47 research outputs found

    Air-driven reverse buoyancy

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    Abstract Air-induced fluidization in vibrated granular beds can be responsible of the phenomenon of reverse buoyancy. We show that the air flow induced across the bed, as the gap in the bottom of the cell evolves, can fluidize the bed in a similar way as in gas-fluidized static beds and consequently a buoyancy force can arise. To quantify this mechanism we use Kroll's model.

    An谩lisis de la firma electr贸nica en el contexto de la Transformaci贸n Digital en la Uni贸n Europea

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    [ES] El futuro profesional de la inform谩tica recibe una escasa formaci贸n en lo que respecta a su vinculaci贸n con el marco legal, pol铆tico y econ贸mico del sector europeo. A pesar de que las implicaciones laborales son muchas, las m谩s de las veces el parco acercamiento suele quedarse en un estado te贸rico y escaso. Con la presente experiencia se busca acercar al alumnado al contexto europeo legal t茅cnico y econ贸mico que rodea a la firma electr贸nica. Este elemento est谩 vinculado con la autentificaci贸n e identificaci贸n electr贸nica de ciudadanos europeos en los servicios ofrecidos por el sector p煤blico y privado dentro del Mercado 脷nico Digital. Esta estrategia es promovida por la Uni贸n Europea como un paso m谩s dentro de la teor铆a de la integraci贸n de mercados. La involucraci贸n de los autores en este contexto es debido a su participaci贸n en el proyecto financiado por la Comisi贸n Europea denominado 鈥楥rossborder authentication in European cloud platforms according to the eIDAS Regulation (EUROLogin), de cuyos resultados se deriva informaci贸n de inter茅s para el seguimiento e investigaci贸n por parte del alumnado.Los autores de la presente comunicaci贸n quieren agradecer expresamente a la Comisi贸n Europea y a la Agencia Ejecutiva de Innovaci贸n y Redes (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency), as铆 como, al programa marco de financiaci贸n Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Telecom) por la financiaci贸n otorgada dentro de este marco al proyecto 鈥濩ross-border authentication in European cloud platforms according to the eIDAS Regulation (EUROLogin) con el n煤mero de Acci贸n 2018-EU-IA-0026 y n煤mero de Grant Agreement INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1633379.Oltra Guti茅rrez, JV.; Montesa Andr茅s, JO.; Stratu Strelet, D.; Gil G贸mez, H.; Oltra Badenes, RF.; oltra gutie (2020). An谩lisis de la firma electr贸nica en el contexto de la Transformaci贸n Digital en la Uni贸n Europea. Editorial Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. 919-926. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10942OCS91992

    Y \ubfde qui\ue9n es la culpa?

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    Genetic patterns and conservation of the Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) in Costa Rica

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    Once widely distributed throughout the lowland forests of Costa Rica, scarlet macaws (Ara macao) have been reduced to two major, geographically separated, pop ulations along the Pacific slope. Past demographic declines raise conservation concerns regarding the detrimental effects of population fragmentation. This investigation aimed to evaluate the current status of scarlet macaws along the Pacific slope by examining levels of genetic variation and patterns of genetic structure within and among remnant populations. Statistical analyses using multilocus genotypes revealed strong differentiation between Central and South Pacific populations, suggesting local geographic barriers have historically restricted gene flow between these locali ties. High genetic diversity suggests neither population suffers from genetic erosion, likely resulting from relatively large population sizes and high dispersal capacity and longevity. However, evidence of disequilibrium within the Central Pacific population infers anthropogenic threats have disrupted natural population dynamics. These results advo cate on focusing available resources on habitat restorationUniversidad Nacional, Costa Rica.Instituto Internacional en Conservaci贸n y Manejo de Vida Silvestr

    Dendrochronological study of the Canal del Roc Roig avalanche path: first results of the Aludex project in the Pyrenees

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    ABSTRACT. Historical data about ancient avalanches are scarce in the Pyrenees. Dendrochronology can provide new data about past avalanches and their return period, but up to now little research has been carried out with this purpose. The Aludex project aims to obtain information about the frequency and extent of extreme avalanches, using a dendrochronological and a nivo-meteorological approach. In this paper, we present the results of a dendrochronological study of the Canal del Roc Roig avalanche path which was affected by two extreme avalanches in February 1996. This first dendrochronological study has permitted us to assess the tree-ring signals due to avalanche events in 53 out of 132 dated trees. The trees presented a variety of responses to the 1996 avalanche events. It is shown that the type of tree-ring signal depends on tree age. The methodology has proved successful in detecting the 1996 and 1972 documented avalanche events, and provided outstanding evidence of undocumented past events such as one in 1930