237 research outputs found
The Social Status of Landed Brewers in Britain since 1840
Service as a county magistrate in mid-Victorian Britain provided a litmus test for social status. According to the conventional interpretation, businessmen were eligible for such appointments only after withdrawing from commercial affairs and acquiring appropriate landed estates. Recent studies of industrial counties demonstrate that the paucity of resident gentry often compelled these strictures to be overlooked. This article adds another dimension, arguing that landed brewers, still active in brewing, became justices of the peace in non-industrial counties as well. Moreover, a significant proportion of forty-three families of brewers named as magistrates after 1840, far from corresponding to the model of third-generation assimilation into the gentry, remained in business for three generations or more.
La fonction de juge de paix en Angleterre, au milieu de l’ère victorienne, était un indice de statut social. Selon l’interprétation traditionnelle, les hommes d’affaires n’étaient éligibles à de telles nominations qu’après s’être retirés du monde du commerce et avoir acquis les propriétés foncières requises. Des études récentes démontrent que la faiblesse numérique de la gentry dans les comtés industriels rendait souvent obligatoire l’assouplissement de ces conventions. Dans cet article, l’auteur fait ressortir un élément nouveau : dans les comtés non industriels aussi, on retrouve parmi les propriétaires terriens des brasseurs qui, toujours occupés à leurs entreprises, sont devenus magistrats. D’ailleurs, une forte proportion des familles des brasseurs nommés magistrats depuis 1840 n’entrent pas dans le schéma d’une assimilation dans la gentry trois générations après avoir acheté leurs terres. Ces familles poursuivaient leurs activités dans le domaine des affaires pendant trois générations et même davantage
Implementation of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
Approximately 48.1% of adults in the United States have high blood pressure. Providers may encourage patients to monitor and log their blood pressure at home. Still, patients often fail to bring this information to appointments, leading to reliance on less comprehensive in-office measurements. This quality improvement project aimed to increase adherence to home blood pressure logs using a Blood Pressure Toolkit. A descriptive, observational design was utilized to record patient adherence of taking home blood pressure measurements and increase the number of patients who brought their blood pressure logs to their healthcare provider visits over two months. A convenience sample of 81 adults was used. There was an 18.4% increase in patient adherence to bringing home blood pressure logs compared to none at baseline. The Patient Questionnaire revealed a discrepancy in blood pressure awareness and home blood pressure log adherence between Baseline and Intervention Groups. There was significance between the adherent group in-office systolic mean and home systolic mean and no significant difference in diastolic mean. A chi-square test did not observe significant associations between sex, race, and age and the likelihood of patients bringing their home blood pressure logs. Home blood pressure monitoring offers providers more information regarding patients’ blood pressure ranges and aid in their hypertension management. Future research should focus on patient barriers to monitoring and bringing home blood pressure logs into the clinic, aiming to sustain adherence through effective strategies promoting patient understanding
Gender, Class, and Public Drinking in Britain During the First World War
During World War I respectable upper working-class and lower middle-class
women, who had shunned public drinking for almost a century, began patronizing
the pub in unprecedented numbers. In threatening the pre-war gender status quo,
they provoked intense opposition from authorities who seemed committed to a
counterattack once the war ended. Attracting such women's custom was a major
incentive for brewers espousing the reform of the public house, ensuring that a
wartime trend became a post-war tradition. Yet, unreformed slum pubs, unregenerate
regional subcultures, unco-operative magistrates, and unsympathetic feminists
ail prevented the attainment of full equality in public drinking in the inter-war era.Pendant la première guerre mondiale, les femmes respectables de la classe ouvrière
supérieure et de la classe moyenne inférieure qui avaient évité de consommer de
l'alcool en public pendant près d'un siècle, se sont mises à fréquenter les pubs en
nombre sans précédent. En menaçant le statu quo entre les hommes et les femmes,
elles ont provoqué une opposition intense de la part des autorités, qui semblaient
déterminées à contre-attaquer une fois la guerre terminée. L'espoir d'attirer la
clientèle féminine a fortement incité les brasseurs à se prononcer en faveur de la
réforme des établissements ouverts au public, pour qu'ainsi une tendance apparue
pendant la guerre devienne une tradition, une fois les troubles terminés. Pourtant,
des pubs non réformés des quartiers pauvres, des sous-cultures régionales ancrées
dans le passé, des magistrats récalcitrants et des féministes manquant de compassion
ont empêché d'atteindre l'égalité complète en ce qui concerne la consommation
d'alcool en public pendant l'entre-deux-guerres
Runcorn Brewery: The Unofficial History of a Corporate Disaster
Built by Bass Charrington, Britain's pre-eminent brewery in the 1960s and 1970s, Runcorn was conceived as becoming western Europe's largest brewery. Even before it opened in 1974, however, Runcorn was struck with paralysing labour disruptions, technological problems, and managerial miscalculations that would plague its history until its closure until 1991. What gave Runcorn broader significance was its role in reflecting the pervasive, but misplaced, assumptions about a new corporate culture, new technologies, the emergence of national brands, and advertising as a vehicle for replacing local consumer tastes with national markets. Oral history interviews, local newspaper accounts, the brewing industry's newspapers, and the brewery's in-house magazine afford insights into Runcorn’s unwritten history.
Construite par Bass Charrington, la brasserie prééminente des années 1960 et 1970, la Runcorn devait être la plus grande brasserie d’Europe de l’Ouest. Même avant d’avoir ouvert ses portes, en 1974, la Runcorn a été victime de conflits de travail, de problèmes technologiques et de mauvais calculs de gestion qui allaient lui empoisonner la vie jusqu’à sa fermeture en 1991. Ce qui confère à la Runcorn sa plus grande importance, c’est que son rôle témoigne des hypothèses omniprésentes mais erronées quant à une nouvelle culture d’entreprise, aux nouvelles technologies, à l’émergence de marques nationales et à la publicité comme moyen de substituer les goûts des consommateurs locaux par des marchés nationaux. Des entretiens d’histoire orale, des récits à des journaux locaux, les journaux de l’industrie brassicole et le magazine maison de la brasserie nous donnent un aperçu de l’histoire non écrite de la Runcorn
These articles examine the outmigration of people from urban Ontario to rural Ontario during the Covid-19 pandemic. These articles use census data from Statistics Canada to explore population growth rates across CMAs and CAs. In addition, data from Statistics Canada is used to demonstrate the impact of intraprovincial migration on small towns and rural Ontario. Moreover, these articles touch upon semi-structured interviews with local elected officials, local administrative officials, and community leaders to showcase the impact of urban outmigration on rural Ontario. These articles argue that housing affordability is one of the most salient consequences of urban outmigration. These articles conclude by discussing the expected level of permanence of urban outmigration
Molecular mechanism of the precursorZ conversion to molybdopterin
Die Biosynthese des Molybdäncofaktors in Eukaryonten kann in drei Schritte unterteilt werden. Ausgehend von einem Guanosinderivat wird die schwefelfreie Pterinverbindung PrecursorZ hergestellt. Die Einführung einer Dithiolengruppe durch die MPT-Synthase schliesst die Synthese der organischen Komponente des Cofaktors ab. Molybdopterin (MPT) wird im letzten Schritt durch die Komplexierung von Molybdat in aktiven Moco umgewandelt. Die Aufklärung des molekularen Reaktionsmechanismus der Konversion von PrecursorZ zu MPT stand im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit. Gelfiltrationsexperimente deuteten darauf hin, dass die E.coli MPT-Synthase ein heterotetrameres Enzym ist, das aus je zwei kleinen und grossen Untereinheiten besteht.Das Intein-Protein-Expressionssystem lieferte den Schlüssel zur funktionellen Charakterisierung der MPT-Synthase. Die postulierte in vivo Aktivierung durch Schwefelübertragung auf den C-Terminus der kleinen Untereinheit wurde in vitro ermöglicht. Damit konnte die kleine Untereinheit sowohl in nicht-modifizierter als auch in potentiell aktivierter Form als C-terminales Thiocarboxylat hinsichtlich ihrer Komplexbildungseigenschaften mit der grossen Untereinheit und resultierender Aktivität untersucht werden. Die in vitro Assemblierung des MPT-Synthase Komplexes aus seinen einzeln exprimierten Untereinheiten erfolgte unabhängig vom Zustand der kleinen Untereinheit. Anschliessende Aktivitätsmessungen belegten jedoch eindeutig, dass für eine Aktivierung der kleinen Untereinheit die C-terminale Thiocarboxylierung unabdingbar ist. Aktive pflanzliche und humane MPT-Synthase konnte zwar ebenfalls mit Hilfe des InteinSystems erzeugt werden, die Aktivitäten lagen jedoch im Vergleich zur bakteriellen nur etwa bei 5 bzw. 1,4 Im humanen System liess sich die geringe Aktivität auf die inaktive grosse Untereinheit zurückführen, während im pflanzlichen System die inaktive kleine Untereinheit verantwortlich war.The molybdenum cofactor is synthesized by an evolutionary old pathway. In Escherichia coli, MPT is formed by incorporation of two sulfur atoms into precursor Z which is catalyzed by the MPT synthase. The recently solved crystal structure of MPT synthase shows the heterotetrameric nature of the enzyme that is composed of two small (MoaD) and two large subunits (MoaE). According to sequence and structural similarities between MoaD and ubiquitin a thiocarboxylation of the C-termins of MoaD is proposed which would serve as the source of sulfur that is transferred through the reaction. Here, we describe the in vitro generation of thiocarboxylated MoaD and the assembly of inactive carboxylated and fully active thiocarboxylated MPT synthase. Both separately expressed and purified subunits are monomeric and they form a heterotetrameric complex after coincubation in equimolar ratios either with carboxylated or thiocarboxylated MoaD. However, slight but significant differences between the active and inactive MPT synthase can be seen using size exclusion chromatography. Since only thiocarboxylated MPT synthase is able to convert precursor Z in vitro to MPT we propose a two-step reaction of MPT synthesis where the dithiolene is generated by two thiocarboxylates from a single tetrameric MPT synthase. A two-step reaction with the formation of a hypothetical intermediate carrying one sulfur atom is proposed. First, the carboxyl group of the C2 atom in the side chain of precursor Z is protonated followed by a nucleophilic attack of the sulfur from the first thiocarboxylate of MPT synthase. After carboxylation of the small subunit precursor G is released. The conformational change of the first dimer would result in an induced fit of the second heterodimer generating an active site with an increased affinity for the intermediate and a decreased affinity for precursor Z
Groundwater-Monitoring based on dynamic co-operative eGovernment-Processes
As a result of the pilot-project “Grundwasser-Online” the supervision and the active controlling of large monitoring- and catchment-areas are realised by a co-operative integration of all related institutions, a synchronisation-process to combine all distributed data into one central server database, and a high-level eGovernment-Service to provide evaluated information over the internet. Based on this software system the local authorities are able to supervise the groundwater-levels and to find adequate decisions, which finally result in official permissions for the usage of groundwater-reservoirs by the water supply companies
Home Ranges of Rat Snakes (Colubridae: Elaphe) in Different Habitats
Based on our findings, we suggest that rat snakes represent not only a major predator of kites, but also of other canopy and mid-story nesting species in the southeastern United States. For example, rat snakes are the most dominant snake nest predator of bird nests throughout the Southeast (DeGregorio et al. 2014) and are skilled tree climbers that often occupy arboreal habitats (Jackson 1976, Keller and Heske 2000, Sperry et al. 2009), particularly in bottomland forests (Mullin et al. 2000, Carfagno and Weatherhead 2009). Thus, the role of rat snakes as predators of nests above the understory is likely underappreciated because of the paucity of information on causes of failure among mid-story and canopy nest
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