920 research outputs found

    Spreads Via Ingenuity

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    Does anyone have a can opener I can borrow? That is almost one sure sign that someone is going to have a spread. The half-hour after closing on weekend nights is the usual feasting hour. The equipment in the dormitories is limited but it is surprising how Iowa State women can find a way to get along

    Adrift in Chicago

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    Editor\u27s Note: Lorraine Gutz and Ruth Watkins, editor and business manager of the 1929 Homemaker, are living together in a Chicago apartment. Lorraine is with the National Dairy Council and Ruth is with Swift & Co

    Envelhecimento e espiritualidade: um estudo sobre representações sociais de idosos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, 2013.Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as relações entre a espiritualidade e o enfrentamento de situações de vida na velhice. Participaram do estudo 30 idosos pareados por sexo com idade igual ou superior a 80 anos, residentes na região da Grande Florianópolis -SC. Eles participaram de uma entrevista onde responderam o que pensavam a respeito da vida, da velhice, da espiritualidade e do após a morte, além de questões de caracterização. Os dados de caracterização foram analisados com auxílio do software SPSS e os dados textuais foram analisados através de classificações hierárquicas descendentes (CHDs) e análises de contraste entre as modalidades da variável sexo através do ALCESTE, seguido de análise sequencial das narrativas. Os resultados indicam que o objeto vida apresentou indícios de três representações sociais. A primeira ancorada no tema família foi caracterizada pelas mulheres. As outras duas representações, predominantemente masculinas, estiveram ancoradas nos temas trabalho e espiritualidade respectivamente. O objeto velhice teve indicativo de três representações sociais, uma predominantemente feminina, outra masculina e uma terceira compartilhada por ambos os sexos. A representação social feminina esteve ancorada na ideia de superproteção dos filhos para com os pais idosos. Na segunda representação a velhice foi significada como manutenção do sentir-se útil e na terceira a velhice foi significada como processo natural da vida. O objeto espiritualidade apresentou indícios de duas representações sociais, uma predominantemente feminina ancorada na ideia de religiosidade, proteção divina, e transcendência da matéria e outra masculina ancorada na ideia de conexão com um ser superior, existência de um mundo espiritual, qualidade de pensamento e responsabilidade humana. A análise sequencial das narrativas resultou em duas tipologias. Na tipologia 1 as religiões tiveram uma importante função na explicação dos mistérios da vida e da morte, sendo que a segurança de uma vida após a morte apareceu como forma de aplacar as inseguranças e incertezas que acompanham a proximidade com a finitude na velhice. Na tipologia 2 a espiritualidade foi significada como vontade de viver e sentido de vida, sendo que questões vivenciais, de atitudes e busca por valores e significados de vida apareceram como facilitadores de aceitação da velhice. A partir da análise dos resultados, pode-se perceber que a espiritualidade apareceu entre os participantes desse estudo como recurso de enfrentamento diante de situações de perdas e mudanças. As orações, como práticas sociais, apareceram como forma de acessar um ser superior que protege e conforta o ser humano diante das situações da vida e da morte. O tema espiritualidade significado como um recurso de enfrentamento esteve direcionado ao favorecimento do processo de aceitação da velhice, fortalecimento da vontade de viver, facilitador de bem estar, saúde, boa convivência familiar e social, lidar com as limitações físicas, com perdas de pessoas próximas e com a proximidade da própria morte na velhice, assim como potencializar a capacidade de enfrentar desafios. A espiritualidade mostrou-se um importante fator na elaboração de sentido de vida e bem estar na velhice, sendo que os idosos que referiram à presença da espiritualidade em suas vidas articularam-na a posturas positivas diante de adversidades This study aimed to investigate the conceptions of spirituality, aging and coping with situations of life in older age and their relationships. The study included 30 patients over 80 years old, matched for age and sex, residents in the Greater Florianópolis-SC. Participants were interviewed and they answered questions about life, old age, spirituality and after death, as well as issues of characterization. The characterization data were analyzed with SPSS software and textual data were analyzed by hierarchical classifications descendants (CHDs) and analysis of the contrast between the methods of gender through ALCESTE, followed by sequence analysis of the narratives. The results indicate that the object life showed evidence of three representations. The first, family was anchored on the theme characterized by women. The other two representations, predominantly male, were anchored in themes work and spirituality respectively. The object age was indicative of three representations, a predominantly female, another male and a third shared by both sexes. The social representation of women was rooted in the idea of overprotecting their children to elderly parents. In the second representation, old age was meant as maintaining usefulness and the third was meant to aging as a natural process of life. The object spirituality showed evidence of two representations, a predominantly female anchored in the idea of religion, divine protection, and transcendence of matter and another male anchored in the idea of connection with a higher being, existence of a spiritual world, quality of thought and human responsibility. Sequence analysis of the narratives resulted in two types. In type 1, religions have an important role in explaining the mysteries of life and death, and the security of a life after death appeared as a way to assuage the insecurities and uncertainties that accompany the proximity to the finitude in old age. In type 2, spirituality was meant as a will to live and the meaning of life, and existential issues, attitudes and search for values and meaning of life appeared as facilitators of acceptance of old age. Analysis of the results show that spirituality appeared among the participants in this study as a resource for coping in situations of loss and change. The prayers, as social practices, appeared as a means of accessing a higher being that protects and comforts in situations of life and death. The theme of spiritual meaning as a coping mechanism was directed to favor the acceptance of the aging process, strengthening the will to live, facilitator of wellness, health, good social and family life, dealing with physical limitations, losses of people close and the proximity of his own death in old age, as well as enhance the ability to face challenges. Spirituality was found to be an important factor in the development of life and sense of well-being in old age, and the elderly who reported the presence of spirituality in their lives-articulated positions on the positive face of adversity

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    Особенности языкового влияния у предвыборных политических текстов

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    У статті охарактеризовано особливості лексики та морфології передвиборчих програм президентських виборів 2014 року. Визначено основні складники текстів передвиборчих програм: когнітивний, афективний, регулятивний. Описано вплив займенників я, ми, вони на виборця. Визначено, що займенники можуть мати ефект об'єднання (займенник ми, наш) або роз'єднання людей (ви, вони). З'ясовано, що займенник Я акцентує увагу на кандидаті і виділяє його з-поміж інших. Також проаналізовано найчастотніші іменники передвиборчих програм. Серед лексичних особливостей, що мають вплив на людину, визначено, що в політичних текстах найчастіше використовуються гасла, ідеологеми, категоричні судження та імперативи. На синтаксичному рівні найбільший вплив та найбільшу частотність використання у текстах передвиборчих програм мають питальні та окличні речення.The article describes the lexical and morphological features of the election programs of presidential elections in 2014 in Ukraine. Features of pre-election programs are widely used in politics to influence, including manipulating, since they allow hidden influence on human consciousness. The main components of election programs texts are: cognitive, affective, regulatory. We describe the effect of pronouns I, we are to the voters. It is defined that pronouns may have the effect of association (pronoun we, our) or separation of people (you, they). It was found that the pronoun I focuses on the candidate and distinguishes it from others. Also the article analyzes the most frequent nouns election programs. Among lexical features that have an impact on people it was determined that slogans, ideology, judgment and categorical imperatives are mostly used in political texts. At the syntactic level interrogative and exclamation sentences have the greatest impact and the greatest frequency of use in the texts in pre-election programs. After analyzing campaign slogans in 2014, we can conclude that this text was bright and contained a lot of linguistic and psychological manipulation: pronouns, combining/focus on the person, slogans, etc. ideolohems. All these and many other techniques increased the political effect of the text and its direct impact on the perception of the subject, i.e. the voter.В статье охарактеризованы особенности лексики и морфологии предвыборных программ президентских выборов 2014 года. Определены основные составляющие текстов предвыборных программ: когнитивный, аффективный, регулятивный. Описано влияние местоимений я, мы, они на избирателя. Определено, что местоимения могут иметь эффект объединения (местоимение мы, наш) или разъединения людей (вы, они). Выяснено, что местоимение я акцентирует внимание на кандидате и выделяет его среди других. Также проанализированы самые часто употребляемые существительные предвыборных программ. Среди лексических особенностей, влияющих на человека, определено, что в политических текстах чаще всего используются лозунги, идеологемы, категорические суждения и императивы. На синтаксическом уровне наибольшее влияние и наибольшую частотность использования в текстах предвыборных программ имеют вопросительные и восклицательные предложения

    Monitoramento de espécies reativas nas fases líquida e gasosa da atmosfera por técnicas voltamétricas

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    Determination of the surface charge density of a mercury electrode by extrusion: a new method for correction of the faradaic component

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    The accurate determination of the surface charge density at the mercury | solution interface by the method of extrusion of mercury drops is impaired by the faradaic current caused by traces of electroactive species. This paper describes a new design of a hanging mercury drop electrode with accurate control of the extruded electrode area, to within 0.1%, together with a new and reliable procedure for correction of the faradaic current. The procedure is based on first obtaining the correction parameters in the presence of increasing amounts of electroactive species and then using these parameters for correction of the faradaic component so as to obtain the surface charge density of the electrode. Implementation of the method with a microcomputer controlled system provides automatic acquisition of corrected electrode charge density values as a function of the electrode potential. The results obtained with this new method are in excellent agreement with those obtained by other methods, as illustrated for aqueous sodium fluoride solution.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TGB-3WS6M1X-4/1/959396100ce50f29fe3e81cc9a42242

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