11,018 research outputs found

    The value of the fine structure constant over cosmological times

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    The optical spectra of objects classified as QSOs in the SDSS DR6 are analyzed with the aim of determining the value of the fine structure constant in the past and then check for possible changes in the constant over cosmological timescales. The analysis is done by measuring the position of the fine structure lines of the [OIII] doublet (4959 and 5008) in QSO nebular emission. From the sample of QSOs at redshifts z < 0.8 a subsample was selected on the basis of the amplitude and width of the [OIII] lines. Two different method were used to determine the position of the lines of the [OIII] doublet, both giving similar results. Using a clean sample containing 1568 of such spectra, a value of Delta alpha /alpha=(+2.4 +-2.5) x 10^{-5} (in the range of redshifts 0-0.8) was determined. The use of a larger number of spectra allows a factor ~5 improvement on previous constraints based on the same method. On the whole, we find no evidence of changes in alpha on such cosmological timescales. The mean variation compatible with our results is 1/ Delta alpha/alpha=(+0.7 +- 0.7) x 10^{-14} yr^{-1}. The analysis was extended to the [NeIII] and [SII] doublets, although their usefulness is limited due to the fact that all these doublets in QSOs tend to be fainter than [OIII], and that some of them are affected by systematics.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Designing and Building immersive education spaces using Project Wonderland: from pedagogy through to practice

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    This paper presents work on the JISC funded SIMiLLE project to build a culturally sensitive virtual world to support language learning. This builds on the MiRTLE project (funded by Sun Microsystems), which created a mixed-reality space for teaching and learning. The aim of the SIMiLLE project is to investigate the technical feasibility and pedagogical value of using virtual environments to provide a realistic socio-cultural setting and content for language learning interaction. The paper starts by providing some background information on the Wonderland platform and the MiRTLE project, and then outlines the requirements for SIMiLLE, and how these requirements will be supported through the use of a virtual world based on Project Wonderland. We then present our plans for the evaluation of the system, with a particular focus on the importance of incorporating pedagogy into the design of these systems, and how we can support good practice with the ever-growing use of 3D virtual environments in formalised education

    Non-radial Pulsations in the Open Cluster NGC 3766

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    Non-radial pulsations (NRPs) are a proposed mechanism for the formation of decretion disks around Be stars and are important tools to study the internal structure of stars. NGC 3766 has an unusually large fraction of transient Be stars, so it is an excellent location to study the formation mechanism of Be star disks. High resolution spectroscopy can reveal line profile variations from NRPs, allowing measurements of both the degree, l, and azimuthal order, m. However, spectroscopic studies require large amounts of time with large telescopes to achieve the necessary high S/N and time domain coverage. On the other hand, multi-color photometry can be performed more easily with small telescopes to measure l only. Here, we present representative light curves of Be stars and non-emitting B stars in NGC 3766 from the CTIO 0.9m telescope in an effort to study NRPs in this cluster.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 266: Star Cluster

    Observation of a parity oscillation in the conductance of atomic wires

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    Using a scanning tunnel microscope or mechanically controlled break junctions, atomic contacts of Au, Pt and Ir are pulled to form chains of atoms. We have recorded traces of conductance during the pulling process and averaged these for a large amount of contacts. An oscillatory evolution of conductance is observed during the formation of the monoatomic chain suggesting a dependence on even or odd numbers of atoms forming the chain. This behaviour is not only present in the monovalent metal Au, as it has been previously predicted, but is also found in the other metals which form chains suggesting it to be a universal feature of atomic wires

    Efecto de la probabilidad de errores durante la acción de ataque de esgrima

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    El propósito de este estudio ha sido comprobar el efecto que tiene la probabilidad de que surja el error durante la realización de una acción de ataque en esgrima, sobre los parámetros temporales de las respuestas de reacción (TRR) y la velocidad de desplazamiento del centro de masas (CM). Han participado 17 esgrimistas (14 hombres y 3 mujeres), con una experiencia en competición regional de más de cinco años. Para el registro de los datos, se han utilizado dos plataformas de fuerza, operando a 500 Hz, una cámara de vídeo, a 210 Hz y un cronómetro electrónico adaptado al sistema de cableado de las armas. Una señal electrónica se utilizó para sincronizar temporalmente todos los registros. Para la situación experimental donde no existía incertidumbre durante la acción (CIA), los esgrimistas tenían que realizar un ataque simple con fondo lo más rápidamente posible al aparecer un círculo en el centro del plastrón (E1), intentando situar la punta de la espada dentro del círculo. Para la situación experimental donde existía incertidumbre debida a la posibilidad de error (CIA), los esgrimistas tenían los mismos objetivos que en la situación anterior, aunque debían de inhibir la acción de ataque a otra de defensiva, en el caso de que el círculo desapareciera del plastrón durante la acción. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que, cuando existe la posibilidad de error durante la realización del ataque en esgrima, se incrementan los parámetros temporales de la respuesta de reacción (TR y TM) y disminuye la velocidad de ejecución.The main aim of this study has been to verify the effect that has the probability from which the mistake arises during the accomplishment of an action of assault in fencing, on the temporary parameters of the answers of reaction (TRR) and the speed of displacement of the center of masses (CM). 17 fencers (14 men and 3 women), with an experience in regional competition of more than five years took part in this study. Two force platforms, operating to 500 Hz have been in used, a video camera, to 210 Hz and an electronic chronometer adapted to the system of wired up of the weapon for the record of the data. An electronic sign was used for synchronizing temporarily all the records. For the experimental situation where uncertainty did not exist during the action (CIA), the fencers had to realize a simple assault with lunge as rapidly as possible when a circle appeared in the center of the plastron (E1), trying to place the top of the sword inside the circle. For the experimental situation where there existed uncertainty due to the possibility of mistake (CIA), the fencers had the same aims that in the previous situation, though they must disable the action of assault to other one of defensive, in case the circle was disappearing of the plastron during the action. The results reveal that, when the possibility of mistake exists during the accomplishment of the assault in fencing, there are increased the temporary parameters of the response of reaction (TR and TM) and it diminishes the speed of execution.Peer Reviewe