40 research outputs found

    Mural Endocarditis: The GAMES Registry Series and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction Mural infective endocarditis (MIE) is a rare type of endovascular infection. We present a comprehensive series of patients with mural endocarditis. Method sPatients with infectious endocarditis (IE) from 35 Spanish hospitals were prospectively included in the GAMES registry between 2008 and 2017. MIEs were compared to non-MIEs. We also performed a literature search for cases of MIE published between 1979 and 2019 and compared them to the GAMEs series. Results Twenty-seven MIEs out of 3676 IEs were included. When compared to valvular IE (VIE) or device-associated IE (DIE), patients with MIE were younger (median age 59 years, p < 0.01). Transplantation (18.5% versus 1.6% VIE and 2% DIE, p < 0.01), hemodialysis (18.5% versus 4.3% VIE and 4.4% DIE, p = 0.006), catheter source (59.3% versus 9.7% VIE and 8.8% DIE, p < 0.01) and Candida etiology (22.2% versus 2% DIE and 1.2% VIE, p < 0.01) were more common in MIE, whereas the Charlson Index was lower (4 versus 5 in non-MIE, p = 0.006). Mortality was similar.MIE from the literature shared many characteristics with MIE from GAMES, although patients were younger (45 years vs. 56 years, p < 0.001), the Charlson Index was lower (1.3 vs. 4.3, p = 0.0001), catheter source was less common (13.9% vs. 59.3%) and there were more IVDUs (25% vs. 3.7%). S. aureus was the most frequent microorganism (50%, p = 0.035). Systemic complications were more common but mortality was similar. Conclusion MIE is a rare entity. It is often a complication of catheter use, particularly in immunocompromised and hemodialysis patients. Fungal etiology is common. Mortality is similar to other IEs

    Mural Endocarditis: The GAMES Registry Series and Review of the Literature

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    Spanish Collaboration on Endocarditis—Grupo de Apoyo al Manejo de la Endocarditis infecciosa en España (GAMES).[Introduction] Mural infective endocarditis (MIE) is a rare type of endovascular infection. We present a comprehensive series of patients with mural endocarditis.[Methods] Patients with infectious endocarditis (IE) from 35 Spanish hospitals were prospectively included in the GAMES registry between 2008 and 2017. MIEs were compared to non-MIEs. We also performed a literature search for cases of MIE published between 1979 and 2019 and compared them to the GAMEs series.[Results] Twenty-seven MIEs out of 3676 IEs were included. When compared to valvular IE (VIE) or device-associated IE (DIE), patients with MIE were younger (median age 59 years, p < 0.01). Transplantation (18.5% versus 1.6% VIE and 2% DIE, p < 0.01), hemodialysis (18.5% versus 4.3% VIE and 4.4% DIE, p = 0.006), catheter source (59.3% versus 9.7% VIE and 8.8% DIE, p < 0.01) and Candida etiology (22.2% versus 2% DIE and 1.2% VIE, p < 0.01) were more common in MIE, whereas the Charlson Index was lower (4 versus 5 in non-MIE, p = 0.006). Mortality was similar. MIE from the literature shared many characteristics with MIE from GAMES, although patients were younger (45 years vs. 56 years, p < 0.001), the Charlson Index was lower (1.3 vs. 4.3, p = 0.0001), catheter source was less common (13.9% vs. 59.3%) and there were more IVDUs (25% vs. 3.7%). S. aureus was the most frequent microorganism (50%, p = 0.035). Systemic complications were more common but mortality was similar.[Conclusion] MIE is a rare entity. It is often a complication of catheter use, particularly in immunocompromised and hemodialysis patients. Fungal etiology is common. Mortality is similar to other IEs.Peer reviewe

    Mural Endocarditis: The GAMES Registry Series and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction: Mural infective endocarditis (MIE) is a rare type of endovascular infection. We present a comprehensive series of patients with mural endocarditis. Methods: Patients with infectious endocarditis (IE) from 35 Spanish hospitals were prospectively included in the GAMES registry between 2008 and 2017. MIEs were compared to non-MIEs. We also performed a literature search for cases of MIE published between 1979 and 2019 and compared them to the GAMEs series. Results: Twenty-seven MIEs out of 3676 IEs were included. When compared to valvular IE (VIE) or device-associated IE (DIE), patients with MIE were younger (median age 59 years, p \0.01). Transplantation (18.5% versus 1.6% VIE and 2% DIE, p \ 0.01), hemodialysis (18.5% versus 4.3% VIE and 4.4% DIE, p = 0.006), catheter source (59.3% versus 9.7% VIE and 8.8% DIE, p \ 0.01) and Candida etiology (22.2% versus 2% DIE and 1.2% VIE, p \ 0.01) were more common in MIE, whereas the Charlson Index was lower (4 versus 5 in non MIE, p = 0.006). Mortality was similar.MIE from the literature shared many characteristics with MIE from GAMES, although patients were younger (45 years vs. 56 years, p \ 0.001), the Charlson Index was lower (1.3 vs. 4.3, p = 0.0001), catheter source was less common (13.9% vs. 59.3%) and there were more IVDUs (25% vs. 3.7%). S. aureus was the most frequent microorganism (50%, p = 0.035). Systemic complications were more common but mortality was similar. Conclusion: MIE is a rare entity. It is often a complication of catheter use, particularly in immunocompromised and hemodialysis patients. Fungal etiology is common. Mortality is similar to other IEs

    Characteristics and Outcome of Acute Heart Failure in Infective Endocarditis: Focus on Cardiogenic Shock

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    Spanish Collaboration on Endocarditis—Grupo de Apoyo al Manejo de la Endocarditis Infecciosa en España (GAMES).[Background] Studies investigating the impact of cardiogenic shock (CS) on endocarditis are lacking.[Methods] Prospectively collected cohort from 35 Spanish centers (2008-2018). Logistic regression analyses were performed to identify risk factors for developing CS and predictors of mortality.[Results] Among 4856 endocarditis patients, 1652 (34%) had acute heart failure (AHF) and 244 (5%) CS. Compared with patients without AHF and AHF but no CS, patients with CS presented higher rates of surgery (40.5%, 52.5%, and 68%; P < .001) and in-hospital mortality (16.3%, 39.1%, and 52.5%). Compared with patients with septic shock, CS patients presented higher rates of surgery (42.5% vs 68%; P < .001) and lower rates of in-hospital and 1-year mortality (62.3% vs 52.5%, P = .008, and 65.3% vs 57.4%, P = .030). Severe aortic and mitral regurgitation (OR [95% CI], 2.47 [1.82-3.35] and 3.03 [2.26-4.07]; both P < .001), left-ventricle ejection fraction <60% (1.72; 1.22-2.40; P = .002), heart block (2.22; 1.41-3.47; P = .001), tachyarrhythmias (5.07; 3.13-8.19; P < .001), and acute kidney failure (2.29; 1.73-3.03; P < .001) were associated with higher likelihood of developing CS. Prosthetic endocarditis (2.03; 1.06 -3.88; P = .032), Staphylococcus aureus (3.10; 1.16 -8.30; P = .024), tachyarrhythmias (3.09; 1.50-10.13; P = .005), and not performing cardiac surgery (11.40; 4.83-26.90; P < .001) were associated with a higher risk of mortality.[Conclusions] AHF is common among patients with endocarditis. CS is associated with high mortality and should be promptly identified and assessed for cardiac surgery.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo of Spain (grant number FIS NCT00871104; Instituto de Salud Carlos III). Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) provided J. M. M. with a persobal IDIBAPS 80:20 research grant during 2017–2021. M. H. M. held a Rio Hortega Research Grant (CM17/00062) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III” and the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Madrid (Spain) in 2018–2020.Peer reviewe

    Mural Endocarditis: The GAMES Registry Series and Review of the Literature

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    Introduction: Mural infective endocarditis (MIE) is a rare type of endovascular infection. We present a comprehensive series of patients with mural endocarditis. Methods: Patients with infectious endocarditis (IE) from 35 Spanish hospitals were prospectively included in the GAMES registry between 2008 and 2017. MIEs were compared to non-MIEs. We also performed a literature search for cases of MIE published between 1979 and 2019 and compared them to the GAMEs series. Results: Twenty-seven MIEs out of 3676 IEs were included. When compared to valvular IE (VIE) or device-associated IE (DIE), patients with MIE were younger (median age 59 years, p < 0.01). Transplantation (18.5% versus 1.6% VIE and 2% DIE, p < 0.01), hemodialysis (18.5% versus 4.3% VIE and 4.4% DIE, p = 0.006), catheter source (59.3% versus 9.7% VIE and 8.8% DIE, p < 0.01) and Candida etiology (22.2% versus 2% DIE and 1.2% VIE, p < 0.01) were more common in MIE, whereas the Charlson Index was lower (4 versus 5 in non-MIE, p = 0.006). Mortality was similar. MIE from the literature shared many characteristics with MIE from GAMES, although patients were younger (45 years vs. 56 years, p < 0.001), the Charlson Index was lower (1.3 vs. 4.3, p = 0.0001), catheter source was less common (13.9% vs. 59.3%) and there were more IVDUs (25% vs. 3.7%). S. aureus was the most frequent microorganism (50%, p = 0.035). Systemic complications were more common but mortality was similar. Conclusion: MIE is a rare entity. It is often a complication of catheter use, particularly in immunocompromised and hemodialysis patients. Fungal etiology is common. Mortality is similar to other IEs

    Criterios de ordenación temporal de las intervenciones quirúrgicas en patología cardiovascular y endovascular adquirida. Versión 2022

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    Waiting list management of cardiac surgical procedures is a main concern for all the Spanish autonomic health systems and for our scientific Society. The first statement for optimal timing of patients waiting for cardiac surgery was published in 2000. Since then, after significant changes in the management of some pathologies, new normative frameworks and the current healthcare situation, a review of the timing criteria to offer an adequate and updated standard of care is needed. In this document we aim to review the available literature in the field and stablish a consensus within a working group of the Spanish Society of Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery to optimize the priority recommendations in cardiac surgical waiting lists in our country. (c) 2022 Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Cardiovascular y Endovascular. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/ riccuses/by-nc-nri/4.0/)

    Infecciones en dispositivos implantables de electroestimulación cardiaca (IDEC): una realidad emergente, reconocible y curable

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    Los avances de la electrofisiología en los últimos 20 años han sido notorios y han permitido salvar muchas vidas, a raíz de lo cual sus indicaciones se han agrandado enormemente, a la vez que el espectro de población sobre la que se implantan los diferentes dispositivos de electroestimulación (DEC).Peer reviewe

    Dolor lumbar en anciano de 87 años que no resultó ser osteoporosis

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    Resumen: Paciente de 87 años con marcapasos por enfermedad del seno, que ingresa con cuadro de lumbalgia incapacitante por espondilitis infecciosa por Staphylococcus epidermidis (biopsia ósea). Se sospecha infección del dispositivo, por lo que se toman hemocultivos (sin fiebre) que son repetidamente positivos. La ecocardiografía no muestra claramente vegetaciones, pero se detecta captación en el cable mediante el PET-TAC, por lo que finalmente se extrae, confirmando el cultivo de los cables el diagnóstico y lográndose la curación completa. Abstract: An 87-year-old patient with a pacemaker due to sinus disease was hospitalized due to spondylodiscitis by Staphylococcus (bone biopsy). Infection of the electronic device was suspected, and repeated blood cultures were all positive. Echocardiography did not detect vegetations, but PET_CT showed positive images on wires. The complete device was then extracted, and lead cultures confirmed the diagnosis, with total recovering of patient