76 research outputs found

    The Intergenerational Transmission of Attitudes on Divorce and Marriage

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    The present study shed light on the process of intergenerational transmission of attitudes as it occurs for women from divorced and intact families. Taking into account how women from divorced and intact homes view their parents\u27 relationship, this study examined how attitudes of marriage and divorce are transmitted from parents to children. This study utilized quantitative survey methods including surveys to gather data and nested multiple linear regression to analyze the data to determine how the process of intergenerational transmission of attitudes was occurring, if at all, for the women in the sample. Utilizing sample data from a large public university, the study affirmed that the process of intergenerational transmission was supported for women from intact and divorced homes for their attitudes of divorce. However the theory was not supported for women from intact and divorced homes for their attitudes of marriage. The study implemented additional controls such as age, income, education, employment, quality of child/parent relationship, and age at time of parental divorce

    Introductory Chapter: State of the Art in Hernia Surgery

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    La Banca del Tempo: oltre l’egemonia degli scambi monetari per un’Economia Civile.

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    ABSTRACT La Banca del Tempo: oltre l’egemonia degli scambi monetari per un’Economia Civile. Parlando di Banca del Tempo (d’ora in avanti BdT) non si può non fare riferimento in modo automatico a tale ‘sistema’ come a un promotore di una duplice “rivoluzione culturale”. Tale ‘rivoluzione culturale’ si sostanzia, in primo luogo, nell’epocale seppur lento e graduale passaggio da un sistema economico di scambio basato sulla moneta e sul valore di mercato a uno fondato, invece, sulle relazioni e sul valore di scambio. Il paradigma economico dominante ha cominciato, con la comparsa del paradigma dell’economia civile, a perdere il suo carattere di esclusività, garantendo sempre maggiori spazi a ‘nuovi’ principi economici, primi tra tutti la Reciprocità, che hanno sempre avuto una posizione marginale nella strutturazione concreta dei sistemi economici delle società contemporanee. Con l’Economia civile si struttura, invece, una nuova concezione degli scambi economici per un’economia sostenibile, ovvero fondata su una dimensione Relazionale. Reciprocità, fiducia, beni relazionali, capitale sociale: ecco i concetti che, in un’ottica di integrazione e non di sostituzione, si affiancano alla tradizionale economia di mercato per dare vita a un’economia “irrazionale” della reciprocità basata sugli scambi non monetari e sui processi produttivi generati dall’incontro sociale. Un sistema che allo stesso tempo è alimentato e alimenta rapporti fiduciari e che, di conseguenza, genera capitale sociale, ovvero risorse, in una società globale dove i bisogni si moltiplicano e le risorse si dimezzano sempre più. La BdT si situa all’interno della Società civile, dove ciascun individuo è al tempo stesso portatore di bisogni e detentore di risorse, ponendosi come obiettivi il soddisfacimento di bisogni non standardizzabili, lo sviluppo della personalità del singolo e la scoperta di capacità personali, l’incremento dell’autostima e della creatività e la promozione delle relazioni sociali attraverso l’incontro relazionale. Ecco, quindi, delinearsi il secondo aspetto della “rivoluzione culturale”: finalizzata ad un investimento negli assetti relazionali comunitari e ad un impegno di condivisione per la realizzazione di obiettivi di cittadinanza attiva e di inclusione, la BdT si presenta come un meccanismo di democrazia e di sicurezza sociale e societaria , intesa come partecipazione dei singoli attori quali cittadini attivi e capaci di autodeterminarsi, di godere delle libertà positive cui hanno diritto e di affrontare e risolvere le problematiche individuali attraverso risorse provenienti non solo dai singoli individui ma anche dagli assetti societari e comunitari dove queste sempre si originano. Alla luce di tali considerazioni, verrebbe da chiedersi perché, sebbene tale strumento abbracci pienamente gli obiettivi propri del Servizio Sociale di autodeterminazione e di promozione della relazionalità comunitaria, questo abbia ancora oggi, sul territorio italiano, una diffusione molto contenuta rispetto ad altre realtà nazionali. Qual è, dunque, lo spazio che il nuovo paradigma dell’economia solidale, in particolare attraverso la BdT, è riuscito a conquistare concretamente nel sistema normativo e applicativo italiano? E più nello specifico, qual è lo spazio che la BdT può concretamente assumere all’interno del paradigma proprio del Work Community definito come lavoro con la Comunità? Quali sono le opportunità offerte da tale meccanismo ma anche le difficoltà e i vincoli strutturali e organizzativi posti per una sua maggiore diffusione? Allargando il campo di analisi oltre i ristretti confini nazionali e guardando a quei paesi che vantano un’esperienza più radicata di quella italiana, è possibile pensare di importare da altri contesti elementi e modalità organizzative innovativi, introducendoli nel contesto italiano e adattandoli opportunamente alle peculiarità e alle risorse di quest’ultimo? Partendo da una riflessione teorica circa le origini e le implicazioni economiche e sociologiche del paradigma dell’economia civile, questo lavoro intende ripercorrere lo sviluppo della BdT in un’ottica analitica comparativa tra realtà nazionali diverse, soffermandosi in modo particolare sull’evoluzione e sulle caratteristiche che tale meccanismo ha assunto nel nostro paese e in particolar modo sul rapporto che esso ha instaurato e/o può instaurare con il Servizio Sociale in un’ottica di promozione della cittadinanza attiva e dell’inclusione sociale


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    In questo articolo sono descritte le attivit\ue0 di ricerca e sviluppo di una micro-turbina idraulica inserita all\u2019interno di un macchinario che opera un nuovo processo di abbattimento della carica batterica applicabile nell\u2019industria dell\u2019imbottigliamento delle bevande. Peculiarit\ue0 della turbina progettata \ue8 la geometria della palettatura della girante, dritta ed a sviluppo puramente assiale, che ne rende estremamente economica la realizzazione. Lo scambio di energia avviene grazie al moto vorticoso impresso al fluido (swirl) mediante opportuno posizionamento dei condotti di adduzione. Lo studio della turbina \ue8 stato condotto mediante classico approccio unidimensionale, mentre il dimensionamento \ue8 stato effettuato con l\u2019ausilio di simulazioni CFD. Ultimata la progettazione, la turbina \ue8 stata realizzata e si \ue8 avviata una campagna di prove sperimentali su un banco di flussaggio appositamente allestito che ha consentito di verificare il soddisfacimento delle specifiche progettuali

    All-in-One Mesh Hernioplasty: A New Procedure for Inguinal Hernia Repair

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    Since the 1970s, when biocompatible meshes were introduced with the consequent decrease of recurrence, one of the priorities in inguinal hernia surgery was that of minimizing postoperative chronic pain. All technical variations, proposed during the past years in order to improve patient’s comfort, reported a variable incidence of chronic neuralgia. The procedure we describe, applicable to all cases of primary inguinal hernia, employs a smaller pre-cut single mesh that covers all weak areas of the inguinal canal and is enveloped in a fibro-cremasteric sheath, avoiding contact of the prosthesis with neural structures. The new procedure, already performed on 250 patients, aims to improve patients’ comfort and to reduce the incidence of chronic neuralgia

    Arch and access vessel complications in penetrating aortic ulcer managed with thoracic endovascular aortic repair

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    Background: To analyze our experience and to describe access and arch-related challenges when performing thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for penetrating aortic ulcers (PAUs).Methods: This is a single-center, observational, cohort study. Between October 2003 and February 2019, 48 patients with PAU were identified; 37 (77.1%) treated with TEVAR were retrospectively analyzed. Primary major outcomes were early (< 30 days) and late survival, freedom from aortic-related mortality (ARM), and a composite endpoint of arch/vascular access-related complications.Results: On admission, 17 (45.9%) patients were symptomatic with 4 (10.8%) presenting with rupture. Inhospital mortality was 8.1% (n=3). We observed 10 (27.0%) arch/access-related complications. There were 4 (10.8%) arch issues: 2 transient ischemic attacks and 2 retrograde acute type A dissections which required emergent open conversion for definitive repair. Access issues occurred in 6 (16.2%) patients: 3 (8.1%) required common iliac artery conduit, and 1 (2.7%) patient required iliac artery angioplasty to deliver the stent-graft. In addition, 2 (5.4%) patients developed access complications which required operative repair [femoral patch angioplasty (n=2), and femoral pseudoaneurysmectomy (n=1)]. Arch/access-related mortality rate was 5.4% (n=2) and median follow-up was 24 (range, 1-156; IQR, 3-52) months. Estimated survival was 87.1% (standard error: 0.6; 95% CI: 71.2-84.9%) at 1 year, and 63.3% (SE: 0.9; 95% CI: 44.1-79%) at 4 years. Estimated freedom from reintervention was 88.9% (SE: 0.5; 95% CI: 74.8-95.6%) at 1 year, and 84.2% (SE: 0.7; 95% CI: 67.3-93.2%) at 4 years. No arch/access-related issues developed during the follow-up period.Conclusions: Our experience confirms that vascular access and aortic arch issues are still a challenging aspect of performing TEVAR for PAUs. Our cumulative 27% rate of access/arch issues is lower than previously reported due to both technological advancements and meticulous management of both access routes and arch anatomy

    Configuration origin variants of superior Thyroid, Lingual and Facial Arteries: a proposal updating of current classification

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    Background: The aim of this study was to identify variations in the origins of the anterior branches of the external carotid artery (ECA) and to propose an update of the current classification. Methods: The study included 100 carotids arteries from fifty human donors. Classification of anterior branches of external carotid artery was performed according to Vaz'quez et al. (2009). Results: The configuration origins of anterior branches were found as follows: Type I, 82%; Type II, 1%; Type III, 16%. No Type IV was observed. The study identified seven subgroups of anterior branch variations in the external carotid artery. The most frequently observed variations were Subtype Ia in 40% (n = 20) of cases on the right side and Subtype Ib in 38% (n = 19) on the left side. In addition, a rare and previously unclassified configuration was observed in a 72-year-old male donor, where the carotid artery was pentafurcated on the left side. Conclusions: In conclusion, the presence of anatomical variants not previously included in the anterior external carotid artery branching classifications supports the consideration of a revision to the present classification system

    "All-in-one mesh" hernioplasty: A new procedure for primary inguinal hernia open repair.

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    Summary: Background: We propose a new open mesh hernia repair procedure for the treatment of inguinal hernias in adults aiming to improve patients' comfort and to reduce the incidence of chronic neuralgia. Methods: From September 2012 to August 2015, 250 consecutive patients were treated with "all in-one" mesh hernioplasty procedure in our Institution. According to the devised technique, a new smaller prosthesis was placed on the floor of the inguinal canal in order to strengthen all areas of weakness from which hernias may originate. The mesh was enveloped by a fibro-cremasteric sheath avoiding contact with neural structures. Follow-up was carried out at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months for evaluation of postoperative pain using Visual Analogue Scale score, need of medication, patients' comfort and short or long-term complications. Results: All patients were discharged within 24 h from surgery. Slight pain was reported by the majority of patients and 47.6% of them did not require pain medication at home. After the 1st postoperative week 96.8% reported no pain and no other symptoms. No relevant limitation of normal activities was reported. There has been no postoperative neuralgia. One recurrence was observed. Conclusions: This new hernioplasty technique respects the anatomy of the inguinal canal, uses a smaller mesh, and seems to avoid neuralgia with maximum comfort for the patients. Keywords: Inguinal hernioplasty, Tension free hernia repair, Hernioplasty technique, Mesh for groin hernia, Neuralgia post-hernioplast

    Non cross-linked equine collagen (Salvecoll-E gel) for treatment of complex ano-rectal fistula

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    Summary: Background: Fistula-in-ano is one of the most commonly presenting anorectal diseases. Sphincter sparing treatment options should be considered in patients with complex fistulas. Salvecoll-E gel is a native collagen deantigenated and purified, non-cross-linked equine dermal extract, with an amino acid composition identical to human collagen. Methods: The multicentric trial study was a prospective, single-arm observational clinical study with the objective to assess the efficacy of Salvecoll-E gel for anal fistula repair in 70 patients. All patients had undergone preliminary surgical treatment consisting of positioning of a draining loosing seton that was maintained for a period of 4–6 weeks. After seton removal, a gentle debridement and washing of the fistula track was performed. The scar tissue was removed from the internal orifice. Internal opening was covered by a side-to side mucosal suture. Salvecoll-E was injected through the external opening into the fistula track, the external opening it has been opened. Results: Twelve months after surgery, 55 patients demonstrated a clinically healed fistula (78,5%), 15 patients have a recurrence (21,5%). Most of the recurrences were observed in the first 6 months of treatment (13/15, 86.6%). We don't observe any worsening in CCF score. The results obtained at 1 year certainly seem satisfactory and in line with the best results published in literature using mini-invasive techniques. Conclusion: Salvecoll-E gel is a promising non-invasive technique for conservative treatment of anal fistulas, it's well tolerated by the patients and, in case of recurrence, reinjection or all other known techniques are feasible. Keywords: Complex ano-rectal fistula, Non cutting technique, Mini-invasive treatmen
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