912 research outputs found

    Robust error on magnetotelluric impedance estimates

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    International audienceWe propose here a new, robust, methodology to estimate the errors on a magnetotelluric (MT) impedance tensor. This method is developed with the bounded influence remote-reference processing (BIRRP) code in a single site configuration. The error is estimated by reinjecting an electric field residual obtained after the calculation of an impedance tensor into a tensor function calculation procedure. We show using synthetic examples that the error tensor calculated with our method yields a more reliable error estimate than the one calculated from Jackknife statistics. The modulus of realistic error estimates can be used as a quality control and an accurate inversion constraint of MT surveys. Moreover, reliable error estimates are necessary for new applications of MT to dynamic subsurface processes such as reservoir monitoring

    Electrical structure of the Himalaya of Central Nepal: high conductivity around the mid-crustal ramp along the MHT

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    Twelve broadband magnetotelluric (MT) soundings were performed across the Himalaya of Central Nepal in 1996 in order to determine the electrical structure of the crust and its relation to geological structures and active tectonics. The MT impedance tensors were obtained for frequencies between 0.001 and 500 Hz. The 2‐D section, derived from joint inversion of TE‐ and TM mode after RRI and Groom/Bailey decomposition, shows high conductivity in the foreland basin (∼30 Ω.m) that contrasts with the resistive Indian basement (>300 Ω.m) and Lesser Himalaya (>1000 Ω.m). In addition, our MT sounding reveals a major conductive feature beneath the front of the Higher Himalaya, also characterized by intense microseismic activity, and the position of a mid‐crustal ramp along the major active thrust fault (MHT). This high conductivity zone probably reflects metamorphic fluids, released during underthrusting of the Indian basement and pervading well connected microcracks induced by interseismic stress build‐up, or distributed brittle deformation around the ramp

    Estimating aquifer hydraulic properties from the inversion of surface streaming potential (sp) anomalies, Geophys

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    [1] Electrokinetic effects of water flow during pumping 8 tests have been shown to generate surface Streaming 9 Potential (SP) anomalies of several tens of mV that are well 10 correlated with the geometry of the water table. It follows that 11 SP measurements can be used to estimate aquifer hydraulic 12 properties. We have developed an inversion scheme for 13 surface SP data generated by flow pumping and found that we 14 are able to estimate the hydraulic conductivity and the depth 15 and the thickness of the aquifer. We applied our inversion 16 scheme to the data from Bogoslovsky and Ogilvy [1973

    Quelques réflexions autour de la notion de bêtise artificielle

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    "La bêtise est souvent l'ornement de la beauté ; c'est elle qui donne aux yeux cette limpidité morne des étangs noirâtres et ce calme huileux des heures tropicales." Charles Baudelaire, Journaux intimes (1887)National audienceProfessor Rollin wrote about artificial stupidity. Could we remain indifferent to this ? This article shows the contrary.Le professeur Rollin a écrit au sujet de la bêtise artificielle. Pouvions-nous rester indifférent à cela ? Cet article montre le contraire

    Sistematización del proceso participativo para la creación de la política de innovación en la UNED

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    Las universidades, como organizaciones sociales requieren transitar en un proceso de transformación que les permita repensar su quehacer y, alcanzar una mayor cercanía a las comunidades educativas, por medio del trabajo en sus áreas sustantivas. La innovación, se constituye en este contexto, en un acicate para la educación superior; que invoca cambio y transformación profunda en lo que hace y en las formas, procesos y herramientas que emplea para lograrlo. Esta concepción de innovación va más allá de lo que se considera en estos días y en diferentes contextos, reducida al uso intensivo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. La necesidad de sistematizar y generar conocimiento que permitiera comprender y fortalecer las capacidades innovadoras en la UNED, propició que un grupo interdisciplinario, conformado por decisión abierta e individual de sus integrantes y, con representación de las distintas Vicerrectorías de la universidad, se organizara y conformara el Nodo de Innovación. Este grupo asumió la tarea de investigar el quehacer innovador de la institución y el estudio de distintos marcos de referencia teórico-conceptuales sobre la innovación y la organización para ofrecer a las autoridades universitarias y la comunidad educativa en general, un diseño de sistema de innovación particular orientado a la UNED; sustentado en la aprobación de una política institucional y su respectivo plan de implementación. Esta ponencia explica la sistematización diseñada especialmente por el Nodo de Innovación, en la definición de esa propuesta de la política de innovación como sistema y que desde el mes de julio del 2017, se encuentra en discusión dentro de dos comisiones del Consejo Universitario, con la intención de ser llevada y aprobada al seno del plenario de ese órgano político colegiado

    The results of deep magnetotelluric sounding for studying the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh fault

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    The profile of deep magnetotelluric sounding (MT) from Duc Trong - Tuy Phong has been carried out in Lam Dong and Binh Thuan  provinces. The length of the Duc Trong - Tuy Phong profile is about 80 km with 15 stations and the distance between the stations measures about 5 km. Two-dimensional MT inversion was used to find a resistivity model that fits the data. The 2D resistivity model allows determining position and development formation of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  fault. This is the deep fault, which is showed by the boundaries of remarkable change of resistivity. In the near surface of the Earth (from ground to the depth of 6 km), the angle of inclination of this fault is about 60o; in the next part, the direction of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  faut is vertical. Geoelectrical section of the Nha Trang - Tanh Linh  profile shows that the resistivity of mid-crust is higher than that of lower-crust and of upper-crust


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    This paper presents the magnetotelluric sounding results  of  Cu  Chi  -  Ben  Cat profile across the  Saigon  River fault. Results obtained by one-dimensional inversion of the data of a typical station located near the middle of the profile show that the geoelectric structure of the study area consists of three layers, in which the resistivities of the superficial and the underlying layers are relatively low compared with that of the intermediate layer. This geoelectric structure is then used to estimate the influence of the equatorial electrojet on the magnetotelluric measurements carried out in the region. Magnetotelluric forward problems were calculated and compared for cases of the present and the absent of the equatorial electrojet model. Results show that in the range of periods less than 0.7s, the apparent resistivity measured are not affected by the equatorial electrojet. Therefore, the apparent resistivity data measured in the period range less than 0.7s of all stations on the profile have been used for two-dimensional inversion to obtain geoelectric cross-section acrossing the Saigon River fault. The geoelectric cross-section down to a depth of 10km obtained by two-dimensional inversion shows a geoelectric structure consist of 3 layers: a low resistivity superficial layer, a resistive intermediate layer, and a low resistivity underlying layer. The superficial layer is clearly related to the sedimentary series. The intermediate layer may relate to the intrusive and consolidated rocks. The underlying layer may reflect conductive materials causing by high-temperature condition at depth. The interface between the intermediate and the underlying layers at around 3km depth corresponds probably to the crystalline basement. The low resistivity regions under the C4 and C2 stations may be related to the Duong Minh Chau - Dau Tieng - Can Gio and the Saigon River faults, correspondingly.ReferencesS. C. Constable, R. L. Parker, and C. G. Constable, 1987. Occam’ s inversion: A practical algorithm for generating smooth models from EM sounding data, Geophysics, 52, 289-300. H. Grandis, M. Menvielle, and M. Roussignol, 1999. Bayesian inversion with Markovchains-I. Themagnetotelluric one-dimensional case, Geophys. J. Int., 138, 757-768. Trương Quang Hảo, Lương Văn Trương, 2005. Xác định một vài thông số của dòng điện xích đạo ở Việt Nam, Tuyển tập báo cáo Hội nghị khoa học kỹ thuật địa vật lý Việt Nam lần thứ 4, 47-70. Trương Quang Hảo, 1997. Thành tựu nghiên cứu Vật lý Địa cầu 1987-1997. Trung tâm Khoa học Tự nhiên và Công nghệ Quốc Gia, viện Vật lý Địa cầu, Nxb. KHKT, 202-236. Nguyễn Ngọc Hoa (chủ biên), 1995. Bản đồ địa chất và khoáng sản Việt Nam, tỷ lệ 1:200.000, tờ C-48-XI, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Cục Địa chất và Khoáng sản Việt Nam, Hà Nội. Đặng Văn Hưng, 1987. Tính chất của trường điện từ tự nhiên miền xích đạo từ và độ chính xác của của phương pháp MTS ở Việt Nam, Tạp chí các Khoa học về Trái Đất, T.9, 2, 61-66. A. G. Jones, 1992. Electrical conductivity of the continental lower crust, Continental lower crust, Edi. D. M. Fountain, R. J. Arculus and R. W. Kay, 81-143. S. K. Lee et al, 2009. MT2DinvMatlab-A program in MATLAB and FORTRAN for two-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion, Computers Geosciences, 35, 1722-1734. Đỗ Văn Lĩnh (chủ biên), 2009. Báo cáo thuyết minh đề tài “Phân vùng nhỏ động đất khu vực thành phố Hồ Chí Minh”, Sở Khoa học và Công nghệ thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, 248tr. Lê Huy Minh, Nguyễn Văn Giảng, Nguyễn Trọng Vũ và Lại Cao Khiêm, 2004. Kết quả sơ bộ nghiên cứu cấu trúc sâu vùng đồng bằng Sông Cửu Long, Tuyển tập báo cáo Hội nghị Khoa học cơ bản, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 12/2004. Lê Huy Minh, Nguyễn Chiến Thắng, Lưu Việt Hùng, 2005. Kết quả đo sâu từ telua tuyến Chợ Gạo- Hóc Môn, Tuyển tập báo cáo Hội nghị Khoa học kỹ thuật Địa vật lý Việt Nam lần thứ 4, 149-161. Lê Huy Minh, Phạm Văn Ngọc, D. Boyer, Nguyễn Ngọc Thủy, Lê Trường Thanh, Ngô Văn Quân, G. Marquis, 2009. Nghiên cứu chi tiết cấu trúc đứt gãy Lai Châu - Điện Biên bằng phương pháp đo sâu từ tellur, Tạp chí Địa chất loạt A, 311, 11 -21. W. R. Peltier and J. F. Hermance, 1971. Magnetotelluric Fields of a Gaussian Electrojet, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8(3), 338-346. V. N. Pham, D. Boyer, T. K. T. Nguyen, and V. G. Nguyen, 1994. Deep ground-water investigation by combined VES/MTS methods near Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, Ground water, 32, 4, 675-682. P. Tapponier et al., 1990. The Ailao Shan/Red River metamorphic belt: Tertiary left-lateral shear between Indochina and South China, Nature, 343, 431-437. Nguyễn Ngọc Thu, 2004. Xử lý tổng hợp tài liệu địa vật lý vùng thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Luận án Tiến sĩ vật lý, Đại học Quốc Gia Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, 146tr. Cao Đình Triều, 2005. Trường địa vật lý và cấu trúc thạch quyển lãnh thổ Việt Nam. Nxb. KHKT, Hà Nội, 330tr. Cao Đình Triều, Phạm Huy Long, Đỗ Văn Lĩnh, Lê Văn Dũng, Cao Đình Trọng, 2013. Địa động lực hiện đại lãnh thổ Việt Nam. Nxb. Khoa học Tự nhiên và Công nghệ, 242tr.J. T. Weaver and A. K. Agarwal, 1993. Automatic 1-D inversion of magnetotelluric data by the method of modeling, Geophys. J. Int, 112, 115-123. This  paper  presents the magnetotelluric  sounding  results  of  Cu  Chi  -  Ben  Cat  profile  acrossing  the  Saigon  River fault. Results obtained by one-dimensional inversion of the data of a typical station located near the middle of the profile show that the geoelectric structure of the study area consists of three layers, in which the resistivities of the superficial and the underlying layers are relatively low compared with that of the intermediate layer. This geoelectric structure is then used to estimate the influence of the equatorial electrojet on the magnetotelluric measurements carried out in the region. Magnetotelluric forward problems were calculated and compared for cases of the present and the absent of the equatorial electrojet model. Results show that in the range of periods less than 0.7s, the apparent resistivity measured are not affected by the equatorial electrojet. Therefore, the apparent resistivity data measured in the period range less than 0.7s of all stations on the profile have been used for two-dimensional inversion to obtain geoelectric cross-section acrossing the Saigon River fault. The geoelectric cross-section down to a depth of 10km obtained by two-dimensional inversion shows a geoelectric structure consist of 3 layers: a low resistivity superficial layer, a resistive intermediate layer and a low resistivity underlying layer. The superficial layer is clearly related to the sedimentary series. The intermediate layer may relate to the intrusive and consolidated rocks. The underlying layer may reflect conductive materials causing by high temperature condition at depth. The interface between the intermediate and the underlying layers at around 3km depth corresponds probably to the crystalline basement. The low resistivity regions under the C4 and C2 stations may be related to the Duong Minh Chau - Dau Tieng - Can Gio and the Saigon River faults, correspondingly

    High expression of HMGA2 independently predicts poor clinical outcomes in acute myeloid leukemia

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    In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), risk stratification based on cytogenetics and mutation profiling is essential but remains insufficient to select the optimal therapy. Accurate biomarkers are needed to improve prognostic assessment. We analyzed RNA sequencing and survival data of 430 AML patients and identified HMGA2 as a novel prognostic marker. We validated a quantitative PCR test to study the association of HMGA2 expression with clinical outcomes in 358 AML samples. In this training cohort, HMGA2 was highly expressed in 22.3% of AML, mostly in patients with intermediate or adverse cytogenetics. High expression levels of HMGA2 (H + ) were associated with a lower frequency of complete remission (58.8% vs 83.4%, P < 0.001), worse 3-year overall survival (OS, 13.2% vs 43.5%, P < 0.001) and relapse-free survival (RFS, 10.8% vs 44.2%, P < 0.001). A positive HMGA2 test also identified a subgroup of patients unresponsive to standard treatments. Multivariable analyses showed that H + was independently associated with significantly worse OS and RFS, including in the intermediate cytogenetic risk category. These associations were confirmed in a validation cohort of 260 patient samples from the UK NCRI AML17 trial. The HMGA2 test could be implemented in clinical trials developing novel therapeutic strategies for high-risk AML