851 research outputs found

    PORGY: a Visual Analytics Platform for System Modelling and Analysis Based on Graph Rewriting

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    PORGY is a visual environment for rule-based modelling based on port graphs and port graph rewrite rules whose application is steered by rewriting strategies. The focus of this demonstration is the visual and interactive features offered by PORGY, which facilitate an exploratory approach to model, simu- late and analyse different ways of applying the rules while recording the model evolution, as well as tracking and plotting system parameters

    L'engagement dans les études une réalité plurielle /

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    "Cette recherche a Ă©tĂ© subventionnĂ©e par le MinistĂšre de l'Ă©ducation dans le cadre du Programme d'aide Ă  la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)"Titre de l'Ă©cran-titre (visionnĂ© le 3 mai 2006)Également disponible en version papierBibliogr.: p. 70-7

    Prevalence of respiratory symptoms in an athlete population

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    AbstractThis study aimed to look at the prevalence and type of respiratory symptoms experienced by athletes and to assess the possible influence on the perception of symptoms of training duration and environment. A group of 698 athletes (107 with diagnosed or self-reported asthma) filled out a questionnaire on their respiratory condition. They exercised either in cold air (n=176), dry air (n=384), humid air (n=95) or mixed dry and humid air (n=43). Past exercise-related symptoms reported by athletes were breathlessness (48.7%), phlegm production (22.8%), wheezing (15.6%), cough (15.2%), and chest tightness (7.4%). Only 25% of asthmatic athletes reported having current exercise-induced symptoms of breathlessness, 21.7%, wheezing and 17.4%, chest tightness; current exercise-induced symptoms of breathlessness, wheezing or chest tightness were also reported, respectively, in 38.9%, 3.6% and 2.7% of athletes without a diagnosis of asthma. The perception of exercise-induced symptoms was not influenced by the duration of training or environment. In conclusion, (1) a minority of asthmatic athletes report troublesome respiratory symptoms with exercise, (2) breathlessness is not more frequently reported in asthmatic athletes than in those without such diagnosis while cough and wheezing are more common in asthmatic subjects and (3) the prevalence of respiratory symptoms is independent of training environment and duration of training

    A priori estimates of attraction basins for nonlinear least squares, with application to Helmholtz seismic inverse problem

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    International audienceIn this paper, we provide an a priori optimizability analysis of nonlinear least squares problems that are solved by local optimization algorithms. We define attraction (convergence) basins where the misfit functional is guaranteed to have only one local-and hence global-stationary point, provided the data error is below some tolerable error level. We use geometry in the data space (strictly quasiconvex sets) in order to compute the size of the attraction basin (in the parameter space) and the associated tolerable error level (in the data space). These estimates are defined a priori, i.e., they do not involve any least squares minimization problem, and only depend on the forward map. The methodology is applied to the comparison of the optimizability properties of two methods for the seismic inverse problem for a time-harmonic wave equation: the Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) and its Migration Based Travel Time (MBTT) reformulation. Computation of the size of attraction basins for the two approaches allows to quantify the benefits of the latter, which can alleviate the requirement of low-frequency data for the reconstruction of the background velocity model

    Construire la solidaritĂ© intercommunale. Les ressorts de l’intĂ©gration au prisme du partage de la dotation de solidaritĂ© communautaire

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    Majoritairement, les travaux français de science politique s’intĂ©ressant au gouvernement intercommunal insistent sur les limites structurelles de ce niveau de gouvernement, largement soumis aux intĂ©rĂȘts corporatistes et Ă©goĂŻstes des reprĂ©sentants des communes membres. Pourtant, des travaux relevant de l’économie et des ïŹnances locales tendent Ă  montrer qu’une pĂ©rĂ©quation ïŹnanciĂšre signiïŹcative est assurĂ©e Ă  l’échelle intercommunale, sans pour autant identiïŹer les variables explicatives des diffĂ©rences intercommunales Ă  l’Ɠuvre. En nous appuyant sur ces deux rĂ©sultats de recherche divergents, ainsi que sur certains acquis du dĂ©bat entre les approches intergouvernementaliste et nĂ©o-fonctionnaliste dans le domaine des Ă©tudes europĂ©ennes, nous proposons ici une analyse rĂ©trospective d’une phase clĂ© de l’institutionnalisation de l’intercommunalitĂ©, celle de la mise en place de la Taxe Professionnelle Unique et de l’instauration concomitante de la Dotation de SolidaritĂ© Communautaire. Comment est rĂ©gie la distribution de cette ressource communautaire entre les communes membres ? Que nous dit-elle sur les ressorts de la dynamique de l’intĂ©gration communautaire et sur la substance du projet intercommunal ?Inter-municipal cooperation has become a growing administrative level to cope with territorial solidarity in most developed countries, especially in France. However, whereas the law imposes to communities to map out a project of development and city planning in a solidarity space, municipalities have a great deal of liberty to develop their own plans of solidarity. In this context, most French academic political science studies point out the structural limits of inter-municipal cooperation : both the national reform construction process and the functions of local political institutions are weighed down by communal interests and the corporatist demands of their representatives, the mayors. However, some recent economic studies have evaluated the French model of inter-municipal cooperation and have shown an effective and signiïŹcant inter-municipal equalization. To clarify the relevance of these two opposite results, this paper deals with a retrospective analysis of the sharing of the Community Solidarity Grant. This grant to municipalities is an option for inter-municipal bodies that also control the formula used to calculate each municipal grant. Our aim is here to understand why it is created, what inter-municipal bodies intend to do with it, either in terms of solidarity or other objectives, and ïŹnally what types of factors best explain the observed characteristics of this grant
