695 research outputs found

    Universal star products

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    One defines the notion of universal deformation quantization: given any manifold MM, any Poisson structure \P on MM and any torsionfree linear connection \nabla on MM, a universal deformation quantization associates to this data a star product on (M,)(M,\P) given by a series of bidifferential operators whose corresponding tensors are given by universal polynomial expressions in the Poisson tensor \P, the curvature tensor RR and their covariant iterated derivatives. Such universal deformation quantization exist. We study their unicity at order 3 in the deformation parameter, computing the appropriate universal Poisson cohomology.Comment: To appear in Letters in Mathematical Physic

    Classification of Invariant Star Products up to Equivariant Morita Equivalence on Symplectic Manifolds

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    In this paper we investigate equivariant Morita theory for algebras with momentum maps and compute the equivariant Picard groupoid in terms of the Picard groupoid explicitly. We consider three types of Morita theory: ring-theoretic equivalence, *-equivalence and strong equivalence. Then we apply these general considerations to star product algebras over symplectic manifolds with a Lie algebra symmetry. We obtain the full classification up to equivariant Morita equivalence.Comment: 28 pages. Minor update, fixed typos

    Star product formula of theta functions

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    As a noncommutative generalization of the addition formula of theta functions, we construct a class of theta functions which are closed with respect to the Moyal star product of a fixed noncommutative parameter. These theta functions can be regarded as bases of the space of holomorphic homomorphisms between holomorphic line bundles over noncommutative complex tori.Comment: 12 page

    Infinitesimal deformations of a formal symplectic groupoid

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    Given a formal symplectic groupoid GG over a Poisson manifold (M,π0)(M, \pi_0), we define a new object, an infinitesimal deformation of GG, which can be thought of as a formal symplectic groupoid over the manifold MM equipped with an infinitesimal deformation π0+ϵπ1\pi_0 + \epsilon \pi_1 of the Poisson bivector field π0\pi_0. The source and target mappings of a deformation of GG are deformations of the source and target mappings of GG. To any pair of natural star products (,~)(\ast, \tilde\ast) having the same formal symplectic groupoid GG we relate an infinitesimal deformation of GG. We call it the deformation groupoid of the pair (,~)(\ast, \tilde\ast). We give explicit formulas for the source and target mappings of the deformation groupoid of a pair of star products with separation of variables on a Kaehler- Poisson manifold. Finally, we give an algorithm for calculating the principal symbols of the components of the logarithm of a formal Berezin transform of a star product with separation of variables. This algorithm is based upon some deformation groupoid.Comment: 22 pages, the paper is reworked, new proofs are adde

    On Two Theorems About Symplectic Reflection Algebras

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    We give a new proof and an improvement of two Theorems of J. Alev, M.A. Farinati, T. Lambre and A.L. Solotar : the first one about Hochschild cohomology spaces of some twisted bimodules of the Weyl algebra W and the second one about Hochschild cohomology spaces of the smash product G * W (G a finite subgroup of SP(2n)), and as an application, we then give a new proof of a Theorem of P. Etingof and V. Ginzburg, which shows that the Symplectic Reflection Algebras are deformations of G * W (and, in fact, all possible ones).Comment: corrected typo

    Phase Space Reduction for Star-Products: An Explicit Construction for CP^n

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    We derive a closed formula for a star-product on complex projective space and on the domain SU(n+1)/S(U(1)×U(n))SU(n+1)/S(U(1)\times U(n)) using a completely elementary construction: Starting from the standard star-product of Wick type on Cn+1{0}C^{n+1} \setminus \{ 0 \} and performing a quantum analogue of Marsden-Weinstein reduction, we can give an easy algebraic description of this star-product. Moreover, going over to a modified star-product on Cn+1{0}C^{n+1} \setminus \{ 0 \}, obtained by an equivalence transformation, this description can be even further simplified, allowing the explicit computation of a closed formula for the star-product on \CP^n which can easily transferred to the domain SU(n+1)/S(U(1)×U(n))SU(n+1)/S(U(1)\times U(n)).Comment: LaTeX, 17 page

    On Gammelgaard's formula for a star product with separation of variables

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    We show that Gammelgaard's formula expressing a star product with separation of variables on a pseudo-Kaehler manifold in terms of directed graphs without cycles is equivalent to an inversion formula for an operator on a formal Fock space. We prove this inversion formula directly and thus offer an alternative approach to Gammelgaard's formula which gives more insight into the question why the directed graphs in his formula have no cycles.Comment: 29 pages, changes made in the last two section