves to assimilate towards the unknown and adopt a “new mode of living…without linen and with little other clothing.” This is an effective colonialist strategy for him under these circumstances. Both narrators associate snakes with transformation and both narrators, upon encountering a threat, enact colonialist strategies for addressing that threat. Indeed, each of the narrators seems to be so affected by his environment that he figuratively sheds and reforms his skin

    Impact on SMEs with the implementation of IFRS in relation to property, plant and equipment

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    El ámbito contable y financiero cambia constantemente, por esto el principal objetivo para llevar a cabo la convergencia de las normas de contabilidad colombianas a las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera en adelante (NIIF) es lograr un mayor grado de consistencia manejando un mismo lenguaje, con el fin de apoyar la internacionalización de las relaciones económicas. Por consiguiente, el Estado junto con los profesionales de contaduría Pública ha asumido un gran reto al buscar armonizar los procesos contables y la información financiera, con el fin de lograr aumentar la fiabilidad, comprensibilidad y relevancia en los usuarios finales de la información. El proceso de convergencia relacionado con la propiedad, planta y equipo trajo cambios importantes como concluye (Barral, 2015) “ya que estos recursos son unos de los activos más significativos en un gran número de industrias, estos elementos pueden llegar a controlarse a través de diferentes instrumentos jurídicos, que requieren periodos prolongados de recuperación.The accounting and financial environment is constantly changing, therefore, the main objective to carry out the convergence of Colombian accounting standards to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is to achieve a greater degree of consistency by using the same language, in order to support the internationalization of economic relations. Consequently, the State, together with public accounting professionals, has assumed a great challenge in seeking to harmonize accounting processes and financial information, in order to increase reliability, comprehensibility and relevance for the end users of the information. The convergence process related to property, plant and equipment brought important changes as concluded by (Barral). important changes as concluded by (Barral, 2015) "since these resources are some of the most significant assets in a large number of companies" (Barral, 2015). most significant assets in a large number of industries, these elements can come to be controlled through different legal through different legal instruments, which require long recovery periods

    TRiO McNair Scholars Undergraduate Research Journal_Spring2013_Vol.1

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    The TRiO McNair Scholars Undergraduate Research Journal is the official publication of the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The journal includes abstracts of the students' final paper and represents combined efforts of students and their research mentors. The views expressed in the papers and abstracts are not intended to represent the views, beliefs, interests, values, or practices of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program grant from the U.S. Department of EducationRonald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program grant from the U.S. Department of EducationOpe