4 research outputs found

    Ingeniería web dirigida por modelos en portales de genómica personal: Análisis de 23andme con OOWS2.0

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    Más de quince años de investigación académica en Ingeniería Web ha dado lugar a principios de ingeniería y los métodos para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, principalmente dirigidos por modelos. Sin embargo, estos resultados no han sido verdaderamente adoptados por la industria y carecen de validación en modernas aplicaciones web de tamaño realista, más allá de ejemplos académicos. Esto contrasta con lo que sucede con las plataformas de gestión de contenidos web, que son ampliamente utilizados para el desarrollo de portales web y su popularidad sigue creciendo. Esta tesis de máster aborda este vacío y presenta un ejemplo ilustrativo sobre la aplicación de OOWS 2.0, un método de ingeniería Web dirigido por modelos, en una aplicación Web industrial y compleja en el campo de la genómica personal: 23andme.com. En base a este análisis, se ha caracterizado el portal analizado, se ha verificado la integridad técnica del método OOWS 2.0, se proponen un conjunto de mejoras y se proporcionan algunas conclusiones acerca de su funcionalidad y facilidad de uso. Como alternativa a los tradicionales métodos dirigidos por modelos, se muestra la viabilidad de un nuevo enfoque que combina la gestión de contenidos basado en modelos y la web a fin de maximizar las ventajas de ambos y minimizar sus desventajas.Guzmán Carbonell, AR. (2012). Ingeniería web dirigida por modelos en portales de genómica personal: Análisis de 23andme con OOWS2.0. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15374Archivo delegad

    A new set of estimated cardiorespiratory fitness equations are associated with cognitive performance in older adults

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    This study aimed to develop new equations to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness specifically for older adults and, secondly, to analyze the associations of cardiorespiratory fitness, both objectively measured and estimated using new equations, with cognitive performance. Ninety-two older adults (41 females, 65-75years) from baseline data of a randomized controlled trial were analyzed ("ClinicalTrials.gov" Identifier: NCT03923712). Participants completed 4 measurement sessions including (i) physiological and health indicators in a laboratory setting, (ii) field-based fitness tests, (iii) sociodemographic and physical activity questionnaires, and (iv) a battery of neuropsychological tests to evaluate cognitive performance. The main findings were as follows: (i) a set of new equations with good predictive value for estimated cardiorespiratory fitness were developed (74-87%), using different scenarios of complexity and/or equipment requirements, and (ii) higher estimated cardiorespiratory fitness, even using its simplest equation (eCRF=-1261.99+1.97*6min walking test (m)+1.12*bioimpedance basal metabolic rate (kcal/day)+5.25*basal heart rate (bpm)), was associated with better cognitive performance evaluated by several neuropsychological tests (i.e., language, cognitive flexibility, fluency, attention, and working memory), similar to using objectively measured cardiorespiratory fitness. In summary, a new set of estimated cardiorespiratory fitness equations have been developed with predictive values ranging from 74 to 87% that could be used based on necessity, availability of equipment, resources, or measurement context. Moreover, similar to objectively measured cardiorespiratory fitness, this measure of estimated cardiorespiratory fitness was positively associated with performance on language, fluency, cognitive flexibility, attention, and working memory, independently of sex, age, and education level. © 2023. The Author(s)

    VII Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de La Laguna: imaginar y comprender la innovación en la Universidad

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    The change of structure and process of the organizations of the current society has generated a great impact in the new way of working. Work teams coordination ensures that a team functions as a unitary whole; is identified as a key process to understand work team effectiveness. This paper presents a brief introduction of the recent research on Work teams in organizations and raises relevant issues about their implications for Pedagogy studies. This paper aims, first, to analyze the potential of team based organizations. And secondly, to examine the effects in pedagogy studies. Coordination is a process that involves the use of strategies and patterns of behavior aimed to integrate actions, knowledge and goals of interdependent members. The tasks have increased its difficulty, doing that individual resolution is very difficult or impossibleUniversidad de La Lagun