2,248 research outputs found

    WISE morphological study of Wolf-Rayet nebulae

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    We present a morphological study of nebulae around Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars using archival narrow-band optical and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) infrared images. The comparison among WISE images in different bands and optical images proves to be a very efficient procedure to identify the nebular emission from WR nebulae, and to disentangle it from that of the ISM material along the line of sight. In particular, WR nebulae are clearly detected in the WISE W4 band at 22 μ\mum. Analysis of available mid-IR Spitzer spectra shows that the emission in this band is dominated by thermal emission from dust spatially coincident with the thin nebular shell or most likely with the leading edge of the nebula. The WR nebulae in our sample present different morphologies that we classified into well defined WR bubbles (bubble B{\cal B}-type nebulae), clumpy and/or disrupted shells (clumpy/disrupted C{\cal C}-type nebulae), and material mixed with the diffuse medium (mixed M{\cal M}-type nebulae). The variety of morphologies presented by WR nebulae shows a loose correlation with the central star spectral type, implying that the nebular and stellar evolutions are not simple and may proceed according to different sequences and time-lapses. We report the discovery of an obscured shell around WR35 only detected in the infrared.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, plus 23 appendix figures; to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Scalar Field Dark Matter: behavior around black holes

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    We present the numerical evolution of a massive test scalar fields around a Schwarzschild space-time. We proceed by using hyperboloidal slices that approach future null infinity, which is the boundary of scalar fields, and also demand the slices to penetrate the event horizon of the black hole. This approach allows the scalar field to be accreted by the black hole and to escape toward future null infinity. We track the evolution of the energy density of the scalar field, which determines the rate at which the scalar field is being diluted. We find polynomial decay of the energy density of the scalar field, and use it to estimate the rate of dilution of the field in time. Our findings imply that the energy density of the scalar field decreases even five orders of magnitude in time scales smaller than a year. This implies that if a supermassive black hole is the Schwarzschild solution, then scalar field dark matter would be diluted extremely fastComment: 15 pages, 21 eps figures. Appendix added, accepted for publication in JCA

    The IRAM-30m line survey of the Horsehead PDR: III. High abundance of complex (iso-)nitrile molecules in UV-illuminated gas

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    Complex (iso-)nitrile molecules, such as CH3CN and HC3N, are relatively easily detected in our Galaxy and in other galaxies. We constrain their chemistry through observations of two positions in the Horsehead edge: the photo-dissociation region (PDR) and the dense, cold, and UV-shielded core just behind it. We systematically searched for lines of CH3CN, HC3N, C3N, and some of their isomers in our sensitive unbiased line survey at 3, 2, and 1mm. We derived column densities and abundances through Bayesian analysis using a large velocity gradient radiative transfer model. We report the first clear detection of CH3NC at millimeter wavelength. We detected 17 lines of CH3CN at the PDR and 6 at the dense core position, and we resolved its hyperfine structure for 3 lines. We detected 4 lines of HC3N, and C3N is clearly detected at the PDR position. We computed new electron collisional rate coefficients for CH3CN, and we found that including electron excitation reduces the derived column density by 40% at the PDR position. While CH3CN is 30 times more abundant in the PDR than in the dense core, HC3N has similar abundance at both positions. The isomeric ratio CH3NC/CH3CN is 0.15+-0.02. In the case of CH3CN, pure gas phase chemistry cannot reproduce the amount of CH3CN observed in the UV-illuminated gas. We propose that CH3CN gas phase abundance is enhanced when ice mantles of grains are destroyed through photo-desorption or thermal-evaporation in PDRs, and through sputtering in shocks. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Agronomic, economic and ecological aspects of the papaya (Carica papaya) production in Tabasco, Mexico

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    The cultivation of papaya is important in the tropic because it provides source of income to the farmer within a short time. Statistical data were obtained from farmers located in the Chontalpa, Rios and Centro-Sierra regions; the size of the survey was 67 farmers. The study shows the results of the farmers’ problem in a drastic reduction of their productivity because of the virosis and low prices in commercialization. The farmers were classified into three levels of technology, “low”, “middle” and “high”. The first one covers 88% of the farmers in seasonal conditions in contrast with the high technology that concentrates 4.5% in irrigation conditions. According to the technology used, the fertilizer shows more yields. Economically, the high technology had an internal tax return of 0.43 in comparison with the low technology of 0.25, which means that the investment is recovered with different yields. However, the use of high technology makes the system more competitive. Key words

    Pillars of creation amongst destruction: Star formation in molecular clouds near R136 in 30 Doradus

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    New sensitive CO(2-1) observations of the 30 Doradus region in the Large Magellanic Cloud are presented. We identify a chain of three newly discovered molecular clouds we name KN1, KN2 and KN3 lying within 2--14 pc in projection from the young massive cluster R136 in 30 Doradus. Excited H2_2 2.12μ\mum emission is spatially coincident with the molecular clouds, but ionized Brγ\gamma emission is not. We interpret these observations as the tails of pillar-like structures whose ionized heads are pointing towards R136. Based on infrared photometry, we identify a new generation of stars forming within this structure.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (includes 13 pages, 8 figures). For higher resolution figures please see http://www.das.uchile.cl/~vkalari/staplervk.pd

    Chemistry of the High-Mass Protostellar Molecular Clump IRAS 16562-3959

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    We present molecular line observations of the high-mass molecular clump IRAS 16562-3959 taken at 3 mm using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) at 1.\!\!^{\prime\prime}7 angular resolution (0.0140.014 pc spatial resolution). This clump hosts the actively accreting high-mass young stellar object (HMYSO) G345.4938+01.4677, associated with a hypercompact HII region. We identify and analyze emission lines from 22 molecular species (encompassing 34 isomers) and classify them into two groups, depending on their spatial distribution within the clump. One of these groups gathers shock tracers (e.g., SiO, SO, HNCO) and species formed in dust grains like methanol (CH3_3OH), ethenone or ketene (H2_2CCO), and acetaldehyde (CH3_3CHO). The second group collects species resembling the dust continuum emission morphology and which are formed mainly in the gas-phase, like hydrocarbons (CCH, c-C3_3H2_2, CH3_3CCH), cyanopolyynes (HC3_3N and HC5_5N) and cyanides (HCN and CH3_3C3_3N). Emission from complex organic molecules (COMs) like CH3_3OH, propanenitrile (CH3_3CH2_2CN), and methoxymethane (CH3_3OCH3_3) arise from gas in the vicinity of a hot molecular core (T100T\gtrsim100 K) associated with the HMYSO. Other COMs such as propyne (CH3_3CCH), acrylonitrile (CH2_2CHCN), and acetaldehyde seem to better trace warm (T80T\lesssim80 K) dense gas. In addition, deuterated ammonia (NH2_2D) is detected mostly in the outskirts of IRAS 16562-3959, associated with near-infrared dark globules, probably gaseous remnants of the clump's prestellar phase. The spatial distribution of molecules in IRAS 16562-3959 supports the view that in protostellar clumps, chemical tracers associated with different evolutionary stages --- starless to hot cores/HII regions --- exist coevally.Comment: 97 pages, Accepted in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. Journal file version have better quality figure

    The hyperfine structure in the rotational spectrum of CF+

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    Context. CF+ has recently been detected in the Horsehead and Orion Bar photo-dissociation regions. The J=1-0 line in the Horsehead is double-peaked in contrast to other millimeter lines. The origin of this double-peak profile may be kinematic or spectroscopic. Aims. We investigate the effect of hyperfine interactions due to the fluorine nucleus in CF+ on the rotational transitions. Methods. We compute the fluorine spin rotation constant of CF+ using high-level quantum chemical methods and determine the relative positions and intensities of each hyperfine component. This information is used to fit the theoretical hyperfine components to the observed CF+ line profiles, thereby employing the hyperfine fitting method in GILDAS. Results. The fluorine spin rotation constant of CF+ is 229.2 kHz. This way, the double-peaked CF+ line profiles are well fitted by the hyperfine components predicted by the calculations. The unusually large hyperfine splitting of the CF+ line therefore explains the shape of the lines detected in the Horsehead nebula, without invoking intricate kinematics in the UV-illuminated gas.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, Accepted for publication in A&